I believe I consider myself a suitable candidate for Opportunity Funds Program because I am a determined and industrious student who will devote herself to efficiently taking advantage of the prospect that the scholarship will offer me. Having the belief that my passion for learning is fascinatingly allied with my desire to help others, not only do I excel as a student in my studies, but I also seek unique ways to see and connect with the material through real-world...
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1393 Words
Every four years our country participates in the most thrilling and suspenseful race of all time, the Presidential elections. One of the most anxious times that leaves all Americans anxious and eager to know who will be elected President. On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, every four years the presidential election is held. Around 138 million voters race to their local voting polls to submit their ballots for who they want to be their next President....
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Ethical relativism highlights the idea that every situation may not have the same solution for all people. In Ethics Theory and Contemporary Issues, the authors explain “Relative means that our judgments about ethics are relative to (or dependent on) something else.” In other words, one’s ethics are dependent on the person’s culture, religion, beliefs, and many other factors that make up the life they live. There is not one form of ethics but many, which makes ethical discussions difficult when...
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Abstract Aggression is something that psychologists all over are fascinated with. Will anyone ever have the same answer? Is aggression caused by nature or nurture? Are we made with aggression in us from the time we are born, or is this something that we learn as survival mechanisms? How do we eliminate aggressive outbursts, as they have become a huge part of the society that we live in? Aggression is a long-time topic in psychology. The question remains: Is aggression...
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What does it mean to be a good person? How does one determine what the “right” thing to do is in a moral dilemma? Originally introduced by Aristotle, virtue ethics attempts to provide a moral framework to answer these questions. Virtue ethics is one of the major methodologies in normative ethics. This moral theory has a strong emphasis on an individual’s character and virtues. To live a life that is ethical under virtue ethics, one must develop and establish character...
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1430 Words
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Divine Command Theory & Utilitarianism I. Introduction This paper discussed both the divine command theory and utilitarianism, in a comparative study to ultimately suggest that utilitarianism is the most compelling approach in determining right and wrong. This paper is divided into four sections. Part II will outline the divine command theory and provide a detailed understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of this religious account of morality. Part III will discuss the utilitarianism approach and the advantages and disadvantages in...
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1415 Words
Kanye’s Sunday Service Kanye West’s transformation story has been received differently among Christians and non-believers all over the world. Recently, the American-based hip-hop sensational took to the media to reveal the release of his ‘Jesus is King Album”, a step that shows his dedication to letting people understand more about God. Besides, he has used his weekly program identified as “Sunday Service” to compose, sing and preach the will of God to his followers. According to the 2004 revelation by...
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1425 Words
The Homecoming of the Truth In The Republic, Plato argues that the ideal society is one that “uses propaganda and lies to perpetuate the rule of a single class, insisting that justice is everyone keeping his or her place”. Upon reading The Republic, I am convinced that such a society cannot be ideal. Plato seems to contradict himself by proposing a society based on the “noble lie” because he himself elevates truth and convinces his rulers to abide by the...
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1430 Words
As one evolves throughout their career as a therapist, they may decide to work with clients individually as well as with the individual and their family. Understanding and know the different types of theories and techniques utilized in family therapy will help a professional in the mental health field be an effective therapist. A few theories that one may benefit in knowing and should be familiar with are Strategic, Structural, and Milan Systemic family theories. It is also necessary for...
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1364 Words
In dynamic systems theory, an “individual is viewed as a complex, multi-component system that self-organizes patterns of movement from the interaction of many subsystems… [the] motor development is considered a process of self-organization, brought about by the interaction between multiple factors” (Lloyd, 2019). The three different concepts that make up the dynamic systems theory: are attractors, self-organization, and control parameters. Each is important in their own way and contributes to the dynamic definition of multiple sub-systems in interacting together. The...
