When I was approximately four years old, my mother asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. At the time, I read books to my teddy bears, performed songs and dances for them, pretended to take care of their “boo-boos”, and took them through the jungle that was hidden in my closet. Much to my mother’s surprise, I did not answer “teacher” or “doctor” or “ballerina” like she assumed I might. Instead, I wholeheartedly answered that I...
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Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Background of the study Poetry is a written literary work in which its contents are expressions of the writer’s feeling by using semantically language, meaningful and contains rhythm and rhyme in the arrays and stanzas. Poetry is formed by several elements, includes figurative language. Figurative language is a kind of parable metaphor that is usually used to strengthen the impression of a sentence both written and spoken and trigger an imaginative sense for the audience. According...
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“Can Heart failure be managed effectively with non-pharmacological measures?” The heart's main functions are to pump blood, nutrients, oxygen and hormones around the body. There are two types of heart failure; Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) or systolic failure and Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) or diastolic failure[9]. 70-75% of cardiac patients suffer from systolic heart failure and this is where the left ventricle loses its ability to contract normally. Diastolic heart failure is where the...
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Task: Did any of the varied philosophies surprise you? Did you find that any components ‘spoke’ to you although you didn’t initially think you would agree with that philosophy? Do you think any philosophies spark changes in educational practice or instructional models over time? Response: I spent quite some time this week going over the various reading material and philosophies in quite some detail to broaden my understanding of what we are referring to as “philosophy in education”, the impact...
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The best intelligence known in existence resides within the human nervous system. Artificial Intelligence is defined as “the study of how to make machines behave intelligently, to solve problems and achieve goals in the kinds of complex situations in which humans require intelligence to achieve goals (Fetzer).” People have conducted studies of Artificial Intelligence from numerous points of view. Steady progress continues in this field, but humans have yet to understand human problem solving or develop accurate theories of higher...
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Media satire is a freedom of speech which has resulted in a perception that barriers our country and citizen. It is easier to communicate and share ideas easier than ever before. Furthermore, allow people to express their ideas and perspectives, comedic or not. This essay will examine the importance of freedom of speech that allows comedic satire to make its impact. News media are no longer conduits that properly meet the needs of our particular culture. Evidence supports that the...
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If there was a way you could prevent some illness, diseases and even death, wouldn’t you do it? Smoke is a proven killer, whether inhaled directly or second hand, and attempts should be made to reduce it in public places. Many would argue limiting places in which people can smoke is a violation of their rights to enjoy a legal habit. Arguing for the non-smokers, why should those who choose not to smoke have to inhale the secondhand toxins of...
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Through the novel, The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger, Holden is portrayed as a controversial adolescent to the 1950’s society he grew up in. He was constantly breaking traditional values, causing him to stand out among the rest of the teens his age. The teen culture illustrated by Holden has not influenced teen culture today due to teenagers do not view things in the same way Holden has throughout the novel. Teens today are more optimistic about their...
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1301 Words
Abstract Operation Anaconda was supposed to be a decisive 3-day assault by U.S. military and Afghan forces against enemy Taliban and al Qaeda resistant forces in the Shahi-Kot Valley that turned into a bitter drawn-out 17-day battle (Kugler, 2007). Although Anaconda was considered a success, in the end, its initial plan failed to survive contact with the enemy due to a cascading sequence of improbable events. Most, if not all, of the challenges Anaconda faced stemmed from a lack of...
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Whilst the country is grappling with the effects of COVID, the federal government, although not short of any criticism regarding the states’ individual responses to the corona virus, is seeking to hand off the jurisdiction of approving major infrastructure projects to them, right under our noses. Changes to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act of 1999 (EPBC Act) have been rammed through the House of Representatives to the dismay of the Labor Party, the Greens and the cross bench....
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America is often known as the land of opportunity, a place where you can be free. Many abundant number immigrants’ women traveled from all over the world to the United States in aspiration to seek job opportunities or to have a better life and better lives than the ones they left behind. Coming to the United States is a very difficult time for immigrant, especially when English is not their first language. Their goals of advancing and becoming successful at...
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The nautical adventures of SpongeBob SquarePants have delighted audiences since 1999. By giving his wholesome characters adult identities, Stephen Hillenburg earned the praises and viewership of adults as well as children for his masterpiece. Below the surface of its slapstick humor are concepts inspired by Cervantes' esteemed novel Don Quixote, and no episode is better suited for such an analysis than “Hall Monitor.” Interpreting “Hall Monitor” as one of Quixote's sallies illuminates SpongeBob's intense dedication to his performance as the...
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Obesity is a rapidly growing threat to the health of people worldwide, and will most likely lead to other life threatening diseases if not treated. According to the WHO Consultation (2000), Obesity has been around since the end of the Persian rule in 332 BC, but insufficient knowledge was known about the present condition. Some indicated our metabolisms obeyed the laws of thermodynamics, and others thought it was caused by the presence of too many fat cells. However, obesity is...
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In the 1920s and 1930s, visions of freedom and liberty in America were seen to be more prevalent than ever before. Freedom is something that is wanted by everyone at all times, but it never comes easy. There are a lot of complications and issues that arise before freedom is attained. When we talk about freedom, it could be either national freedom or personal freedom from an individual or a group of people. Liberty and freedom, both mean the same...
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Introduction There are two major uses of marijuana as relates to its legalization. One of them is the medical use of cannabis and the recreational use of the same. The benefits of marijuana in medicine have been studied and proved to manage mainly pain and the side effects of cancer treatment options such as chemotherapy. The recreational use involves the unregulated consumption of marijuana to relax or stimulate the mind. Canada has come a long way in its cannabis legalization...
