1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Professionalism in Nursing: Informative Essay

The mission of a nurse is to help patients achieve their physical, mental, and social health in their environment. Recently, the view on the practice of a nurse is changing. If the earlier emphasis was placed on caring for sick people, now the nurse, together with other specialists, sees the main task as maintaining health, preventing diseases, restoring health, and facilitating coping of a person in accordance with his individual abilities. The professional competence of a nurse is the ability...
3 Pages 1303 Words

Japan: Country of Rich History and Modern Life

Japan, a captivating island nation in East Asia, is a land that exudes an enchanting blend of tradition and modernity. With a history spanning thousands of years, Japan has evolved into a society that seamlessly combines ancient customs with cutting-edge technology. Its breathtaking geography, diverse culture, and unique language have captivated the world, making it a subject of fascination and admiration. In this essay, we will delve into the captivating facets of Japan, exploring its rich history, stunning geography, vibrant...
4 Pages 1284 Words

Use of Karl Marx's Theories of Culture and Ideology in Literature

Karl Marx sought the answers to questions by trying to understand how our capitalist society works (for whom it works better, for whom worse), how it arose out of feudalism and where it is likely to lead. Concentrating on the social and economic relations in which people earn their livings, Marx saw behind capitalism's law and order appearance a struggle of two main classes: the capitalists, who own the productive resources, and the workers or proletariat, who must work in...
3 Pages 1253 Words

Theme of Blindness in Raymond Carver's ā€˜Cathedralā€™

ā€œThe only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no visionā€ - Helen Keller. In ā€˜Cathedralā€™, a short story written by Raymond Carver, the narrator is presented with a situation, one that shows him that there is more to life than he could have imagined. Throughout the story, it is apparent that the differences between Robert (the blind man), his wife Beulah, the narrator, and his wife, make the narrator uneasy. However, by the end of the story...
3 Pages 1285 Words

Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Health

The global health concerns and cases continue to rise daily, especially to the current pandemic of 2020, Covid-19. Health organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), directs worldwide health concerns within the United Nationsā€™ system, and leads other organization partners in global health responses by ensuring the safety of the air people breath, food they eat, water they drink, and medicines and vaccines needed. The aforementioned proper health necessities are inaccessible to other countries due to poverty. However, in...
3 Pages 1270 Words

Reality of Dreams in John Steinbeckā€™s ā€˜Of Mice and Menā€™

Envisioning dreams which are meant to be accomplished is a human created concept to motivate ourselves to alter the course of our future, or as quoted by renowned poet Henri Amiel, ā€œDreams are excursions into the limbo of things, a semi-deliverance from the human prisonā€. In other words, dreams are an imaginary escape route from our inescapable reality. John Steinbeckā€™s emotional novel ā€˜Of Mice and Menā€™ highlights the unfortunate disparity between unfeasible dreams and reality. Two of the leading characters,...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Tea: History, Manufacturing Process and Utilization

Americans consume over 84 billion servings of tea per year. Out of every five Americans, four will consume tea (Tea Association of the U.S.A. Inc, 2019). All tea comes from the oxidized leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which is native to Asia (Teasource, n.d.). The United States is the third largest importer of tea, followed by Russia and Pakistan. Although there are many different types of ā€˜teaā€™, technically speaking, tea can only come from the Camellia sinensis plant, and...
3 Pages 1256 Words

Sugar Cane and Its Cultivation

Sugar cane is a subtropical and tropical crop that was originally from Papua New Guinea and was distributed all through Southeast Asia, India, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, Hawaii and the southern United States on account of human relocation and the slave exchange. The relocations have additionally brought about new variety of sugar cane. Sugar cane is an important crop in most countries. It is a source of sugar in countries like India, it is an inexhaustible, normal agrarian asset since...
3 Pages 1327 Words

Stereotypes Surrounding Women and Driving

Stereotypes can be defined as ā€œa set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrongā€ (Cambridge University Press, 2019). Subconsciously stereotypes are used liberally to help simplify our social worlds. Through using a preconceived or widely held idea about a person based off of one of their characteristics (e.g., ethnicity, gender) it is assumed that everyone who possess that characteristic will also possess the same traits. Stereotypes can be both negative...
3 Pages 1290 Words

Reflections on the Controversial Issue of Immigration

This essay will reflect on the controversial issue of immigration, in particular asylum seekers, and the social policy responses to international migration. I will be discussing throughout this essay the statement presented and arguing on both sides bordered around ā€˜private troubleā€™ or ā€˜public issueā€™. Sociology emerged at the time of the Industrial Revolution, an era of huge social revolutions and new social problems. The sociological approaches have been part of societyā€™s historical changes, it studies the social order and individualsā€™...
3 Pages 1308 Words

