1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Theme Of Betrayal In Hamlet Essay

William Shakespeare is one of the most influential writers of his time. His ability to make a connection to the real world through the themes of his plays, is what makes him a master of literature. Throughout many of William Shakespeare's plays there is a strong theme of betrayal. Characters often manipulate and take advantage of others. Characters start to break relationships and become more independent after betrayal has taken place in the plays. After a character has been betrayed...
3 Pages 1261 Words

The Purpose Of Salt

Mark Kurlansky, author of Salt: A World History, once claimed “salt is so common, so easy to obtain, and so inexpensive that we have forgotten that
salt was one of the most sought-after commodities in human history.” Rather than going through what salt is today, Kurlansky decides to recall the history of salt. The book cites the different events that occurred because of salt, and it cites the different things that people used salt for. Salt was also the basis of...
3 Pages 1266 Words

How The Bubonic Plague Lead To Protestant Reformation

The Bubonic plague was an extremely infectious illness that became wide spread across Europe and Asia. The plague was an enzootic disease that was transmitted from a flea that was previously attached to some type of rodent, usually a rat, to humans. At the time, the sudden illness and immediate death that followed soon after was unexplained because there wasn’t a way for society to get a medical explanation. Because of the lack of knowledge, people believed this was the...
3 Pages 1279 Words

The Peculiarities Of Space Exploration In UAE

In the past, The human who dreamt of becoming an astronaut can not achieve his dream, because there are no missiles or machines. Nowadays, with advanced technology, this dream is achievable. His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan said that the goal of the UAE is a great goal. Which is that the UAE will enter the space industry sector and benefit from space technology. The UAE is among the major countries in the field of space science. The...
3 Pages 1302 Words

Gene Mutation In Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias (CDH)

A Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia is a birth defect that causes a tear in the diaphragm that pushes abdominal organs into the chest cavity, therefore, preventing proper lung development. CDH occurs in one out of 3,000 live births, and has a high mortality and morbidity rate (POBER 2007), with survivors requiring high technology-driven interventional perinatal care (STOLAR 2012) in tertiary or quaternary neonatal intensive care units. 40% of CDH patients have multiple anomalies in addition to CDH, but as many as...
3 Pages 1336 Words

DNA Extraction And Electrophoresis

DNA is composed of three parts- a phosphate group, a 5-carbon (pentose) sugar called deoxyribose, and a nitrogenous base. In DNA, there are four kinds of nitrogenous bases. These bases are called adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). DNA is a negatively charged particle, and its negative charge comes from the phosphate component. “The backbone of DNA is formed by sugar- phosphate- sugar chain. Phosphate groups in the DNA backbone carry negatively-charged oxygen molecules giving the phosphate-sugar...
3 Pages 1331 Words

Letter From Birmingham Jail And Civil Rights Movement

The Civil Rights Movement did not suddenly appear out of nowhere in the twentieth century. The efforts to improve the quality of life for African Americans are as old as the United States. However, it was until the year of the 1960s, a nonviolent approach by Martin Luther King, Jr. had awakened the conscience of Americans both black and white about a world where” All men are equal” and be treated fairly. In Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter, written to...
3 Pages 1338 Words

Friedrich Nietzsche And John Stuart Mill Views on Happiness

Friedrich Nietzsche and John Stuart Mill were two ancient philosophers. Their theories led to two of the greatest philosophical views in society. Nietzsche’s theory focuses on human well-being and the good life. He believes that each individual should live their life by accepting the idea that we should not be afraid to live our lives. In his theory, he emphasizes that humans do what they do because they seek survival, power, and meaning. Nietzsche believed the morality of an action...
3 Pages 1316 Words

The Flames Of Forgiveness In The Film Smoke Signals

The movie, Smoke Signals, written by Sherman Alexie and directed by Chris Eyre and produced in 1998. This film begins on July 4, 1976 on the Coeur d’ Alene Reservation. This movie has a variety amount of metaphors and themes spread throughout the movie. The themes consisted within this film are forgiveness, the importance of friendship, the danger of alcoholism, handling family conflicts, and fire being a huge metaphor/symbol in this movie as well. But the one theme that draws...
3 Pages 1312 Words

Bilingualism Relation To Identity

Being human being communicative, interestingly, language reveals much more what we speak out, not only a means of communication. Simultaneously, language also develops to meet the need of communication of people. Therefore, it can be stated that your language can reveal many things about your identity. Bilingualism and biculturalism are intertwined terms that have influenced the social model of modern society. While bilingualism helps us keep our native language intact, biculturalism reminds of our true roots and background. In a...
3 Pages 1342 Words

