Today I’m here to explain and to make sure people understand a questionable topic that is constantly misunderstood in all communities. Cultural appropriation is something that many don’t understand but many do. It may be intentional at times and other know that they are doing so, but just don’t care enough to stop. First, I’m going to explain what this concept is. Cultural Appropriation is the adoption or use of practices of one culture by members of a different culture....
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Loyalty, honestly, reciprocity, integrity, and humanity are all characteristics of a diffused religion founded by Master Kong named Confucius. Confucius was a teacher and a philosopher. Although there is not much research done on his early life, researchers are certain about one thing. His teachings shaped China’s ideology. He accidentally founded this religion when he was trying to save the Zhou Dynasty. (Berling) Confucius wanted a perfect society. He determined that the only way to get a perfect society was...
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To confine is to keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits. Confines are defined as borders or boundaries of a place, especially with regard to their restricting freedom. Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. In “A Doll House by Henrick Ibsen and “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell it is determined that confines and freedoms can be those of a home, one’s self, and/or of marriage....
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Throughout the history of black American culture, the pursuit of dreams has played a pivotal role in self-fulfillment and internal development. In many ways an individual's reactions to the perceived and real obstacles barring the path to a dream define the very character of that person. This theme has been quite evident in black literary works regardless of time period or writing style. For example, in both Fences, by August Wilson, and Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale...
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Outline: Introduction of current statutes of the immigration issue in Europe Different perspectives of justice on the immigration problem Conclusion with personal review and opinion on the immigration issue The immigration issue is a recent issue that brings complicated situations to European countries. Although the EU and European countries are committed to improving European the immigration issue, the future situation is still not clear and guided. With both economic immigration and the arriving asylum immigrants, different European countries face their...
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Did Iago screw up? The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice. William Shakespeare. Iago manipulates Cassio to get him drunk and gets Roderigo to bring him into a fight. Iago has his revenge when Othello demotes Cassio of his rank because of his misbehavior. Iago decides to make Othello believe his wife is unfaithful to him. Three things that make Iago a perfect villain are: manipulation, he is “honest” to others, and his actions ultimately causing the death of...
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In literature, the way that people treat others is based solely on feelings and actions. The Odyssey is no exception to this. In Homer’s epic The Odyssey, both gods and goddesses have certain feelings and thoughts on the past actions of Odysseus and use them to decide how to treat him. Although many god to human relationships in The Odyssey exist, many gods and goddesses have different reasons to like or dislike Odysseus. In this book, gods and goddesses decide...
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Abstract Female non-smokers face a much higher risk of death from lung cancer over the last few years. Many causes explain why lung cancer rates have skyrocketed among the women non-smokers. The increase in mortality risk from lung cancer in female never-smokers can be due to causes including environmental tobacco smoke, radon(a radioactive gas found in nature in soil and rocks)asbestos, outdoor and indoor air pollution. This literature study has shown that in addition to these cases it is likely...
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Topic: Monogamy General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the history of monogamy Thesis: Monogamy is a modern phenomenon that humans have socially constructed in “recent” years. 1. Introduction a. Attention Getter: i. Does anybody here believe in soulmates – that there is only one person out there in this world who is able to get you in the way that no one else can? Think back to some of your favourite classical fairy tales: Cinderella,...
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Withholding the truth about a patient’s health, health outcomes, or treatment can be taxing for families and medical providers. Doing so could also be in direct violation of a patient’s autonomy, their right to make rational decisions and choices regarding one’s overall well-being (Vaughn, 2013, p. 71). Based on the case study provided, the decision of the doctors and patient’s family members to administer a flu shot to Mr. Simpson without his informed consent is a clear form of medical...
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Samuel Langhorne Clemens— better known as Mark Twain—, when he began studying the 16th-century history for writing The Prince and the Pauper (1881), he was immediately fascinated with the indelicacies in old English speech and court languages. That is why he decided to write 1601, to experiment with Elizabethan dialogue and to entertain his friend Joseph Twitchell1. In this essay, I am going to analyze the ways in which Mark Twain portrays the time in which his work, 1601, allegedly...
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The Odyssey by Homer and translated by Robert Fitzgerald is a complex novel pertaining the main characters complicated journey home from Troy to his throne in Ithika. The Greek gods play a big part in his long 10-year journey back home. Are they to blame for the difficult times Odysseus had to endure? It is important to remember that the Greek gods supposedly had full control over mortals like Odysseus, Telemakhos and Penelope. This entails that mortals are the Greek...
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Thomas Edison, an American inventor, and businessman, once said, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time” ( In Shakespeare's King Lear, Lear is guilty of being quick to give up on others, one of them being his daughter, Cordelia. In a similar fashion, Gloucester acts upon pride through his feelings of embarrassment toward his son, Edmund. Like all heroes in tragic stories, these characters have one...
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Throughout the history of the United States of America, Native Americans have been represented in many different ways through various media sources. In films, they are depicted as evil savages who are out for blood with a tomahawk in one hand and a scalping knife in the other. In novels, they are all put together in one monolithic body with one set of practices and beliefs. Media giants are out to do whatever they can to draw in audiences, so...
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The Faustian Bargain has not changed since the Early Modern period. The Faust character has not either. As time goes on and humans progress in society. We have adapted and accommodated ourselves, for an “easier life”. We have gained a deeper understanding of information that Doctor Faustus in the text would be intrigued in, but even so, with the knowledge and technology, we have gained since the Early Modern Period humans are curious, greedy, and hungry for power. With the...
