1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Interpreting Real Events in 'Forrest Gump' with Film Techniques

‘Forrest Gump’ was released in 1994, directed by Robert Zemeckis and written by Eric Roth. The film was based on the novel ‘Forrest Gump’ by Winston Groom. In the first eighteen days after its release, it took in $100 million at the American box office. Two weeks after, the movies intake had doubled to over $200 million. The film itself covers thirty years of history, from the 1950s to the 1980s, and centers around the life of an intellectually disabled...
3 Pages 1280 Words

Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City: Descriptive Essay

Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity states that “everything is relative” (Einstein, 1920). It doesn’t just apply to physics or any particular phenomenon but to the whole world and ever-expanding universe. Narrowing down the focus to just the habitat of Homo sapiens, particularly the places where they live, work and eat which are called buildings. The utility, design, height, volume and many other things are dependent on many other factors. Willis (1995) explains that economic and programmatic formulas for quality office...
3 Pages 1286 Words

Influence of Disney Princesses on Children's Self-Esteem and Self-Identity

Numerous academic research journals can be found into the study of the progression and portrayal of Disney princesses and their impact to children’s self-esteem and self-identity. This literature was reviewed to determine the conclusion on if both environmental and biological processes are included in the discovery of the impact that Disney princesses have on children’s self-esteem and how the two approaches interplay. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches to such research have found negative representation of women (Lacroix, 2004; Dundes, 2001;...
3 Pages 1335 Words

Essay on History of Alaska’s Aviation Infrastructure

To begin this paper, we should have an understanding of what Alaska likes. Alaska is no small state by any means stretching as far as 663,267 square miles. With that said Alaska is known for its cold climate with mountains, hill, and more. Not just that but you can also find blizzard and having snow year-round. Pilots that fly in these areas should be ready for IFR conditions. Alaska is also home to forests, lakes, and a diverse amount of...
3 Pages 1272 Words

The Beatles' Journey on the Most Important Rock Group of All Time

“War is over! If you want it.” The dark, dreary streets of London were just crawling out of the hole left by World War II. With a new decade, there was a bright future ahead: the Swinging Sixties. It was a chance for freedom and to make a difference for the rising generation. It was the decade of the ‘British Invasion’. The Beatles is a name that is instantly recognized by the vast majority. It’s hard to find someone that...
3 Pages 1322 Words

Reliability of Eyewitness Testimony

On July 17, 1982, a young woman was raped by a black man in Virginia, who approached her on a stolen bicycle, and beat her, threatened her with a gun, and raped and sodomized her. After reporting the crime, due to the perpetrator mentioning that he had a white girl at home and was black, a police officer singled out Marvin Anderson, who was an 18-year-old local black man with a white girlfriend. As Anderson had no criminal record, the...
3 Pages 1336 Words

Police Corruption and Methods of Overcoming It

Adam Curtis once said, “Nobody trusts anyone in authority today. It is one of the main features of our age. Wherever you look, there are lying politicians, crooked bankers, corrupt police officers, cheating journalists and double-dealing media barons, sinister children’s entertainers, rotten and greedy energy companies, and out-of-control security services”. What is police corruption? According to Ivkovic, police corruption is a form of police misconduct or police deviance typically defined through the motivation to achieve personal gain. The question asked...
3 Pages 1265 Words

My Own SWOT Analysis Experience

The SWOT analysis was developed by a team of researcher from the Harvard university- professors of business and management. It is a comprehensive and detailed study of the factors that affect students’ performance in higher education. The SWOT analysis is the tool to identify our strengths and weaknesses, also our opportunities and threats. It helps us to determine what we can do better to improve our performance in the future and how we can improve better for a future job....
3 Pages 1304 Words

My Overall Worldview: Reflection Paper

At the beginning of this class, I would have said I was that the US was doing good producing renewable energy and that my footprint was pretty low. After using the footprint calculator and reading the assigned chapters I am not sure either of these are true. I knew this was a science class when I signed up for it, but I didn’t know that it would encompass the renewable and nonrenewable energies chapters and the ones about population and...
3 Pages 1263 Words

Letter of Recommendation: Classical Music

What I remember the most from my early childhood is my dad’s Sony DVD player. He bought it in 1997 when he married my mom, right before the China-Japan Relations worsened and Sony got rare in the market. It cost my dad three months’ worth of salary, but the money was well spent because the DVD player became the primary form of entertainment in my family for the next ten years. My dad often used it to play me various...
3 Pages 1278 Words