The Causes And Effects Of Vaccine Hesitancy

Every year, the World Health Organization lists their top ten threats to world health. In 2019, the WHO yearly list included air pollution and climate change, noncommunicable diseases, influenza, antimicrobial resistance, and vaccine hesitancy (Ten health issues WHO will tackle this year).Vaccine hesitancy is defined as “a delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccination services” (The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health). The beliefs behind vaccine opposition are that vaccines are infective, vaccination is a patriarchal, governmental...
3 Pages 1340 Words

The Peculiarities Of Hubble Space Telescope

Abstract In this era of technology, there are different telescopes that fulfill the desire to see the distant objects such as stars and galaxies. Among all, the Hubble space telescope is the prestigious telescopes. Hubble is launched in the outer orbit of Earth's atmosphere which allows it to take extremely high-resolution images. Although the telescope is larger in size and heavy in weight, it travels with higher speed around the Earth at about 5 miles per second. In the frequency...
3 Pages 1325 Words

The Roles Of Culture & Biology In Language Acquisition

INTRODUCTION ‘Nature versus nurture’ has been debated around countless dining tables for generations. Some blame the father for the son’s deeds; others remark that apples don’t fall far from trees. The field of linguistics has not been exempt from such discussions. In fact, between the rationalist’s language of the mind and the empiricist’s call for real life, socio-cultural evidence, we could say the topic is central to linguistic studies: how do we, as humans, acquire and use language? Is it...
3 Pages 1311 Words

Banking: Private And Public Sector

What is Banking? Banking can be characterized as the business movement of tolerating and defending cash possessed by different people and elements, and afterward loaning out this cash so as to procure a benefit. Nonetheless, with the progression of time, the exercises secured by banking business have broadened and now different administrations are likewise offered by banks. The financial administrations nowadays incorporate issuance of charge and Visas, giving safe guardianship of significant things, storage spaces, and ATM administrations and online...
3 Pages 1340 Words

Theme Of Social Expectations in A Streetcar Named Desire

Tennessee Williams was a profound author of the play, A Streetcar Named Desire. He portrayed a realistic outlook on the standard New Orleans life, in which both gender roles and social expectations defined the way world functions. With the everchanging roles that one has, the position one is in will never be the same as the one that they last stood in. This can be vividly shown through one character named Stella, whom struggles between decisions that she is forced...
3 Pages 1347 Words

Hydrogen Adsorption in ZSM-5 Zeolite with Molecular Dynamics

Abstract Hydrogen energy has a great potential to become one of the clean energies of the future. The current use of hydrogen gas as an energy source still has problems, namely in the distribution and storage system. One solution to overcome these problems is to use the adsorption method. Zeolite material is considered to be a good material to be used as a storage medium for hydrogen gas. Experimental research generally still requires a fairly high cost. Therefore, we need...
3 Pages 1264 Words

Psychological Research in Criminal Justice

The Criminal Justice System is a set of legal and social organisations which implement the criminal law by obeying rules and regulations. Psychological research has affected the criminal justice system in different ways and this essay is designed to understand the effect it has had upon the interview process (Day & Marion, 2019). The interview is an important method used by the police in order to gather information from individuals as it forms a foundation for all investigations. Psychologists have...
3 Pages 1259 Words

Identifying Blueberries With DNA Barcoding

Introduction The question of how to define what a species is has been a contentious issue for as long as the concept has been around. Even without a consensus on definitions the idea of a species is fundamental to all fields of biology, especially so with evolutionary biology. The term “I know it when I see it” can be a good way to define a species, however, while historically morphology has been used to classify organisms into species, mimicry as...
3 Pages 1317 Words

Effects Of Single Parenting On Youngsters

For a long time, kids experiencing childhood in a single parent family have been seen in various cases. Being raised by just one parent appears to be difficult to numerous yet throughout the decades it has turned out to be increasingly predominant. In the present society numerous kids have grown up to turn out to be genuinely steady and effective whether they had a couple of guardians to show them the rough way that life gives to every single person....
3 Pages 1346 Words

Catechol Oxidase: Enzyme Activity, Inhibition, Temperature

Introduction Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts which accelerate many biological chemical reactions (Funk and Wagnalls 2018), making them an important staple in linking metabolic networks (Chiu et al. 2006) as well as many biological processes. Thus, it is important to have a fundamental understanding of enzymes and their reactions with substrates, including measuring their activity based on the factors of inhibition and temperature. In this experiment, the enzyme catechol oxidase catalyzes the substrates of catechol and oxygen to...
3 Pages 1317 Words

