1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Four R’s of Recycling in Modern Understanding

Focus of Essay The 21st century has been characterized by growing environmental concerns. Today, it is becoming obvious for many people that humanity has a great effect on nature, and researchers propose new ways of reducing this impact. Recycling is one of the areas, which receive much attention in terms of environmental protection, and there are several points of view regarding recycling. The concept of four R’s represents the nature of this process, serving as the guideline for people who...
3 Pages 1405 Words

Analysis of Bob Dylan’s Song The Death of Emmett till

Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American boy in 8th grade at the McCosh school, was visiting his cousins in Money, Mississippi during August 1955. He was originally from Chicago, and he lived with his mother. On August 24, he went into a grocery store to buy a pack of bubble gum while in Mississippi. On his way out, he whistled or flirted with the white female store clerk who took great offense to it, and she told her husband, Carolyn...
3 Pages 1392 Words

The Stand for Truth and Its Impact on Society

The society we live in has this skewed way of looking at things. We pride ourselves as being honest, truthful, and upstanding, but are we really? If we go by what’s happening in society can we truly say that we are beings that uphold truth? Not that am saying that everyone is a liar, am just speaking to how we (as a society) have let things happen because we are too afraid to speak the truth. We have enabled this...
3 Pages 1412 Words

Whether Education an Investment or Consumption

Globalisation has led to a considerable growth of the economic importance of knowledge. Knowledge is a resource which has become a decisive factor in economy and developmental policy. The generation and propagation of knowledge holds a key position for economic and cultural development in industrialized as well as in developing countries. There is growing demand for academically trained experts in such knowledge driven economics and societies. As a result therefore, education has emerged as an industry and investment in education...
3 Pages 1425 Words

Essay on Water Conservation and Water Quality

Water conservation is the careful use and preservation of water supply, and it includes both the quantity and quality of water utilized. Water is an essential asset for the nourishment of all life. The fundamental demand for all activities appropriates local use to the agricultural industry. With the regular expanding weight of the human population, there has been serious tension on water resources. Negligence of customary water bodies like tanks and lakes, unpredictable abuse of groundwater, and incorrect preservation of...
3 Pages 1385 Words

Vietnam War's Influence on Chicano Movement & Culture

In the early 1900’s, a large number of the Mexican population immigrated to America to establish better and more successful lives. They no longer saw themselves as solely Mexican; they were Mexican-Americans. Throughout the twentieth century, American society marginalized these Mexican-American communities and refused to acknowledge their place or their rights. Above that, they faced the challenge of understanding their new identity; this struggle to define their identity led to a major civil rights movement in America, called the Chicano...
3 Pages 1351 Words

Eudora Welty’s ‘A Worn Path’: Summary and Analysis

A Worn Path, by Eudora Welty, is a story of a fierce old woman, and of a love that knows no bounds. This Penlighten article provides a summary and analysis of this moving story. Before writing ‘The Worn Path’, Eudora Welty was a publicity agent for Works Progress Administration in the ’30s. During that time, she captured many moments of the rural life of black Americans on her camera. Phoenix Jackson’s story is very similar to the women she came...
3 Pages 1368 Words

Effect of Cars Burning Fossil Fuel

The world has changed into a whole new level of inventions ever since mankind had discovered what the burning of fossil fuel can do. Skipping through a whole lot of inventions, the automobile was and still is one of the greatest one that is currently used today with the burning of fossil fuel. Not so long ago, scientists noticed that the temperature was rising and they found out it is because of the burning of fossil fuels that give off...
3 Pages 1368 Words

A Report on The Evaluation of The Stroop Effect

The Stroop Colour and Word Test effect on its basis is one of the most well-known and long-lasting phenomena in all cognitive science and psychology. Having been first reported by John Ridley Stroop in 1935, the phenomena explains the degree of difficulty people have with naming colour of the ink rather than the word itself (Stroop, 1935). More specifically, it assesses the ability to inhibit cognitive interference, which occurs when the processing of a stimulus feature affects the simultaneous processing...
3 Pages 1427 Words

Injustice of Crisis in Yemen

Yemen is facing with problems they have been struggling to resolve for a long period. Their incapability to fix these obstacles is putting them at risk with even greater ones. Due to the years of conflict, they have dealt with they are on the brink of a catastrophe. Yemen is one of the world’s poorest countries and almost every third person needs humanitarian assistance. Ten million of its people is in hunger, and the number has more than doubled since...
3 Pages 1385 Words