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1361 Words
Derrida was involved in a number of high-profile disagreements with prominent philosophers, including Michel Foucault, John Searle, Willard Van Orman Quine, Peter Kreeft, and Jürgen Habermas. Most of the criticism of deconstruction were first articulated by these philosophers then repeated elsewhere. John Searle In the early 1970s, Searle had a brief exchange with Jacques Derrida regarding speech-act theory. The exchange was characterized by a degree of mutual hostility between the philosophers, each of whom accused the other of having misunderstood...
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1431 Words
1. Introduction Literature is most valuable for what it helps us understand about the world and to help us come to realizations about ourselves as we learn and grow. Although time and culture evolve, human nature does not, which is why humans often still read and connect with pieces written at different points in history. Literature that has no personal relevance to our lives, is only interesting as a historical fragment. Over the last three weeks, we have studied realism,...
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1375 Words
The article focuses on the new middle classes and their consumption practices in the wake of the policies of consumption recently introduced by the Russian state (the embargo on food imports and the strategy of import substitution), and on the background of the economic crisis. The future of this group, largely acknowledged through globalized consumption practices, seems now uncertain. Nevertheless, they accept these changes with resilience; moreover, many managed to generate support or to acknowledge rationalities in the new policies...
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1386 Words
Does Social Engineering Really Work? Does social engineering really work? Yes, I believe it does. The main two reasons that I believe social engineering in the context of cybercrime works, is because firstly, it targets what I think is the weakest link in any digital security system, the human. The second reason why I believe social engineering works is because it has been around since humans have existed. It is still used to this day. Why? Because it works. The...
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1397 Words
How to write your way around the world! There has always been a certain appeal about being a writer. Being able to express your feelings, thoughts, ideas and opinions, and getting paid for it, is a lot of peoples dream job! In the past it was notoriously difficult for both authors and journalists to get published, but these days the internet and the demand for knowledge and information has made writing a much more accessible occupation. It is also one...
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1389 Words
Sons and Lovers a semi-autobiographical novel by DH Lawrence published in 1913 His first adult novel was a psychological study of the family and romantic relationships of an English working class. D. H. Lawrence's superb autobiographical novel paints a provocative portrait of an artist torn between affection for his mother and desire for two beautiful women. Set in the coal fields of Nottinghamshire during Lawrence's teenage years, the story follows young Paul Morel growing up in a working-class English family....
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1411 Words
The Industrial Revolution was the emergence of modern economic growth. This created the largest and most prolonged rise in living standards seen at the time. It originated in Britain during the nineteenth century with inventions such as the steam engine and the spinning jenny. There are two main arguments for what caused the Industrial Revolution and why it happened in Britain. The first is the incentives argument from people such as Allen. He argues high real wages in Britain and...
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1409 Words
The Life of Charlemagne (pp. 248-252) According to Einhard, what made Charlemagne an effective ruler? What were your strengths? What were his weaknesses? What was the status of women at Charlemagne’s court? Give specific examples of how women were treated? How does Einhard explain any problems occurring in the empire? How did Charlemagne treat Christianity, Christians, and the Catholic Church? The ways in which Einhard described Charlemagne was as a kind and noble leader that many people respected for “protect[ing]...
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1385 Words
Both North and South (1854-55) and A Dolls House (1879) present women as systemically restricted by an 1800’s patriarchal society, which elicits a response of sympathetic relatability within a typical female Victorian reader. Both of these novels are defined by the controversy of binary conflicts, which, if left unresolved, tear apart Gaskell’s Nora and Torvald, but consequently draw Ibsen’s Margaret Hale and John Thornton closer together. Both Gaskell and Ibsen explore the idea of equality within relationships, and whether it...
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1360 Words
Introduction Psychopathy is defined as, “egocentricity, impulsivity, callousness, and lack of remorse for behavior that is frequently antisocial and hurtful to others.” (Intrator et al., 1996, p. 1) and thus is classified as a personality/mental disorder. Like many other mental illnesses, psychopathy may be linked to a different structure or makeup of one’s brain, which is one of the main points I will be looking at. Psychopaths themselves have a hard time with empathy and emotion and that lack of...
