1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Comparing 3 Giants: Judaism, Islam, Christianity

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are considered the three greatest Abrahamic religions. When considering the vast differences between each of their core beliefs, significant prophets, and their doctrine, their similarities seem insignificant in comparison. Though their differences are often stressed in todayā€™s societies, their similarities should not come as a shock seen as they all stem from the same patriarch, Abraham. Looking at the worldā€™s fastest growing religion, the world's most hated religion, and the world's largest religion, their similarities almost...
3 Pages 1259 Words

The Core Values Of The Abrahamic Faiths: Judaism, Christianity, And Islam

The Abrahamic faiths of the twenty-first century in America include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These monotheist traditions were all born in the Middle East and have slowly intertwined with one another throughout history all the way up to the twenty-first century. When Abrahamic faiths were first conceived into the world, the traditional values, morals and practices have radically changed throughout time and they have adjusted to what society deems to be acceptable in the twenty-first century. Starting with the oldest...
3 Pages 1330 Words

The Streams Of Spirituality In Christian Tradition

There are many streams of spirituality in the Christian tradition each of these has a slightly different emphasis and all offer ways to more deeply live oneā€™s commitment to God. For example, the Franciscan way emphasizes poverty and simplicity and the Benedictine, the rhythm of life and obedience. Ignatian spirituality emphasizes finding God in all the aspects of our daily lives experience, it is all about finding God. All these spiritualities harmonize with different sacraments, all having a different form...
3 Pages 1326 Words

Christianity As A Safety Blanket For Society

Christianity is a 2000-year-old religion that originated in the 1st century. It is based on the teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus is believed to be the son of God that came back to save the world. He is also believed to be returning, which is known as the second coming. Christianity is a monotheistic religion, which means they only believe that there is one God. God is believed to be omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. Since Christians believe...
3 Pages 1278 Words

Do Or Die Strategies For Sports Clubs And Teams

One Premier League club owner, when asked about innovation, said on stage, ā€œOur fans are not interested in innovation; they want us to win, and personally, Iā€™m old school. Love the game as it is doesnā€™t changeā€¦ā€. Sound familiar? Digital Transformation in the world of sports In the last 4 years, we have personally met over 100 professional clubs and teams and worked very closely with some of them in realizing digital transformation and innovation. Most sports clubs are saying...
3 Pages 1266 Words

Philippines: Investing In Science And Technology

On the 11th of March, 2020 the World Health Organization or WHO announced the declaration of COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic. Living in this current situation that demands beyond our total human capacity in terms of health care responses need to have more attention and focus for the shared common good of all. With that, we should consider investing and venture more in the continuous sprouting of new developments on Science and Technology. As the country, the Philippines, is now...
3 Pages 1263 Words

The Philosophy Of Science

'Describe and understand how science works within a wide range of sciences. This does not have to include every kind of science. But it had better not be confined to a single branch of a single science, for such an understanding would add little to what scientists working in that area already know' (Forster, 2004). It is concerned with all the assumptions, foundations, methods, implications of science, and with the use and feature of science. This is meant to be...
3 Pages 1328 Words

Religion: Business, Manipulation And Conspiracy

By definition, anything that exerts influence over an individual or a group of people either cleverly or unscrupulously is a manipulative tool. Parents, for example, cleverly manipulate their kids to behave well by promising to reward them with gifts and mouth-watering treats afterward. Bosses at work, on the other hand, unscrupulously manipulate their juniors by installing intimidating surveillance cameras, formulating draconian rules, and effecting dreadful punishments. Those two scenarios perfectly describe what religion does to those who follow it blindly....
3 Pages 1304 Words

The Formation And Development Of Religion In The 1960s

Religion has been huge when it comes to shaping our nation. It brings tradition, differences, and occasional peace. When it comes to religion, the 1960s was an important decade. If many events in those years had not happened, our nation would not have the diversity people have right now. This decade was when religion started to drastically change, when Protestantism, which was extremely popular back then, began shrinking due to other beliefs. Religion grew diverse during the 1960s, but before,...
3 Pages 1272 Words

Social Responsibilities Of Science And Scientists

The problem of responsibility of a scientist to society is complex and diverse. It consists of a considerable number of factors and is closely intertwined with the broader problem of ethical and moral aspects of science. A scientist is expected to be extremely demanding to the reliability of the data, to use a scientific approach of the analysis and provide a solid validity of the conclusions he makes. Scientists bare social and moral responsibilities; this implies that their work benefits...
3 Pages 1322 Words

