1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Causes and Effects of Social Media Addiction

Have you ever seen someone constantly checking their phone? They may just have a social media addiction. An addiction to social media can occur when a person is on social media platforms excessively. They may begin to prefer it over actual social interaction, and they may feel uncomfortable when they are away from it. According to the website Psychology Today, “The only solutions that have been semi-reliable are cognitive behavioral therapy (talk therapy) and digital detox”. That means that there...
3 Pages 1385 Words

IBN Battuta Impact: Critical Essay

Ibn Battuta documented his travels across the Muslim world. On his travels, he detailed the governments, the splendor of the cities, and the attitudes of the people. Many people have questioned his adventures, especially history professor Ross Dunn. To begin with, Ibn Battuta was born in the year 1304 in Tangier, Morocco. He was born into a very wealthy Moroccan family of legal scholars and judges. His family had descended from the members of the Berber people of Lawata. Before...
3 Pages 1369 Words

Impact of the Watergate Scandal: Analytical Essay

In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, corruption is defined as: “dishonest or illegal behavior, especially by powerful people.” This description could not be truer to the government of the United States of America. Corruption has always been present in the Federal Government of the United States since the creation of the Constitution. Throughout history, corruption has coincided with different branches of government, from bribery of officials to the use of political power for personal gain. These acts of immorality have impacted many...
3 Pages 1357 Words

Importance of Location in 'The Great Gatsby': Critical Analysis Essay

Where You Are is Who You Are: Importance of Location in The Great Gatsby Wherever we are from plays a major role in how we act, live, and think. Although we may not think of geography as shaping our personality, it correlates a lot with our identity. From social values and political views to even how we are seen by society, geography can determine it all (Jokela et al 1). In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, it is...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Personal and Professional Goals: Narrative Essay

My Personal and Professional Development Throughout this assignment, I will illustrate my take on professionalism and cooperative work practices. I'll also go over the various ways we may interact and care for our patients, as well as the varied learning styles. Throughout this assignment, I will also be highlighting and reflecting on the communication, and care styles that I have found to be most effective for me, as well as learning styles and how they have aided and improved my...
3 Pages 1443 Words

There Is No Meaning to Life Except: What We Have in the Present

In the essay titled ‘On the Vanity of Existence’, author and philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer examines the meaning of life in accordance with the past, present and future. He comes to the conclusion that in order for us to live a meaningful life and our best life, we have to spend our time focusing on the present rather than the past or the future because they do not exist. In order for this to be true, he established two premises. One...
3 Pages 1378 Words

Rise and Fall of GDP

The article ‘The Rise and Fall of the GDP’ by John Gertner discusses how gross domestic production has been a good source of our country’s economic output, but how recently we have been disregarding that, although it puts into account our spending, imports, exports and many other factors, it has failed to put into account our well-being and prosperity as a country. GDP has been just a single data point that represented us as a country, but we need to...
3 Pages 1422 Words

Jealousy's Impact in 'Al Shak Al Qatel' and 'Othello'

‘Al Shak Al Qatel’ and ‘Othello’ are two films depicted from William Shakespeare’s play ‘Othello’. ‘Al Shak Al Qatel’ is an Egyptian television film that was released in 1954, directed by Ezz El-Dine Zulficar. While ‘Othello’ is a British television film, released in 2001 and directed by Geoffrey Sax. Both films touch upon themes, such as suspicion, jealousy, loyalty betrayal and racism. There are some similarities and differences in the way the two films represent the destructive power of jealousy...
3 Pages 1437 Words

Social Life in the Inca Civilization

The ancient American civilization with the most tightly knit society and the greatest territorial extent, was developed by the Incas of South America. The Inca Empire began with the one small kingdom of Cusco in the mountains of Peru. It started expanding territory in 1438 to cover much in South America’s west coast. The Inca Empire did not last so long, from 1438, when the Inca ruler Pachacuti and his army began conquering land, until the Spaniards came in 1532....
3 Pages 1399 Words

Ignorance vs Bliss in Studying Abstractions

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, ignorance is defined as the lack of knowledge or education. The knowledge question claims that with this lack of knowledge we are able to be confident in what we know. However, when we lack certain knowledge and attempt to gain more knowledge to fill in this gap, we are bound to fall into doubt, and this doubt merely confuses us. This leads us to question whether this statement is necessarily true in all cases. Hence,...
3 Pages 1405 Words

