Trying hard in life leads to success, the inheritance of knowledge, and the expansion of self-esteem. A great man by the name of Mahatma Gandhi once said “Infinite striving to be the best is man's duty; It is its own reward. Everything else is in God's hands”. The definition of strive in the oxford dictionary is “to try very hard to achieve something”. Achieving takes time and continuous sheer determination and the more a person tries the better. Procrastination should...
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Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth and The Telltale Heart, a madman’s confession by Edgar Allen Poe demonstrate the debilitating effects of guilt plagued upon Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the narrator, induced by a series of murders to resolve their own tensions. Both texts manage to portray guilt as an encroaching hallucination, though what defines Shakespeare’s play from Edgar Allen Poe’s short story is the effect guilt has on characters: Macbeth and Lady Macbeth gradually become paranoid tyrants, slaughtering whoever were deemed as...
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Sexism has been an evolving issue globally for decades. More specifically, women’s rights and inequality has been the topic of issue for hundreds of years. Sexism is something that has given women inconfidence and the ability to believe they are lesser than the men in this world. Before in Roman law, women couldn’t own a house without having to give it to their husbands immediate family if he passed away, they had no access to birth control or abortion, and...
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Jim Burden a very successful lawyer from New York City that tells a friend a story of his youth when he lives in Nebraska. He shared his memories of his good friend Antonia . This Chronicle makes up most of this novel. At the age of ten years old, Jim reaches Nebraska. He is on a train headed out west shortly after finding himself an orphan in Virginia, Jim gets his first look at Antonia and her family. They were...
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Throughout Poe's life, many challenges have been thrown at him, causing him to fall into a deep depression. He was born in 1809, and his mother sadly passed away 2 years later in 1811. Poe was adopted by the Allen family after her death, but his siblings stayed with different families. While he lived with the Allens, he went to good schools and lived in a welcoming community. Edgar was a good student, but when he entered college he started...
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1101 Words
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Nowadays more and more startups and original ideas appear every month. Not all companies become successful, and not all startups can earn millions. But sometimes an original and socially useful idea becomes extremely popular. One of such enterprises is Uber - the most expensive startup in the world. The Uber brand is known worldwide as a convenient online brand for renting cars or providing service, which can be used through a special application or website. In addition, the company provides...
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1114 Words
We can see the world in colour due to receptors, known as rods and cones, which are found in our retina. They contain different pigments, which absorb certain wavelengths of light better than others. Rods do not mediate colour vision and are responsible for our ability to see in dim light as they have high photosensitivity. There are three types: blue-sensitive, green-sensitive and red-sensitive cones (short, medium and long wavelength cones with peak absorptions at 430, 530, 560nm.) When they...
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1110 Words
The Roman Catholic Church has failed to protect its church members from falling victim to sodomy to a larger extent. It is evident that the Church leadership has played a pivotal role in enabling the clergy and religious perpetrators to inflict such abuse on members of its congregation by way of concealed re-assignment, coverup and by sheltering the accused from accountability in the secular community. Although legal action may have been taken in some cases this was done illicitly, subjugating...
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1149 Words
Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray displays an interesting perception about humanity, concerning the balance between the concepts such as beauty, and narcissism. It shows both the highest and the lowest of Victorian society. Oscar Wilde focuses more on the lowest and presents a pessimistic and critical view on the Victorian era, showing the worst parts on full display in his novel. It tackles the aspects of humanity that often leads to its downfall, taking vanity and their physical...
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1143 Words
Essayist and dramatist James Baldwin was brought into the world on August 2, 1924, in Harlem, New York. One of the twentieth century's most prominent authors, Baldwin broke new scholarly ground with the investigation of racial and social issues in his numerous works. He was known for his papers on the black involvement in America. James Baldwin distributed the 1953 novel Go Tell It on the Mountain, proceeding to earn approval for his bits of knowledge on race, other world...
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David Hume’s work, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, questions the principle upon which inductive knowledge is formed. Hume brainstorms on many subjects concerning knowledge in which he appears to attack fake knowledge. The work is divided into twelve sections in which Hume tackles different but correlating aspects of knowledge. He believes that the paper is a correction of his earlier publication. The following article seeks to critique Hume’s argument of skeptical doubts concerning the operations of the understanding discussed in...
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1091 Words
World hunger is a critical problem that the world faces today and it is closely linked to many biological stressors that caused this issue at such a global scale. With the global population growing and urbanizing at such an exponential rate, a solution to end world hunger is becoming more challenging for scientists. Statistically, we would need to produce almost 100% more of the major food crops we do today, to have enough food by the year 2050 (Is There...
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1119 Words
A Business man, a carpenter, a farmer, a contractor, a paperboy, an army ambulance driver, an artist, a husband and a father who changed the way we imagine and brought a new face to the entertainment industry, Walter Elias Disney. A mysterious leader, respected by many but feared by them as well and his leadership approach took many shapes and turns throughout his career which was filled with ups and downs. Born in the year 1901 in Illinois Chicago, Walt...
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1080 Words
Ernest Hemingway, the epitome of machismo and misogyny for almost the whole 20th century, described himself as a boxer, hunter, fisher, and bullfighter. His contemporaries, though, most typically Zelda Fitzgerald, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s wife, remarked, “No one can be that macho!”. In a way, Zelda was right; Hemingway’s writing, aside from the obvious testosterone-ridden image he liked to paint, was also very emotional and filled with humour. However, for years the underlying progressiveness of Hemingway was ignored, together with his...
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1064 Words
Through comparing texts, one may better understand the values of a text which are inextricably shaped by its context. Moreover, one must also consider the influential role of the composer themselves, who through their depiction of these values shape the responders' reception to the text. Propagated in 1611, Shakespeare's play ‘The Tempest' (TT) examines the key concerns of illusory magic, the frail and defenceless depiction of women and the portrayal of the ‘othered' character. While Atwood examines the same concerns...
