1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Reflection Essay on Universal Health Care in the World

Universal health care is prominent in 32 out of the 33 first-world countries (Regoli, n.d.). Though the United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, our “great” nation is divided when it comes to adopting such a policy. The topic of universal health care is so divided in our country that it has become one of the most talked about platforms for presidential candidates; the democratic candidates tend to side more with the implementation of universal health...
3 Pages 1293 Words

Reader's Reflective Essay on The Outsiders

The book The Outsiders is a 218 pages book written by S.E. Hinton when she was 15 to 17-year-old. It was published by Viking Press and Dell Publishing in 1967 when she was 18. The story takes place in 1965 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. When S. E. Hinton grew up, she was bored by the typical “girl meets boy” stories, she wanted stories that were more realistic. A story about what it really is being a teenager. And that is how...
3 Pages 1339 Words

Portrayal of Oppression in Native Son: Analytical Essay

The behavior expressed in Richard Wright’s Native Son provides us with a basis to realize our own faults in today’s society. The rampant prejudice within the novel’s society led to the mental and emotional shifting within the black community, seen specifically in Bigger Thomas. The racist precedents set in the past determine our actions today, and if anything, Native Son was an opportunity to realize that it’s time to change those precedents. Fear of change and fear of persecution cause...
3 Pages 1289 Words

Philosophy of Liberal Arts Education: Analytical Essay

At some point in life, many Christians question why did God create them and what is their purpose here in this world. In other words, they wonder what God is calling for their lives. Thankfully, I have never been in that confused stage of my life because God has helped me as a kid to discover His will and His calling for my life. There are a number of factors that have shaped my life calling, including my family, biblical...
3 Pages 1325 Words

Native People Versus the Colonists in The Pearl

Whatever your situation is there will always be that one person consistently pushing you down and their constant berating urges you to stop. Even no matter how strong you struggle to block them out. They will always be in the back of your head being a persistent nuisance reminding you of your failures. Sometimes we have to admit we can’t win at everything and most of the time we give up. But if we prevail and push through, we may...
3 Pages 1255 Words

Modern Day Racism: Analysis of The Fire Next Time

Literature Review: In the past few decades, the United States of America has come a long way by means of industry, exports, economy, and development in every field. After coming out from the days of slavery, the government proposed equal rights for everyone free of race, color, or breed. But still, racism is present as the most pressing issue in America where some people consider them superior to others just because of a specific color or breed. DeAngelo (2018) discusses...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Issues of Universal Health Care in America

What differentiates who deserves health care and who does not? Impoverished Americans are losing their lives from treatable diseases and they are living in agony when there is medication to lessen the pain. Common middle-class Americans are facing financial instability from medical bills from fighting cancer and other chronic conditions are filing for bankruptcy due to extensive medical expenses. To combat exponentially growing problems like these, universal health care has been suggested. Through universal health care, every American, despite their...
3 Pages 1293 Words

Invictus and Ransom: Comparative Essay on Film Versus Book

David Malouf’s text Ransom and Clint Eastwood’s film Invictus, portray the idea of Fate and Freewill in which life is predetermined with the idea of controlling events through self-determination. Invictus concerns itself with the aftermath of an inhumane Apartheid and the role of an influential personal Mandela who demurs surrendering to fate while uniting a furcated nation. In comparison, Malouf’s Homeric adaption of the Iliad as a reimagination through his novel Ransom explores the extent to which life is determined...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Impact of The Outsiders on Readers: Argumentative Essay

Not every reader finds a series of books that are pleasurable to read by the same author. For S.E Hinton, her books are extremely eye capturing for many readers of all ages. Have you ever read a book that is extremely hard to put down? Well with Hinton's books, that is the feeling you will get when reading her books. Hinton has an extraordinary story on how she started her journey of writing. She has impacted many lives, and even...
3 Pages 1340 Words

Realism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The authenticity of a word with history and culture attains significance for anyone who can properly use the word. Yes, I am implying the “n-word.” A commonly used term within the African-American community, but a word that also has the ability to produce a disapproving reaction when used by any other races. Lorrie Moore agrees that replacing this term will not solve the problem of censorship in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. However, I disagree with her solution to the...
3 Pages 1307 Words

