1300 Word Essay Examples

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The Magnificent World of Football Essay

As one of the most popular sports on a global scale, football, commonly referred to as soccer in the United States, is a game that arouses passion and invokes emotion from billions of people worldwide. The evolution of football from its humble roots to its contemporary status as a global sport is a captivating journey. This essay will delve into the history of football, the rules governing the game, its significance, and various football tournaments worldwide. History of Football Football...
4 Pages 1336 Words

Community Essay: Fostering Connection, Collaboration, and Growth

In a world that often celebrates individualism, the significance of community cannot be overstated. Communities have the power to bring people together, fostering connection, collaboration, and personal growth. Whether it is a local neighborhood, an online platform, or a shared interest group, communities provide a sense of belonging, support, and inspiration. This essay will explore the transformative impact of communities, highlighting their role in shaping identities, promoting social cohesion, and enabling collective progress. Community Impact on Well-being and Mental Health...
4 Pages 1301 Words

The Significance of Character Development in Literature

Character development is a fundamental aspect of storytelling, shaping the way readers engage with narratives and connect with the fictional world. Characters serve as the heart and soul of any story, driving the plot and providing depth and relatability to the narrative. Through their growth, struggles, and transformations, well-developed characters offer profound insights into the human experience, inviting readers to reflect on their lives and perspectives. By creating dynamic and multi-dimensional characters, authors breathe life into their stories. These characters...
4 Pages 1312 Words

A Day in the Life of Alex Sander'

Executive Summary- In A Day in the Life of Alex Sander: Driving in the Fast Lane at Landon Care Products (Collins and Greiner, Brief Cases, Harvard Business School, 2008), What is being questioned is whether Alex is an asset to Landon Care Products and the positive and negative impacts associated with his distinct work ethic and style. The Article analyzes the influence of his behaviors on the feedback of Alex's peer review and performance report. As well as an analysis...
3 Pages 1346 Words

Critical Essay about Justification under Austrian Law

I. Introduction This case has been submitted by the Austrian court for a preliminary reference to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on the issue relating to Article 34 of the TFEU. A new Austrian law banning the import of meat and meat-based products from Germany has been introduced. This Austrian law has come from the outbreak of avian influenza on poultry farms in Bavaria, in southern Germany, banning the import of meat and meat-based products from...
3 Pages 1272 Words

Critical Essay about American Life Style

The movie Captain Fantastic directed by Matt Ross explores and critiques aspects of modern American lifestyle and culture. Ben Cash’s perspectives, values, and lifestyle are portrayed through questions on anti-capitalist resistance, comparison of mainstream lifestyles, mental issues, and parenting. The title “Captain Fantastic” is amusing however deliberately deceptive. Ross challenges the audience's preconceived superheroic expectations. Ross’s film follows Ben Cash and his six children, who live an isolated, unique, and primitivist lifestyle in the woods. Ben Cash is the focal...
3 Pages 1272 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay on Medieval and Renaissance Music

Ever thought about the music that you hear? Ever heard a solo voice without a music background? It was probably a Gregorian chant. Gregorian Chants are one of the oldest foundations in Western music in history. Gregorian chants are hymns from the Roman Catholic Church. Religious songs date back to the origin of the churches with Gregorian Chants becoming the proper music of the Roman rite in the middle ages. Gregorian Chants were religious poems or songs sung by a...
3 Pages 1266 Words

Cause and Effect Essay on Peloponnesian War

Fall of Athens: End of a Golden Age The downfall of Athens marked the end of a golden age. The same unerring golden age that molded Athens into the imperial, powerful, and glorious Athens that many think of it as today. Much of Athens’ glory was earned through the unlikely defeat of a vast Persian army in the Persian war by badly outnumbered Greeks while much of its democratic and military strength was followed by the rule of Pericles, an...
3 Pages 1258 Words

Birthplace of Italian Renaissance: Informative Essay

Orsanmichele: The Birthplace of the Italian Renaissance Orsanmichele is a building located in the Italian city of Florence, north of the Arno River, and currently serves as a church. Being known primarily as the Church of Orsanmichele since the 1340s, it is surprising to believe that it was not always situated for religious purposes but had commercial intentions in its original construction. Over a period of time, the building underwent a transition from an open loggia for the market towards...
3 Pages 1277 Words

Biography Essay on Thomas Jefferson's Beliefs about Government

Jefferson had a great many opinions on how governments should be run and how citizens should be treated. Although he lived in a different time than Thomas More did when he wrote Utopia, a lot of the fundamental issues that Utopia was trying to solve were still present. There was still great inequity in the time of Jefferson, and tyrannical rulers were still ruling with almost complete power over their governments. Jefferson appears to share the moral ideals that are...
3 Pages 1290 Words

