1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Persuasive Essay on Whether Geography Can Be Considered a Science

Geography is a subset of Earth science one of the natural sciences along with biology, chemistry, and genetics. It studies both physical and cultural features, such as land features, inhabitants, and phenomena of the Earth and planets. Geography has been called a world discipline and a bridge between the human and physical sciences. Alexander Von Humboldt, a German traveler, scientist and geographer from 1769-1859, is commonly known as the father of modern geography and other geographers came to conclude that...
3 Pages 1355 Words

Censorship of 20th-Century Music in Soviet Union

Censorship has a long history. Already in church music dating back to the 18th century, which was created to complement worship, it is possible to find evidence of music control. If religious habits were changed, such as in England during the Reformation or in revolutionary France, music that was contrary to the new order disappeared and was no longer played. In a society dominated by a monarch or a strong totalitarian organization, the supreme person also determines which pieces of...
3 Pages 1402 Words

Genie, the Wild Child: Analytical Essay

The story of Genie is a heart-wrenching tale of a child held hostage in her own home. Deemed mentally challenged by her abusive father as an infant, she was tied to a chair and locked in a dark room with little to no human contact for twelve years. This severely impacted Genie’s ability to eat, drink, sleep, speak, learn, move, and move forward doing regular activities most twelve-year-olds are fully capable of. Her father forbade her from moving, talking, or...
3 Pages 1433 Words

Essay on 'The Glass Castle': Rex Walls Character Analysis

I think that many Americans don’t trust the government. Maybe it's part of that breaking off from the British. I think for most people this is a cultural thing, but for Rex Walls, a character in the memoir, The Glass Castle, by Jeanette Walls it is a reaction to his life experiences. Rex is an interesting person who is sometimes a loving father and sometimes a neglectful alcoholic. I think that Rex Walls uses chaos to try to build a...
3 Pages 1415 Words

Essay on 'The Glass Castle': Psychological Case Study

For those unfortunate to have dealt with a near-death experience, combat exposure, childhood physical abuse, sexual violence, and physical assault have faced what is known as a traumatizing event. Many people are lucky enough to recover sooner than others; however, the rest often face at-risk exposure to ASD (Acute Stress Disorder), Adjustment Disorder, and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). According to Victoria Lemle Beckner and John B. Arden, Conquering Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, “Traumas have a much deeper impact on one’s...
3 Pages 1415 Words

Narrative Story about Sexual Harassment

Rationale For my written task, I decided to focus on part 2 – Mass media and Communication- in the subtopic of Gender, sexism, and discrimination. The learning outcome addressed is to Show an awareness of the potential for an educational, political, or ideological influence of the media. I wrote a letter to the editor about a government-led campaign created in 2013 in London. It was published in The Guardian- a left-party British newspaper- addressed to The British Transport Police. It...
3 Pages 1424 Words

Informative Speech on Sexual Harassment over Time

Sexual Harassment in the workplace and school slowly began to pick up speed in many parts of the U.S.A., In fact, the first sexually harassing cases did not come up until the late 1970s. The first signs of Sexual Harassment can also date back to the 1920s the birth of flappers and speakeasies were popular. Early 1900’s many women were scared to speak up or just didn't mind it as much as in the late 1900s. Women at this time...
3 Pages 1379 Words

Argumentative Essay on Religion and Sexual Harassment

The #MeToo was started in 2006 by Taraba Burke and her main objective was to spread the message of survivors (MacKinnon). In 2017, this movement was again raised by actress Alysa Milano when she tweets a message about harassment. After that people shared their bad experiences and stories about sexual harassment and abuse. Individuals from different fields share their experiences from which a larger number of women were from the workplace. In multinational organizations, women from different regions are working....
3 Pages 1398 Words

Rabies and Public Health: Informative Essay

Rabies lyssavirus: Different case studies of rabies infected humans and animals resulted in no possible treatment and ultimate result of death. But evidences prove that vaccination can resist the disease to some extent. Coomon Symptoms of rabies virus include fever, headaches, muscle aches, loss of appetite, nausea, and tiredness. Vaccinations such as Rabies immune globulin and rabies vaccine are believed to be effective. Introduction: Human dimensions researches have documented Australian’s affection for wildlife. Surveys have found that Australian’s enjoy living...
3 Pages 1420 Words

Critical Reflective Essay on Intersectionality

One of the most imperative concepts in gender studies and feminist theory is intersectionality which traces its origin back to black feminism when it was used to describe the intersectionality of race and gender since the two aspects exist collectively and operate dynamically in daily life to bring an impact (Crenshaw, 1244). Therefore, the term implies a system that names the situated ways that several forms of power act, simultaneously to produce our lives. Similarly, it may be defined as...
3 Pages 1360 Words