Exploratory Research Paper on Obesity: Literature Review

The word Obesity in a dictionary is defined as having excess body fat. Obesity many times is overlooked or joked about due to people not researching how obesity is a very important health issue that is only increasing. Obesity to me is more than a word. During High School and Middle School, everybody always joked about obesity and other health issues. But one day I and my friends saw a kid get bullied because of his weight, and nobody except...
3 Pages 1332 Words

Essay on Issues of Ethnicity

The world as we know it today has significantly changed. After two world wars, thousands of conflicts, and countless efforts to achieve peace, we can now say democracy prevails. We can count almost 200 sovereign nation-states in the world now, most of them being democratic. But looking in the past, this was not the case. The world was comprised of societies, later on out of colonies till it reached the world as we know it today. How this was achieved...
3 Pages 1274 Words

Descriptive Essay on Graduation in Cornel and Oswego

College is the backbone of my future career. So many colleges to choose from, so many majors, and so many requirements. As a future herpetologist, my college needs to have some form of zoology or animal biology. That brings 5,300 down to around 54 colleges as options in the US alone. After countless hours of searching, there are two colleges that can lead to my dream career in herpetology. Cornell is one of the few that offers zoology. Cornell is...
3 Pages 1306 Words

Critique of Progress in Latin America in One Hundred Years of Solitude

Garcia Marquez heavily critiques the idea of “progress” in Latin America during the 20th Century in One Hundred Years of Solitude by showing the misfortune and pain that this so called “progress” brings, throughout the novel there was a cycle of taking one step forward and two steps back. He illustrates this through the story of Macondo, a utopia-like village founded by a family doomed to a solitary destruction brought on by the increased interference from the outside world, resembling...
3 Pages 1329 Words

Concept of Lost Generation in The Sun Also Rises

The First World War decimated a generation, leaving behind a people disillusioned with the world. Jake Barnes, the protagonist in Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises counts himself among this 'Lost Generation' because he became impotent as a result of an injury during the war. The wound, while a physical one, affected Jake in multiple ways, making him passive and unwilling to confront his problems. Jake's physical impotence serves as a metaphor for other characters in the novel that, like...
3 Pages 1312 Words

Analysis of the Main Topics in The Death of Ivan Ilyich

Death, death is a topic that is avoided by both children and adults. However, it will happen to everybody sooner or later. There's no way of avoiding it. We hear about it everywhere although it isn't a happy thing, it's a part of life. If you haven't experienced the death of a loved one. You definitely heard of others experiencing it. It's not an easy thing to go threw. But can you imagine having to experience it yourself? Can you...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Analysis of Nature of Humanism in Renaissance in Italy

Q. Whose perspectives and objectives are evident within the assigned documents and what do they demonstrate about the nature of humanism in Renaissance Italy? Civic humanism is the advanced term for the ethical, social and political way of thinking that over the span of the fourteenth and fifteenth hundred of years started to be verbalized in Italian city-states and most quiet in Florence. Many historians gave her perspective on Civic humanism. It stands as a bridge between modernity and the...
3 Pages 1281 Words

Analysis of Main Themes in Oryx and Crake

When readers of Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake are first introduced to the Children of Crake, we observe their foreign appearance through the eyes of Snowman, to whom their “sound of tooth”, “smooth of skin” and “no body hair” feel deeply uncanny and “leave him chilled”. These Crakers possess, to an extent, the features and proportions of human beings, however their “perfection”, like “retouched fashion photos” or “animated statues”, make them feel like either something less or more than human....
3 Pages 1303 Words

Why Is Health Important: Essay

To understand approaches to ill health, we must understand what health is in the definition. Health is a complex state that results from the body's continual adjustment and adaptation in response to stresses and changes in the environment in order to preserve homeostasis or internal balance. Health is affected by our age, gender, culture, and social status, and can mean different things to different people. There is no widely agreed-upon concept of well-being. Health is important because it is desired...
3 Pages 1306 Words

What Would You Fight for Essay

In the 1600s Britain had control over the colonies in America. They were moving Brits into America and colonizing what is now the east coast of America. Colonists started clashing with British officials in the 1760s after they started to strip the colonists of their basic human rights. The first battle of The Continential Congress vs. The British happened at Lexington Concord, and there started the Revolutionary War. In December 1777, George Washington led his 12,000-man army to Valley Forge...
3 Pages 1338 Words

