1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

What Damage Was Caused During The Civil War

The Civil War was the bloodiest battle to occur on U.S. soil to date and its consequences lasted long after the final bullet flew. Many argue that the South after the Civil War was in a state of despair. Many establishments, homes, schools, businesses, and many lives were lost to the violence that spread through the nation. This leads many to conclude that the South, including its universities was unable to bounce back after the loss of business, infrastructure, and...
3 Pages 1302 Words

The 1960s Changed The Future For Women Today

The role of women in Canadian society changed dramatically throughout the 1960s. At the beginning of the decade, women were displayed as weak, fragile, emotional homemakers. Women who did not strive to marry were made out to be unattractive and sinful, while those who stood up for themselves, and feminism in general, were dismissed as naggers. Women were to make their best attempts at the beauty, poise, marriage, children, and a well-managed home. The aim of this essay is to...
3 Pages 1265 Words

Development Of Religion Freedom In The 1960s

Religion has played a big part in shaping the United States. It is important in many ways, bringing tradition, diversity, and sometimes peace. The 1960s was an important decade when it comes to religion. Without many events that occurred in those years, our nation would be missing much of the diversity we have today. The 1960s was the decade of religious change, when the past dominant population, Protestants, began shrinking due to other beliefs. Religion grew diverse during the 1960s,...
3 Pages 1331 Words

Human Sacrifice: Why The Aztecs Practiced This Gory Ritual

Religion, which is defined as a particular system of faith and worship, and dates back to the beginning of time, has played a major role in decision making. Throughout history, we have witnessed how religion has impacted individuals in their daily life, including major life decisions. Ranging from whom they can marry, to being able to donate their organs and such. Although the darker aspects of religion are not often displayed, religion has often been a vessel for individuals to...
3 Pages 1268 Words

Mayan Civilization: History Culture And Religion

The Maya developed land in North and Central America that we know as, “One of the most sophisticated and vibrant civilizations.” From their 365-day calendar to their advanced language, writing system, and architecture such as pyramids and burial mounds, the Maya were known for being very intelligent. They contributed many advancements to education like creating the notion of zero. They were also very religious and believed in human sacrifices. Some of the other activities that took place included rituals, aspects...
3 Pages 1339 Words

Social Life Of Canadian Women During 1920s

World War One was a depressing and horrific event that took place during the years 1914-1918. Many lives were taken over the span of the war and countless changes took place during and after the war to adapt to the situation at hand. Canada gained recognition globally after plenty of courageous acts during the war, giving them a chance to be taken seriously, and solidify themselves as an independent country. Many people had huge roles that contributed significantly to Canada...
3 Pages 1259 Words

The Civil War: Conflict Between The North And The South

The Civil War was a devastating conflict between the North and the South. The Union was a tight alliance of states, while the Confederacy was the group of Southern states that broke away from the Union and declared independence, thus rebelling and causing war with the Union. “The Confederate War” encapsulates this conflict by representing both sides, and the Confederacy in particular, with a fresh perspective. “The Confederate War” questions the stereotypes of the Confederacy and historical tropes that have...
3 Pages 1289 Words

Slavery In The 21st Century: African Americans

Imagine being treated like an object instead of a human and being forced to do things that you don’t want to do and the people that hold power won’t do anything to help you because of your skin color. “Get Out” provides a sense of imagery that slavery in America is still around in modern times and that African Americans are seen as objects rather than people. The main character, Chris, is an African American with a Caucasian girlfriend named...
3 Pages 1302 Words

The Role Of Children In The Social Structure Of Ancient Romans

Private life plays a special role in the social structure of Ancient Romans. Life, family profession, traditions, state and individual: the connection and what we call the social relationship between them can never be determined by a permanent set of relationships in which one area affects another area more or less sensibly. As in all other civilizations, ancient Romans are also sensitive about children and family life. Children are considered followers of their parents in the future. In this essay,...
3 Pages 1291 Words

Life Of Mahatma Gandhi By Louis Fischer

Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi led India's independence movement in the 1930s and 40s, facing down the British colonialists with stirring speeches and non-violent protest. As a result of this, he's often named among the 20th century's most important figures and remains revered in India as a father of the nation, so with this in mind, it is no wonder that he has appeared in many books of a biographical nature. As Louis Fischer’s 7th non-fictional book, The Life of Mahatma Gandhi...
3 Pages 1258 Words