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Argumentative Essay A butterfly flaps its wings in Chicago and a tornado occurs in Tokyo. The butterfly effect, the theory is an idea that a small change can make much bigger changes happen, that one small incident can have a big impact someday. In Greek literature, a greater part of the writing has elements of the butterfly effect theory throughout the stories. But in the realistic world, scientists do not believe anything that is not factual, provable, or visible to...
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Placing value on a person’s life is not measured by the way an individual has lived, but rather, by what the person has gained in his life. The ideas I have towards the meaning of life could be totally separate from the ideas of another. For me, there are many things that make my life worth living. Life offers many obstacles but from the love that I receive from my family and friends, I become strong enough to face them....
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Ever since Socrates made it his life mission to spread wisdom, much to Athens’ dismay, man has been perplexed with countless philosophical questions. Questions that, by nature, seem to have no distinct nor satisfying answers and as such impart feelings of discomfort and hopelessness to those who take the time to entertain them. One such question is the one that asks, “What is knowledge?”. At first glance, this seemingly innocent question might offer a false sense of confidence in one’s...
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Screeching, chanting, stomping, murderous, barbaric, savages. Portrayed in The Last of the Mohicans, A Man Called Horse, Windwalker, Cheyenne Autumn, and countless others, these are the American Indians that Hollywood has created for viewers across the country since the 1960s. In movies and novels, the same brutish men wearing colossal feathered headdresses protecting the one beautiful Native girl from their tribe, the American explorer triumphantly rescuing her and giving her what her people never could--this is how Sherman Alexie depicts...
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Assignment Question: In spite of a robust accounting system, we have seen lapses, leading to many famous corporates collapsing overnight. With reference to the Enron scandal, point out the entire case leading to the scandal and subsequent laws passed by The US congress to deal with such failures. Attempt Count: 1 Introduction: Enron`s collapse was one of the biggest collapses in the U.S. History. It shocked billions and affected the lives of thousands across the nation. Enron was considered to...
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Having a positive impact on students is what almost all teachers are committed to . They usually declare that: “I want my students get into responsible citizens. I need my students to help society in an active, involved way.” Or maybe, “I want my pupils to change the world.” But just how many teachers know how to make that happen? Can we explicitly instruct learners to change the world? Perhaps not, but we are able to teach the students about...
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George Bernard Shaw’s, chronicle, Pygmalion, is one of the festinated romantic dramatic comedies in English. Shaw’s play demonstrates and explores aspects of language in a variety of ways of social classes speaking and inequality of social status and how silliness of class. A silly Cockney flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, is a heroine character of the play who has a dream to become a florist not just a flower girl who sells flowers at Tottenham Court Road. In Shaw’s dialogue, her...
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National Geographic conducted an interview with a group of nine-year-old children to discuss how they felt about their respective genders, and what, if anything, would they change. I my initial reaction to the video was, “how could nine-year-old’s possibly have an opinion on this broad and deep topic,” to my surprise a lot of these children were very insightful. I found it very interesting on how the children’s world views seemed to be more complex depending on what culture and...
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Eating disorders are serious illnesses, which affect all kinds of people, characterized by a disturbance with one’s body image, food and weight. Examples include Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder. These disorders arise from a rejection to changes around the person, which becomes a rejection to food. These illnesses have a devastating impact and toll physically and mentally to the one affected. Eating disorders are complex and serious psychological illnesses known for disturbances with eating behaviors. There are...
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Good literature is hard to come by but Tim Gillespie’s article “Why Literature Matters” gives a great insight as to what “good literature” should be. The three short stories that I have read all demonstrate traits of “good literature”. The three short stories that will be discussed are “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner, “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver, and lastly “Revelation” by Flannery O’Connor. Although each of these short stories have different messages and meaning they all exemplify in some aspect...
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Some stories can affect people emotionally, but once in a while a story can call a person to escape to it. The Lord of the Rings is an enchanting story with masterful use of setting and sensational characters that engage readers and can move them to experience life in a deeper way. As a child, J.R.R. Tolkien lived in Africa until his father passed away. Then his mother moved them to England. Mrs. Tolkien made certain that her children learned...
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What is the difference between Darwinism and social Darwinism and there are two concepts that definitely are important in the study of European history and in the story of human history so let's take a look at the two and see what the difference is all right so let's tackle Darwinism first who was Charles Darwin well Charles Darwin grew up in Britain and he was sort of a theology student but as a young man he really enjoyed studying...
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1. Introduction 1.1 Problem Summary There is this great problem of large amount of data being produced by medical apparatus which becomes too much to handle for a human. Or in some cases, there is la ack of specialist doctor needed to examine that data in order to diagnose a disease. Medical science with the use of information technology and in particular the use of machine learning can benefit from it. Alzheimer being a neurodegenerative disease, it is hard to...
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Kate Chopin expresses her views about sexism and elements of race issues in the story “Desiree’s Baby.” Chopin shows the relationship between women and men and the attitudes men have on women. She shows this by indicating women’s actions are solely driven by men. In her stories, she reveals men are dominant while women are vulnerable and gullible. And in terms of race the difference between being black and white shows the importance in the character's lives. As Desiree and...
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Topic 2: The Meditations don’t just prove the existence of God once, but twice. What are these arguments and what is the relationship between them? In what sense is God foundational for the metaphysics Descartes elaborates in his great work? What are some objections to his view? Are they compelling? Your goal in this essay is to assess Descartes’ argument(s) for the existence of God and to arrive at your own conclusions regarding its persuasiveness. At a minimum, your essay...
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