1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Why Inflation Is Important

Inflation is when the cost of goods and services goes up. Inflation is normally measured by using “The Consumer Price Index—most frequently referred to as the CPI, based on the retail diaries of 24,000 individuals.” (Kasperkevic,2018). People write down what they need to get to how much it costs, then the information is used to determine how the costs of these goods are shifting. Since these individuals are set in urban areas worldwide, the CPI offers an additional holistic view...
3 Pages 1160 Words

Essay on Media and Advertising: the New Peer Pressure

The evolution of digital technology, the growth in social media, and the immense increase in the population have resulted in teenagers today facing much pressure from school, keeping up good grades, delivering in sports, being active on social media, and hanging out with friends and family. Being a teenager in today’s society has changed tremendously in the last years with the evolution of digital technology. It can be extremely hard to keep up in the society we live in today...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Essay on Is Minimum Wage Supposed to Be a Living Wage

The National Living Wage (NLW) was introduced in 2015 and to be eligible to earn it you must be 25 years or over. Several people are not allowed to gain the NLW. A few of them are those who are self-employed, volunteers, and those who are a part of the armed forces.1 “It ensures that work pays, and reduces reliance on the state topping up wages through the benefits system.”2 This ensures that the employers are paying their employees practical...
3 Pages 1181 Words

Essay on Conformity in 'Mean Girls'

Social psychology is illustrated in the film Mean Girls. Social psychology can be defined as the branch of psychology that deals with social interactions and how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence of other people. Many people who have experienced this same behavior presented in Mean Girls, have experienced being in one of the two, “in-group” or “out-group” of people at some point in their lives. “People easily divide the social world into us (the in-group)...
3 Pages 1221 Words

Essay on Poverty by Race in America

In his article “War Against the Poor Instead of Programs to End Poverty,” Herbert J. Gans, paints a descriptive picture of what poverty was like in the early 1990’s, with several interesting, yet outdated views on how the poor were treated. While some of these views remain valid, others contrast with the present in more ways than one. With several sections of his essay being interesting, Gans gets readers’ attention by stating the obvious problems Americans were facing in 1992....
3 Pages 1178 Words

Essay on Why Is Higher Education Important

Education is one of the basic needs for human development and to escape and to escape from poverty. Education is divided into three divisions: primary, secondary, and higher education. We are now focusing on higher education which is divided into two types: postgraduate and undergraduate. It is necessary for the development and a prosperous society. The positive development in higher education shows the importance of educational institutions understanding student satisfaction in a competitive environment. Higher education institutions are under increasing...
3 Pages 1176 Words

Essay on How Inflation Affects Consumers

I hadn’t eaten McDonald’s in well over a year but a couple of days ago I was limited on time and options and I didn’t have much of an alternative. I proceeded to go through the drive-through and without really looking at the prices ordered the only thing I would ever eat from McDonald’s, a #10 – 10pc Chicken McNuggets with medium fries and a medium Coke (Not that this is a healthier alternative to anything else on the menu)....
3 Pages 1188 Words

Essay on Why Did Willy Loman Kill Himself

Death of a Salesman is about a salesman who is having a hard time in life: his mind is fading, he is losing his job, and he has a struggling relationship with his children. In his old age, Willy Loman is beginning to have flashbacks of when his children were younger and life was easier. Willy is a salesman who works on a commission this further concludes that he does not make money unless he makes sales. As Willy ages,...
3 Pages 1217 Words

Essay on Odyssey Maturity

As illustrated in the aforementioned paragraphs, Telemachus grows from an immature man who acts like a boy without principles to a man that has integrity and responsibility. Scout, on the other hand, is still a child that has many years of growth left to experience. Furthermore, the character of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird exhibits maturation by becoming more caring but does not mature as much as Telemachus does in The Odyssey. Scout is caring before she matures because...
3 Pages 1221 Words

Essay on What Is a Real Estate Broker

There are many jobs to choose from in the United States, from becoming a Mechanic to a Real Estate broker to a Stock Trader. Although all the jobs listed can be high risk, they all can have a rewarding pay point. Out of these choices, a real estate broker would prove to be the highest rewarding job. Anyone with a people-friendly personality can become a real Estate Broker without spending numerous amount of years in school to qualify. The payoff...
3 Pages 1171 Words

