A famous quote by Martin Luther King Jr. says, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that” (King qt. in Mindock). King demonstrated this quote in his daily life while fighting for civil rights. He believed that kindness had a greater impact than being contentious. King was a very important and influential leader in the American civil rights movement. Martin Luther King Jr. made a great impact on...
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It is normal for one to be anxious before and after undergoing a serious medical procedure or receiving a life-altering medical diagnosis. But, these feelings should not have the power to affect the outcomes of these events, right? As it turns out, they very well might. Patients who come out of surgery with depression or anxiety may often require additional care, longer rehab, and have more complications during their recovery. Studies that have been recently conducted have been able to...
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The definition of personality or self is a concept that has generated many theories. How does one truly describe or measure personality? Psychoanalysis is one of the methods used to investigate the mind by using therapy as a technique to bring to surface dormant or unconscious thoughts, urges, and feelings that ultimately lead to our behavior and shape our personalities. Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler both had their own theories on personality with similarities and differences in their approach. Freud’s...
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The world around us is dark, a dark place, with dark humans and dark lives. Some might say this is a fact, but others say the world is good, a good place, with good humans and good lives. In the stories Lord of the Flies, and “The Most Dangerous Game”, this contrastive opinion is evident. Lord of the Flies is a novel about a group of young, English boys who crash on an abandoned island left to survive. While this...
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INTRODUCTION Sexual harassment and assault are widespread issues. They cause limitations to people’s lives, cause pain and impact communities and society. Sexual harassment and assault cause a significant problem, especially for women. Women with disabilities are more likely to be the victims than women without disabilities to report experiencing assault. Men in socially narrowed groups are more likely to experience sexual harassment and assault than other men. Sexual harassment incidents begin often in a younger age group people. It takes...
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1315 Words
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Most people usually would say yes to my question. Why is that? Why do individuals that are more for versed in LGBTQ(+) rights community or equality would usually agree to with this type of question. The Equality Act 2010 states,” You mustn't be discriminated against because you're gay, lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual. This is called discrimination because of sexual orientation. Discrimination which is against the Equality Act is unlawful.” This law depicts that sexual orientation is somehow linked with equality,...
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1279 Words
The topic of suicide and physician-assisted suicide has been one of the most polarized and debated topics in philosophy for hundreds of years. Suicide is such an important subject of philosophy because of how it can reveal the most important differences in similar moral systems. A philosophical examination of suicide is extremely important to conduct due to how negatively physician-assisted suicide is seen in the United States. In America, only nine states have legalized physician-assisted suicide. By examining the moral...
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1323 Words
“Men are punished by their sins, not for them.” - Elbert Hubbard[HK]. Punishment is always caused by one’s sins whether that be public disgrace or being punished by their own conscience [BRG]. In Hawthorne’s classic, The Scarlet Letter, several characters receive punishment, both just and unjust, for their sins [TH]. Hester receives punishment both publicly and privately, Dimmesdale receives punishment by keeping his sin private, and Chillingworth receives punishment by seeking revenge for Dimmesdale’s sin against him [OS]. Hester receives...
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1299 Words
In Cold Blood takes place in a small town in Holcomb, Kansas during the year 1959. Truman Capote, the author, writes about a seemingly random cold blooded murdering, which during this time period, was not a very common subject to write about. The book starts by describing four members of the Clutter family’s last day of living. It then introduces Perry Smith and Dick Hickock as the two murderers. The news of the murderings spread like wildfire throughout Holcomb. The...
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In Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, Oedipus, the honorable and esteemed king of Thebes, bringssuffering upon his people through his unwitting murder of his father. In an ironic sense, Oedipus Rex serves as a precedent for tragic works such as The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Willams and Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, where the well intentioned actions of a singular character precipitate catastrophic events. The characters Amanda in The Glass Menagerie and Mattie in Ethan Frome unwittingly function as instruments of the...
