For people who love writing, be it letters, books, stories, and so on, Microsoft Word is indeed like a friend and a guide for them. From the day Ms Word came into existence, it surely has help everyone a lot. With loads of features, it has overcome Notepad and has become a hot favourite of many. But, with more and more competition, many new apps have come up with different word processing capabilities. One such competitor is Google Docs. In...
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Maslow’s theory on the hierarchy of needs, developed in the United States, embodies a capitalistic perspective regarding the motivations that humans possess in attaining their needs. It comprises of a five-tier model of needs which must be satisfied in order, leading them to reach self-actualisation. This essay will critically examine the empirical validity of this model’s universality, arguing that it must be modified in order to reflect the collectivist nature of Eastern cultures. Individualistic societies strive for high quality of...
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Still, I rise Maya Angelous “Still, I Rise” poem is about her fight with racism and discrimination throughout her lifetime. The poet uses repetition, metaphors, similes plus other poetic techniques to communicate to the audience regarding how she has defeated racism in her life by demonstrating a strong attitude to others. It is additionally regarding an African-American woman’s response to those who discriminate against her race. This poem is similar to the “Aboriginal Charter of Rights’ which attends the discrimination...
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Figueroa's Framework is a device used to explore the issues encompassing access, uniformity and value in sport and physical activity. It comprises of 5 distinct levels being, Individual, Interpersonal, Institutional, Structural and Cultural. Each level inside the system team up and cooperate to shape the general impact. This model/system demonstrates the various capacities that fortify, make, expel and dispose of hindrances in sport and physical movement. Each level assumes a key job in viably dispensing with and beating these boundaries....
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To be considered classic literature, a text must be of outstanding quality in the time it was written and be first of its class, of lasting worth or have timeless qualities. Although writing style is forever evolving, a classic can always be appreciated for its construction and artistic qualities. The very best of classics form the literary canon, a group of literary works considered to be the most important of a time period or place. When a work is canonised,...
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1402 Words
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The word Apartheid is a South African word which means a system or policy of discrimination or segregations between different races, which is exactly what occurred in South Africa. The anti-apartheid movement took place in South Africa during the 20th Century between the South Africans, also known as the Khoi-San and the white settlers from Europe and the Netherland, also known as the Afrikaners. This time showed great discrimination and hardship for those of colour and made the Khoi-San people...
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What is it about some novels that captivate and capture our attention? Why do they continue to enthrall and beguile us despite it being decades after their publication date? There are original stories that are fundamental to our society. Some have acquired the attention of readers for decades, centuries, and even millenniums; they might be religious texts, national epics, or folktales explaining some quality of the world or human existence. However, just as individual narratives maintain the ability to rapt...
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1389 Words
Introduction The research report is prepared on the title ‘Supply chain analytics’. It is a network including organization, individuals, resources, activities, technology and information in the creation and sale of product (Christopher, 2016). The key focus of the repot is on Woolworths and COSTCO. The report initiates by providing a brief introduction about the two recognized companies named as. The next section emphasizes on the supply chain implementation and comparison of both the companies. Lastly, to provide an effective understanding,...
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Published in 1847, Jane Eyre shocked Victorian England. Written in a form of a Bildungsroman, usually reserved for the male voice, the story follows Jane’s journey of maturation as she develops her own identity. We see her grow from a child with unfortunate circumstances into an assertive woman who is able to marry a man, Edward Rochester as his equal. Victorian England was in an era of rapid economic growth and social upheaval as the sharp divisions between classes began...
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Director Neil Armfield's decision to create an on-screen adaptation of Tim Conigrave’s memoir Holding the Man (2015) confronted him with the difficult challenge of realistically representing homosexuality on screen; a notion that Australian filmmakers have often failed to achieve. While Australian cinema has welcomed an array of ‘gay’ films, many have struggled to present gay characters and their sexuality accurately – often tarnishing characters with offensive stereotypes (Dyer,16). However, Holding the Man defies stereotyping through an honest depiction of a...
