1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Women And Reputation In Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen

It is against human nature to be indifferent to public opinion, especially when those judgements evaluate one’s stature in society. Reputation is a tremendously significant theme for the female characters in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. The novel describes the intertwined lives of several middle and upper class families living in England during the late 1800s. In this time period, women had zero means of providing for themselves, so it was absolutely vital that they maintain a respectable peer opinion....
3 Pages 1263 Words

Police Brutality As Racial Profiling

From trying to cash a check at the bank, to mowing lawns, to sleeping in the college dorms or even coming home to an apartment building, there are numerous stories of African-Americans being harassed. Women, men, and even children going about their daily lives only to be intruded by strangers provoked by their presence and this provocation often ending in police involvement. Advancement in technology has made it easier to capture these incidents and reveal how African-Americans have become targets...
3 Pages 1276 Words

To what Extent is Artificial Intelligence a Threat to Humans?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a form of computer which has the ability to think for itself and perform tasks that usually require the intelligence of a human such as: speech recognition, decision-making, visual perception and translation between languages. However, there is a common misunderstanding that there is just one type of artificial intelligence. This is not the case. There are actually 3 different types of artificial intelligence: ANI, AGI, and ASI. ANI, or Artificial Narrow Intelligence is the weakest kind,...
3 Pages 1348 Words

The Harmful World Of Advertising And Marketing

In a world where money is king, advertising has become the seller’s best friend. But has it become the buyer’s worst enemy? Some studies suggest that we are exposed to as many as twenty thousand adverts per day. Some of these are subliminal, and most people won’t pay attention to more than one percent of all the ads that they see. But that still leaves an astounding two-hundred adverts seen by every person, every day. Adverts are everywhere. Anything that...
3 Pages 1271 Words

Should Juveniles Be Tried And Treated As Adults?

‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’ Introduction The issue of serious/violent juvenile crime may be a very complex one, warranting a judicious approach to be adopted to effectively address the competing interests of those juveniles, the victims (especially women and girls), which of public safety. The gang rape on 16 December 2012 has triggered a nationwide debate on a variety of issues, one among them being the quantum of punishment for juveniles involved in heinous crimes. The Juvenile...
3 Pages 1316 Words

Atticus as a Hero in To Kill a Mockingbird

In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee develops Atticus as a complicated character who refuses to abide to his society's norms. On one hand, portrayed as the valiant protector of Tom Robinson, his outstanding moral qualities set him far apart from others of his time. In contrast, he also distinguishes himself from others by his wishes of a gradual social change in Maycomb, though he desires minimal conflict whenever possible. What possible motivations could ever produce such striking...
3 Pages 1312 Words

Impacts And Benefits Of Artificial Intelligence In Today’s World

Artificial intelligence -- it’s in just about all the technology we use today. It’s in your phone, television, on your laptop, your tablet -- it can even be in your refrigerator! But as AI continues to advance and grow, people have started to question its capabilities in both positive and threatening lights. The hypothetical threat artificial intelligence (AI) imposes on today’s society should not be menacing and only creates new opportunities that push our society towards a positive, more efficient...
3 Pages 1339 Words

Pride and Prejudice: Themes and Genre

Jane Austen's narrative technique is a unique phenomenon. Her use of irony, along with realism and social commentary have earned her spot among critics and well known writers. Pride and Prejudice, first published in 1813, is one of the finest fictional creation of Georian era. Pride and Prejudice, is a novel of manners which includes sub genres such as satire, Realism and Domestic fiction. Pride and Prejudice being novel of manners deals with customs, behaviors, habits and expectations of certain...
3 Pages 1341 Words

How Can Unethical Advertising Affects Consumers And Businesses?

Over the years, advertising has never failed to draw public attention. With the development of technology, advertising has become one of the most integral parts to improve the sales of businesses. Performing an effective advertising is important for businesses to create brand equity, maintain the brand loyalty and achive success (Keller & Kotler, 2016). It is true that advertising is a form of marketing which reach the viewers through various traditional media such as TV ads, newspaper, or modern media...
3 Pages 1319 Words

Fahrenheit 451: Religious Motifs And Their Meanings

Ray Bradbury creates a hedonistic society in his novel Fahrenheit 451. His characters are careless, easily entertained, and concerned with nothing more than leisure; anything that might lead to thought or discussion is not only banned, but completely illegal. Because of this, organized religion is molded into something that the ‘family’ can use for entertainment without fear of offensive feelings. Bradbury’s frequent allusion to the Christian Bible and use of religious imagery shows the importance that the author places on...
3 Pages 1268 Words