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1300 Words
For many years, women have been the “submissive” gender and the minority, while men have been the more dominant gender. Women used to stay home to take care of the children and the house, while men were the ones who worked. Women did not have many rights back then; some could even say barely any. They could be abused by their partner and they could easily get away with it. Fortunately, things have improved gradually over time, for the better....
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1292 Words
In the civil war between the North and South, Frederick Douglass was not a soldier or a politician, but he is a major figure. In the abolition movement, he was known to be the leader and an early champion for women’s rights. Douglass was born in talbot county, Maryland. He kept the idea that this was a war not just to bring the nation back together, but it is a war to end the awful system, of slavery. He wanted...
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“The abuser’s desire to abuse is not created by the child, it is there before the child appears”. This great phrase was spoken by Carolyn Ainscough author of ‘Help for Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. Generally, the term ‘abuse’ is surrounded by intentional acts which result in physical, mental or emotional harm to the children and it is awful that children are abused mostly by their parents or the person who is legally responsible for his or her care and...
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1344 Words
The History Confucianism is a philosophy that was developed by the social philosopher Master Kong (Confucius) in the year 551 - BC, whose teachings have deeply impacted East Asia. In fact, the fundamental principles of Confucianism began before the birth of the Zhou Dynasty. At that time, the idea of respect and the wellbeing was prevalent. These ideas united the people and helped prevent rebellion. Confucius believed that his philosophy was the way towards more civil society and a better...
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1264 Words
Renaissance, which literally implies revival or reawakening, is the title of a Europe-wide motion that has shut down medieval trame and conferences and liberated everyone in existence and culture. The change from celestial to human existence took place. The Renaissance person on which he assessed and gaged everything, richness, understanding and strength of understanding were the touchstones. Individualism and worldliness were the primary elements of this fresh concept. Although all authors of the subsequent part of Elizabeth's time—-in poems, theater,...
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1286 Words
In the U.S slavery has grown to be a huge economic value and has changed more than we all want to realize because even though it is illegal it happens every single day right under our noses. Although it started at the ancestors of African Americans it did not end there after laws were passed, but instead became an equal opportunity for all races, genders, and ethnicities. Slavery is no longer owning someone or having them as a piece of...
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1289 Words
Throughout middle school and high school years, one of the most important things to many people is fitting in or being popular. Many people change themselves to fit the trends and fads that shift every few months. The focus on popularity and trends restricts individuals from being individuals and creates a society of clones. Fitting in is so important to teens and adults, that it doesn’t allow people to become the individuals they are; being independent from these things will...
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1266 Words
Throughout Europe, a form a punishment known as torture, grew due to the expansion of knowledge and negatively affected European society. In a simple way, torture was a common form a punishment that was used on victims of crimes. European courts saw this idea as a great idea to use on crimes. It could make making decisions easier to decide whether the victim is guilty or not and if the rank of the crime is torture worthy. Another cause of...
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1313 Words
Throughout this essay, I will discuss the presentation of Juliet in Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet.” I will firstly discuss Juliet’s character traits, secondly her relationship with other characters, and finally, examine how Juliet’s character has changed throughout the play? In act 2 scene 2, after meeting Romeo at the Capulet ball, Juliet seems to be cautious before she falls in love with Romeo. The repetition of Romeo’s name, “O Romeo, Romeo”, with the constant caesura shows her wonder of...
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1316 Words
INTRODUCTION An American entrepreneur, designer and co-founder of Apple Company Steve Jobs brought an evolution in technology in the past few years. He was born in February 24, 1955 in San Francisco and was an adopted child of Paul and Clara Jobs and his sister, Patti was also adopted later on. As being a smart kid of the family, he graduated from Homestead High school in Cupertino, California, in 1972. After High School, he joined Reed College for one semester...