Prosocial Behaviour Increases Happiness

Do you have some spare change or extra time on your hands? If so, deciding to spend it on someone else might make you happier than spending it on yourself. The following literature review addresses that topic: the effects of prosocial behavior on peopleā€™s happiness in light of three scientific articles. Simply put, the first article focusses on how spending money on others promotes happiness; the second shows that spending money on strong social ties increases happiness more; in the...
3 Pages 1332 Words

My Unforgettable Roller Coaster Experience

No matter how hard I pushed, the lump in my throat wouldnā€™t go away. I was about to be escorted to the roller coaster car. I looked up and couldnā€™t help but gulp, as I saw the treacherous roller coaster tower in front of me. I was already rethinking my choice of actions. I tried to take my mind off the rollercoaster by thinking about how I could avoid this situation. My family decided to go get some ā€˜relaxationā€™ at...
3 Pages 1263 Words

Johann Sebastian Bach and Duke Ellington: A Comparative Essay

Many past composersā€™ works are what modern society analyze and look at to identify how music was written during that era and how it has evolved over time. Just like any piece of history, the decisions that composers choose to make when writing music, the ideas are always changing and can have a very serious impact on how music was composed at the time. There have been many important, turn-point composers that similarly change music throughout time and have even...
3 Pages 1317 Words

Jealousy's Fatal Consequences in 'Othello' and 'The Kite Runner'

Everybody will sooner or later experience jealousy in their lives. Jealousy is when a person feels fear or concern about another personā€™s advantages and achievements. Some people make attempts and take actions in order to end someone elseā€™s accomplishments, however that may develop into some unfortunate events that can affect them as well. Jealousy is a terrible trait which leads a person to a life of tragedy and regret, as seen by the actions played by the characters of Iago...
3 Pages 1286 Words

Growing Sugarcane in Australia and the Environmental Challenges It Poses

Sugarcane in has been grown in Australia since 1788, when it was brought to Australia from Europe on the First Fleet. Since then, the sugarcane industry has boomed and is still continuing to grow. This however, has cause problems to the environment, as the growing of sugarcane has a major impact on the environment. If the demand for sugarcane increases, then this is will affect the biome and other biomes surrounding because of issues such as deforestation and many others...
3 Pages 1317 Words

Evaluation of Plato's View of Immorality as Ignorance

Platoā€™s view on immorality is ignorance is derived from the argument put forward in ā€˜Protagorasā€™ by Socrates, who claimed that all wrong and evil is done due to a lack of knowledge. In this essay I plan to critically analyze this argument and evaluate an objection to Platoā€™s claim that immorality is ignorance by disproving the premise that every action performed by a rational agent is the action they believe is the best action. I will evaluate the argument in...
3 Pages 1262 Words

Early Puberty and Its Consequences for Adolescents

Puberty in girls normally starts between the ages of eight and thirteen. For girls one of the first signs of puberty is their breasts starting to develop. Puberty is when kids develop physically and emotionally into young men and women. Puberty includes the rapid growth of bones and muscles, changes in the bodies shape and size. Usually, this starts to happen in adolescences. Early matures are most likely to get involved with older boys and to have problems with smoking,...
3 Pages 1297 Words

Global Impact of Atlantic Slave Trade

New World slavery played an immense part in the increase of economic wealth within the American continent. However, the effects of slavery spread much farther than the American continent. The reigning prosperity possessed by Eastern nations such as China, Korea and Japan influenced the Western Hemisphere to create its own economic wealth. The world trade carousel sparked fierce competition between nations and led to many new expeditions and ways of accumulating wealth. Perhaps the most influential yet consequential among all...
3 Pages 1276 Words

Communication in Strong Relationships: 'Cathedral' and 'Say Yes'

50 Cent said: ā€œNow would you leave me if you found out I wasnā€™t thuggin? Do you believe me when I tell you, you the one Iā€™ loving? Are you mad ā€˜cause Iā€™m asking you 21 questions? Are you my soul mate?ā€. 50 Cent is asking his girlfriend if she would love him no matter how much money he has, what he looks like, or what kind of person he is. Would these things really matter to her or would...
3 Pages 1342 Words

Civilization as a Significant Human Reform and Its Effects

The reforms that began in the Renaissance period are still relevant in the modern age. Man has evolved through time, with the Christianity and Muslim religions explaining the origin of man as Godā€™s creation. In fact, Pico della Mirandola exclaimed: ā€œThere is nothing to see more wonderful than man!ā€ (Della, 1). Della is particularly awed by the magnificence of man, his closeness to the gods and the superiority of his senses amongst other animas in the creation. Maybe, that is...
3 Pages 1250 Words

Analysis of Tupac Shakur's Song ā€˜Dear Mamaā€™

Being a single mother is doubling the work, the stress, the tears, but most importantly doubling love and care. In 1970, Afeni Shakur, Tupacā€™s mother, was pregnant with Tupac, while she was on bail after being charged with conspiring to set off a race war. The following year, she was acquitted after defending herself in court. Tupac Shakur, an Africa American hip hop artist, was born on June 16, 1971, in Harlem, New York. Afeni Shakur played both roles as...
3 Pages 1266 Words