Adoption Vs Foster Care Paper

One of the purposes of the U.S. child welfare system is to reunify children with their parents or to offer children permanency, or long-term, living arrangements rather through guardianship or adoption. In 2016 alone, over 100,000 children were removed from their homes and placed into foster care (“Number of Children”, 2017). As a whole, there are over 430,000 children in the United States foster care system and approximately 112,000 of these children are waiting to be adopted (Ahmann,2017). Based on...
3 Pages 1418 Words

Persuasive Speech about the Impact of Fake News on Modern Society

Falsehood and information that mimics truth have been floating around in different forms since the dawn of the dissemination of ideas. Rumors control the way society functions, dictating cultures and counterculture formation at the time of the idea’s infancy. When analyzing what exactly “fake news” means and how the term might evolve with changes in time and attitude, it is clear that it is synonymous with the term rumor. Rumors always have at least some aspect of truth or knowledge...
3 Pages 1374 Words

Persuasive Speech on Deforestation

He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does he prospers. (Psalm 1:3) Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. (Chronicles 16:33). When you make something you are proud of, it is not in your interests to actively destroy it. Then why do we destroy our...
3 Pages 1370 Words

Helping a Person with Bipolar Disorder: Case Study Essay

Introduction Approximately 1 in 5 people in the U.S. struggles with a mental illness every year, Hollywood is no exception. As time goes on due to a better societal view on mental illness more and more of our favorite actors, producers, and musicians come forward with their struggles with mental illness. From depression to schizophrenia it is crucial these illnesses not be ignored or misdiagnosed to ensure the proper treatment of those suffering. Although the recent forthcoming of a few...
3 Pages 1358 Words

Who Is Calpurnia in 'To Kill A Mockingbird': Critical Essay

No matter what time period we are in, humans are learning new lessons from every situation they experience. Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, was set in the 1960s in Maycomb, Alabama during The Great Depression. Narrator and protagonist, Jean Louise “Scout” Finch learns some important life lessons from her experiences throughout the novel. As she grows older, Scout starts to notice the world around her and witnesses the racial inequalities and prejudices towards different types of people. Her...
3 Pages 1432 Words

Stress Thesis Statement Essay

The Health and Safety Authority defines Work-Related Stress (WRS) as stress caused or made worse by work. It simply refers to when a person perceives the work environment in such a way that his or her reaction involves feelings of an inability to cope. It may be caused by perceived/real pressures/deadlines/threats/anxieties within the working environment. Ireland’s frontline emergency services are under immense strain at the moment due to a range of issues. Worryingly, the issues do not appear to be...
3 Pages 1364 Words

How Does the Constitution Affect Us Today: Critical Essay

Anuj Garg v. hotel association of India and others is one of the most celebrated cases in Indian history. This case was the first one to adopt ‘the strict scrutiny test’ in the case of sex discrimination claims. As per the pre-constitutional Punjab excise act, under section 30, any person below the age of 25 and ‘any’ woman is prohibited to be employed in the premises where liquor or any intoxicating substance is served. This judgment was passed by Delhi...
3 Pages 1448 Words

How Did the American Revolution Changed Colonial Society

Introduction Women in America have grown through different phases and periods of American history. Native American Women are considered the first group of women to settle in America. They had a less civilized society and women were considered to be the property of the man she has been married to, they were subjected to home duties and submitting to their husbands. During the American Colonial Era, women had gone through a not convincing change from the position held during the...
3 Pages 1378 Words

Freedom of Speech Should Not Be Limited: Argumentative Speech

Imagine living in a world where everything is regulated and manipulated. Your mouth is closed, your hands are clenched, and your legs are bound and caged by invisible claws. You blame the rest of the world for suffocating your freedom. This will be the new type of slavery in the 21st century. Imagine living in a world of justice and liberty. You will feel as free as the birds floating across the azure sky and the roaring waves splashing on...
3 Pages 1413 Words

What Does Wallpaper Symbolize in 'The Yellow Wallpaper'

Imagine living in a world where society is conceived to be perfect, but it is quite the opposite. In a dystopian setting, it analyzes realistic outcomes that are extremely unpleasant. Novels tend to be relatable and believable, creating an impact that causes the reader to feel a deep connection in the modern era. Commonly, dystopian novels have a ruling government that aggressively seeks to overpower and influence everything in order to put an end to rebellions. The government's ultimate goal...
3 Pages 1425 Words

