1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Drug Addiction Thesis Statement

Introduction A social problem is something in society that concerns people to the point they would like to change it, social problems are relative and dynamic. Using drugs in such a way that they harm one’s health, impair one’s physical or mental functioning, or interfere with one’s social life which is defined as abuse, what is considered drug abuse depends on social norms relative to culture or group. Drug addiction is defined as a chronic disorder of compulsive drug seeking...
3 Pages 1382 Words

Essay on Mayella Ewell Personality

In a world full of darkness, how can one stay purely innocent? To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is the perfect example of what people can and cannot do in extraordinary situations. Although it is a story that is told by a little girl named Scout, it is also the tragedy of a young woman, Mayella Ewell, who never even had the chance to tell her side of the story. Almost every character in the book, more or less,...
3 Pages 1358 Words

Essay on Black Power Movement Vs Civil Rights Movement

Since the beginning of slavery in America, the African-American community has faced oppression and racism by white supremacists. Throughout the history of the nation, African-American men and women have used guns to help defend themselves and protect their communities against White Terror. The tradition of armed self-defense in the African-American community originally began in the Colonial Era and continued into the 1960s. The nonviolent Freedom Movement and The Civil Rights movement during the 1960s allowed for progression in society for...
3 Pages 1428 Words

Essay on Why Are the Salem Witch Trials Important

Abstract At the beginning of 1692, two girls from Salem suffered from strange diseases. The doctors believed it was caused by witches and asked them to identify the people responsible for using witchcraft in the village. From that point on, in less than a year, more than 200 people in Salem were accused of using witchcraft, imprisoned, and awaiting trial. By the end of 1692, when this kind of collective irrationality came to an end, 20 local people had been...
3 Pages 1382 Words

Gender Stereotypes in Education Essay

Why are race and stereotypes such a prevalent problem within the education system? Both schools and their students have a responsibility when it comes to the safety and education of the pupils. Most people would agree that the responsibility is shared based on age --or as a general guideline, a 50-50 split. This, however, is only applicable in theory. In reality, this approach only works if every student starts in the same spot and needs the same help as everyone...
3 Pages 1413 Words

Ethical Dilemma on Early Childhood Essay

In the course of healthcare professionals’ practice, they face ethical dilemmas that require critical and analytical decisions. In most cases, healthcare professionals face complicated scenarios presenting complex decision-making. Five fundamental principles guide healthcare ethical decision-making: beneficence, fidelity, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice. Autonomy focuses on the independence of a decision, while nonmaleficence focuses on not hurting others. Beneficence, on the other side, is the concept of the healthcare professional contributing to the welfare of the patient, whereas justice emphasizes treating everyone...
3 Pages 1379 Words

Essay on Pros and Cons of the Lottery

Is Buying a Lottery Ticket a Waste of Money? Kathy B once described people who buy lottery tickets as “People who buy lottery tickets are not people who want to send their kids to college. While buying a lottery lottery may have many advantages and have a huge impact on people’s lives, buying a lottery ticket can also be the demise of people. Win or loss. The first modern lottery started in 1934 in Puerto Rico but was changed to...
3 Pages 1420 Words

The Things They Carried' Setting Analysis Essay

“What is more immoral than war?” (Sade). The Vietnam War was a bloody and gruesome war that affected many people in the United States and Vietnam. The war lasted 21 years, from 1954 to 1975. The war started as fear grew that communism would spread from Vietnam to nearby countries. The Vietnam War severely impacted many soldiers and their lives in negative ways. Many of the soldiers came home with severe physical deformities, and many also came home with mental...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Pride and Prejudice' Movie Review Essay

Gurinder Chadha’s bold 2004 film Bride and Prejudice is an adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice (1813). The film serves as a clever, contemporary take on the classic novel. Chadha introduces the themes of cultural diversity in the romantic comedy. Kenyan-born and raised in England, Chadha aims to make non-westerners visible in the film as well as discuss arranged and interracial marriages. However, Austen aims to provide a critique of marriage, money, and the superficiality of the white...
3 Pages 1401 Words

The Things They Carried' Argumentative Essay

Physical things like supplies, tokens of luck, and nick-nacks are not only what people carry, but emotional baggage and mental sorrows that one suffers are also carried. The main plot of The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien involves the protagonist Tim himself and his traumatic experiences in the war and how he copes with everything he has faced. The narrator showed many fates of different characters, such as Kiowa and Dave Jensen, who died during the war. After witnessing...
3 Pages 1364 Words