Internet of Things (IoT) and Ethics

Prepared or not, the Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the fast-growing technologies taking over the world. Currently, many devices can be interlinked to communicate with each other through a network, from smartphones to robots, smart homes to smart healthcare and smart security to smart agriculture. “Morgan Stanley via British Insider intelligence estimated that there will be more than 75 billion active IoT devices by the end of the year 2020, which will require 7 active IoT devices per...
3 Pages 1264 Words

How Artificial Intelligence Trained To Analyze Causation

When something unexpected happens, it is our intuition to ask questions and try to understand why it has happened. If we can determine the reason of that unexpected event, it may be possible for us to prevent such an outcome next time. However, the ways we, humans try to understand, and reason things are sometimes superstitious, and we cannot explain what is really going on. Correlation which can only state that an event happened around the same time as another...
3 Pages 1345 Words

Biopsychological Analysis of A Beautiful Mind

Schizophrenia, a term introduced by Bleuler, names a persistent, often chronic and usually serious mental disorder affecting a variety of aspects of behavior, thinking, and emotion. Biopsychology analyzes how the brain influences behavior, feelings, and thoughts (Kalat, 2016). Peculiar behaviors may be associated with social withdrawal and disinterest. “A Beautiful Mind” is a 2001 biographical drama films about the life of John Nash, a mathematical genius that suffering schizophrenia (Howard, 2001). The film is a great illustration to the topic...
3 Pages 1276 Words

The Effects Of Meditation On Brain

The research about therapeutic inventions are becoming more and more popular as time progresses. However there isn't much research in this topic to determine whether or not therapeutic techniques actually help the brain or not. In this study, it reported a controlled longitudinal study to investigate pre post changes in the brain grey matter concentrations attribute to participation in an MBSR program. Mindfulness meditation has been getting more and more attention to researchers , mindfulness is designed to have an...
3 Pages 1341 Words

Hedda Gabler: Women's Struggles in the 19th Century

The play “Hedda Gabler” was written by Henrik Ibsen, a Norwegian playwright, who was sometimes referred to as woman’s rights activist. The play was first performed in 1890,focusing on gender and societal roles within the Victorian Era. The story is told through symbolic meaning as seen by protagonist Hedda Gabler. Hedda is a young newlywed married to an academic man named George Tesman. Despite having all the things sought after by women of this era, Hedda is very unhappy; finding...
3 Pages 1280 Words

Is Utilitarian An Ethical Doctrine?

Have you heard the news about the moral dilemma of self-driving car? It’s a car with an AI programmed to forfeit its travelers to spare the lives of others, in case of a genuine mishap. It works on the principle of utilitarian morals, which would try to limit the total number of casualties in an accident, regardless of whether it implies hurting individuals in the vehicle (Gent). As describe by John Stuart Mill utilitarianism is the view that dictates an...
3 Pages 1298 Words

The Theme of Woman's Freedom in The Handmaid’s Tale

The discussion of women’s freedom has been going on for a very long time. Women have been fighting for and have now been granted the basic human rights, which is the freedom to choose what you want, “freedom to,” and also given the opportunity to enjoy freedom from getting any harm, “freedom from.” Women authors have come up to advocate for their rights by writing books demanding their rights and freedom. This paper reviews the book, The Handmaid’s tale, by...
3 Pages 1282 Words

Dystopian World In Fahrenheit 451 And The Matrix

Published in 1953, Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 focuses on a dystopian world. In which is his prediction of the 21st century, where the government controls society through technology and the burning of books. In this alternate reality technology tends to have control of the population. Similarly, The Matrix is a film directed by the Wachowski’s brothers is a science fiction movie, also set in a dystopian world in which a war is being fought against a control system known...
3 Pages 1263 Words

Wellbeing Influenced by Time Pressure, Appraisals, and Procrastination

Worker’s wellbeing is a crucial aspect of maintaining an organisations long-term efficiency. The main reason for deteriorating work performance amongst employees is typically due to stress. Stress has been defined as a psychological state that affects a person when they do not have the adequate resources or coping mechanisms to deal with a specific situation (Michie, 2002). Recently, employers have been held accountable for employee stress and therefore, many have developed procedures to help an individual adjust to stressful work...
3 Pages 1327 Words

Racism from Child's Perspective: Mockingbird & Hidden Figures

Children’s perspectives are often looked over when it comes to injustice in the world. They are seen as naïve, silly, or that they simple just don’t understand. However, it is in the eyes of a child, unconditioned by society, that the greatest evidence of injustice lies. This is demonstrated thoroughly in the texts To Kill a Mockingbird and Hidden Figures. Both texts have perspectives of children, though they are opposite races. To Kill a Mockingbird is in the 1930s from...
3 Pages 1271 Words