K-Pop as a Global Phenomenon

K-pop is a genre of popular music originated from South Korea. It is basically a musical genre that consists of an assortment of other genres such as electronic, hip-hop, rock and R&B music. First and foremost, in this essay I'm going to talk about the birth of K-pop and how K-pop has been steadily building into a global phenomenon. In addition, to talk about what goes behind the scenes in the K-pop industry. And finally, to talk about people’s perspective...
3 Pages 1292 Words

John Nash from the Movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’ and Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia, like many other disorders, is an invisible illness that affects about 1/100 people within society. The illness itself is cognitive and emotional dysfunctions, including delusions, and hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior, and inappropriate emotions (Barlow, D. H., Durand, V. M., Lalumiere, M. L., & Hofmann, S. G., 2018).) Many individuals have mistaken schizophrenia as a ‘split personality’ which is also referred to as ‘multiple personality disorder’ in the DSM-5. While some symptoms of both illnesses may seem similar, such...
3 Pages 1279 Words

Feminist Perspectives in Criminology

Feminism is more than a view or perspective but a movement. As the question points out, it is a movement with a multitude of perspectives. Feminism traces its roots to male dominance and oppression, which according to Patricia Hills led to a movement to end male chauvinism and ensure equal rights for all and also to eradicate the ideology of dominance. According to Naffine, feminist criminology is the integration of feminist perspectives into criminological studies. During the late 20th century,...
3 Pages 1296 Words

Essay on Failures in Malaysia's Economic Growth

Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country, occupying parts of the Malay Peninsula and the island of Borneo. It is known for its beaches, rainforests and mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian and European culture references. Its capital is Kuala Lumpur. In 2021, Malaysia’s population is 33.42 million, it is an undeveloped country. Malaysia is very special among unique countries in the world. It is because, the diversity of races, religions and cultures. Malaysia’s climate is tropical, and they have natural resources...
3 Pages 1258 Words

Eyewitness Misidentification in Wrongful Convictions: A Case Study

According to studies dating back to the 1930’s, eyewitness misidentification is the most common element in wrongful convictions. In this paper I will talk about a case where misidentification was truly show in honest spotlight. The defendant, Kirk Bloodsworth. a 59-year-old Caucasian man, born and raised in Rosedale, Maryland. An innocent man, only 24 years old at the time of conviction. On the early hours of August 9th, 1985, sound asleep at his cousin’s house in Cambridge, Maryland. Kirk Bloodsworth...
3 Pages 1311 Words

Disney Princesses as a Subject of the Male Gaze

If you were to ask a little girl what she wants to be when she grows up, she is likely to say one of her dreams is to be a princess. Now this is not the princess you see in the Royal family; it is a Disney princess. A Disney princess is a slim physique, beautiful figure. From a young age I watched most Disney films, my favorite being Disney princess movies. Growing up I had no concerns about the...
3 Pages 1276 Words

Discrimination as a Serious Problem in Mexico

Discrimination has always been a big issue around the world and two of these types are racism and colorism. According to Ware, “Racism involves discrimination against individuals based on their racial category. Colorism, in contrast, involves discrimination against dark-complexioned people on the basis of their color”. According to Statista, Mexico is 62% mestizo, 28% mostly or entirely Amerindian, and 10% other races (mostly European). If Mexico is a place with diversity, then why are Mexicans discriminating against each other? Mexico...
3 Pages 1304 Words

Essay on Criminology and Gender Issues

With the help of feminist criminology, the essay will explore society's stereotypical view of gender roles in light of the statement that criminology is a male-dominated field that overlooks the importance of female offenders. Further, this essay will compare the types of crimes committed by women and men, and why this might be. It will also look at case studies of female serial killers and how it may impact the view on them being more important than originally believed. Braithwaite...
3 Pages 1259 Words

Burj Al Arab Hotel: The Heart of Dubai

The Burj Al Arab hotel which is constructed in the form of a sail is much more than beautiful architecture. It is a symbol of modern Dubai and its integral part. All the visitors from the city and even the inhabitants are extremely pleased with the building of the hotel. The Burj Al Arab attracts tourists from all over the world due to its construction, materials used, architectural style and design, and its unusual location. It is considered an icon...
3 Pages 1334 Words

Basics of Classicist Criminology

Classicist criminology is a theory of criminal behavior and supports theorists in finding solutions to crime and deviance. The main principle of classicist criminology is that people have free will in making decisions and that punishment can be a deterrent for crime, so long as the punishment is proportional and is carried out promptly. The classical school of criminology was developed by Cesare de Beccaria and Jeremy Benthem during the 18th century; they sought to reduce the austerity of the...
3 Pages 1340 Words

Comparison of Ishiguro's 'Never Let Me Go' and Niccol's 'Gattaca'

Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel ‘Never Let Me Go’ and Andrew Niccol’s film ‘Gattaca’ portray dystopian worlds where many individuals are victim to the discrimination and the pre-determined causes provided by their fate as being classified as ‘sub-humans’. In ‘Never Let Me Go’, Kazuo Ishiguro exhibits a dystopian world where many individuals are cloned from others to be used as organ donors and also display the circumstances that the students have to face as they are blindly raised to fulfil the roles...
3 Pages 1308 Words

Advantages and Disadvantages of Eyewitness Testimony

Any statement made by an eyewitness, a sworn statement or oath, which is written either on affidavit or paper done in court testimony, is eyewitness testimony. It is the main researching field in human memory and cognitive psychology. Eyewitnesses are only acceptable if the story they tell is consistent, comprehensible, and cohesive. Many psychological factors can affect eyewitness testimony. They are: anxiety stress, weapon focus (focus on the weapon during the event), reconstructive memory (the ability to reconstruct memory), leading...
3 Pages 1329 Words

‘A Hard Day’s Night’ as the Most Remarkable Album in the Beatles' History

The Beatles third record ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ is an eclectic collection of 13 tracks remarkable in the way that it breaks away from the Beatles’ simpler song structure, doo-wop sound and into blues and pop. This album, for the first time featuring entirely original compositions, helps the Beatles grow their roots deeper in the music industry as authentic artists as opposed to a cover band with a few hits. With their move away from covers which typically were Motown...
3 Pages 1317 Words

Comparing 3 Versions of Little Red Riding Hood: Standard Gender Roles

The concept of power is the foundation of the story and revolves around the characters and the position of power that every character holds is different in each version of Little Red Riding Hood. Even as “Little Red Riding Hood/ Little Red Cap” celebrates the empowerment of a young woman in search of sexual and artistic agency, it also examines the power dynamics at play when a girl’s coming-of-age takes place at the hands of an older man. Through the...
3 Pages 1323 Words

Personality Disorders: Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Narcissists

Abstract This paper will be discussing two mental disorders that many people don’t know the difference between are feel are interchangeable among one another: Phycopaths and sociopaths. This will be my reaction to facts and different ideas of the two disorders. Multiple readings will be used to identify the differences as well as the similarities between them. Narcissism is also a disorder people often confuse with just being self-centered but its more than just that. Introduction As many are aware...
3 Pages 1299 Words

Current Trends In Developing Content Marketing Strategies

Trend Description Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that helps in creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content that attracts and retains that particular audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. Content marketing is at the core of best advanced showcasing efforts. Behind each extraordinary brand is an abundance of profitable and pertinent substance that truly interfaces with the organization's audience (Institution, 2019). Why is it important to marketers and consumers? Improves brand image by building...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Pros and Cons of Tort Reform Compared to Current Legal System in US

You are visiting a local shopping mall when you slip on a puddle, and break your leg, this is considered a Tort. A tort is any wrongful act, or accident that leads to a legal liability. Torts can be broken into two categories: Intentional Torts, and Negligence. An example of intentional torts may be getting hit in the head by a bat with the intent to cause harm, if the victim was accidentally hit this would be considered negligence. Negligence...
3 Pages 1275 Words

Military Thoughts: Sun Tzu vs Kautilya

In comparing both of these philosophers Sun Tzu and Kautilya, we can compare from different basis of their military quotes because both have their own perception and their own beliefs. Firstly is the quotes from Sun Tzu on the enemy status which says: “If equally matched, we can offer battle, if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy; if quite unequal in every way, we can flee from him”, while Kautilya said: “If the enemy is strong then...
3 Pages 1296 Words

Nickel and Dimed: Humble American Dream by Barbara Ehrenreich

CNBC’s Shawn Carter states that “Less than 20% of Americans say they are living the American Dream”. The majority of people in the U.S. don’t feel that they are living their American Dream. Barbara Ehrenreich states in her article “Nickel and Dimed”: “I am terrified, at the beginning, of being unmasked for what I am: a middle-class journalist setting out to explore the world that welfare mothers are entering, at the rate of approximately 50,000 a month, as welfare reform...
3 Pages 1348 Words

History of Concept of Time and Secrets of Time Travel in Physics

As I think of Time, all I can come up with is that it passes. It is irreversible and just only moves forward. Why do we need time though: to measure or calculate a duration that has been taken to do something. We use seconds, minutes, hours, days etc. to measure time in our daily lives. The definition that I just mentioned for Time may be sufficient to understand it in the context of daily lives but to really understand...
3 Pages 1269 Words
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