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1445 Words
One major change in race relations included African Americans' new freedom to vote. This new freedom allowed African Americans to finally have a say in the decisions that were made for the country. The large number of African Americans who voted created a southern Republican Party that “...eliminated property qualifications for voting and holding office, turned many appointed offices into elective posts, and provided for public schools and institutions to care for the mentally ill, the blind, the deaf, the...
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The main characters Thomas, Victor and Junior all have family problems one way or another. First of all, the father figures in their lives are problematic; drunken and jobless fathers who can never fulfill their fatherhood responsibilities. Victor and Junior have already lost their fathers, and although Thomas’s father Samuel is alive, Thomas does not hesitate singing a mourning song, which is sung for dead people, when his father is lying on the kitchen table drunken and in a motionless...
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1395 Words
Unjust treatment amongst the colored race inevetably caused the uprising of the Harlem Renaissance. Prior to the Harlem Renaissance, the Jim Crow Laws were actively enforced. These laws remained in existence for more than a decade. The duration in which the laws were still in use lasted for a little over a century. Originating from previous practices the Jim Crow laws began in the late 1800s. Following after the black codes, the birth of the Jim Crow laws were greatly...
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1376 Words
In “The Shroud” and “Sonny’s Blues” both the Grimm Brothers and James Baldwin created a very sympathetic story that conveys the messages of sorrow, loss and transformation but make peace at the end. There are many similarities in both of these short captivating stories and both stories are made to make the reader feel for the characters. Even though they are “short”, they really can stir up your emotions and are able to depict the difficulties of what each of...
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1417 Words
Illicit drug use is disapproved in most societies. It is highly stigmatized and for this reason, those people who have been lost in the world of drugs find this behavior harmful. While there is a wide research on drugs and alcohol abuse, few studies have addressed the problem of stigmatization among drug addicts. Specific social beliefs and opinions drive social stigma and stigma occurs when an individual is termed as an antisocial due to some perceived behavioral flaws. According to...
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1403 Words
“You always dread the unfamiliar.” I have found this quote from Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 to ring true throughout my life, but I’ve also found that fearing the truth holds one back from unleashing their true potential (Bradburry 55). Choosing to be ignorant because one fears the unknown allows safety and comfort. Humans have a primal desire for these two things, so it is only natural that one instinctively recoils in fear of the unknown. Looking at curiosity essay...
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Buddhist ethics was originated in ancient south Asia as a part of Indian Brahman tradition. There are 3 major branches of Buddhist ethics which are Theravada (the oldest branch), Mahayana and Vajrayana. Well, some says there are 2 branches and the third one is the aspect of the 2nd one. Now, Buddhism's emphasis on ethical behavior can be generalized in two ways. First one is volitional (voluntary) actions and the second one is ethics as “parent” of wisdom. Our voluntary...
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1431 Words
The whole world is suffering and is busy fighting the Covid-19 crisis. Everyone is facing huge repercussions due to it, be it political, social, professional, or economical. The governments are trying their best to take as many precautions as it can and for the same many countries have announced nationwide lockdown including India to prevent the spread of the virus. Though these precautions of government are understandable and essential for our benefit, but in this, we have somewhere overlooked one...
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1398 Words
Executive Summary Founded in 1971, Starbucks has grown exponentially and currently operates in 41 countries. Starbucks main success comes from its successful strategies like creating human connections and providing customers with a quality experience. The integration of technologies such as Mobile Order & Pay and Currency Program has improved customer relationships. Starbucks interacts with more than 50 million people on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram. Starbucks is a brand with a high level of customer experience. Starbucks sells its...
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1410 Words
Abstract Sales promotion efforts of marketers focusing on the incremental sales volume, acquiring market share, branding, consumer acquisition and retention. FMCG players are providing different schemes to consumers, retailers and sales force to capitalize the industry growth opportunities. Apart from consumer promotion and advertisements, promoting retailers with sales promotion schemes are having more impact on branding and sales achievement. A research report in a business weekly has revealed that about half of the people in India are below the age...