Reflections on My City

From birth, I have had the same address, lived in the same house, stayed in the same bedroom. My current home is the only home I have ever known and the only place I have ever truly been comfortable with. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, “among all respondents to the survey only 37% have never left their hometown” (D’vera Cohn & Rich Morin, para.10). While I have never really been exposed to anything other than my...
3 Pages 1353 Words

Feminist Critique in 'The God of Small Things'

Feminist literary criticism is described as the interpretation of composing literature from a female’s angle. Feminist writers often refuse the norms of typical literature, and they rebel against the patriarchal point of view. Feminist writers approach their literature in an empowering way to represent females. It criticizes and analyses the restraints and oppression of women throughout the years, and it portrays how women are viewed in literature. Feminist writers found themselves forbidden from composing literature in the era of the...
3 Pages 1438 Words

Johann Sebastian Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 2

Music is an infinite art, there is no limit to what one can create. Man has traced the history of music further back than 1500 BC, to the most primitive forms of human music. Art has evolved throughout the years as well, through the developments of human language and the vast new technological frontiers that we still have yet to conquer. As art evolves, the people who create art do as well. One of these great creators was Johann Sebastian...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Glucose Level Control in Patients with Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most prolific diseases in human history, claiming almost 2 million lives every year. It affects the cells’ ability to uptake glucose present in the blood to produce energy, which can lead to hyperglycemia and other co-morbidities if left untreated. Thus, the monitoring of these glucose levels is a key management strategy and is an ongoing challenge faced by people suffering from diabetes mellitus daily. The technology and knowledge necessary for this has progressed rapidly, allowing...
3 Pages 1426 Words

George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Its Warning about Totalitarianism

‘1984’ delves into a world where the all-powerful party, Ingsoc, governs the state of Oceania. The party limits free-thought and individualism with the power of newspeak, double-think, and the existence of Big Brother. The worldbuilding and general tone of George Orwell’s ‘1984’ allow darkness and pessimism to burgeon using several motifs and symbolism to paint a bleak, gray, and dystopian future comparable to today’s real world totalitarian regimes in order to warn readers about their dangers and prevalence. In ‘1984’,...
3 Pages 1374 Words

Exploring Ron Rush's Novel 'Serena' through Marxist Criticism

Generally, in industrial activity, the factors of production are needed in producing goods and services. Eyiyere argues that the factors of production are nature, labor and capital. Labor is an active resource which is one of the factors in the smoothness of a production process. Workers in their activity should be supported by good, human forms of management work so that they can work well. However, in reality, many employers exploit their workers. Exploitation of one social class by another...
3 Pages 1432 Words

Coney Island as a Symbol of What Humanity Is Capable Of

Coney Island may have more impact on America then someone might think. The 1920s was a time where America was very vulnerable as to what it would become in the future. Mainly because World War I had just ended and the Great Depression. It was a time where America would create all sorts of new inventions and make a bunch of new laws. For example, this is the time where women got the right to vote. This is also the...
3 Pages 1394 Words

Comparison of Theories of Short-Term Memory

The multi-store model of memory was proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) and is a basic model. They suggested that memory comprised of three stores: a tactile register, transient memory (STM) and long-haul memory (LTM). This is one of the theories that I will be discussing alongside the working memory theory which was introduced by Baddeley & Hitch in 1974. The working memory theory argues that the picture of short-term memory (STM) provided by the multi-store model is far too...
3 Pages 1429 Words

Civilization and Its Significance for Humanity

By definition, civilization generally relates to a complex society. In other words, we can say civilization is a group of people who are connected through various cultural aspects such as education, law, or the arts. Additionally, civilization is often characterized by the existence of polite and courteous relationships. Civilization has existed throughout humankind, evolving as humans invented new technologies, governments, and relationships this means is that a society is complex when it’s individuals live in groups of settled dwellings comprising...
3 Pages 1424 Words

Billie Holiday’s Song 'Strange Fruit'

Art works as a vehicle as a means of bringing awareness, change, and self-expression. Billie Holiday’s ‘Strange Fruit’ shed light on the maltreatment of the African American community which revolutionized the way the public perceived the issue. From cruel backlash to public appraisal, ‘Strange Fruit’ made a lasting impression. Jewish communist, Abel Meeropol, wrote ‘Strange Fruit’ under the pseudonym Lewis Allan. Meeropol was a high school teacher in the Bronx and often wrote songs, poems, and plays. He first published...
3 Pages 1437 Words

