1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Edgar Allan Poe's Life and Achievements: Essay

Few authors can be credited with influencing American literature as much as Edgar Allan Poe. Poe is deemed the father of modern detective stories and helped build Gothic horror as a genre. He is also considered one of the first authors to use sci-fi horror in literature. Poe is the author most think about when talking about the Gothic writing style. Poe’s journey started at an early age, and as he grew to be older, he would release countless literary...
3 Pages 1440 Words

Essay on Ocean Plastic Pollution Solution

Since its invention, plastic has been and still is vital to global development. Plastics have been on a straight-line trajectory of growth and prosperity – injecting immense amounts of fortune into the global economy. More than a century later and plastics still have endless possibilities. Today, half the weight of the Boeing Dreamliner 787 – which is one of the most advanced planes – is comprised of plastic. The digital revolution that ushered in the information age is driven by...
3 Pages 1350 Words

Essay on 'Beauty and The Beast': Gender Roles

Stereotypes are “a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing” ('Stereotype | Meaning of Stereotype by Lexico', 2020) and either contribute to or contradict gender stereotypes. Gender stereotypes are very common in children’s literature as stories regularly present boys and girls in relation to specific socially defined norms as well as societal expectations. Thus, “The Beauty and The Beast” by Disney reflects the contribution to gender stereotypes through the use...
3 Pages 1447 Words

Essay about Deforestation Causes and Effects

Deforestation is a common issue that happens in both Malaysia and other countries which is bad because forests are vital to living beings on Earth and the planet itself. Why are forests important and why should we care about them? Forests are responsible for our air, water and et cetera. Also, many creatures rely on forests as it is their habitat. Plus, forests also offer important natural resources. For example, food, timber, and medicinal plants. Basically, you can say that...
3 Pages 1358 Words

Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator?

When discussing film history, it is impossible not to mention the Birth of a Nation in said discussion. It really was the first film to show the true power that cinema could have both as an artistic medium as well as its impact on the viewer’s opinions and viewpoints, as discussed by Leon F. Litwack in his essay on the film, as saying that Birth of a Nation revealed “the extraordinary power of cinema to ‘teach’ history and to reflect...
3 Pages 1352 Words

Code-Switching Essay

Code mixing (CM) refers to the integration of two or more languages in speech. It is frequently observed in user-generated content on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, especially from multilingual users. This present study attempts to analyze the code-mixed text collected from various articles and papers. Introduction Code-Switching and its History: Code-switching and mixing, together, have always been a global phenomenon, which mainly occurs due to lexical borrowing. In linguistics, language alternation occurs when people...
3 Pages 1425 Words

Biopsychosocial Assessment Essay

Biopsychosocial Assessment A client has presented severe mental health symptoms while at an appointment for ongoing HIV care. The client would only be seen for his appointments in his home and refused to be seen in the clinic. Utilizing the biopsychosocial assessment outline from Sands and Gellis (p. 88-89, 2012), a brief report of the client follows (Wooldridge, 2019): Identifying Information The client is 50, cisgender male, Caucasian, divorced, not employed due to disability, and identifies as heterosexual. He was...
3 Pages 1443 Words

Argumentative Essay on World War 2

No matter what the outcome of world war 2, the outcome would of still been the result of imperialism in one way or another. There were many causes that headed up to the start of World War 2, some of which can be traced back and connected to the first world war. After the first war, many countries were left in economic ruin; as such they have become vulnerable to being taken over by dictators. Dictators taking charge and many...
3 Pages 1353 Words

Americorps Community Service Essay

Compulsory particularly military help can advance basically national solidarity from numerous points of view. Required national assistance would mostly encourage solidarity and for the most part, bring individuals from various foundations together in a major way. Mandatory assistance would set aside the administration cash and literally give advantages to all citizens. Performing actually national essential help would particularly assist youthful with peopling actually fully grown and really fill in as an extension to adulthood. Obligatory national help would cultivate solidarity...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Catcher in The Rye:' Literary Analysis Essay

Throughout the novel, Holden seems to be excluded from and victimized by the world around him. As he says to Mr. Spencer, he feels trapped on “the other side” of life, and he continually attempts to find his way in a world in which he feels he doesn’t belong. As the novel progresses, we begin to perceive that Holden’s alienation is his way of protecting himself. Just as he wears his hunting hat (see “Symbols,” below) to advertise his uniqueness,...
3 Pages 1354 Words