The History of Gothic Literature

The Gothic fiction, however, enjoyed its heyday from 1762 to 1820 and influenced and inspired the sensational writers of the late nineteenth century. Certain merits of the Gothic fiction have been recognised by the Freudian psychologists. Herbert Read in his book Surrealism remarks: “It is possible that Monk Lewis, Maturin and Mrs. Radcliffe should relatively to Scott, Dickens and Hardy occupy a much higher rank.” He had defended the Gothic fiction against the objections that the plots of these novels...
3 Pages 1445 Words

Pragmatism: Definition and Philosophers

Pragmatism is the Theory that the intelligence function is not to know to find, but to know to act. William James defended an idea is true only when it has been proven, but can he argue that an idea is only true because it is already true. We can also understand that an idea is true only if it is useful, which may mean that any idea is born of a practice, that is to say that abstract representations of...
3 Pages 1379 Words

Role of Curiosity in My Life

I glared bitterly at the intricate but bold murals of ancient scriptures which dawned the ceilings of the dark hued church I was forced to be in, but at the same time transfixed by the way the reds, greens, and yellows of the dented stained glass windows playfully clashed against the serene blue-lighted water of the baptism pool in the middle of the House of Prayer. It was beautiful, and I was in awe, but I felt like an outcast,...
3 Pages 1362 Words

Issues in American Foreign Policy

The series of anti-government demonstrations, known as The Arab Spring, resulted in regime changes in various Middle Eastern and North African countries including Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. Similarly, what started as nonviolent protests in Syria escalated quickly into a seemingly endless civil war when the regime forces used force to suppress the protesters. The Syrian Civil War gave rise to security and humanitarian concerns such as refugee crises, the emergence of radical terrorist groups and the issue of foreign terrorist...
3 Pages 1416 Words

Ideas of Cultural Relativism

Albeit cultural relativism before the mid‐1950s was a build utilized by both Western anthropologists and indigenous people groups to oppose European activities for cultural authority, since decolonization, the idea has been appropriated by third world bourgeois‐nationalist elites to undermine pre‐colonial privileges of individuals from different non‐Western people group. Utilizing the contextual analysis of homophobia in Zimbabwe, I examine how political elites of postcolonial states are misusing the valuable ethos of cultural relativism to mistreat people who fall outside the socioreligious...
3 Pages 1433 Words

Research of Educational Anthropology in The Indian Context

Anthropology is the study of humans, their cultures and societies. It is the study of the others or the unfamiliar which is made familiar and brought to the forefront by anthropologist. Anthropology is subdivided into four main categories: a) archaeological, b) biological, c) linguistics and d) cultural anthropology. Anthropology in India was recognized by academic and nonacademic institutions and organizations for many decades. The focus of this paper is to explore educational anthropology in the Indian context. To begin with,...
3 Pages 1413 Words

The Martian Chronicles': The Radical Horror and Loneliness

In 1950, precisely halfway through a century dominated by scientific endeavour and discovery, Ray Bradbury – the man from Illinois – released this slender volume filled with rocket ships, Martian cities, ray guns, telepathy, and interplanetary conquest. But, as Borges noted, from the very start The Martian Chronicles departed radically from its brethren. It is difficult today to recognise how different Bradbury’s short story cycle–cum-novel was in 1950. We live now in a world where literary science-fiction. Margaret Atwood, John...
3 Pages 1352 Words

How Car Emission is Affecting Global Warming

Global warming is experienced when the earth’s surface heats up and this causes the average temperature of the earth to rise, the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans also rise. The sea level also rises with the increase in temperature of the globe and this affects the weather patterns and can cause unusual weather events such as drought, heavy rainfall events, etc. Man is responsible for globalization and in return globalization causes very severe harm to humans, plants, and...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Annie Dillard: The Impact Of Total Eclipse

The essay, Total eclipse by Annie Dillard, is a creative literature work that has created an impact and great influence through generations and which continues to inspire and entertain literature lovers even today. Dillard wrote about the experience after two years of seeing the eclipse. Total eclipse experience makes Annie use an explicit vocabulary and makes a personal connection by explaining total eclipse events to the readers. In this essay, she’s not trying to discuss the total eclipse; it’s more...
3 Pages 1354 Words

Humanitarian Intervention is the Continuation of the Colonial Project

The ethics and legitimacy of humanitarian intervention is often questioned, with a nation’s real intentions often being unknown, and this has led to beliefs that it may be used as a façade to disguise neocolonialism occurring. The idea of humanitarian intervention was publicised and reworked by the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty under the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) name, as now used by the UN. Within the released report The Responsibility to protect, humanitarian intervention was discussed, looking...
3 Pages 1397 Words