Sexism in 'Great Gatsby' Essay

The story begins with a man, Nick Carraway, who used to serve in the military and moved from Minnesota to West Egg in New York. His mysterious, wealthy neighbor, Jay Gatsby threw massive parties at his house every night. There were seven major characters. Jay Gatsby, a human example of everything Nick hated about New York and was obsessed with Daisy: a rich and beautiful woman obsessed with money, it is all she cares for. Her husband, Tom Buchanan, was...
3 Pages 1447 Words

Civil Disobedience Argumentative Essay

Many people still argue whether the Umbrella Movement is a civil disobedience protest or a riot. The nature of them is different, the former is to fight for the rights and interests of society but the latter is to fight for self-interest and violence is involved. Therefore, seeking the nature of the umbrella movement is conducive to unraveling the argument. Also, the reasons for many participants in the umbrella movement will be figured out. Although the umbrella movement was not...
3 Pages 1438 Words

Essay on Customer Satisfaction and Its Role in Total Quality

Quality is always in an ever-changing state. What was deemed good yesterday might not be considered good tomorrow. That means constant quality control and innovation have to be considered. There are many ways to maintain quality. Maintaining quality in the traditional sense is very different from choosing to do it with a more modern quality management system like Total Quality Management (TQM). Instead of detecting the problems, Total Quality strives to prevent them. Instead of meeting customer specifications, Total Quality...
3 Pages 1365 Words

Objective Inflation in Philippines Essay

As obvious as it seems, the world is run by money. Businesses are established to earn money. Roads and other infrastructures were built because of money. People work because of money. This is of course in a metaphorical sense, but one cannot deny the fact that almost everything is valued through money and by money. In this economy, in this society, the involvement of money is extensive. Without that certain buying power, an individual cannot suitably fulfill his or her...
3 Pages 1382 Words

Inflation and the Federal Reserve Essay

Introduction Inflation and unemployment are two macroeconomic components that affect a country's economy or global economy. This paper addresses these two macroeconomic factors (Inflation and unemployment) and describes a current event related to actions taken by the U.S. Federal Government Reserve Board. The purpose of assessing these two macroeconomic factors is to analyze critically, visualize, and recommend the impacts of these factors on various sectors of the economy. Inflation in the economy shows how prices of products and services are...
3 Pages 1357 Words

Media Influence on Teenage Pregnancy Essay

Parenting can be challenging, especially for younger parents. Teen pregnancy is not a new issue, In were close to 200,000 babies born to those between the ages of 15 and 19. The issue of teen pregnancy seems to be glamorized more and more every day on TV shows such as 'Teen Mum', 'And Sixteen and Pregnant', and also by young celebrities on social media such as Jamie Lynn Spears. When it comes to the serious issue of teen pregnancy being...
3 Pages 1383 Words

Infant Child Development Observation Essay

Concerning one or more examples from your reading on this module, critically assess the value of infant observation for psychoanalytic thought. Introduction Within this essay, I will be discussing the many reasons why infant observation is vital for psychoanalytic thought and psychoanalysts in general. Some of the points I will be discussing within the essay are, what exactly infant observation is, the idea of self-reflecting for training child psychoanalysts, and how psychoanalysis advances through infant observation. What is infant observation?...
3 Pages 1398 Words

Equality and Diversity in Teaching Essay

Values represent our subjective, personal principles which typically, but not always, help guide our beliefs, attitudes, and actions and determine what is important to us (Hawkes, 1996, Halstead, 1996). They are distinct from our characteristics as they are not perceptible, are largely shaped by our experiences (good and bad), and inform what we believe to be morally right (Heilbronn, 2018; Roccas, Sagiv, et al., 2002). These core values have an ethical foundation as they determine our treatment of others and...
3 Pages 1440 Words

Essay Life after High School

School teaches us a lot. It teaches math, science, and social studies but the most important thing it doesn’t teach us is how to live a life after we graduate. We have a lot of responsibilities after graduation like taxes, mortgages, bank statements, car payments, and monthly payments in general. In some cases, the school does prepare us for after high school and it does not prepare us for after high school. There are numerous ways that high school prepares...
3 Pages 1372 Words

Why We Shouldn't Do Space Exploratory Essay

Polish science fiction author and philosopher, Stanislaw Lem, once said, “ Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that he has sealed (Lem).” When thinking of the vast and unexplored universe, people are eager to jump in without thinking it all through. It is for this reason along with safety issues, political issues, and neglect of other scientific...
3 Pages 1418 Words