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1374 Words
The coexistence of divine destiny and free will is an ancient paradox at the centre of Greek tragedy and, more recently, of the Catholic faith. However, by inevitable, I mean if there was no other possible outcome to the story because of their society and other factors, rather than divine influence. In the Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Santiago Nasar is assassinated. A case can be made for the murder to be inevitable because of the traditions of the village...
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1418 Words
Biologists and philosophers have observed animal behavior for centuries. However, in the last century, there has been a significant progress in understanding this behavior. One approach to the study of animal behavior is comparative psychology. Comparative psychologists highlight studies of the genetic, neural, and hormonal bases of animal behavior. Genetic psychology, also known as behavioral genetics, is a category of psychology that investigates the genetic influence on human behavior. Studies of neural encoding aim to characterize the relationship between sensory...
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1410 Words
In the recent century, we have experienced many suffer to the serial killer culture. Whereas we have questioned whether their life experiences have affected their life choice. Referring to psychology, the brain plays a key role in consciousness, language, thought, perceptual awareness, attention and memory (human-memory, 2019). Life experience is the experience and knowledge gained through living (Merriam-Webster, 2020). It goes through from childhood to adult. As a result, life experiences will inflict deep memory in one's mind. It may...
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1432 Words
The film ‘to kill a mockingbird’ by Robert Mulligan and Reginal Rose’s ‘twelve angry men’ are two texts that shows similarities and differences of a corrupted court and the consequences of an efficient court system and to overcome this barrier to justice, strong and courageous individuals are needed, in fact they are very crucial to uphold the law without prejudice. Both texts explore the bigoted views of the community and society which lead to possible injustice therefore the strong and...
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1399 Words
Abstract In America, there are many modes of education. Homeschooling, public schools, private schools and charter schools are the four most widely used options in America. Homeschooling, a more popular option in the 21st century, has recently rivaled public schooling which has caused a decline in its popularity. Although the popularity of public schooling has declined as of late, the positive effects (along with the negative ones as well), are still vastly prevalent in today’s youth and their futures. Like...
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1375 Words
“I thought that selling an egg would be like giving blood, like checking the Organ Donation box on your driver’s license, like giving away something you’d never wanted or even noticed much to begin with. And yes, at first, I was just in it for the money. It wasn’t about altruism or feminism, or any other ism. It was about the cash...I was going to take that money and I was going to try to save my father.” (Weiner 12)....
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1404 Words
Abstract Higher education is a backbone of any country, and it plays an important role in the economic and social growth of the nation. India with the second largest population have largest strength of students who are pursuing their higher education studies. With the spread of the COVID-19 around second week of March 2020 central and state governments across the country ordered to shut down the schools and higher education institutions to contain spread of virus. At the crucial time...
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1364 Words
Introduction John Wayne Gacy was the serial killer who killed 33 young men. He was born on March 17, 1942, in Chicago, Illinois and died on May 10, 1994, in Joliet, Illinois. During that time in history, no one was convicted of killing so many people. He was a pillar of the community before he was convicted. The paper will talk about his life, criminal offenses, investigation and finally his death. His life John Wayne Gacy was born into a...
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1383 Words
Schizophrenia is a severe form of psychological disorder and is considered to be a psychosis. People with schizophrenia are out of touch with reality and tend to not understand what is going on around them and how to interact. People with schizophrenia generally have a hard time interacting with others as their diagnosis gives them severe impairments in thinking; which may cause hallucinations where they hear or see things that are not present. Some patients may experience delusions or irrational...
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1381 Words
The film “Killing them Softly” was about how women’s body images are being portrayed by the media today and throughout history, also how big of an influence it has on our cultural views and values. In the beginning of the film, the speaker placed a huge emphasis on advertisements in our culture and how exposed we are to them. She mentions at one point that we will spend around two years of our lives watching advertisements. Although many people will...
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