An ideology can be defined as a body of ideas that reflects the beliefs and interests of a nation, political system, etc. and underlies political action. Ideologies can reflect beliefs and interests of a large group or even just a few people. Political Ideologies, though, are about organizing and directing action. There are hundreds of ideologies throughout the world because every nation and every state has their own beliefs, interests, ways of organizing, and directing action. Development of states into...
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With the 2019 Indonesian presidential election coming up, both candidates, which are Jokowi-Ma’ruf and Prabowo-Sandiaga, have been campaigning their visions and missions. The two candidates will be competing for the second time after the 2014 presidential election where Jokowi won as Indonesia’s current president. From economic, human rights, laws until international relations concerns have been stated toward their campaigns. Through the foreign policy offered by the two candidates, it shows that both side still use the ‘free and active’ doctrine...
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Real-time monitoring of wastewater quality remains as unresolved problem to the waste water treatment industry. In order to comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulation, plant operators as well as industrial manufactures have expressed the the need of new standard and improved comparability of existing techniques. A review of currently available methods for monitoring global organic parameters (BOD,COD,PH,DO etc) is given. The study review both existing standard techniques and new innovative technologies with the focus on the sensors’ potential for on-line...
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Human trafficking involves the coercion, force and manipulation to obtain cheap or free physical or domestic labor, the procurement of organs or commercial sexual acts from men, women and children. Today, human trafficking is held to be modern-day slavery as the movement of persons between countries has become more prevalent and increasingly, persons are trapped in human trafficking situations in their own village. This type of human trafficking takes many forms with one of these forms being debt bondage or...
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DEFINATION: Precipitation or rain with a high concentration of acids produced by, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and other such gases which result from the combustion of fossil fuels. This has a destructive effect on buildings, aquatic life, and plant. Certain pollutants in the air made the rain acidic and now the rain is called acid rain. Acid rain is a type of acid deposition. It can appear in many forms. Rain, fog, snow, or sleet which is wet deposition that...
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A large people of India still believe that English is a language of British people and hence it is truth that English men bring bitter feeling within our hearts. We must realize that to learn English language does not mean that we would evolve a slave attitude. English dialect with its extraordinary artistic legacy is never again a dialect of specific nation or race. English can now clearly be called“global lingua franca”. English is a medium for the establishment of...
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1344 Words
Murphy, S., indicated in his work that “the risk management is comparable to that of the immune system”. Considering that is not a thing or a part of something, but it is co-existing with each other like that of an organ or a part of it. Connecting into a larger organ or organization that must be able to go beyond its performance perfectly. Murphy, S., conveyed that the similarities between the immune system and the risk management are that one...
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1295 Words
‘Silence’ in Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw is integral to the text not only in a literal sense, but also figuratively; the gaps that are purposefully left in the plot and the reader’s knowledge also act, powerfully, as “silences”. Whilst literal, aural silences provide an atmospheric tone in James’ novel, it is the metaphorical, textual silences that take precedence, sitting at the centre of the book. James purposefully implements such gaps, and stubbornly refuses to fill them. It...
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Ethics and morals may initially seem to be interchangeable words used to describe a code of conduct that society should follow in order to make informed decisions. However, they are in fact two separate entities that exist as individual codes of conduct, yet share a symbiotic relationship in decision making. Ethics can be described as the rules of behavior and demeanor as established by society, a certain group of people, or a religion. Consequently, due to the nature of ethics,...
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A disaster is defined as an event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction. An emergency is an unforeseen combination of circumstances or an urgent need for assistance; such as a multiple car crash on I-4. A disaster typically affects a large number of people; whereas, an emergency usually affects only a local community. Communication is a fundamental part of emergency management and yet an inherent struggle during disasters; however, there is typically not a breakdown in communication during an emergency....
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1283 Words
William James (1842-1910), Harvard professor of psychology and philosophy, is considered one of the pioneers of the psychology of religion. For James, religion is a deeply subjective phenomenon and not the acceptance of theological teachings. “While I was in general depression about my future, I was suddenly overcome by a terrible existential anxiety. The image of an epileptic that I had seen in the asylum appeared in my mind's eye”, reported the psychologist William James during a lecture at the...
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The topic of globalization has been a popular one among social scientists for several years. Debates have raged over the years regarding the economic benefits of a more integrated global economy, with some saying there is a significant benefit to incomes and production, particularly in developing countries, whereas others believe that globalization has led to the downfall of some regional economies. This is a pertinent argument in the country of Mexico. Ever since the rise of trade liberalization in Mexico,...
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In the first part of this series, I described how automatic safety controls could have prevented the Three-Mile Island accident. Now I'll do the same for Chernobyl. This accident at the RBMK nuclear power plant at Chernobyl in the Ukraine occurred at 1:23 a.m. on April 26, 1986, right after the midnight shift change of the operators at Unit 4, which consisted of four 1000-MWe units, built in the 1970s. The meltdown caused a steam explosion that blew off the...
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1252 Words
Utopia and dystopia are genres of hypothetical fiction that dive deep into social and political structures. Utopian literature visualizes a perfect society where everything is butterflies and rainbows. Sounds too good to be true? It is. In literature, utopias hardly ever last long but, instead, they turn into complete dystopias. And come on, dystopias are way more entertaining. Dystopian societies are at a dysfunctional state where there is great suffering or injustice. Dystopias are claimed to be the opposite of...
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In Aldo Leopold’s piece, “The Land Ethic” it creates an effective rhetorical analysis with its moral responsibility to the natural world. The idea of a land ethic is simply caring about the community, the land and restoring the relationship between them. Leopold states, “An ethic to supplement and guide the economic relation to land presupposes the mental image of the land as a biotic mechanism. We can be ethical only in relation to something that we can see, feel, understand,...