The Relevance Of 1984 And The Giver

It’s this thought, this notion of absolute compliance felt by those submitted to authority which allows power and control to be established and maintained. Imagine believing something to be the complete truth, then realising it was all a lie. A falsehood by those in power forcing you to conform without question. All previously thought values you held dear falling apart from this sudden awakening. This understanding occurs to only a few in dystopian worlds. In all dystopian societies reflected in...
3 Pages 1278 Words

Ethical and Legal Dilemmas that Health Practitioners Face

Introduction Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with what is right and wrong, within the health context ethics can broadly be defined by four accepted principles of: Autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. These principles act as a guide when dealing with the broader Ethical and Legal issues that all health care workers deal with throughout their career. Although these four above mentioned principles of ethical standards have remained unchanged, the ethical standards of today have begun to change...
3 Pages 1334 Words

Child Labour in the Cocoa Industry

Is one minute of pleasure worth a lifetime of suffering? Are our actions really worth children's torment? Is our love for chocolate that important where we ruin children's lives? But I know that some of you have already decided to go to the vending machine and buy some chocolate after this forum. What's the harm in that you may ask? It brings a whole new meaning of guilty pleasure. The chocolate that you eat from a vending machine is the...
3 Pages 1277 Words

Fahrenheit 451 And Blade Runner: How Science Fiction Pre-warn Us?

Intro ‘Robots won’t replace us because we still need that human touch’ Finkel’s law gives insight into the reason why human beings will never be entirely replaced by robots, our natural instinct still needs human touch. Fahrenheit 451 and Blade runner are both set in a futuristic era’s that attempt to describe the devastating repercussions of dehumanisation and lack human connection. The film and novel both resonate, clash and relate to each other, This is shown through the connection and...
3 Pages 1256 Words

Waiting For Godot and Absurdist Theatre

Human life is ultimately purposeless, to cope with this confrontation, we employ an array of distractions, in futile attempts to dispute this harsh truth. The Theatre of the Absurd emerged after World War II and found artists struggling to find meaning amongst man’s self-induced devastation (TED-Ed, 2018). “Waiting For Godot” (1955) is a grim tableau, enshrined as a turning point in the Theatre of the Absurd. Samuel Beckett’s tragi-comedy had the most strikingly profound impact on theatrical productions, commencing the...
3 Pages 1301 Words

University Students’ Understandings Of And Attitudes Towards Human Rights

Due to the subjective nature of the topic, there will be a plethora of student perspectives towards human rights. Each individuals life experience will shift and alter how they determine their attitudes towards the subject as will the research methodology used. Human rights are ever-present within society and can be presented in many different ways. Social work is one field in which human rights play a very crucial role. Students who study social work will be able to further develop...
3 Pages 1261 Words

Is There Good Stress?

Until the recent introduction of positive psychology, the field of psychology has primarily focused on the study of deficits rather than assets. Because of this, there is limited and little literature regarding the study of ‘good stress’ and positive responses to workplace stress. It was questioned whether all occupational stress is damaging and upon investigation of the little research available, it can be argued that this is not true. Eustress is the word that is used for stress that is...
3 Pages 1323 Words

Omkara VS Othello

I will be discussing William Shakespeare’s play ‘Othello’ alongside the adaptation ‘Omkara’. William Shakespeare’s play surrounds the downfall of the character Othello as a result of his personal flaws. Othello’s jealous nature and weak personality made him an easy target for the antagonist Iago to manipulate him which ultimately led to his demise. The adaptation by director Vishal Bhardwaj, set in rural Uttar Pradesh, North India, also follows the protagonist’s downfall, caused by his personal character flaws. Although the adaptation...
3 Pages 1334 Words

Buddhism and Christian Views on Surrogacy

Since Australia’s federation, Christianity, rather than Buddhism has had a greater influence on how contemporary society responded to bio-medical issues. Despite this, the Australian law on surrogacy more closely aligns with the beliefs of Buddhism as a consequence of the Australian populace increasingly veering away from mainstream Christian ideologies into a secular world. To understand the extent to which World religions influence the Laws of Australia, this essay will examine the controversial issue of surrogacy, the negative perspective Christianity and...
3 Pages 1255 Words

The Aspects of the Hero in S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders

Hero. This word is mentioned frequently, but what makes a person a hero? Is heroism only saving the world from villains trying to enslave the human race, or can it be a small act of kindness? Can it be both? Yes, for a hero is someone who is brave, courageous and helps others in need. In the book The Outsiders, by S. E. Hinton, Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally can be described as heroes because they are not afraid to step...
3 Pages 1250 Words
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