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1320 Words
Based on the theory of the Panopticon by Michel Foucault, this essay considers the view that the existence of power is intrinsically linked to the existence of resistance to it, with his idea being true for power within the media as well. I argue that power is part of the function of the media as it is for any institution and therefore there will always be some form of resistance such as unplugging movements or Edward Snowden’s actions against the...
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1266 Words
Stress is a common problem in the modern world, it is a problem that most people face on a daily basis. The definition of stress can vary, psychologists define stress “as any uncomfortable, emotional experience accompanied by predictable biochemical, physiological and behavior change.” Stress can be defer depending on an individual, stress can be beneficial as one may take it for motivation however, too much stress can be harmful to our health. In this essay, I will be looking at...
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1296 Words
“Boys and Girls” by Alice Murno is a coming of age story about gender roles, the narrator tells us about her life as a child on a farm and how she discovered that her role on the farm as she grows up. She describes the various roles on the fox farm that varies between her and her young brother. In order to covey this coming of age story, Munro used literary devices like symbolism, tone, foreshadowing. “Boys and Girls” is...
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1312 Words
Outfits are unmistakable attire worn by individuals from a similar association or by kids going to a similar school. It's having a similar structure, way, or degree. In spite of the fact that school regalia can't stop every social issue, making school garbs obligatory in every single instructive foundation have various huge impacts. It breaks hindrances between understudies, limits costs for families, is less tedious for understudies, improves order and focus, and is valuable for ID. It breaks obstructions between...
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1330 Words
The number of individual disputes arising from day-to-day workers’ grievances or complaints has been rising across the world (ILO, 2013). Outline the causes and how these disputes can be mitigated in organisations. This essay will outline the causes of individual disputes and how these disputes can be mitigated in organizations globally. The first part of the essay will seek to outline what causes these disputes which arise from day to day workers’ grievance whereas the second part of the essay...
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1310 Words
Uniforms are distinctive clothing worn by members of the same organization or by children attending the same school. It’s having the same form, manner, or degree. Although, school uniforms cannot stop all social issues, making school uniforms mandatory in all educational institutions have a number of tremendous effects. It breaks barriers among students, minimizes expenses for families, is less time-consuming for students, improves discipline and concentration, and is useful for identification. It breaks the barriers between students. Even though students...
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1272 Words
‘The Hobbit, or There and Back Again’ is one of the most critically acclaimed pieces of literature ever produced, with over a hundred million copies sold already and more being picked off the shelves every day. The author, J. R. R. Tolkien, originally wrote The Hobbit for the amusement of his own children, as noted by Christopher Tolkien in 1937; ‘Daddy wrote it ages ago, and read it to John, Michael and me in our Winter “Reads” after tea in...
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1255 Words
“The pro-life Center for Medical Progress released last month an undercover video of Ann Schutt-Aine, director of abortion services at Planned Parenthood, Gulf Coast, admitting to using forceps to hold a fetus inside of a mother’s womb while ripping off its limbs to prevent a partial-birth abortion from taking place” (Richardson). Richardson explains a horrific story that gets spilled about Planned Parenthood. The practice of partial-birth abortion is horrifically abusive to a live human being. People have told many terrible...
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1292 Words
Introduction Andrew Marvel’s ‘To His Coy Mistress’ and Shakespeare’s ‘Sonnet 116’ address the subject matter of love but two different perspectives. As evident in the poems, the speakers perceive and speak of love differently. As ‘To His Coy Mistress’ focuses more on the seduction and sexual expression of love whereas Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116 is more about spiritual love which is platonic and goes beyond physicality. While ‘To His Coy Mistress’ is more about making the most of what we have...
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1282 Words
The immune system within a pregnancy is very complex. Being susceptible to certain infectious diseases puts a pregnant woman within a special population group with an ‘immunological’ condition that is caused by pregnancy. Although, it may bring up some challenges in making decisions in regard to treating and preventing these infectious diseases and how to approach them. For years the complexity of pregnancy and its immunology has been the center focus of complication in developing new standards with clinical implications...
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