Critical Theory: Definition And Peculiarities

To be able to understand the rationale behind the critical theory, the first question we need to answer is what makes a theory critical. As it is shown in Figure 1, a theory becomes a critical theory when it is explanatory, practical and normative. Horkheimer (2002) stated that the theory should explain the existing social problems, offer practical solutions to respond to them in line with the norms of criticism put forward by the field. He (2002) also stated that...
3 Pages 1336 Words

Peculiarities Of Fairness In BBR

In this section, we would be reviewing about 6 papers published by academia each trying to find the root cause of unfairness in BBR by either experimental or theoretical studies. And, in the end, we would be analyzing one of google's update identifying the root cause and a proposal for a refined BBR version development. M. Hock et al. published a paper in 2017 [2], which pointed out that the BBR protocol would be suitable for single flows rather than...
3 Pages 1250 Words

The Balance Between Flexible Labor Forms And Employee’s Security

There is a consistent pattern that if you have more flexible terms of work, then you are less secure. And this is the problem in nowadays world. Employers want to attract employees with such new types of “flexible contracts”, and employees agree because they can work almost as they like, but they all forget about social security. As for now, we need to find a way how to find that perfect balance between flexible work forms and employee’s security. Flexible...
3 Pages 1276 Words

Forgiveness in the Kite Runner

Khaled Hosseini’s novel, The Kite Runner, revolves around the life of the protagonist, Amir, who seeks forgiveness and redemption—alongside other major characters. These matters become a recurring theme that makes up much of the novel’s plot. It can first be seen in Amir’s early childhood. He is consumed by guilt and further tortured by it throughout his adolescence and adulthood. At first, he has no intent of redeeming himself or forgiving himself and believes his punishment is to live with...
3 Pages 1343 Words

Attitudes Towards Adultery In Hinduism And Judaism

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, adultery is described as “voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than that person’s current spouse or partner”. The act of adultery has existed from the beginning of human civilization in different forms and in different societies and religions. There might be a slight modification and understanding regarding the definition of adultery in each religion, but every culture treats adultery as a sin. Similarly, Judaism and Hinduism treat adultery as a hateful...
3 Pages 1294 Words

A Nurse I Am: What You Should Know

The first thing we should do as a nurse is getting to know our patients. We need to know their name and they need to know our names. We need to know their condition and if they are sensitive, quiet, or outgoing. We need to get to know our patients so they can be comfortable around us and tell us the things going on with them. We need to know their mental condition and their physical condition. As a nurse...
3 Pages 1252 Words

The History Of Church Corruption

“Power doesn’t corrupt people, people corrupt power” (“William Gaddis Quotes.” 1). When Rome fell in 476 AD, the Catholic Church became the most powerful department in all of Europe. By the time the Middle ages came around, the church had taken over physically and politically. Even to this day, the corruption of the church still taints the eyes of the world. Ultimately leading to its demise, the Catholic church’s once solid beliefs crumbled through corruption, power struggle, and heresy, ultimately...
3 Pages 1303 Words

Which Gender’s Cell Phone Has More Bacteria?

Since the invention of mobile cell phones, people have been carrying them wherever they go and using them for long periods of time throughout the day. Today’s cell phones can do everything from making a phone call across the world, to searching the internet and taking high definition photographs of anything in sight. Cell phones also have applications that people do want to close out of, like video games and social media. On average, an American spends four hours on...
3 Pages 1253 Words

The Consequences Of Growing Up Homeless

Georges is a boy from the Centrepoint Homeless Shelter who has a story to tell. He had always had a fine life with his mother, except for the days she beat him. One day he has enough of it, so he left, spending several nights on the street in the middle of November in only a t-shirt and jeans. Through all the stress of living with his girlfriend and friends, he started going through a bad depression, and blamed himself...
3 Pages 1268 Words

The Bachelor And Regressive Gender Expectations

Reality television claims to provide a window into some people’s lives as they experience purportedly unfiltered events. The early 2000s saw the emergence of a new subgenre of reality television in that pitted contestants against each other (O’Donnell, p. 170). By appealing to innate feelings of success, rejection, and aggressive behavior, competitive reality television experiences continued success. Romance reality television, where the celebrated prize is life-long love, particularly dominate the reality television genre. The Bachelor (ABC, 2002) featured several female...
3 Pages 1302 Words
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