Arguments against Death Penalty: Research Paper

Can Capital Punishment Ever Be Justified? As indicated by the eighth amendment in the United States Constitution, each American resident is shielded from unfeeling and uncommon discipline in the criminal equity framework. Since forever, there have been many court cases that have ruled in support of capital punishment, yet the issue of whether the death penalty is ethically just or not is still discussed today (Cole et al. 92, 289). As a criminal equity understudy, I see capital punishment as...
3 Pages 1396 Words

Social Media: Thesis Statement

Social media has become a worldwide spread phenomenon. The transaction from static internet web pages to dynamic or user-generated content has changed the way people communicate. A recent Global Digital Report from ‘we are social’ 2019 has shown that more than 45% of the world's population is active on SM. Nearly all of the 3.5 billion users connect at least once per day, and 30% of them like, share, or post content more than 10 times per day. Social media...
3 Pages 1437 Words

Declaration of Independence's Support for Women's Suffrage

The blissful trees shimmered in the sunlight, dancing to the gentle wind, staying away from the dullness of the dense city filled with bigoted humans. The conservative metropolis, populated with children and adults, yell out prejudiced statements throughout the streets of New York City in the 1840s: “Women are stupid. They don't deserve the right to vote!” “Hey, smile for me, pretty lady, that's the least you can do!” All of this commotion was seen as a norm. No prayers...
3 Pages 1396 Words

French & American Revolutions: Compare & Contrast Essay

Freedom is often associated with having rights and civil liberties with which to exercise them without undue interference by the state. There are different forms of freedom: freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of choice, freedom of religion, and freedom of economy. Furthermore, Freedom means having the opportunity to vote for a particular idea or for people who best represent our views. Freedom can refer to the concept of freedom of speech; the ability to freely voice personal opinion...
3 Pages 1384 Words

Persuasive Essay on Animal Cruelty

“When it comes to having a central nervous system, and the ability to feel pain, hunger, and thirst, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy” (Ingrid Newkirk). The deplorable crime of subjecting docile animals to diabolical treatment delivered by man is completely unacceptable and should be abolished. Cruelty against animals is the embodiment of immoral behavior and the distasteful act is overlooked massively on a global scale. The reward for demonstrating compassion, loyalty, and vulnerability towards...
3 Pages 1368 Words

Can Virtue Be Taught: Persuasive Essay

Throughout the Socratic dialogue ‘Protagoras’, the sophist Protagoras argues that being virtuous can be taught. Protagoras argues that excellence can be taught, as it is an example of citizenship. He claims that “I am a sophist and I educate people”, most particularly how to teach students to be excellent speakers. On the other hand, Protagoras’ antagonist, Socrates, claims that virtue cannot be taught, leading both philosophers to argue whether or not virtue is either wisdom or knowledge. Socrates asks Protagoras...
3 Pages 1449 Words

Theme of Home in NoViolet Bulawayo’s ‘We Need New Names’

“In America, roads are like the devil’s hands, like God’s love, reaching all over, just the sad thing is, they won’t really take me home. There are two homes inside my head: home before Paradise, and home in Paradise; home one and home two. Home one was best. A real house. Father and Mother having good jobs. Plenty of food to eat. Clothes to wear. Radios blaring every Saturday and everybody dancing because there was nothing to do but party...
3 Pages 1438 Words

Defending Roe V. Wade: Critical Essay

You've probably wondered how we got women's rights, or rights at all. If you are, you may also have wondered how laws change and what needs to happen for something to change. Regarding abortion rights, you may have wondered how these rights came about. An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy; embryos or fetuses are removed from the uterus using medicine or surgery. This is done by a health care professional. The decision to terminate a pregnancy is very...
3 Pages 1399 Words

My Health Behaviour Change Project: Proposal Essay

I have been giving it some thoughts about slimming down on my weight and just overall wanting to feel healthy. I have tried all the diets that you can think of, but never fully committed to one as I always see no results and eventually give up. I have been doing some research and looking into video ideas of what it would be like and the timeline and the result that could be achieved using a vegan or vegetarian option...
3 Pages 1436 Words

Informative Essay on the Benefits of Extracurricular Activities

Introduction Extracurricular activities, encompassing a wide range of interests and pursuits outside the traditional academic curriculum, play a pivotal role in the holistic development of students. These activities, which include sports, music, arts, volunteer work, and various clubs, offer students the opportunity to explore their interests, develop new skills, and express their creativity. Beyond the enjoyment and engagement these activities provide, they hold significant value in fostering social skills, teamwork, leadership, and time management. Engaging in extracurricular activities encourages students...
5 Pages 1404 Words
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