Biography Essay on George Washington

Analysis of Washington’s Foreign Policy Principles In 1796 after Washington decided not to seek reelection for the United States presidency, he delivered a valedictory address to his ‘Friends and Citizens’. In the address, Washington articulated the principles he hoped would guide the United States as he retired. By examining Washington’s Farewell Address (co-authored by Alexander Hamilton), it can be argued that Washington advocated for the United States foreign policy principles to be rooted in moderation, peace, and avoidance of foreign...
3 Pages 1290 Words

Argumentative Essay on Why Japan Attacked Pearl Harbor

History of Pearl Harbor Being stationed in Pearl Harbor was kind of a regular experience. Even though it was in Hawaii, it was still routine. On a regular basis, the maintenance of ships kept watch, laundry, cooked, mail, cleaned, etc (WWII National Museum). All the regular things people would do on a regular basis happened here no matter if it was in Hawaii or on a naval base. However, Pearl Harbor is not the home port or main docking base...
3 Pages 1265 Words

Argumentative Essay on Three Strikes Law: Pros and Cons

Signed into action under the Bill Clinton Administration, the “Three Strikes Amendment” is part of an early initiative to reduce crime and the number of repetitive criminals in rural and urban areas during the early years of the 1990s. As a result, the ratification directly influenced the increase of 60 capital punishment offenses, the construction of additional prisons, the employment of 100,000 national police, and the placement of further prevention of crime efforts. (Clinton.61.9.95). In an implementation, “The Three Strikes...
3 Pages 1309 Words

The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point': Summary Essay

An attempt to bring to light the cruel condition to which black slaves are destined in the plantations in the United States of America, Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s 1847 socio-political poem “The Runaway Slave of Pilgrim Point”, draws on the parallelism between black and white as a metaphor for the different conditions for the black and the white man. This essay will explore both the figures of speech and the meter used by the author to convey her message, but particularly...
3 Pages 1271 Words

George Washington Research Paper

By the late 1760s, Washington had experienced firsthand the effects of rising taxes imposed on American colonists by the British and came to believe that it was in the best interests of the colonists to declare independence from England. Washington served as a delegate to the First Continental Congress in 1774 in Philadelphia. By the time the Second Continental Congress convened a year later, the American Revolution had begun in earnest, and Washington was named commander in chief of the...
3 Pages 1263 Words

Family Life and Television: Critical Essay

The media portrays family life in different ways while sometimes showing what ideal families should look like, how parents should treat and relate with their children, and the behavior between spouses. Research is being widely carried out to capture the most detailed description of family life, family structure, and the diversity in which the media is portraying what a family is. The way in which media portrays family life and interactions depends on the way it is programmed. Most Tv...
3 Pages 1259 Words

Electrical Engineering: Statement of Purpose

Electrical engineering projects are masterpieces, and I treat myself as an artist when I am doing a project. The soldering iron in my hand is the brush, and the heat is the paint; the data sheets are the drawing guides, and the circuit board design is the work of painting. For me, using different components to make new magic is such a thrilling thing to do. The electrical engineering field is becoming accelerating as engineers find new solutions to their...
3 Pages 1347 Words

Critical Analysis of the Concept of Professionalism in Teaching

Introduction The word professionalism has been a topic of research for many years. It has many angles and multiple definitions. In many areas like sports, music, etc. a professional would be a person whose skills and talent would be higher than an amateur. Moreover, professionals in the “classic” fields of law, medicine, and theology have codified rules and expectations for behavior developed over many centuries (Hart & Marshall, 1992). While teachers may sometimes not consider professionals by society. However, their...
3 Pages 1294 Words

Essay on Personal Wellness Planning Assessment

In my personal life, I try to maintain the best wellness I can, but I know I can always do better. Although it is important to keep in mind all the domains of healthy living, I choose to focus on sleep, physical activity, and mindfulness for my personal needs. Getting enough sleep is a common problem among college students. I often find myself staying up all hours of the night completing homework assignments or studying for upcoming exams. This way...
3 Pages 1285 Words

What is History?’ by E.H. Carr: Reader's Reflection

Reflective Essay What is history? Though history had been there since ancient periods, most people and scholars are confused about what really history means. The definition of history is neither complicated nor easy. The question of what is history sometimes feels meaningless but also superfluous. The book’ What is History?’ by E.H Carr talks about different definitions of history by different scholars and criticisms of their definitions. The historians and philosophers of medieval periods come up with writing history in...
3 Pages 1261 Words

