1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Images Of Oxford Cleric And The Doctor In The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales was written in 1387 until 1400, following the death of the author- Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales was written in Middle English, being one of the first few works to be written in English, and is considered to be a framed story and narrative poem. The story takes place during the Medieval time period, so the society consisted of: the peasants, the nobility, and the church officials and members. Chaucer wrote the Canterbury Tales as a means...
2 Pages 1052 Words

History Of Homosexuality And Its Legislative Aspects

Laws around sexuality is an ongoing dispute with most hostility and distaste coming from those believing Christianity, where homosexuality is considered a sin and forbidden. Homosexuality is not a choice, doesn’t affect those outside the relationship, one does not need different gendered parents, a part of our History , and most of all it is still love. It is said it is okay to love, but why not now, loving one another is not a crime. When one likes someone,...
2 Pages 1130 Words

The Double Entendre Of Much Ado About Nothing

As a title, Much Ado About Nothing (MAAN) conforms aptly with the names of Shakespeare’s other plays authored within the same time period. The titles seem fanciful and almost mischievous. What You Will is a widely accepted alternate title for Twelfth Night and As You Like It appears to be a vastly less descriptive heading than, perhaps, The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. In truth however, these erratic titles are actually just as reflective of their content as any...
2 Pages 1132 Words

Gender Roles Issue In Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams

The mid-twentieth century was a period of extraordinary social change. The two world wars had placed power into the marginalized groups, and for a brief timespan the perceived leverage between the sexual orientations had shifted. However by the 1950s, men had taken back the advantage. It was into this setting Tennessee Williams brought his dynamic dramatization, A Streetcar Named Desire into the world. This violent and severe play talks about the battle among genders inside American culture. Tennessee Williams closer...
2 Pages 1113 Words

Peculiarities Of Social Inequality

Social inequality is characterized by the presence of unequal opportunities or rewards for different social positions and statuses within a group or society. It is not a new topic but rather a topic that has been big for many centuries. In the past, inequality was seen as a normal everyday part of society. However, nowadays inequality is a topic that has been brought to many people’s attention. Inequality requires attention because it involves how women are treated, gender issues, and...
2 Pages 1127 Words

School Shooting Effects On Students Mental Health

'Attention please. Lockdown. Locks, lights, out of sight.” (Tasneem Nashrulla, 2019). This alarm is repeated for a long 20 minutes as high school students, of a STEM school in Colorado, do their best to hide as silent as possible and pray for themselves, and their classmates, to live for another day. School was created to teach children. School was created to help them grow. School was created to be an environment of safety. However, school is a place where we...
2 Pages 1067 Words

The Image Of African American Woman Struggle In The Novel A Worn Path

“A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty is a suspenseful short story of a poor, elderly African American grandmother who annually made a dangerous and grueling trek from her home far away from the town of Natchez, Mississippi to the doctor’s office in town and back again to her remote home. She made this journey every year to pick up medicine for her grandson who she was caring for. Though Welty doesn’t specifically state what is wrong with the boy, or...
2 Pages 1112 Words

Malcolm X: A Catalyst for Change in Civil Rights

Introduction Malcolm X stands as a towering figure in the history of the American civil rights movement, a man whose life and legacy continue to inspire and provoke debate. Born Malcolm Little in 1925, his life was marked by a series of transformations that mirrored the tumultuous period of American history in which he lived. From a troubled youth to a leading figure in the Nation of Islam, and ultimately to a civil rights leader advocating for racial justice, Malcolm...
2 Pages 1061 Words

Transgender Oppression Issue In India

Introduction In the Indian Society, their face is considered as a sign of fortune. They are often seen dressed in ill-fitting blouses and colourful sarees, as they roam around the busy marketplaces in groups, terrorizing pedestrians and hustling for a ten or two. They are just not the average beggars we come across in urban pavements. With male voices shouting expletives accompanied by their trademark clap, we often meet them in the daily local trains or mostly at a busy...
2 Pages 1082 Words

Effects of Conditioning on Advertising

How do companies get us to buy their products. Is it magic, or is it just their stellar advertising? Every day we see advertisements on the internet, in the stores, on social media, or on billboards. Advertisers use a tactic called conditioning to get us to give them our money. There are three main types of conditioning that people use to get us to learn to buy their ‘products’. The three main types are: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational...
3 Pages 1142 Words