What Mental Illness Does Nina Have in 'Black Swan': Critical Essay

Natalie Portman starred in “Black Swan” released into theaters in 2010. Although it was filmed nearly 10 years ago the storyline is still a disturbing yet beautiful film many still watch today. After reviewing this film I have come to argue the point that this film is the story of how losing one’s self is the price to pay for perfection. There have been many tales with this similar plot, yet in Black Swan, it seems so much more externalized....
3 Pages 1381 Words

Mesopotamia Gender Roles Essay

Gender is a crucial concept to think carefully about in a society and is made up of social norms that determine the behavior of men and women in a society. A gender role is an appropriate behavior and attitude that has been developed over the centuries that both males and females of society are supposed to go along with and live their life by. Gender has always played a major role in both ancient and modern societies, and even in...
3 Pages 1389 Words

Bullying in Schools as a Huge Problem: Persuasive Essay

Bullying is the deliberate, continuous abuse of power in relationships through constant social, verbal, or physical behavior that causes harm to any individual. It ranges from individuals who abuse their power or seize power over one or more persons who are not capable of putting an end to it. Bullying happens in many ways: online, through social means, or in person. Bullying has many different effects based on the individual, some special teenagers are more prone to having long-term effects...
3 Pages 1351 Words

Argumentative Essay on Gay Adoption

The common synonym for homosexual, gay, was initially used as a code word between homosexuals. It has moved into common speech to describe homosexual women and men, as well as the socio-political concerns related to homosexual orientation. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a homosexual as a person who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex. Over time, the word ‘gay’ has primarily been used to refer to homosexual men while a lesbian is a female who is attracted to...
3 Pages 1365 Words

Essay on the Importance of Communication in Nursing

Communication is an exchange of information between people through either verbal or non-verbal forms. DĂ«ger, Sibiya, Johnson & Uno (2018) stated that communication is an essential component in cooperation, collaboration, and relationships, which makes communicating in professional practice such as nursing vital. Conversations between nurses and patients are crucial to their overall safety, they can prevent medical mistakes, aid in the level of care provided and act as a support system. There are many different strategies in verbal communication within...
3 Pages 1442 Words

Why Education Is a Right: Persuasive Essay

Students, teachers, principals, and staff, also the government that is included in this statement, help kids have better education and that education is important in their lives to get a good career and also to succeed in life. Although some people might think that education is not a privilege for their children to learn new things and accomplish their goals. Some parents want their children to stay at home and do online school while other kids are learning. This essay...
3 Pages 1387 Words

Essay on the Skeletal System of the Human Body

In this essay, I will demonstrate my understanding of the anatomical organization and functions of the skeletal system, including the main bone types connective tissues, joints, and protective structures. I will also explain the biomechanics of levers when muscular forces are transmitted by the skeletal system, bone development and repair, and the effects of the disease and age on locomotion. The Skeletal Structure and Functions The skeletal system is an important system of the human body as it supports and...
3 Pages 1407 Words

Masculinity and Women in 'Fight Club'

'Fight Club’ (1999), directed by David Fincher, remains to be a volatile encapsulation of the zeitgeist on the eve of the 2000s, underlining white-collar melancholy mourning the loss of manhood. The film has been interpreted in vastly differing lights – some identify it to be a film that critiques hegemonic norms of white masculinity, but also one that perpetuates a dangerous notion surrounding misogyny and homophobia. In a literal sense, masculinity is defined to be characteristics that are traditionally thought...
3 Pages 1374 Words

Key Themes in AD Smith's Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992: Critical Analysis

‘Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992’ is a play Anna Deavere Smith produced utilizing verbatim depictions of the numerous casualties, onlookers, observers, and even culprits she met as a result of the Los Angeles riots. Smith examines an assortment of occasions paving the way to the Rodney King tragedy and considers the variety and strain of a city in disorder. Anna Deavere Smith's play contains numerous assortments of individual stories that give an understanding of the perplexing points of view, feelings, and...
3 Pages 1351 Words

Birthright Citizenship and the 14th Amendment: Argumentative Essay

Five million children are living in the U.S. today. Children of every race, every ethnicity, every religion, every kind of identification. But of the five million children in the U.S., only about 4.1 million have U.S. citizenship at birth. 100,000 holding a green card, while the remaining 900,000 are themselves unauthorized. But they all are brought into the world the same. They go to the same schools, side by side, learning the same curriculum. They all have the same rights,...
3 Pages 1368 Words