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Morality and sin, these two terms are associated with the term Sexual Deviance which is the act of being deviant from the norms and standards of the society in terms of what they believed is right in terms of sexual activities. Many speculations exist because of different perspectives towards this issue. As stated in the work of J. H. Gagnon (1968), the view about sexual deviance evolves around the definition of mental health and emotional disturbance. There are numerous sexual...
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We live in a country that allows us to have a lot of freedom such as freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of press, and freedom to petition of the government. We have a lot of rights and I believe we should also give the people the right to consume marijuana for severals reasons. It helps ill people for medical reasons, economical reasons, reduce in criminal activity, our rights and our health....
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About This is a join venture between Tata Global Beverages and Starbucks Corporation. Both the companies owns 50% if the companies share. It is know as Tata Starbucks Limited and founded on 19 October 2012. It is operated in India and has 115 stores. Tata Beverages is an Indian tea and coffee plantation company and Asia’s largest coffee plantation company. Starbucks is an American coffee company and coffeehouse chain. It is known as Starbuck A Tata Alliance in India (Tata...
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In Jane Austen’s book Pride and Prejudice, she presents Elizabeth Bennett as a modern woman that rejects the 19th Century’s societal. The author has shown three fundamental aspects throughout the book and movie which are- Love, Reputation and Class. And all the three aspects are connected to conceptualizing Jane Austen’s views on love and Marriage in the 19th century era. In the book Pride and Prejudice, the author Jane Austen presents one of the concepts which is Love. Love can...
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Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, who was studying at the Protestant University of Wittenburg of reformer Martin Luther. This play takes place in Denmark, which is known to be a largely Protestant nation at the time of the play which is the Renaissance period. Roman Catholic during this this time believe in a state of purgatory, where they believe that souls go after death to atone for venial sins/wrongdoings. The Protestants then began several Catholic teachings, including the existence of purgatory,...
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When most people hear that a story involves a princess they assume right away it is just going to be about some pretentious girl who is in trouble and cannot save herself. People believe you should not look up to Disney princesses because they are not healthy role models and teach kids that they need some prince to come along and save them. However I beg to differ. I believe that Disney princesses are the best role models out there...
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Diverse processes of undervaluing, tagging, with stereotyping bring loss of status, unfair and unjust treatment, and social exclusion of persons or groups are contextually entrenched at every level. These manifest in different forms of stigma – stigma from racism; HIV-related stigma; sexism and gender related stigma; homophobia and transphobia related stigma as pathways of oppression (Logie et al, 2011). These different types of stigma occur and there is then HIV-related stigma that intermingles with other forms stigma related with the...
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Introduction This paper explores the various strategies chosen by multinational oil industries for climate change. The oil business is a standout amongst the most dominant and worldwide business segments today and its exercises and items are specifically connected with rising ozone depleting substance emissions. Understanding its environmental change techniques and activities is of most extreme significance to those strategy creators going for productive cooperation of the oil business in the move to an atmosphere inviting world. Anybody intrigued by the...
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There are high rates of chronic infections among many cultures around the world. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, otherwise known as HIV, is one of the leading infections that can be transmitted in numerous ways affecting children, heterosexual’s, and homosexual’s, via blood transfusions, semen, vaginal fluids, rectal fluids, breast milk, accidents in a healthcare setting, blood from used injection needles, etc., (AIDS, n.d.). Symptoms of HIV include: flu like symptoms, fever, chills, night sweats, rashes, and some acute infections (Cunningham et...
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1315 Words
I remember our first lecture when we were given the assignment of writing down our own definitions of peace, community, and conflict. For peace, I wrote “Acceptance of what is, trying to be best that can be.” For community, I wrote “Belonging, kinship, and support. Can be family, friends, work, or people who simply share your interest and values.” For conflict, I wrote “Conflicting values, imbalance, and inharmony of things and matters.” As we’ve explored peace further in course I...
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1284 Words
Humans are social creatures that find solace within others, most display this by engaging themselves in relationships. Relationships are very abstract, no two relationships are the same, but there must be one important commonality: love. Love comes in many different shapes and sizes, but the ability to give oneself to another unconditionally is a clear form of what love should be. When love is not clear though, that’s when things take a much darker turn. Domestic Violence is a pressing...
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Every day we hear about another woman brutally murdered and rape, another woman a victim of the cruel reality of gender-based violence and all we can do is ask ourselves why. Gender-based violence is a term used that refers to any harm committed against someone’s will that negatively impacts their psychological and physical health because of their gender (Mpani & Nsibande, 2015). There are numerous types of gender-based violence with different reasons why it is being performed, thus having severe...
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In the novel “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte Jane searches for independence. Charlotte Bronte, a popular British author wrote during the Victorian Era. She’s best known for this book “Jane Eyre” which deals with a young woman’s search for identify. Jane Eyre, who is the main character, plays a huge role in finding inner peace and independence. She develops as a character after each obstacle she encounters. Growing up in a middle-class family Jane was born in a modest lifestyle....
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Introduction The vital roles of intelligence and special military operations play a critical role in counter terrorism operations around the world. Without an effective well diversified intelligence community the military aspect of counter terrorism operations will have a limited impact on terrorism at best. Intelligence is the most important aspect of a well established counter terrorism philosophy. Countries who have created an exceptional counter terrorism intelligence community possess the ability to bring to the battlefield a highly trained and skilled...
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Introduction There is an obesity epidemic in the Western world. In this write up we will be discussing obesity, its causes and the role biochemistry can play to help provide solutions to this issue. Obesity is a condition in which the body weight increases above the limits of a physical requirement due to excessive accumulation of fat and increased adipose tissue mass (Sikaris, 2004). Obesity cannot only be defined in terms of body weight, because short people are expected to...
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