Why Was Hammurabi's Code Unjust: Argumentative Essay

Law code of Hammurabi has 282 law codes regarding revenge, faith in the gods, a sense of justice, and inequality all recorded on an 8ft tall stone tablet around 1700 BCE. The document I am analyzing was written by Leonard William King in 1915 and is titled Law Code of Hammurabi. Leonard William King was an English archaeologist who translated many historical documents including Babylonian religion and mythology, the seven tablets of Creation, and many more historic articles related to...
3 Pages 1408 Words

We Need Stricter Gun Laws: Persuasive Essay

Gun Control: Stronger Laws Needed to Prevent Loss of Life When watching the news, it’s becoming all too common to hear the phrases “active shooter” and “mass casualty”. These types of events such as school and nightclub shootings are becoming a norm and leave many questions about how and why these types of events take place. While the media broadcasts round-the-clock coverage of some of these incidents, there are many more that aren’t televised. Stronger gun control laws tend to...
3 Pages 1353 Words

Thesis Statement on Vietnam War

Hypothesis testing on the Vietnam War War… war never changes. As man developed better and more efficient ways to kill each other war has continued to plague mankind and all of its lands for millennia. Some campaigns are blatantly justified, and others are still looking for answers as to why they happened. One of these conflicts that are still highly debated throughout the United States is the Vietnam War. Officially involving the United States on November 1st, 1955, the conflict...
3 Pages 1367 Words

Civil War vs American Revolution: Compare & Contrast

Abstract: Every aspect of American politics is always connected to economics to some extent. How an economy functions and changes are integral to the start of revolutions. The interests of groups are shaped by the question of how their economic well-being will be affected, and as a result, impact the way politicians and legislators tend to themselves and the public. There was a period, prior to the passing of the Civil Rights Act, in which it was economically favorable to...
3 Pages 1411 Words

Renaissance Beauty Standards: Analytical Essay

The Female Beauty Ideal in Europe During the Renaissance Introduction The phrase “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” suggests that beauty is subjective - each person sees beauty through their own perspective. But with that being said, the way that beauty is perceived has changed throughout time and is quite influenced by society through political, economic, and cultural aspects. The Renaissance, a European era from the 1300s to the 1600s, has a very specific ideal of beauty for...
3 Pages 1380 Words

Pros and Cons of Vietnam War: Critical Essay

The Vietnam War was generally a manifestation of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and its allies and the United States (Spector, 2022). The Indochina wars and North Vietnam’s desire to unite Vietnam into a communist state after the French colonial occupation of the region are known as the causes of the conflict (Eyerman et al., 2017). On the other hand, the South Vietnamese government wanted to establish a government that was closely allied with the West. However, the...
3 Pages 1405 Words

1000 Word The Importance of Following Instructions

Are following instructions really important? There is a growing feeling that something is wrong with the global education system. And it is proven that the education system is failing. And why is it actually failing? Well, parents are sending their children to school, so they can be prepared for the real world which nowadays is changing very, very fast but our schools haven’t changed much for hundreds of years. And I can bravely say, that the education system has got...
3 Pages 1360 Words

Personal Narrative Essay on Memorable Moment of Life

Look Back: Individuals managing the challenges of life‐limiting illness require adequate social support to maintain quality of life. I have reflected on my experience as a student nurse, embodying a differential approach to care during the time being. An outsider such as myself, had a complete mesh in the center of my eyes, expecting the unexpected. There is a whole stigma about dying. “sadness succumbing to the people around me’ or so I thought. Quality of life before I even...
3 Pages 1427 Words

Narrative Essay on Incident That Changed My Life

Introduction This paper describes the reflection on an incident that occurred when I was working in the maternity ward at Royal Darwin Hospital. This incident changed my perception of young teenage Indigenous girls’ attitudes regarding pregnancy and motherhood. Critical reflection on this particular incident brought me the insight that, as healthcare workers, our assumptions and clinical judgments without realizing or understanding the situation can be inaccurate in many circumstances. I believe that reflective practices help us to learn from our...
3 Pages 1440 Words

Informative Essay about the Father of Democracy

Was Cleisthenes’ role as a reformer of Athenian political institutions a significant one or not? In this essay, I propose to show the significance of Cleisthenes’ role as a reformer in Athens through his extension of power to the common people which further led to their involvement in political and governmental issues resulting later in the development of democracy. Cleisthenes introduced reforms to the constitution of Athens that allowed equal rights for all citizens and with the help of the...
3 Pages 1410 Words
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