1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

IT Technologies in Zara's Production: Challenges & Opportunities

Introduction After having a close look at the case and after a thorough research into the company, I learnt that ZARA has been performing exponentially well financially and has created a unique consumer base that is loyal and keeps coming back for more. The company has a very smooth Supply Chain and Production system coupled with unique style of design and manufacturing that makes its customers coming to the stores in every two weeks to check the new designs and...
3 Pages 1297 Words

Definition and Key Elements of Marketing Research Procedure

Marketing Research: Definition The way toward social affair, examining and deciphering data about a market, about an item or administration to be offered available to be purchased in that market, and about the past, present and potential customers for the item or administration; investigation into the attributes, ways of managing money, area and requirements of your business' objective market, the industry overall, and the specific contenders you face. Precise and intensive data is the establishment of all fruitful business adventures...
3 Pages 1333 Words

Pancreatic Cancer Screening Challenges and Prevention

‘Cancer’ - a word so small yet so destructive. In fact, in 2017, in the UK alone there was an astonishing 4 million cases and 9.56 million deaths worldwide. An inevitable disease that just continues to increase in size. As the philosopher Desiderius Erasmus once said, ‘prevention is better than cure’ - this is most certainly the case with cancer. Cancer survival rates are the highest they have ever been. A way to improve survival rates even further is for...
3 Pages 1269 Words

Reasons Why Abortion Should not Be Legal Essay

Should Abortion be Legal in the United States? Parenthood is one of the most critical aspects of human life that require serious planning to be executed appropriately. Most ladies have been compelled to carry out abortions due to a lack of readiness to join the parenthood arena. Abortion is the process by which a pregnancy is terminated by expelling the fetus out of the womb before it matures and can survive outside the womb. They are situations where abortions occur...
3 Pages 1321 Words

Racial Equity in Planning: Affordable Housing in the City of Portland

Providing enough affordable housing has been a main priority for the City of Portland. Numerous housing projects have been initiated by Metro and BPS to tackle this immense issue. In the survey, eight out of twenty-five open-answer responses expressed concern about the affordable housing issue. The Comprehensive Plan recognizes that the racial income gap needs to be closed and provide upward mobility for low-income households in order to build a sustainable city economy (Portland, 2020a). In order to sustain one...
3 Pages 1267 Words

Monet and Van Gogh

Introduction Claude Monet’s Bouquet of Sunflowers is an oil on canvas, portrait painting. The dimensions of the painting are 101 x 81.3 cm. Currently, the Bouquet of Sunflowers is on view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 819. Vincent Van Gogh’s Sunflowers is also an oil on canvas, portrait painting. Its dimensions are 95 x 73 cm and are considered one of his most famous paintings. This painting is currently in the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam. Subject Matter and...
3 Pages 1259 Words

Margaret Thatcher and Politics of Thatcherism: Analytical Essay

The political transformation of the Labour party into New Labour has traditionally been seen by historians as a significant shift, chiefly influenced by the electoral success and political dominance of Margaret Thatcher and so-called Thatcherism. This interpretation has been based on a variety of factors, especially when Thatcher said Tony Blair and New Labour when asked what she considered her greatest achievement, heavily implying that she considered New Labour an accommodation with the politics of Thatcherism. New Labour's Third Way...
3 Pages 1299 Words

Machiavelli Influence on American Government

Kim Jung Un as a Modern Day Prince: Policy of American Government towards North Korea In Machiavelli’s “The Qualities of a Prince” he analyzes and creates the supposed perfect formula that makes up a proper prince. These range from military duties, praise and blame, generosity and miserliness, cruelty and mercy, and the concept of being despised or hated as a leader. His writing depicts a ruler similar to what we would consider today a tyrannical rule. Though it may not...
3 Pages 1275 Words

Causes of Teen Suicide in America: Critical Analysis

Suicide continues to be one of the leading causes of death in teenagers across America. Statistically, in the United States, suicide is the second leading cause of death for those aged ten to twenty-four and about 3,470 individuals grade nine to twelve attempt to commit suicide each day (Youth Suicide Statistics 1). It is unclear why these individuals choose to take their lives, but parental divorce, the creation of a new family, or moving to a new community are common...
3 Pages 1294 Words

Religion's Importance in Tocqueville's Democracy in America

Religion is an important for understanding democracy according to Tocqueville because it restrains excessive individualism. Tocqueville felt that the best way to counter individualism was through religion. Religion has taught people that there are more things in life besides money. Tocqueville wanted to pursue and renew the American knowledge of religion to contribution to independence. Tocqueville argues that modern democratic freedom industrialized as an outcome of Christianity’s impact of the European cultivation, and more predominantly as an effect of the...
3 Pages 1306 Words