How to Prevent Crime in Your Neighbourhood Essay

Park (1925) describes a ground plan for a City but rather than try and create the “perfect” city he wanted to show how different aspects of life can affect a person’s outcome. The article begins with a discussion on the organization of cities, looking at the population, migration and distribution in order to study the mannerisms of the people of the city. According to Park cities are similar to something that would occur in nature and is controlled by many...
3 Pages 1173 Words

Essay on Humanistic Psychology

When discussing the brain, you must talk about the Psychology is the study of mind and behavior, whether conscious or subconscious, psychologists study our thoughts and actions to develop an understanding of people, and therefore, our world. In this sector of psychological study, our brains can be looked at as a mirror. It’s unobjective, sort of similar to Switzerland’s neutral political stance, meaning it doesn’t care what you put into it. Without bias, our mirrors will reflect to us exactly...
3 Pages 1183 Words

Theme Essay on 'To Kill a Mockingbird'

“His face was streaked with angry tears as we made our way through the cheerful crowd” (Lee 284). This describes Jem during the point in the story’s plot in which the trial has just ended, depicting the mental torment he experiences after hearing the conviction. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, the theme of the loss of innocence is shown through the perspective of Scout Finch, a young girl who resides in Maycomb County, Alabama with her father, a...
3 Pages 1227 Words

Essay on English Civil War

The English Civil War shaped the unique Mixed Monarchy in the 17th century, while the ensuing American Civil War unified the United States which was divided into the Confederate and the Union two diametrically different civilizations. So as the most influential events in modern history and major national practices, it is worth exploring the causes of the English Civil War and the American Civil War and discussing their similarities as well as differences from three perspectives including economy, ideology, and...
3 Pages 1201 Words

Essay on What Domestic Violence Does to the Brain

According to The National Domestic Violence Hotline, “1 in 4 women (24.3%) and 1 in 7 men (13.8%) aged 18 and older in the United States have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.’’ A domestically abusive relationship can be more than just physical altercations. There are over 8 types of relationships that can be considered abusive and many indicating signs to look out for. There are many ways someone can get swept...
3 Pages 1216 Words

Cheating Synthesis Essay

Scenario: You and a friend have been working on your final research papers for one of your classes for the past month. The night before the papers are due, you get together for an all-night editing session. At 1 a.m., your friend’s computer dies, and he loses his entire paper. He has no backup disk. Your friend is devastated, and he decides to download a paper from an Internet term paper site. How do you respond to his actions? How...
3 Pages 1183 Words

Essay on Why Is Information Literacy So Important in College

We have all heard the term “fake news” floating around in the past few years, and it is definitely becoming a huge problem these days, especially on social media platforms. We have to ensure that we are spreading factual information, especially when giving a speech that is intended to inform other people about a subject. Therefore, when writing an outline for a speech, it is very important to make sure that the sources that you choose to gather information from...
3 Pages 1222 Words

Essay on Is Euthanasia Legal in Canada

Science and technology are the two main things that have advanced our lives on this planet as everyone has entered the modern era. The innovations in these two fields have given enough power to humans, to either destroy the earth or save it from the upcoming epidemic. History is the proof of lives eradicated from this world due to war, natural disasters, terrorism, and diseases, which have led individuals to endless pain and agony. This tormenting pain and misery possesses...
3 Pages 1209 Words

Careers in Cyber Security

Introduction In today's increasingly interconnected world, the significance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. With the rapid advancement of technology and the proliferation of digital devices, the threat landscape has evolved, making cybersecurity a critical priority for individuals, businesses, and governments alike. As cyber threats become more sophisticated and prevalent, the demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals continues to surge. This essay delves into the multifaceted career opportunities within the cybersecurity field, exploring the qualifications required, the diverse roles available, and the...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Essay on Why You Always Lying

Why Do You Lie? Just a semi-experienced high school student with oodles of opinions but absolutely no qualifications. From the moment that we could talk, it was elucidated to us that the concept of deception is ‘bad.’ But suppose that we know that a lie is never revealed, nor will we be reprimanded, will we still tell the truth? So, if we’re taught that honesty builds trust and trust builds integrity, then why do we lie? Whilst white lies may...
3 Pages 1248 Words

Essay on Cheating Crisis in America's Schools

Problem Identification and Analysis Arising problems of Atlanta Public Schools can be identified through unsuited organizational cultures that Hall had implemented into the education system. The development of the Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) due to poor performance in schools led to cheating in tests and fabrication of reports, disregarding the main concern of schools which is to increase students’ knowledge in class. Achievement culture values competition and willingness to work hard to achieve targets (Williams, McWilliams & Lawrence, 2017). Hall...
3 Pages 1237 Words