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1319 Words
In most western countries the demand for organic food is rising (Kearney, 2010). This trend seems to be driven by consumers’ beliefs on health, animal welfare, environmental impact and their surroundings. In west European countries the percentage of the organic agricultural land is higher than in Balkan countries (See Figure 1; Willer & Lernoud, 2017). But still, west European countries have a higher market growth than production growth, therefore their production cannot meet their demand (Willer & Lernoud, 2017). Retail...
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1326 Words
SA long journey starts with a single step. What started four years ago as a journey to prosperity has achieved its mark? How did it go that fast? It appears to me like it was just yesterday when the high school journey was starting. You’ve had to wake up at six in the morning. You are now upperclassmen willing and ready to embrace the future and the challenges that come with it. The new stage of adulthood comes with even...
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1339 Words
After the last section’s tone of Dillard’s fascination of weasels violence, the tone changes to a sense of comfort and peacefulness. The sense of scenery Dillard uses like the pond close to her house brings this comfort of nature. As Dillard uses “so” she explains that she already has a motive to go along this path. Dillard depends on herself to do this action instead of doing it by necessity. This section relates to the Transcendentalism Era where Transcendentalists like...
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1306 Words
All of this internet access is taking over student's lives. Students usually do not think about all the things they do that involves the internet. It’s more than anyone can imagine. Internet access must be limited for students because of a lack of creativity and thinking, they began socializing a lot less, and it is an easier way of cheating. One reason why internet access should be limited to students is because of the lack of creativity and the ability...
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1335 Words
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be replacing Data Protection Directive 95/46/ec in Spring 2018, meaning information security teams need to start preparing now to ensure that their organizations remain compliant when the new rules go into effect, or risk facing fines and stiff penalties. GDPR applies to all states in the European Union (EU) as well as any company that markets goods or services to EU residents. In other words, GDPR will have a far-reaching impact on global...
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1297 Words
Measuring the capital at risk in the portfolio investment under the extreme scenario plays a vital role to enable the traders to foreseen the potential maximum capital loss at a particular time frame. The Value-at-Risk (VaR) is extensively adopted by the numerous financial institutions, investors and creditors as a risk assessment method to measure the maximum capital loss to an investment portfolio or risky assets over a period of time under the provided confidence interval. Soon after, it was introduced...
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1257 Words
Theodore Roosevelt once stated, “I recognize the right and duty of this generation to develop and use the natural resources of our land; but I do not recognize the right to waste them, or to rob, by wasteful use, for the generations that come after us”. This quote by one of our nation’s former presidents, exemplifies the view many citizens have towards the idea of environmental conservation. The Supreme Court case of Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) embodies the...
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1293 Words
In 2010 the BP-operated Macondo prospect in the Gulf of Mexico exploded, killing 11 people and spilling 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf. Since this incident, the whole industry of offshore oil drilling has been judged and closely watched. There are many effects on the environment and the economy, as well as on the everyday people involved with offshore oil drilling. In the following essay, many of these effects will be discussed. Every year oil rigs spill over...
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1296 Words
Fair trade is trade in which fair prices are paid to producers in developing countries. It based on partnership between consumers and producers. Fair trade improves the lives of those living in developing countries by offering small scale producers fair trade relations and a guaranteed minimum price. There are over 1.5 million workers and 1210 fair trade certified producer organizations in 74 countries (Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International, 2011). The fair trade USA coffee market has grown nearly 90% since it...
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1343 Words
The great Battle of Thermopylae and the valiant fight of 300 fearless Spartans under the command of warrior King Leonidas against 10,000 elite Persian soldiers is one of the most brilliant moments in ancient Greece’s history. And in retrospect, it proved to be no less than a fight for the defense of Western Civilization itself. Although the battle itself was lost, the war was won. The Battle of Thermopylae also provided great tales of bravery and patriotism for many Greek...
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In Victor Hugo’s poem And There Was Night, the character of Satan was an archangel before he fell. In the play of Faust, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe discusses the fall of Wagner. Both Hugo and Von Goethe show how the fall of a person can impact the rest of eternity. Both Satan and Wagner are seen as not believing in the Kingdom of Heaven or the power of God. Satan is seen as falling from the sky which is Heaven...
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1282 Words
William Butler Yeats is regarded as one of the most important representative symbolist of the twentieth century English literature who was mainly influenced by the French symbolist movement of 19th century. Symbolism as a conscious movement was born in France as a reaction against naturalism and the precision and exactitude of the 'naturalist' school represented by Emile Zola. The French symbolists, led by Mallarme, condemned mere 'exteriority', and laid great emphasis on the treatment of the sensations or the representation...
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The research developed by Tusev (2017), is focused on explaining the reason why Ecuadorians are people characterized by unpunctuality. The topic begins with the initial explanation of what time is and why it is important. The people of Mesopotamia first developed the investigation reports that time. Then, the Greeks will use this tendency to be able to determine the correct form of the times that were important to reap and be more aware of not doing so. Once time has...
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In India, the Concept of Social Security was found to be well embedded in the institutions like joint family, religion, caste and village societies and in the customs, rights and responsibilities of individuals and occupational groups since time immemorial. According to Dharmashastras, the King was placed under an obligation to help orphans, aged, windows and those suffering from disease, handicaps and calamities. Ensuring education, training and employment using the resources of the state were also made obligatory on the part...
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1321 Words
''We are only as blind as we want to be -Maya Angelou. There are a variety of connotations to the phrase ''blind. Some people tend to view blindness as a physical disability that resembles inferiority. Others believe that blindness defines ignorance as one is unaware of their surroundings or actions. However, the public's attitudes towards blindness are misconceptions as even a person who can physically see can also be blind. As people become biased toward certain views, it can cause...
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