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1367 Words
Introduction As many students are nearing the end of their schooling lives, a popular way to debrief and feel free is by spending a week partying with friends at schoolies. Many spend their time at places like the Gold coast or even Bali to let their hair down after attending school for almost 13 years. As many find this week fun, there are many potential risks that are involved with school leaver parties; a major issue is alcohol, with approximately...
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1413 Words
Powerful individuals who commit evil acts do not regard their actions or themselves as evil. Evil should be employed to qualify acts of persons rather than their character. This distinct change would allow individuals to abstain from the foundational interpretation of evil and, hence, analyse the evil acts in their contexts and effectively distinguish their inherent characteristics and motivation. ‘The Prince’ by Niccolò Machiavelli promotes the incentive of evil only when deemed necessary for the state’s preservation and glorification. This...
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Intro: Why does poetry speak to us in a way that grasps our attention and makes us want to discover more? Edmund Spenser’s ‘Sonnet LXVII’ (1595) offers an insight into a huntsman who is in pursuit of a lover, William Blake’s ‘A Poison Tree’ (1794) teaches us of the underlining conflict between a friend and a foe and William Butler Yeats’s ‘Leda and the Swan’ (1923) acknowledges the cruel and harrowing depiction of rape between Lena and Zeus, the God...
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1407 Words
One foreign policy action that the US was involved in was during the early 1800s when France was at war and in desperate need of money, Napoleon offered the United States the Louisiana territory for $15 million. Thomas Jefferson, decided to accept the deal and bought the Louisiana Territory. Jefferson’s decision caused numbers of disputes amongst the people of the United States. However, Jefferson’s decision resulted in differences of opinion among the American people. Many people supported the decision Thomas...
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The line 'the world is too much with us' means that humans have disrupted nature's natural cycle. They created a man-made world, jeopardizing the purity of the environment in which they exist. According to the poet, the relationship between nature and humans used to be respectable, but it is deteriorating day by day as a result of increased urbanization. The new world, as a result of industrialization and urbanization, has an excessive amount of control over nature. We, as modern...
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1445 Words
Entasis in Antiquity Refinements of architecture play an essential role in shaping the visual image and structure of the building. Refinements are conscious decisions made by the architects to revise the otherwise strictly straight lines of the building for aesthetic or practical reasons. Entasis, a slight convex curve of the shaft of a column, is a refinement frequently embodied by classical architecture. Many theories have been advanced to account for the implementation and purpose of entasis. The Parthenon, Temple of...
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Forrest Gump is one of my all-time favorite movies because it shows a person with a disability and how they can overcome their struggles and achieve great things. For most of the movie of Forrest Gump. The complex character that Forrest Gump was can be seen by his strong bonds. He forms with other characters in the movie. Furthermore, this also influences individual behavior and reaction towards specific aspects of life (Jordan, 2011) Forrest had a complex relationship with the...
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1426 Words
Abstract Skin cancer is caused due to irregular growth of cells. There are three major types of skin cancer- Melanoma, Basal, and Squamous cell Carcinoma. Among the three the most dangerous form is Melanoma. If it is left untreated, it leads to the spreading of all over the body including organs. However, the early stage detection of Melanoma is really helpful to cure it. Computer vision can be used for the medical image diagnosis and it has been proved by...
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The term ‘Bystander effect’ can be defined as ‘the finding that an individual is less likely to intervene in an emergency situation when other people are present’ (Byford, 2014, p. 232). There are two approaches to explaining the Bystander effect, experimental and discourse analysis. This essay will explore both of these approaches, comparing and contrasting them, using case studies that represent the two methods. The experimental approach to explaining the bystander effect came about after the infamous Catherine Genovese case....
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Throughout history, there has been a fascination with how the world will end. In recent years, these debates have centered on nuclear disasters, global climate change, and general cynicism. The Revelations chapter was added to the Christian Bible approximately two thousand years ago and details a biblical vision of the end of the world. This is a subject that has been deeply ingrained in the human psyche for a long period of time. Between the present and the time of...
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