Impact of World War One on the Australian Home Front

World War One (WW1), was a devastating historical conflict between many countries all over the world. This war began in 1914 and ended in 1918. WWI is still known as one of the biggest wars Australia has ever fought in. WW1 had a significant impact on many different countries, unions, and religions, including Australia’s Homefront. WW1 politically impacted Australia over the debate of conscription which divided political parties. Australian women were greatly affected due to the number of men enlisting,...
3 Pages 1320 Words

Why Zoos Are Good: Argumentative Essay

The popular, successful movie Madagascar, which presents the adventurous journey of the zoo animals who are tired of being in a rut and accidentally arrive at a tropical island, brings people not only entertainment, and joy because of its funny plot but also the consciousness of the relationship between zoos and animals. In fact, “the first evidence of wild animals being put on public exhibition dates to 2,500 B.C.E. in Ancient Egypt” (Taylor, 2014), and animals were regarded as the...
3 Pages 1300 Words

Why Is Perseus a Hero

Perseus and his heroic deeds A long, long time ago there were two brothers Acrisius and Proetus. When their father died, the brothers fought for the throne before Acrisius defeated Proetus and assumed his father's position. Acrisius was happy. Although he had no son or heir, Acrisius and his wife were blessed with a beautiful daughter Danaë. With no heir to the throne, Acrisius went to the oracle and asked if he would ever get a son, but instead, he...
3 Pages 1334 Words

Why Is Abraham Lincoln the Best President: Argumentative Essay

The first president to do several things was Abraham Lincoln: he was the first president to have a mustache, the first to kill the firstborn outside of the original 13 states, the first and only one to have a pet cat eat with him at the White House dinner table, and he was the first president to have something patented. The most remembered President of the United States of America is Lincoln. As the 16th president, he is also considered...
3 Pages 1328 Words

Why Does Gilgamesh Want to Find Immortality: Essay

Tablet IX begins with Gilgamesh lamenting over the Enkidu’s death, wandering wild alone, and pondering “I shall die, and shall I not then be as Enkidu” (70). Gilgamesh was completely desolated by the sorrow and frightened by their friend’s death. He had a fear that he would die the same as Enkidu died from the sickness. His reaction after Enkidu died clarifies that he was lost, and scared which Campbell states this situation as “missing consciousness” (Campbell 157). The bewilderment...
3 Pages 1332 Words

What Did Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington Have in Common: Essay

The music industry had a major impact on some of the people in the music of World War I and World War II. Music allowed people to forget about wars and troubled times, even for a short time. The types of genres that appeared between world war I and World war II were Jazz, Swing, and Blues mainly, and the artists that came up on top were people like: Bill Murray, Irving Berlin, Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith, Duke Ellington, Bing...
3 Pages 1310 Words

Tragedy and the Common Man’ Summary

Every human story could become a tragic story if that story is told as a tragedy. According to Aristotle the protagonist of a tragedy has a flaw in character, a downfall of their own doing followed by a harsh realization of the tragic error before dying and this evokes a reaction in those who witness it, which is a pity. In the “Tragedy and the Common Man” essay, Miller explains that there is a misconception that only people of nobility...
3 Pages 1339 Words

Themes in Fefu and Her Friends & Vietnamese Wedding

Introduction Fefu and Her Friends by Maria Irene Fornes is a feminist play written and produced in 1977 and has a wide cultural impact due to the many important and well-represented themes. It is unlike Fornes to write a play without any deeper meaning and after reading A Vietnamese Wedding that point was further ingrained in my mind. A Vietnamese Wedding is not necessarily a play as much as it is a performance. It includes the audience in the performance...
3 Pages 1303 Words

Strategies to Address Concerns about a Child’s Diet or Eating Habits

Nutrition is one of the keys to healthy growth and life. Eating colorful food such as vegetables and fruits will help people to acquire the vitamins, minerals, and fibers they need to strengthen their immune systems and keep their bodies healthy. Thus, it is vital to start shaping healthy eating habits during the early childhood years. It is in the hands of teachers/caregivers to start establishing and building a foundation of a healthy diet or eating habits for children to...
3 Pages 1261 Words

Portrayal of Street Beggars in 'Madonna dei Sartori'

Bonifacio painted another earlier work known as Madonna dei Sartori, 1533, Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice. In this altarpiece, there is a cripple shown in the corner. St Homobono is one of the patrons of the Scuola and is giving alms to the beggar. He puts down his tool of trade in order to do this, nonetheless, he keeps his hand constantly in his purse. He was representing the scholar’s participation in charity but this particular way he is performing it was...
3 Pages 1259 Words
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