Essay on Importance of Art History

The impact of Art today and through the years has interesting takeaways to it when it’s being discussed. Art history identifies works of art and concepts by focusing heavily on the particular context or setting in which the work of art was created in its political, social, cultural, and economic settings. Oftentimes, if people were asked, what are the impacts and contributions of Art through the years? they would provide an answer historically, socially, economically, and politically. Why you may...
3 Pages 1252 Words

How to Conquer Insomnia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

We’ve all been there. A long sleepless night with endless position changes and yet no sign of sleep. A survey from the Sleep Health Foundation in 2016 pointed out that 26% of the Aussie population suffers from some level of insomnia. Experts are now pointing out the “24/7 society” lifestyle as one of the primary causes of not being able to sleep properly, especially using the internet and mobile devices right before sleep. Read on to find out what insomnia...
3 Pages 1321 Words

Graffiti in New York: Analytical Overview

When citizens have grievances with their government and desire change, it is always the youth and underrepresented that react first and stand up for these said changes. This is a cycle that has not changed throughout history. However, the methods used to get one’s point across has changed throughout the decades as technology advances and as the government pushes back. In the 70s and 80s, New Yorkers used graffiti as a medium to express themselves and to voice out their...
3 Pages 1325 Words

Foreign Aid and Development: Analytical Essay

Introduction and Thesis - All human beings require a set of resources such as food, shelter and clothing and it is necessary that any political leader takes care of that so to fulfill that we need other countries to help which directly leads to foreign aid which means assistance from rich, industrialized to poor developing countries (Copley, wood &Ehrhardt 2006).As we have discussed in class that foreign aid has brought both pros and cons to the recipient countries. However, this...
3 Pages 1271 Words

Evolution of Homeland Security Essay

American Safety after 9/11 The September 11, 2001, coordinated attacks on America’s twin towers that claimed almost 3000 lives changed America’s security and safety measures taken to secure Americans. The attack, being the first foreign attack on Americans since the 1941 Pearl Harbor by Japan, caught the security apparatus unaware thus revealing the various loopholes in the national security system. However, the lessons learnt from the terrorist attack on America’s soil have been applied to improve safety within the borders...
3 Pages 1313 Words

Essay on Guernica: Historical Background and Political Analysis

Write a political analysis of a popular cultural artefact (TV series, film, book, play, sculpture, meme). In contemporary society, popular culture can be an object of collective social, economic and political expression. Street (1997, p. 7) acknowledges popular culture as a mass-produced artefact and 'made available to a large number of individuals' such as music, art, films and clothing. Popular culture practices are essential as communicative applicators to how meaning is challenged and circulated. In which, their social and cultural...
3 Pages 1304 Words

Development and Evolution of Emergency Management: Analytical Essay

Emergency management is a science of reaction. This means that it is based on an event happening and a response being given. Whether it be a manmade disaster or threat to a natural disaster such as a hurricane, a response is warranted. Throughout history several events have taken place that helped shape emergency management and disaster response. From the early 1800s to the late 2000s, disasters like 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and Hurricane Sandy preparedness of mitigation have played a role...
3 Pages 1349 Words

Audrey Flack's World War II (Vanitas): Art History Analysis

Using Audrey Flack’s ‘World War II (Vanitas)’, I hope to outline the ways in which visual culture and art historical interpretations of images might differ, and the ways in which they might overlap. First, I will evaluate this painting from an Art History perspective, and then I will go on to critique it using my knowledge of Visual and Cultural studies. After looking at both approaches, I intend to present both the similarities, and differences, between the disciplines of Art...
3 Pages 1315 Words

Creativity Versus Intelligence: Critical Analysis

Since a long time, intelligence and creativity have been seen as two separate abilities and creativity has been an ignored subject in psychological research. But in life, creativity is been valued more than intelligence as it comprises individuals adapting to novel situations that would lead to either result in success or failure. According to Plato, a writer is barely able to produce a work that the muse directs and similarly these days the writers mention that there is a presence...
3 Pages 1276 Words

Clothing over Time: Essay

Talking about clothing and ethical issues within the fashion industry. Evidence of clothing can be found and dated back all the way to prehistoric time periods. Some of the first humans to have ever walked the earth used animal skins as clothing with the purpose of protection from weather conditions. Whether it be because of “​the influence of climate, fashion, religion, [or the] ecosystem,” ​as time went on variations in clothing began and continued to appear. One example is the...
3 Pages 1252 Words