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1081 Words
Introduction Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., delivered a profound commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005 that has since resonated with millions worldwide. This speech, often heralded as a timeless piece of motivational oratory, delves into the intertwined themes of love, disaster, and discovering one's passion. Jobs' narrative is not just a recounting of personal anecdotes but a reflection on the universal human experience, emphasizing the importance of resilience, love for one's work, and the pursuit of passion...
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1063 Words
Australia has been known for many years as one of the most accepting and diverse multicultural communities on earth. Since 1945 Australia has been one of the top 4 countries with the highest immigration rate alongside Canada, the US, and New Zealand (Collins, 2019). Although studies have shown with the rapid growth of population, Australian’s have agreed that housing, roads, and public transport are becoming overcrowded (Wright, 2019). To keep up with the demand of migrants flocking to Australian borders,...
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The story of Antigone and Creon introduces challenges that family members or friends go through in a bid to show commitment or allegiance to one's beliefs or principles. This is a problem of two people failing to get along with each other on ideological differences. Antigone and Creon may share similar ideals or actions, but they end up causing more damage to themselves rather than strengthening their relationship. They engage each other in a family battle that ends with death...
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1133 Words
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd brings readers to the hot South Carolina summer of 1964, just after the Civil Rights Act had been signed. The novel follows a girl named Lily Owens who has a dead mother and a father who blames her for it. When Lily finds enough confidence to abandon her abusive father, she runs away with her housekeeper Rosaleen. They are led to the Boatwright household by a ‘Black Madonna Honey’ label. As...
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A raisin in the Sun is a play by Lorraine Hansberry that details the experiences of an African American family that lives in Chicago’s south side. The family receives a check following the death of Mr. Younger. The family members have conflicting ideas on how to use the money. However, the son attempts to multiply the money by investing it and ends up losing everything. Dreams and ambitions are predominant themes in Raisin in the Sun. Each of the family...
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In most stories and poems, they tend to include irony. Irony plays a big role in stories, giving readers a gasp or a surprise for not expecting what is to come. Although there are many stories with irony in them, Kate Chopin’s “The storm” and “Desiree’s Baby” include a significant amount of irony. For example in the short story “ The storm” many important facts are hidden from the readers, only to show up at the end of the story,...
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Mark Twain, in his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, captures the relationship of people from all levels of society and gives the reader a lesson in being human. Drawing on his own experiences, Twain introduces the reader to a variety of characters: Miss Watson, an elderly women who is kind to others, but owns slaves; Pap, an angry drunken father who abuses his son; Huck and Tom, two young boys who are imaginative and adventurous; the Duke and the...
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1051 Words
Since 2016, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte established war on drugs to eliminate all the people who used and sell drugs. As a Filipino who saw how Duterte’s war on drugs became the reason of killings in our country I can say that this platform is not the platform that we need in our country so I’m against on how war on drugs propagated. In stated in the article that was written 4 years ago by Natalie Regoli, there are 6...
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When “Young Goodman Brown” is read simply, the role of Goodman Brown’s wife, Faith, can easily be interpreted as an allegory of Brown’s own faith. Hawthorne has written the story in a way that allows the reader to interpret it using their own experiences as a guide. If the reader looks deeper, it becomes apparent that Hawthorne is alluding to more than just Faith as one’s faith becoming lost and corrupted. Hawthorne uses this story to illustrate that faith is...
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Journalism entails reporting on ongoing and emergent events through the gathering of information and presenting it in the most appropriate way to the public. Journalists range from reporters, video, or photojournalists to writers, and each uses a particular medium to come up with stories that engage the public and relay important information. The critical part of a journalist is identifying a topic important to the public, from covering the trending events to presidential election reporting, and finally generating a story...
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1093 Words
The Odyssey is an epic poem that contains numerous themes that bring significance to the different characters. Odysseus is an Ancient Greek hero involved in the Trojan War. Two main themes are Love/Trust & Hospitality. While Odysseus is gone to war, he experiences hospitality in some places more than others. One major relationship that resembles love and trust in the odyssey is between Odysseus & Penelope, as well as with his son, Telemachus. The Trojan War is a war between...
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The approach we employ in seeking to discover and understand the meaning of life is of utmost importance, as it greatly defines our eventual outcome. The philosopher has his own personal opinion about life, which he may innocuously presume to be absolute. Conversely, religious folks have their own biased interpretation of what life really means, and they have taken it upon themselves as their sworn duty to convince as many individuals as possible to imbibe their perspective. One thing is...
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The word 'truth' originates from the Anglo-Saxon word 'treowe' meaning 'believed'. 'Believe' itself is from the word 'gelyfan', which means 'to esteem dear'. Etymologically, ‘truth' would be something accepted to be of some value, instead of essentially being right. 'Believe' is used in the more established sense, as in 'I believe in communism' which is different to 'I believe that trees are used to make paper'. How do we know what truth is? Most importantly, we need to utilize reason....
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1080 Words
Brother opens the story about how he always wished he had a younger sibling so he could run and play and do everything he enjoyed doing with someone else. Then, when his mother gave birth to a crippled boy, the Brother’s wish seemed like it was not going to become a reality. Three months passed and his parents decided to give him the name William Armstrong, but his parents informed the Brother that he might not be “all there” Everyone...
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Comparing the themes in A Long Way Gone and Five Chimneys Situations that have happened in your lifetime do not define who you are or what your future is like. It doesn't matter how challenging the circumstances were for both of them, Ishmael Beah and Olga Lengyel still carried on with both of their lives. These two stories deal with being put in the most unthinkable situations possible and still being able to find the strength to push forward. In...
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