Position And Role Of Women In The Tokugawa Shogunate Period

The shogunate and daimyos viewed the economy in simple agriculturist terms. They saw the economic system where the peasants’ role was to produce basic foods. Peasants were to give a good portion of their products in tax to support the ruling classes. Artisans used their skills to craft necessary non-food items. Finally, goods that could not be acquired through any other means could be purchased from merchants. Merchants were denied the necessary evil of the economic system. However, the Tokugawa...
3 Pages 1344 Words

The Correlation Of Language And Communication

Growing up Language is an iconic obstacle a child must conquer. A language is a tool that enables people to communicate & it is an essence of what it means to be human(Panopto Lecture). And when we address Spoken Language, it is cleaved into five different categories which are Phonology, Morphology, Semantics, Syntax, and Pragmatics(Textbook 9.1 The Road to Speech). Frankly speaking, I don’t think that many of our Parents or Teachers were even aware of these five aspects of...
3 Pages 1343 Words

Pandemics And Genetics

In this class I have really enjoyed learning about the issues in Biology. In rating the issues we have discussed in class from most important to least important I would list pandemics and genetics/cancer as my top two choices, followed by natural selection/evolution, sustainability, human population, biotechnology/GMO’s and, lastly, climate change. I chose to put pandemics at the top of my list because it is important for people to learn how a pandemic starts, spreads and the lasting effects it...
3 Pages 1327 Words

The Wonders Of AI In Genetics And Genomic Data

Artificial intelligence (AI) in its simplest definition refers to machines which have been developed to mimic human intelligence through the use of software and algorithms. AI is a broad concept encompassing analytical techniques such as machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL). These analytical aspects unlock valuable information in various fields such as genomics which will have limitless benefits: in understanding genetic disorders; developing genetic medicines; improving cancer diagnosis and treatments; and enhancing CRISPR. Arthur Samuel, a computer scientist, defined...
3 Pages 1273 Words

Genetics Genomics And Molecular Science

Clinical Description Sengers syndrome (SS) was first described by Sengers et al. (1975) and is also known as cardiomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome-10 (MTDPS10) (Calvo et al., 2012). SS is a very rare genetic disorder; approximately 59 cases have been reported to date throughout the world. SS is inherited in an autosomal-recessive manner and characterized by congenital cataracts, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, skeletal myopathy, exercise intolerance, and lactic acidosis but normal mental development. SS might present in two forms, an infant lethal...
3 Pages 1344 Words

Effect of Cetylammonium Bromide Micelles on Rosaniline Decolouration

Abstract Rosaniline hydrochloride (RH) is a triaminotriphenyl methane dye, which is widely used as biological stain, mordant, printing, in cotton tannings, and dyeing in textile industry. The reaction obeys first order kinetics with respect to RH and IO4-. The reaction is around hundred times faster in the presence of CTAB compared to aqueous medium under identical conditions. This is due to lower dielectric constant in micellar medium in which the transition state in more stabilized. The rate of the reaction...
3 Pages 1298 Words

Brahmagupta And His Contributions To Astronomy

Indian mathematics can be dated all the way back to 400 AD with intelligent mathematicians who have developed the way we solve math equations in geometry and number theory today. One of the geniuses who contributed greatly to not only mathematics but astronomy as well is Brahmagupta. A man way beyond his time, academically, whose claims in astronomy and mathematics is pondered upon by math historians and astronomers to this day. I will review his very vague early life, his...
3 Pages 1255 Words

Exciting Camping Activities: Astronomy & Stargazing

If you had to think about a family activity in which everyone could participate and enjoy, the chances are someone would put forward stargazing and astronomy. There is never a dull moment when a group of amateur astronomers looks up at the sky on a camping trip. That’s because the heavens are blazing back at their observers with electromagnetic radiation from over 5,000 stars. An exciting new activity is fast becoming one of America’s favorite pastimes: Astronomy and Stargazing. You’ll...
3 Pages 1338 Words

The Star Of The Show: Henrietta Swan Leavitt

Silent Sky, a play written by Lauren Gunderson, is a show about a young woman working in the Harvard Observatory where she is unable to fully express her genius brain due to her lack of rights as a woman in the early 1900’s. That woman is Henrietta Leavitt. Through hard work and pushing boundaries, Leavitt was able to make huge impacts in astronomy. In order to fully understand her as a character, it is important to learn fully who she...
3 Pages 1272 Words

Same-Sex Marriage In World Religions

Religion has always been an integral part of every nation, every nation or every culture. Depending on living conditions, personal conditions or direct or indirect agents, each person has a different viewpoint and religious practices. Social factors also greatly influence religious practice and the growth of religion on every believers. The day-to-day development of modern society also entails many social issues beyond the control of religious norms, such as same-sex marriage. Each religion has its own characteristics, a separate teaching...
3 Pages 1324 Words