Science And Religion

When teaching the high school science curriculum, is mentioning Creationism an accurate act when teaching the topics of evolution and Big Bang as the life of origin? Or how should a teacher arrange the depth of this discussion in a classroom? We will be looking for answers today, right here at the Educational Professionals. According to study conducted by Emma Rowe, a senior lecturer at Deakin University, nearly thirty percent of all Australian schools and ninety four percent of private...
3 Pages 1263 Words

God: The Concept Of Faith

Faith is defined as an unquestioning belief that does not require proof for existence. It demands an unwavering trust in something not tangible. In the film, ā€œGodā€™s Not Dead,ā€ Joshā€™s faith in God allows him to accomplish a task near impossible. After Professor Radisson requests that each student signs off that they believe God is dead, Josh refuses, believing instead that this is God commanding him to share His word. It goes without doubt that faith and religion go hand...
3 Pages 1287 Words

Essay on Dementia

In this essay I will use the Rolfeā€™s Reflective Model (Rolfe et al. 2001), which by asking three question what, so what, then what, will help me to self-reflect on my nursing practise. I will also focus on using 3Cs from the 6Cs framework launched by Department of Health in 2012 (Baillie, 2017), as they are essential in nurses work. The 3 Cā€™s which chose to focus on are communication, care and compassion .The 6Cs are the values which empower...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Fear, Stress, and Doubt in The Crucible

Introduction "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller is a dramatic portrayal of the Salem witch trials, which occurred in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. This play serves as a powerful allegory for the socio-political climate of 1950s America, notably the Red Scare and McCarthyism. Central to both the historical and allegorical narratives are the factors of fear, stress, and doubt, which pervade the community of Salem, leading to catastrophic outcomes. Understanding these elements within the context of the play not...
3 Pages 1282 Words

Honesty In Stoicism

Stoicism is a sect of philosophy about overcoming emotions and their irrationality. In William Shakespeareā€™s play Julius Caesar, the character Brutus displays obvious traits of a Stoic. The philosophy of Stoicism was popular for 400 years in ancient Greece and Rome, so it was not odd for Brutus to follow it. In the play, there is a conspiracy to assassinate Caesar which his friends, Brutus and Cassius, follow through with and succeed in but, the battles between Brutus, Cassius, and...
3 Pages 1283 Words

Characterization Of The Clergy: Chaucerā€™s View Of The Church

Everyone has their own opinion about religion and the church. In various pieces of literature, the author may choose to express their opinion by directly stating it, or they may offer it to the reader between the lines. Geoffrey Chaucer takes the latter approach by showing his view of the church through characterization of the clergy in the Canterbury Tales. The characters of the clergy that Chaucer focuses on to portray his opinions are the Prioress, Monk, and Friar. These...
3 Pages 1273 Words

Carbon Footprint of Hydrogen vs Electric Vehicles with Greet Model

Functional Comparison Researchers, environmentalists, and vehicle owners, among others, are keen on knowing if EVs produce less GHG emissions or have smaller carbon footprint than ICEVs. Disclosure of relevant data by vehicle manufacturers to the public like the LCA models and standards adopted as well as methods of data collection and analysis is vital for comparison of the vehiclesā€™ PCF. Many environmental reports, especially for those from manufacturers, emphasize the environmental impact of their products in the consumption phase, as...
3 Pages 1331 Words

Self Reflection: Leadership Development And Team Building

The leadership development and team building course has taught me a lot about how to be a leader, how to manage my time, and how to use these tools in my personal life as well. In this paper I will reflect on learning about the Platoā€™s theory of whom should be leaders, and how women play a huge role in leadership. I also will reflect on the immense amount of information I learned as to why it is so important...
3 Pages 1333 Words

Greed in the Pearl Essay

The pearl is a dream; it simply reflects what we deeply desire. It reflected what Kino desperately craved. I will be discussing kinos different perceptions throughout the novel, and how he slowly became corrupted by the pearl, which led to his moral downfall. My first argument would be how the doctor caused Kino to rethink his perceptions of the world, and how the doctor widened his perceptive in a debased way. My second argument would be how Kinos perceptions of...
3 Pages 1264 Words

Views On Euthanasia In Christianity And Hinduism

Euthanasia, or assisted dying, is one of the most debated ideas globaly with many views for and against the motion. Euthanasia is the painless killing of a patient who is suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. There has been a variety of films made about euthanasia, one of these being the 2016 film, Me Before You. Me Before You is a film which looks at the decision process around Euthansia from the view of...
3 Pages 1346 Words