Child Labour During the Progressive Era Essay

In 1896, Westell Willoughby stated, “There are in the individual no so-called innate or ‘natural rights,’ that is, such rights as exist independently of the State and beyond its control. In so far as the individual has claims upon his fellows to a non-interference upon their part with the free exercise of certain outward acts, such claims have no legal force except as recognized and enforced by the political power.” (Waldrep and Curry, The Constitution and the Nation: The Regulatory...
3 Pages 1432 Words

Essay on Sociological Imagination and Health System

Climbing to find a way out, Americans struggle to find a way to find health coverage for their issues. According to the US Census, about 28 million Americans in 2017 were uninsured, an increase compared to 2016’s figures. While there is discussion about what the cause is to many uninsured Americans, history has shown how macro and micro forces can be the root of structural problems in society (Ferries, Kelly, and Jill Stein, 14-15). To understand current solutions for the...
3 Pages 1396 Words

Essay on How Did Communist Movements Affect Women's Rights

Wars, disagreements, and different kinds of economic and political revolutions started the quick and rapid spread of communism in the late 20th century. It spread everywhere and it enforced traditional roles upon women and men. With men who got higher authority and power, and with women on the lower scale with men who had little to no opportunities. Women tried and were successful for a while standing up for their rights and gaining equality. This was shown through reform and...
3 Pages 1435 Words

Women's Reproductive Rights Essay

The challenge regarding human rights that I would like to discuss is women's rights, including their right to life, health, and safety. More specifically, their rights during domestic abuse, their reproductive rights, and the application of the right to life of women. A core actor in this human rights challenge is the state, more specifically the government. They have a state responsibility to ensure all rights are applied to all their citizens; this may have become compromised during the COVID-19...
3 Pages 1423 Words

Why Is Cultural Identity Important

Identity is the beliefs, personality, expressions, and qualities that make a person or group. Self-identity is a collection of beliefs about oneself. A person can explore their identity by asking themselves the question “Who am I?”. I personally have experienced the feeling of not feeling like the person I want to be or the person that I am supposed to be. Having that kind of confusion is usually normal for people with a large cultural environment. Being confused with our...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Basketball Argumentative Essay

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like living in the 1900’s? Kids in this generation (Z Gen) have many influences in their lives. Influences have been a major part of kids' lives but throughout the years the kids have changed. Basketball has had major importance on some kid's life throughout the years. In the different eras like the Old School Era in the 1940s-1990s, there were different styles of play than now in the Modern Era in...
3 Pages 1442 Words

Essay on 'Food Matters' Movie Review

The film Food Matters goes into depth about what we put in our bodies that can increase or decrease our health status significantly. Many officials such as nutritionists, naturopaths, doctors, and journalists give their opinion on what being healthy really means. Food Matters was directed by James Colquhoun and Carlo Ledesma. The film starred people who have significant importance in the world of nutrition and health such as Dr. Andrew W. Saul, David Wolfe, and Dr. Ian Brighthope, among others....
3 Pages 1417 Words

Reflective Essay on Sufism

As one hears the word “Sufism“ or “Sufi' in today’s times, two things come to his/her mind. One is that it relates to an individual phenomenon and society gains very little from it. And second, it is based on principles not incorporated by the fundamental teachings of Islam. That Sufism is something superfluous to the message of Islam. And that it was invented after the HOLY PROPHET (PBUH) and His noble companions left this world. These misconceptions about Sufism are...
3 Pages 1389 Words

Analysis and Synthesis Essay on Gay Marriage

We all associate marriages with ceremonies, dressing up, good food, and rituals, but what is the actual meaning of a marriage? Everyone has a different definition of this word. Since I grew up in India, marriage is just not the union of two people, instead, it is a union of two families. It is a lifelong commitment. Even today it is recognizable that men exercise more power than women in a marriage relationship. The essay elaborates it further. In violent...
3 Pages 1361 Words

Career Research Essay about Film and Video Editor

The career I would be most interested in for filmmaking would be becoming a film editor. A film editor works with the director to edit footage, shape character and perspective, as well as create a comprehensive onscreen narrative. Going into further detail, a film editor’s tasks are mainly to organize and string together raw footage into a continuous whole according to scripts or the instructions of the directors and producers. Film editors also trim film segments to specified lengths and...
3 Pages 1366 Words
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