Tradition Essay

In this essay I am going to discuss tradition and what the word traditional means. Tradition is very individual, that is to say, everybody interprets their own tradition differently even if they are a part of the same tradition. It is due to this that tradition is able to evolve with each individual who takes a part in it. I have done research into tradition through reading academic reports and also by conducting my own survey; in order to try...
3 Pages 1326 Words

Essay on Themes in ‘Things Fall Apart’

In the novel 'Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, the story of Umuofia, a fictionalized village set in Nigeria, is told. The novel details Umuofia as a pre-colonized village, allowing the reader in on their customs and traditions, all the way to a colonized Umuofia; where the story ends. Throughout this story of colonization, many themes are displayed. Masculinity in 'Things Fall Apart is one of the first apparent and recognizable themes to the reader as the story is being...
3 Pages 1279 Words

Should Education Be Free: Essay

In the present society, secondary instruction could mean the contrast between neediness and living comfortably. So, for what reason is there such an enormous number of individuals who don't set off for college to get additional instruction? The answer is straightforward: they don't have the money to pay for it. Countless individuals in the United States skip setting off for college and getting a degree because college tuition cost, just like other college expenses, is too expensive (Josephson). In addition...
3 Pages 1314 Words

Renaissance Art Essay

The Renaissance was a very impactful time in history in all aspects but mainly art. Although argued by historians it is said to have approximately begun in 1300 and ended around 1600. It is seen as the transition from the dark ages to modern times. The renaissance allowed for the creation of a dramatically new culture and view of man. It allowed for the apparent rebirth of the people into a more idealist true version of society and life. Giorgio...
3 Pages 1318 Words

Essay on Julia Serano’s Why Nice Guys Finish Last

Is This Really Feminism? From fashion to media to music, even video games, we can see how the raunch culture influences just about every aspect of everyone's lives. Ariel Levy’s Female Chauvinistic Pigs gives readers a greater insight into why this culture is affecting the lives of women and young girls everywhere. Pop culture feeds social media is constantly being absorbed by young men and women, where both subject ideas of the predator/ prey mindset and chauvinist mindset discussed by...
3 Pages 1252 Words

Inequality for All: Summary Essay

Inequality is Killing the American Dream What kind of dreams has made people dream from four centuries ago till today? What kinds of dreams have been the most craved by people for 400 years? It is the American Dream. The American Dream can be traced back to the discovery of North America, and the definition of the American Dream has evolved from time to time: from the return to paradise to freedom, opportunities, equality, and achievement. Unfortunately, ultimately in the...
3 Pages 1297 Words

In Praise of Margins: Essay

Purpose of Life In a chaotic world and the pressures that come along with it, people tend to make time for themselves to clear up their minds and alleviate their stress. Ian Frazier’s essay, “In Praise of Margins” focuses on the importance of “marginal” activities and places. The essay construes marginal activities as a time and place where one can be carefree and true to themselves. Frazier is able to define “marginal” activities and places as “a higher sort of...
3 Pages 1267 Words

Essay about Identity Crisis

The identity crisis of women from the perspective of ‘The Darling’ and ‘Profession for women’ The concept of “identity crisis” originates in the work of developmental psychologist Erik Erikson, who believed that the formation of identity was one of the most important parts of a person's life. When people are confused about their role or goal in life they face an identity crisis. Identity crisis is one of the common conflicts people face during their development. Erikson described identity as...
3 Pages 1320 Words

Essay about Haitian Culture

Culture Bio Paper Firstly, believing that is the way to characterize someone can create stereotyping and discrimination. For example, if someone feels they know all that they hope to understand about an individual based on their spiritual beliefs. Not all factors of our individualities partake equally to the self. Certainly, there are things of our surroundings and knowing that support to change us fundamentally. For example, relationships and experiences help shape our identity as we age. These factors that change...
3 Pages 1298 Words

Essay on Gilded Age

From the 1870s to the 1890s, the United States entered a period of dramatic change and rapid industrialization. The economy was gradually shifting from agrarian to industrial and urbanization was happening at an exponential rate. Mark Twain named this period the Gilded Age and described it as a time during which greed and political corruption ruled. While there were millions of industrial workers, farmers, and clerks, the wealthy entrepreneurs who owned the factories controlled most of the wealth in the...
3 Pages 1253 Words
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