The Evolution And Formation Factors Of English Language

The Norman Conquest of 1066 had the greatest effect of the various subsystems of the English Language, leaving a fair amount of French influence in the English Language due to the following reasons. First and foremost, the French Language was responsible for simplifying the originally complex grammar structure of Old English. Furthermore, the English lexicon was directly influenced by French, implementing more vocabulary and changing the English lexicon altogether. Supported by the fact that the French Language was primarily the...
3 Pages 1295 Words

Semiotics in Films: Theory, Functions and Examples

Introduction Storytelling in modern cinema aims to achieve a beautiful visual display of colour, sets, wardrobe and so on. In most cases, these few props, wardrobe or setting can have deeper meanings, or ā€œsymbolsā€. With the greater understanding of semiotics, modern cinema has evolved from just storytelling, to making use of more items (clothing, props, setting, etc) to add symbolistic meaning to the story and/or to modern times. Semiotics can be a great way to engage the audience into oneā€™s...
3 Pages 1261 Words

Personal Growth And Environment In Tracks And Into The Wild

Robyn Davidsonā€™s Tracks and Sean Pennā€™s Into the Wild present the natural world as a liberating way for individuals to free themselves from the constraints of society. Both journeys of the protagonists show that, while the wilderness is capable of frayed emotional states, it is also inherently challenging and potentially deadly. While both Robyn Davidson and Christopher McCandless each have idealised notions of what the wilderness might bring them, Davison and Penn ultimately show that heading into the wilderness with...
3 Pages 1289 Words

Conservation Of Energy For A Better Future

'Energy,' which includes physical movements such as moving something from one place to another, warming something, or lighting something, can also be explained. There are many forms of energy such as heat, kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy, electrical energy, or several other types. In our everyday lives, we use energy in various forms and cannot imagine about surviving without it. We use energy to illuminate our residences and also for street lighting, to be sufficient to activate machinery...
3 Pages 1316 Words

The History Of Swimming

The history of swimming is only 200 years old. Man has always wanted to imitate fish in water. The city of Boston, Massachusetts, USA is a pioneer in the modern era of this sport, when on July 23, 1827 he founded the first school of this aquatic discipline. This academy arises jointly with the National Swimming Society, founded in London in 1837, the first governing organization of this sport in the world. Two years later, in 1869, the Metropolitan Swimming...
3 Pages 1333 Words

The Role Of Woman In A Doll's House

Henrick Ibsenā€™s ā€œA Doll Houseā€ tells a story of women's roles in society and their suppressed individuality in the 19th century. The author explores social convention in roles of woman and reflection upon relationships. Henrick Ibsenā€™s title ā€œA Doll Houseā€ has a significant representation to convey Nora Helmer and her image. She is conceived as a subservient, easy to handle and under control by her husband Torvald. Nora is depicted as a lovely doll in a lovely house that Torvald...
3 Pages 1299 Words

The Role Of Pediatrician In Modern Society

Pediatricians are highly experienced doctors who manage the health and well being of all individuals aged 21 years old or younger. They are trained to diagnose and treat infant illnesses, from minor to severe sickness. Pediatricians are an important asset to children's overall health as they grow and develop. They motivate children to live long and healthy lives while improving illnesses that develop in the early years. To become a pediatrician, each pediatric field has a distinct routine, study requirements,...
3 Pages 1338 Words

Reading Comprehension Strategies For Science

In a study by Shore, Ray, and Gooklasian (2012), they compared traditional vocabulary learning techniques with two strategies that are more constructive and interactive, drawing pictures and talking about the definitions of the terms and the impact on reading comprehension. ā€œBecause understanding terms and definitions is a first step in learning science, we hypothesize that the inability to grasp content vocabulary could create a barrier to further understanding of science concepts.ā€ (Shore, R., Ray, J., & Gooklasian, P. 2015). The...
3 Pages 1276 Words

The Characteristics Of College Athletics And Academics

Money is the root of all evil. While this may seem be an extreme explanation and perhaps a bit of an over exaggeration, in many ways, this verse defines the issues plaguing modern day college athletics. In fact, the prioritization of money in college athletics is not a recent epidemic; its roots have been placed in college sports since its inception. As even during the first ever college athletics event in 1852, a boat race between Harvard and Yale, the...
3 Pages 1303 Words

Heart Attack Detection By Heartbeat Sensing Using Internet Of Things

Abstract We all know that heart attacks can kill your life in 3 attempts, but now a day can even be dangerous on the first try. If we regularly monitor our health on a daily basis, we can detect so many different diseases by detecting them previously, Life is precious. Many people among us lose their lives due to heart attacks. This is due to their diet, age, less physical activity and many other factors. The heart attack is not...
3 Pages 1306 Words
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