Attitude of Society to Vampires: Discursive Essay

Vampires have been around for generations that there are a variety of forms of these immortal creatures with each culture having their own version. In the past, vampires have reflected the fear and things perceived as taboo in those cultures. Originally, vampires were first known to be savages and blood-thirsty. They were also representation of the unknown consequences of actions performed by the people. In the old folklores, they were supposedly terrorizing the communities and were always to blame for...
3 Pages 1256 Words

20th Century English Literature: Modernism and Postmodernism

Modern is the historical period starting from the Renaissance period and ending with the birth of Postmodernism in the second half of the 20th century. Modernity is an adjective derived from the Modern period. Modernity actually started during the Renaissance and ended in 1950 with the birth of Postmodernism. Modernity is associated with the word “modern”, that also has been used since the Renaissance and is not synonymous with Modernism. Modernism began in 1910 and ended with Modernity. As a...
3 Pages 1254 Words

Travelling during Gap Year: Descriptive Essay

A gap year will be one of the most exciting times in your life. You will have the chance to go off traveling and exploring the world without a care in the world! There are many different places you can go and discover on your gap year. You’ll also find a variety of things you can do while you are away. Many will help you earn money to fund your travels while others will be just for fun! Are you...
3 Pages 1291 Words

The Bald Eagle: Descriptive Essay

Nesting and Habitat The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is the only Eagle that is confined to North America, and it builds one of the largest nests out of all birds on the continent. They fill out their nests with branches and sticks and line them with grasses, mosses, and other softer materials, which help them last for years (Guinn et al. 2004). These nests are called eyries and can be found near large bodies of water with an abundance of...
3 Pages 1277 Words

Symbolism of Wealth, Death and the American Dream in Great Gatsby

The American Dream: The Decay of the ethos of American citizens as a result of manipulation The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Park Avenue: Money, Power, and the American Dream by Alex Gibney accentuate the increasing degeneration of a society divided by people who are able to achieve the so-called ‘American dream’, and those who are enslaved by it. The American dream is an ideology that is no longer applicable to contemporary society. The idea that anyone can...
3 Pages 1287 Words

Crimes and Punishments: Summary and Critical Analysis

Introduction This essay will critically assess Cesare Beccaria’s On Crime and Punishment, displaying how his ideas influenced the way in which crime is viewed and punished in current society. Beccaria was born in Italy in 1738, where globally, crime was viewed as the work of the devil. Punishments were harsh and barbaric with the use of capital punishment which was in place to eliminate those who seemed as devious. Beccaria’s ‘On Crime and Punishment’ was published although it was in...
3 Pages 1257 Words

Steps to Assisted Suicide: Analytical Essay

The term assisted suicide is defined as a situation when a terminally ill patient voluntarily made a suicide request from a doctor and he will assist him by supplying equipment and lethal drugs to hasten the patient’s death. Eight states in the United States of America namely California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and Montana have legalized assisted suicide (Death with dignity, 2019). Chin, Hedberg, Higginson, and Fleming (1999) reported that during the first year when...
3 Pages 1319 Words

Reputation Economy and Effectiveness of YouTube: Analytical Essay

YouTube has been a long-standing platform where people filmed everyday lifestyle videos. However, it is no longer enough to produce engaging content that satisfies oneself. With increasing pressure to stand out by feeding the algorithm that promotes a video’s popularity, it has become common for modern-day Youtubers to seek professional help in their video content production. Consequently, a new layer of jobs has emerged, one that people do not intuitively regard – farming out professional video editing to third parties....
3 Pages 1293 Words

Representation of the Power of Words in The Book Thief

Words are one of the most powerful ways people communicate with each other, and they have a powerful impact on how everyone interprets things. They have an impact on how someone feels, and how they make other people feel as well. In ​The Book Thief​ by Markus Zusak, the impact of words and language is felt throughout the novel. From the negative propaganda and how people felt towards the Jews in Nazi Germany to the reassuring effect of Liesel ́s...
3 Pages 1334 Words

Reflective Essay on Early Childhood Education

While I was conducting my interview I found out many things that were to lead me to being a teacher even more than before. during my interview of Mrs. Louella Komuves, I was reassured that being an early childhood educator is what I would like to be. During the interview I learnt that to care for children, you only need certification, also that a lead teacher in a preschool required an associate degree, and that to teach in public school,...
3 Pages 1307 Words
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