Feminist Analysis of Dickinson's I'm Wifeā€”I've Finished That

Throughout history, women have fought for equality in areas such as politics, religion, careers... Specifically, women fight to be treated with respect and equality in criminal justice and law enforcement careers. The poem ā€˜I'm ā€˜Wifeā€™ - I've Finished Thatā€™ by Emily Dickinson is analyzed using feminist criticism. Feminist criticism is a type of literary criticism which may study and encourage for the women right. The poem is about womenā€™s roles and how society looks at them in reality. ā€œI'm 'wife'ā€”I've...
3 Pages 1323 Words

The New Negro: The Movement That Redefined African American Identity

The New Negro movement stands as a pivotal chapter in African American history, embodying a profound shift in identity, culture, and self-expression. Comparable to a concealed treasure awaiting rediscovery, this era marked a watershed moment that reshaped the trajectory of African Americans' socio-cultural landscape. This essay delves into the historical significance of the New Negro movement, highlighting its transformative impact on African American identity and its resounding redefinition of cultural norms. A Glimpse into the Harlem Renaissance Imagine being transported...
4 Pages 1285 Words

Scopes Trial: Key Chapter in Evolution vs Creationism

Let's take a step back into the 1920s ā€“ a time of roaring social change, astonishing scientific discoveries, and fierce ideological battles. Amid this backdrop, a seismic event that would etch its place in history was the Scopes Trial. Brace yourself as we embark on a journey through this riveting episode, exploring its profound significance, controversies that erupted like sparks, and the lasting ripples it sent through the tapestry of American society. The Trial That Captivated America Imagine a town...
4 Pages 1296 Words

The Rise and Fall of the Mighty Han Dynasty: An In-Depth Exploration

The Han Dynasty inspires images of grandeur, inventiveness, and, ultimately, ruin. Its impact on Chinese history is immense. This essay examines the fantastic Han Dynasty, unraveling the numerous facets that molded China's trajectory. The chronicle of the Han Dynasty unfolds as a narrative of power, cultural blossoming, and societal progress. Let's embark on the journey that starts with the empire's founding and ends with its eventual demise. The Genesis: Emergence of a Dominant Force In 206 BCE, the Western Han...
4 Pages 1313 Words

Empowering Women: The Legacy of Title IX Essay

In the early 1970s, amidst the backdrop of societal change, a significant legislative shift emerged in the form of Title IX. This wasn't merely a policy change; it was a profound statement on gender equality. Originating from the persistent efforts of numerous advocates, Title IX aimed to address and rectify the gender disparities prevalent in American education and sports. Its impact wasn't confined to numerical quotas but extended to the realization of aspirations, breaking down long-standing barriers, and envisioning a...
4 Pages 1300 Words

Oedipus Rex Essay

Introduction The works of ancient Greek literature have captivated readers across generations. One such masterpiece, Oedipus the King, crafted by the esteemed playwright Sophocles, surpasses temporal and cultural barriers in its profound exploration of the intricacies of human existence. This article takes you on a journey into the enigmatic realm of Oedipus, a character whose life becomes a tumultuous battlefield where destiny and individual agency intersect. Summary In the play ā€œOedipus the King,ā€ the central focus is on Oedipus himself,...
3 Pages 1282 Words

Why Was the Renaissance Delayed in Northern Europe: Analytical Essay

P1- Introduction Although the Renaissance is known to have begun in Italy it was not a stand-alone occurrence, countries throughout Europe began the process of re-evaluation and rebirth of their classical inheritance. Although most of the famous Renaissance artists come from Italy there are many notable artists that came from the Spanish, Northern, and Flemish Renaissances that support the claims of the Renaissance occurring outside of Italy. They each formed their own techniques and across different years but the transition...
3 Pages 1302 Words

Why Was The Civil War Unavoidable: Argumentative Essay

In the long run, by 1804, the greater part of the Northern states canceled slavery establishment, however, the innovation of the cotton gin in 1793 expanded the utilization of slaves in the South and slavery turned out to be vital for the South. Before the Civil War, the pressure between the North and the South put resources into Slavery. The North was demanding that America should turn out to be a free nation and needed to industrialize the South. Then...
3 Pages 1312 Words

Why Do People Break the Law: Persuasive Essay

Since time immemorial, laws have been used to govern small communities as well as large countries. Typically, they are made in relation to human political communities, attitudes, practices, and values. They are expected to be followed and are generally viewed as a way to maintain specific moral codes of society. However, several people believe that there is morality in breaking the law, especially notable historical figures such as Plato and Martin Luther King Jr. King, one of the many black...
3 Pages 1283 Words
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