Similarities Of Religion In India And The United States

Did you know that India is the birthplace of most customs, religions, and traditions found in the world? India is a country in South Asia, and it has one of the oldest cultures in the world. This country’s culture is known to be very intriguing with its unique arts and rituals. In India, traditions are made to celebrate cultural festivals and religious activities. These traditions have been very important for centuries and they have been passed down generation to generation....
3 Pages 1301 Words

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Christian Theology Exemplified

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is recognized as a deeply spiritual man, a Protestant Luteran pastor, a Christian thinker, theologian, and an active oppositionist of Nazism. Due to his devotion to Christian ideas, significant contribution to the modern theology, and bold resistance to the policy of Hitler, Bonhoeffer remains increasingly influential figure in the recent Christian history. Bonhoeffer was all his life consequent and diligent learner of Christian theology. At the age of 14, he announced that wanted to study theology, and at...
3 Pages 1309 Words

Violence And Buddhism

Throughout the duration of the Nanking Massacre, better known as the “Rape of Nanking,” Buddhist Japanese soldiers barbarically raped, tortured, and butchered 350,000 Chinese civilians. Nanking was brimming with rotting masses of mutilated corpses for months. One could ask, how could someone who follows Buddhism, the religion typically least associated with violence, to execute such horrendous and inhumane bloodshed? The answer is that these actions were primarily fueled by political and socio-cultural motivations that caused Buddhists to deviate from genuine...
3 Pages 1250 Words

The Meaning Of Suffering In The Buddhist Philosophical Schools

To understand the meaning of suffering through the perspective of Buddha and other Buddhist philosophers, one must first learn about the life of Buddha and how the interpretation of suffering first came to life. At first glance, people might think how the son of such a great king can even begin to comprehend the meaning of suffering or why he would leave a life where suffering was nowhere to be seen. This same life, if looked closely, will uncover some...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Typical Cult Induction Techniques Buddhism

In most cases, people are more susceptible to the influence of cults under the right conditions. Based on research, the majority of individuals are more vulnerable both when they have stress, no family relationship, when they are poor, and when they are weak emotionally (Davis, 2019). In order to gain followers, the cult uses various techniques to attract and retain their members. Some of the typical techniques used by cults include; Love-Bombing Love-bombing is in one way or the other...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Women’s Rights In Islam

Introduction Islam has women rights that have often been perceived in different ways according to different ulemas. But what remain is the specific responsibilities of men and women that are distinctive in nature and not identical, it is said that both male and female have equal rights, as both are descendants of Adam. “And for women are rights over men, similar to those of men over women.” Qur’an 2:228 Equal Reward and Accountability Both men as well as women are...
3 Pages 1256 Words

Ease And Removal Of Difficulty In Islam

Introduction Ease in Islam is what a man is prepared to do and does not bother him, because Allah charges no soul save to its capacity, that is, what it is capable of bearing; for it is what it has merited, of good and its reward, and against it is what it has earned, of evil and its burden. Removal of difficulty is the removal of what leads to hardship, and the removal is linked to the rights of God...
3 Pages 1275 Words

Development And Spread Of Islam

The spread of Islam began in 632 CE with the creation of Caliphates, the Islamic city-states led by caliphs. Caliphates had an Islamic political structure evolving into a complicated dynasty during Abbasid and Umayyad caliphates (Leghaei). Islam religion spread through military conquest, influenced by politics, greed, and religion. Following Prophet Muhammad’s death, Arabic tribes began conquering Iran, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Jerusalem, and Iraq. Military expansion was followed by the conversion into Islam. Furthermore, the spread of Islam occurred through trade,...
3 Pages 1283 Words

Islam In America: The View Of The Dilettante

Being a Russian Muslim, I was raised aware of my religion’s history, tradition and its role in my country’s upbringing. Everything, from Tsarist times, through Peter the Great’s reforms, the Imperial times, up to the emergence of the Soviet Union and its latter, rather violent transformation into the Russian Federation. My parents, my grandparents, my teachers, the books and articles I’ve read and, of course, the Russian media all made sure that I be aware of how Islam had been,...
3 Pages 1257 Words

Peculiarities Of Parenting In Islam

Introduction Islam declares marriage as a divine institution based on a sacred contract of marriage. Islam is custodian of the family system and assures protection to children. Children are born with a natural ‘predisposition for good' and a faith in one creator. They are unlikely to have a natural inclination towards evil. A child is generally not capable of initializing any wrong. When it comes to their religious faith they imitate and follow folks around them. “No child is born...
3 Pages 1254 Words
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