Essay on Is Same Sex Marriage Legal in Australia

Family law is the body of law about marriage and matrimonial issues. Its main aim is to protect each member of a family, whether that family is nuclear, de facto, single parent, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, or blending in nature, as family is the foundation of society. Whilst legal reforms over the past decades have made a conscious effort to reduce domestic violence, particularly against children, these responses have only had limited effectiveness with nonlegal measures which can often...
3 Pages 1192 Words

Essay on Character Development in 'The Hate U Give'

The word ‘Truth’ means to be honest and an ‘honest’ person is someone who is respected in the community. From a young age, parents are constantly instructing us to tell the truth, and if we do we won’t get in trouble. This certainly was not the case for Tom Robinson in the film ‘To Kill A Mockingbird (1962)’ and Starr Carter in the novel ‘The Hate U Give (2017)’ as their voices were overpowered by the ‘white community’. The 1960s...
3 Pages 1200 Words

Essay on How Minimum Wage Affects Businesses

The minimum wage debate is the argument over the lowest liveable wage nationally. A national minimum wage provides an income base rate for all workers in Australia within each industry. The two main stakeholders impacted by the minimum wage debate include employees and trade unions and employers. Minimum wage affects various stakeholders such as employees and trade unions. Employees work collaboratively with trade unions in an attempt to increase the minimum wage to sure they are able to make ends...
3 Pages 1236 Words

Essay on Nike Shoes

Over the past decade, Nike has been the best shoe-making company all over the world. Its product has been ranked among the best in various global award brands thus making it a company of its own. This can be closely attributed to its mission which aims at bringing inspiration and sparking innovation to every athlete across the globe. This section of the market plan thus majorly focuses on Nike’s history and its unique product that has been able to meet...
3 Pages 1206 Words

Essay on Latin American Revolution

The saying “Behind every great man is a great woman” could not be truer of anyone than that of Manuela Sanez. To understand who Sáenz was, we must recognize her contributions to the Latin American revolution. Sáenz is probably best known for being the mistress of Simón Bolívar. A Google search of Sáenz will undoubtedly bring about titles such as “Manuela Sáenz, Simón Bolívar’s lover and rebel” or “Venezuela honors Simón Bolívar’s lover Manuela Sáenz”; whereas a search of Simón...
3 Pages 1226 Words

Essay on 'Hamlet' Symbols

There is, throughout the play, a symbolic representation of melancholy. The opening scene of the play is on a platform in front of Elsinore Castle where watchmen are deployed depicting a melancholic atmosphere. From the beginning of the play, with such mentions as of ‘Tis bitter cold, And I am sick at heart’ (1.1.8-9) and ‘tis but our fantasy’ (1.1.23), Shakespeare has set the melancholic tone. The Elizabethans believed that seasons also cause melancholic states and ‘the Autumne is most...
3 Pages 1164 Words

Cheating, A Growing Campus Problem: Essay

Introduction This essay describes the research techniques to be applied, instruments and methods to be used, to validate the study objectives. It describes the area of study, the research design, the target population, the sample size, the sampling procedure, methods of data collection, validity and reliability, and method of data analysis. Research area The study was focused on Moi University Eldoret west campus, turbo sub-county, Uasin Gishu County. Research Design This study was geared towards the causes of examination cheating...
3 Pages 1164 Words

Informative Speech on Breast Cancer

Imagine you are a young adult with your whole life ahead of you. Marriage, children, grandchildren, all of it. One day you find out that you have a history of breast cancer in your family, that doesn’t mean you’ll have it but there is a chance. You’re worried and stressed because you know nothing about this disease, so you look up and read about some basic information, and what you find might shock you. Are you prepared? Cells in breast...
3 Pages 1196 Words

Essay on Could the Holocaust Have Been Avoided

Genocides have been around since the dawn of time. One of the earliest genocides happened in Carthage around 146 BCE (Matthews 2). Genocides can not be prevented. The United Nations has been ineffective in making policies to put an end to genocides for decades. A good education does not have all the power people think it does when it comes to putting an end to mass killings. Additionally, genocides have been linked to other worldwide problems; factors that have also...
3 Pages 1179 Words
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