Stephen Austin's View of the Texas Revolution: Critical Essay

There were many factors and important people that helped construct the Texas Revolution. Although the land was Mexican territory, many Anglo-Americans moved to Texas in hopes of getting a good amount of land. There was one man that had a huge role in Texas, his name was Stephen Fuller Austin. Stephen Austin helped convince many Americans to pack their belongings and head down to Texas. Eventually, the Tejanos were starting to become outnumbered by American colonizers. Relations between the settlers...
3 Pages 1391 Words

Analytical Essay on How Income Affects Physical and Mental Health

This essay will discuss the health inequality income and its impact on an individual’s physical and mental health. I will go into discuss stresses due to poverty and underprovided areas negative impact on the body and mind, as well as the lack of adequate health care for poorer communities. Definitions and common causes will be discussed, and examples will be provided. This essay will then go on to describe a policy that aims to address the impact of health inequalities...
3 Pages 1368 Words

Solutions to Obesity: Problem and Solution Essay

Obesity is a growing issue facing today’s society. There are many reasons for this growing issue. This is due in part to genetics and diets. Obesity has taken its toll on every country across the globe in many ways. Obesity is a huge issue that varies in severity based on location. Each region may have different causes, but the end goal of defeating it is something they can all strive for. Within society, there are many solutions with the end...
3 Pages 1422 Words

Biography Essay on Pope Francis as an Inspiring Personality

Pope Francis was the first Pope from the Americas, being born in Argentina. Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born to Italian immigrants, graduated from a technical school, and left as a chemical technician. However soon after he graduated, he then began his training at the Diocesan Seminary of Villa Devoto. In 1958, he entered the novitiate of the Society of Serving God. Between 1964 and 1986, he studied theology and taught literature and physiology at two schools. Bergoglio was then ordained...
3 Pages 1350 Words

My Scuba Diving Experience: Narrative Essay

Picture this, all around you are fish, water, and sand. You try to look up, but all you see is water. Terrifying, right? Well, that’s how I felt my first time going scuba diving. This all took place about a year ago, in Aqaba, Jordan, when I decided to go scuba diving, and it was one of the scariest and most fun things I’ve ever done. After deciding I wanted to go scuba diving, I had to go to a...
3 Pages 1350 Words

Informative Essay on the Collapse of Cinema

The ‘cinematic experience’ is so much more than just watching a film. It is a wonderful opportunity to detach yourself from the constant concerns in the world today. It is your chance to become fully immersed in a world where the only barrier is the screen. Where you get to experience emotions of wonder, suspense, drama, or love; escaping from the repetitive cycle of day-to-day life and connecting with those you care about. People all across the world used to...
3 Pages 1386 Words

Use of Point of View in Andy Weir's Short Story 'The Egg'

Life after death, reincarnation, and past lives have been topics that are being explored by countless authors. These themes have mostly been explored through a religious lens, whether that is Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. While the religious influences, if there are any, aren’t immediately recognizable in Andy Weir’s short story ‘The Egg’, the narrative itself attempts to explore the idea of life after death. It also explores the interconnectedness between humans and the world they live in, through the...
3 Pages 1440 Words

The Relationship Between Behaviour and Hormones

The endocrine system regulates the activities of the body by secreting hormones into the bloodstream. Depending on high or low hormone levels, it can increase the likelihood of certain behaviours. For example, heightened testosterone is linked to aggressive behavior, high levels of estrogen are linked to happiness, and high oxytocin levels are linked to love and bonding. Testosterone, estrogen, and oxytocin are the hormones this essay will be focusing on and how they affect behavior. Biological psychology is often overlooked...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Health Problems and Solutions: Sedentary Lifestyle

Sedentary behavior is characterized not only by that individual who does not practice any physical activity, even the simplest activities, like walking or playing sports, or the one who sits in a chair or lying in bed all day. The lifestyle of a sedentary human goes far beyond that. Having this lifestyle means that the individual has bad daily habits, even in small details like preferring an elevator while avoiding a ladder. But not necessarily the individual who does not...
3 Pages 1441 Words

Narrative Essay on My Family Heritage

Researching my family's history has helped me gain newfound knowledge and a sense of unityб which has had a strong impact on my identity. For my family heritage project, I will be focusing on the Mexican side of my family. My ethnic background on my mother's side of my family is Latino, which are people of Mexican descent. In this paper, I will be tracing back my family tree by identifying the population, migration, language, religion, and ethnicity of my...
3 Pages 1361 Words
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