Cultural Influence And Its Effects In The Novel The Bluest Eye

In numerous cultures, there is an ideal beauty that most people attempt to acquire. However, imagine a scenario in which beauty were impossible to grasp and there were nothing one could do to be ‘beautiful’. In the novel the Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison recounts the story of a powerless girl struggling to prosper against the stereotypes and racism she is up against and growing up being convinced that she is unappealing, useless, and dirty. For Pecola Breedlove, this state of...
2 Pages 1113 Words

Courage And Perseverance As The Factors To Success

Like Thomas Edison once said, Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. It's not about the amount of courage and perseverance someone has, it’s about what and how they use it. Perseverance is accomplishing a task successfully despite how difficult it was. For example in Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag(protagonist) goes through some obstacles throughout his life. Guy Montag lives in the future where books are illegal. It’s...
2 Pages 1093 Words

The Teens In Movies High School Musical And Grease

The movie Grease is a popular musical known for its upbeat songs and outstanding cast. The storyline is about two teenagers who meet and share a connection. However, they struggle to embrace their feelings for each other due to the different social ties holding them back at school. High School Musical 1 follows a similar storyline about two teenagers fighting social stereotypes to fulfill their passions in multiple activities. Although both movies tell similar stories, High School Musical 1 is...
2 Pages 1084 Words

Gender And Sexual Identity Development

Proficiency in gender and sexual self-identity and the functions and effects of gender roles is important because it allows one to understand themselves and how to relate to others. The creation of gender identity is a complex process involving biological, cultural, and psychological elements (Yarber & Sayad, 2012). A person’s gender identity is the deepest feelings one has about their gender and is expressed by the way they behave feminine, masculine, neither or both (Planned-Parenthood, 2015). For most individuals gender...
3 Pages 1133 Words

The Role Of Revenge In Macbeth

In the tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare puts into words the scarring and detrimental effects of human nature. William Shakespeare creates a story of betrayal, vengeance, and redemption to conceive a bitter-sweet tale. At the forefront of Macbeth is revenge. As the main character Macbeth undergoes drastic measures to ensure prominence, many fall into his path of destruction, becoming victims of instability and impulsivity. Two vital characters that experience the wake of Macbeth's carnage are Malcolm and Macduff. Both Malcolm and...
2 Pages 1145 Words

Ethnic Contributions To America: Food, Religion And Culture

America is extraordinarily affected and improved by the numerous ethnicities and societies which possess it. Reasons ranging from politics, economy, natural disasters, the wish to change ones surroundings and poverty are in the list of the major causes of immigration in both the past and today. In many states and countries, immigration comes with complexities in its demographic nature. A lot of cultural and population growth changes have been witnessed as a result of immigration. In the following paper, the...
2 Pages 1069 Words

The Ideas And Themes Of Walt Whitman Poetry

Walt Whitman was a printer, journalist, essayist, teacher, and one of America’s most important poets. Whitman was a free-thinker, as shown by his own words in the preface to Leaves of Grass. Walt Whitman was born on May 31, 1819, in West Hills, on Long Island, New York. He was the second son of Walter Whitman, a house-builder, and Louisa Van Velsor. At the age of twelve, Whitman began to work at printing firms and fell in love with the...
2 Pages 1141 Words

Understanding Bullying Victims And Helping

Intro Physical bullying increases in primary school, grows in middle school and decreases in high school. Verbal abuse, on the other hand, remains constant. Why do people do it? What makes someone bully another innocent person, especially when that other person, hasn’t done them any harm? What is our world coming to? We need to work out why, because bullying happens everywhere. It happens at school, at work and even in the comfort of your own home. Bullying appears a...
2 Pages 1111 Words

Voices Unveiled: African American Women Authors in America

Introduction The landscape of American literature has been profoundly enriched by the contributions of African American women authors. These writers have not only chronicled the diverse experiences of African American women but have also challenged societal norms and provided a voice to the marginalized. Their literary works span a range of genres, from fiction and poetry to autobiography and essays, reflecting the complex interplay of race, gender, and class. Despite facing systemic barriers and discrimination, African American women authors have...
2 Pages 1088 Words

Urban vs Rural Slavery in Frederick Douglass

A newly formed United States of America had recently won its independence from the tyranny of Great Britain; however, Americans continued to use a labor system that could be deemed unconstitutional. Americans all over the country, especially the South, had started to rely on slave labor for a cheap workforce that would become the backbone of American society. Many African Americans had to endure grueling conditions as they were dehumanized by white Americans. “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,...
2 Pages 1134 Words