Women’s Reactions to Expectations During the Renaissance

Throughout history, women were always seen as inferior to men. Their contributions were always overlooked and most times were denied access to basic necessities in life such as education. The renaissance was a period in history when people started to move away from the dark age and enter a period that was defined by art and literature. People started to move away from religious to more secular ideas. However, that did not mean the hierarchy was going to change which...
3 Pages 1409 Words

Environmental Effects of the Fossil Fuel Industry

The Earth. It is a home to thousands if not millions of different species of all kinds of organisms that live in various types of environments. This Earth responds to change very readily, so what happens when one Industry interrupts the Earths environments and starts to use/produce materials that deteriorate said Earth? Change. Devastation. These are only a few of the consequences that these actions cause, and the entirety of the fault can mostly be thrown onto one industry; The...
3 Pages 1412 Words

Reasons Why the Syrian Conflict is Not a Just War

Imagine you are a Syrian refugee, going from camp to camp with little to no hope of finding a better life. Having fled your home with the fears of being killed, tortured, or kidnapped. You are forced to leave your home for staying would be worse than leaving. Sadly, this is the reality for over 4.5 million Syrian refugees. The war has caused a global refugee crisis that has yet to be resolved. The just war theory can be applied...
3 Pages 1362 Words

Postcolonial Issues in Achebe's 'Antilles of Savanna'

Chinua Achebe, emeritus professor of the University of Nigeria, one of the greatpioneers of modern African literature in English, who published several outstanding novels,among which Things Fall Apart (1958), has already become something like an Africanclassic, and who is not only known for his stories, essays, and children's books but also forhis award-winning poetry, has given us another very fine novel, Anthills of the Savannah.This is an extremely well-written and balanced novel about the ugly contrast betweenidealistic aspirations and violent...
3 Pages 1367 Words

Humans are Inherently Bad: Represented by The Lord of the Flies

In countries all across the globe, you can see disputes between political powers, causing the health and general wellbeing of the rest of the population to be offset, or cause it to differentiate in some way. William Golding saw this when he marched into Nazi Germany. He saw an entire population allowing the mistreatment of a large group of people, which surely was being allowed by the government. This brought out the worst in people, making friendly neighborhoods weapons of...
3 Pages 1368 Words

Effect of Maximal Grip Strength on Force Output and Blood Pressure

The following experiment is one that involves the repeated contraction of muscles in the forearm in order to obtain data of the maximal grip strength and the factors that affect it. Muscles are a type of connective tissue that are attached to the bone by tendons and to each other by ligaments, and the tissue responsible for movement. The muscles that this experiment is focusing on are the muscles in the forearm which is mainly made up of skeletal muscles....
3 Pages 1353 Words

Planting Trees on Bloor Avenue in Downtown Toronto Case Study

Summary The report is based on a case study on the tree planting project along the Bloor Avenue in Bloor-Yorkville. It covers the aspects of rezoning this area so as to ensure that it has residential areas as well instead of the usual office apartments and retail stores. This has necessitated the planting of trees in the area. The rezoning of the area is also meant to eliminate throughway passages across the residential areas. The report analyses the zoning of...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Nuclear Energy: Advantages and Drawbacks

Introduction Energy is an invaluable resource that satisfies people’s basic needs and brings convenience and comfort in life. Unfortunately, its consumption has strained natural resources, consequently causing an energy crisis. The world needs to scale up cleaner energy resources to reduce harmful emissions, and nuclear energy provides the solution to this problem. However, it is crucial to weigh nuclear energy benefits against its harms to ascertain its viability as an energy resource. This paper analyzes nuclear energy as a potential...
3 Pages 1366 Words

Monte Carlo Simulation in Financial Risk Management

Monte Carlo simulation is a method used to estimate risk involved in the occurrence of an event. Ideally one will be presented with several alternatives to perform certain task, and by the use of Monte Carlo simulation informed decision can be made choosing the correct or the most convenient course of actions. The mechanism of Monte Carl simulation is a system model will be generated multiple time based on probability models that best suite the key factors. Each time the...
3 Pages 1376 Words

Daddy': Confessional Poetry of Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath’s “Daddy” is considered by some to be one of the best examples of confessional poetry ever published. In the poem, Plath compares the horrors of Nazism to the horrors of her own life, all of which are centered on the death of her father. Although autobiographical in nature, “Daddy” gives detailed insight into Sylvia Plath’s conflicting emotions by intertwining fact and fiction into an alternate reality through the use of metaphors and symbolism. The poem ultimately reveals the...
3 Pages 1418 Words
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