The Motif Of Consumerism in The Works Of Edward Albee And Andy Warhol

The meaning of the American Dream has changed numerous times since the phrase was coined in 1931. During that time period, the American Dream constituted a way of life that through hard work an individual could achieve personal and familial success regardless of their background. The generation living under this mentality had quite a lot of success, monetarily. Thus, the goal of social mobility had been reached and this success was used not only for their generation but also for...
2 Pages 1109 Words

Death in Do Not Go Gentle & Because I Could Not Stop

Death is an inevitable phenomenon that is interpreted differently by different individuals. The significance of death is sometimes used to allude to one’s psychological behavior. Psychological behaviors such as depression was often seen throughout the poems of various poets. Death will often symbolize a situation or an occurrence, and the use of literary elements inferences can be made about the meaning and purpose of the poem. By using an extended use of literary language, speakers imply how death and depression...
2 Pages 1121 Words

National Care Mentoring Movement As The Program Of Cultural Competence

The National Cares Mentoring Movement is a non-profit organization located in the Atlanta area. This organization was founded in 2006 and was formed after the events of Hurricane Katrina. “The organization’s priority population are young black children who come from low-income families and unstable communities” (National CARES). Among all demographics, they believe that black children are at the highest risk for falling into poverty. This is mainly due to the uncontrollable circumstances that they are born into such as their...
2 Pages 1084 Words

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Comedy Or Tragedy?

In A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, the differences between comedy and tragedy are often mentioned throughout this comedy. Although it is often described as a comedy; however, it can also be looked at as a tragedy as well. William Shakespeare focused on the aspects of the character Bottom and him being a perfect example of a fool, but also often viewing comedies as tragedies. Shakespeare centers in on comedic elements in the book by showing happy events such...
2 Pages 1065 Words

Peculiarities Of A Thanksgiving Day Celebration

The logical definition of culture in The Cambridge Dictionary is “The distinctive customs, achievements, products, outlook, etc., of a society or group; the way of life of a society or group” (p568). From this definition it is possible to understand that culture is directly connected with people’s religion, food, clothes, lifestyles, language, music, traditions etc.
 United States is considered as nation of immigrants, therefore, when immigrants come into the United States, they bring their own celebrations, foods, traditions and clothing...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Gang Violence In The USA And Canada

Violence becomes more common everyday in all parts of the world, and it is all community's job to create awareness about these gang related crimes that take lives daily. Society needs to be committed to protecting the families and lives of many individuals that may be involved with these violent gangs. United States of America varies in difference from Canada with regards to the rates of gang violence that happen daily. Each country can differ in the way gangs violate...
3 Pages 1136 Words

The Theory Of Charles Manson To Be A Psycho

In the book “Charles Manson” by Andy Koopmans, it tells how Charles Manson was a troubled child and spent a lot of time in institutions and prison. He wasn’t raised to fight but grew up to be the most notorious serial killer in America. His mother was a single mom, she abandoned Charles at 12, she was in and out of jail for small crimes. He also was raised by his grandparents, but it was temporary. This is about his...
3 Pages 1140 Words

Freud's Theory in Short Story: Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been

Desire is at the heart of human existence. Joyce Carol Oates explores desire as an outgrowth Freud’s Theory of Personality Modes in her short story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been. Desire is an expansive concept. It can be classified in many ways, as many different things. In general, it is most commonly seen in two ways: it may be seen more narrowly as “passionate sexual desire” (Hofmann & Nordgren 5), or it can be understood in a...
2 Pages 1134 Words

Theme Of Loyalty In Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare takes place in the city of Verona, during the 16th century. Within this story, loyalty is shown in many ways, loyalty is being faithful to those who depend on you. The story is about a feud between the two families, the Capulets, and the Montagues. Romeo who was a Montague, and Juliet who was a Capulet, two lovers that are from different families that fall in love. Two lovers, whose love...
2 Pages 1138 Words

The Role And Influence Of Parents In Bless Me Ultima

In society, adults and children alike are told they must carry on the family name, but today, more now than ever, there are more and more people carrying two family names on their backs. The most notable culture to carry double surnames is the hispanic culture where a child will take their both father’s and mother’s surname, often adding an y (and) between the two names. For most hispanic children, their last names are equal parts of their identity and...
2 Pages 1065 Words
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