1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Informative Essay on Arthur Miller

Miller’s book, The Crucible, is about many young women in Salem, Massachusetts being accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials in the 1690s. There is a lot of chaos that goes down between the people being accused, and the accusers themselves. The whole entire village in Salem goes into hysteria. At the end of the book, 19 villagers have died, and over 200 arrested. Arthur Miller himself was accused of communism and “un-American” things during McCarthyism in the 1950s....
3 Pages 1518 Words

Critical Reflection on Hospital and Doctor Roles in 'Grey’s Anatomy'

Television hospital shows like Grey’s Anatomy in the past, as well as the present-day do not depict the real-life hospital and doctor roles. According to (Health Enews Staff) far fewer patients go straight from the emergency room to the operating room in real-life compared to the high percentage of television hospital shows. Injured patients on television shows spend less than a week in the hospital. In reality, most injured patients spend much more time in the hospital. Residents’ lives are...
3 Pages 1514 Words

Things Fall Apart Analysis

During the 19th century, the traditional values of the Igbo people clashed with the values of western culture (Osei-Nyame 149-150). More specifically, the ideas of gender roles presented in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart contrast how the Igbo people view the role of men and women. During this time period, western literature did not appropriately depict African culture, therefore, Achebe gave more first-person insight into their culture (Adichie). On the surface of this novel, women are seen as submissive and obedient...
3 Pages 1522 Words

Comparative Analysis of Gilgamesh and Beowulf

Both Gilgamesh and Beowulf are structurally and temporally in two parts: one at the height of the hero's lives, the second all through their declining years. In Gilgamesh, section one offers Gilgamesh and Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven; in Beowulf, phase one consists of Beowulf`s struggles with Grendel and Grendel`s mother. Part two of Gilgamesh focuses on Gilgamesh and Utnapishtim; section two of Beowulf reveals Beowulf`s struggles with the dragon. Hero is defined via the relationship between the two...
3 Pages 1510 Words

Ethical Experimentation for Autonomous Vehicles and Utilitarian Cars

There has been much debate recently about driverless cars regarding the issue of morality. Specifically, one might question whether it is morally right for someone to program a car to save the driver of the vehicle before the lives of those outside of the car. Others might ask if we should even allow people to have driverless cars. To further explore these issues, one must first understand two core moral theories: Utilitarianism and Kantian Ethics. Utilitarianism is the idea that...
3 Pages 1493 Words

Analysis of Waste Management Scandal in 1998

In a world of ever-expanding technology, no one would bat an eye on a laboring force being fraudulent, especially a dirty one. Many wonders if their actions fall under “fraud, “but what is fraud?” Accounting fraud or corporate accounting scandals are political and business scandals that rises when disclosure of misdeeds by trusted executives of large public companies. A public company that falls under “creative accounting” can amount to fraud and an investigation is typically launched by government agencies. Some...
3 Pages 1490 Words

Of Mice and Men': Literary Criticism

Of Mice and Men: Steinbeck’s Controversial Novel Some of the most iconic novels in American Literature are those that are shrouded in controversy, and John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men is no exception to this list. Steinbeck paints a realistic image of what life would be like for farmers during the great depression while providing an intriguing narrative of a bond between two migrant farmers. Although many readers have praised him for the authentic nature of his novel, numerous critics...
3 Pages 1506 Words

Fences' at Work, Troy Petitions for What Job: Essay

In the short play Fences, August Wilson introduces an African American family whose life is based around a fence. The play takes place from the 1950s through 1965. The Maxson household has many strained relationships needed to grow here. The central character, Troy Maxson, prevents anyone from interfering in his life by surrounding himself around a physical and symbolic fence that affects his relationships with his family and himself. Throughout the play, readers can see Troy’s life is falling apart...
3 Pages 1544 Words

Essay about Using Robots in Surgery

Using robots in surgery may become a reality. Years ago, no one could imagine that using robots would become a reality and be sufficient so the patient can trust it. Many types of research have been published, and experiments have been conducted to test the robots and know the advantages and disadvantages of using them. However, there are some arguments about the efficiency of using robots or not, as using robots is a must or perfect choice in cases like...
3 Pages 1451 Words

Essay about Roman Civilization and Its Unique Art

The Roman civilization is one of the most important ancient civilizations in the world. It was founded in the fourth and fifth century BC by the Etrus who migrated from Asia Minor. It developed into a great empire with independent politics after wars and conflicts. The Roman Empire achieved excellence in various military, engineering and architectural fields. It was influenced by the arts of other civilizations and cultures, such as the Greek, Egyptian and Etruscan, as the Greek civilization included...
3 Pages 1544 Words

Role of Transport in Economic Development

Since ancient times, there was interdependence between shipping activity and the degree of economic development. Civilizations who managed to exploit natural advantages like waterways have managed to develop economically. Thus, in ancient times, countries such as Egypt, China, Greece and the Roman Empire grew economically by developing river and maritime transportation routes. Since the eighteenth century, the importance of transport was highlighted by Adam Smith. In Smith’s concept, transport was a productive branch that creates value, but not the use-value....
3 Pages 1521 Words

The Movie 'The Blind Side’ and the Theme of Adoption

Wandering the barren streets and scouring for a place to shield himself from the evil of this world, the boy longs for something else. He has no one to turn to for assistance throughout the nightmares of his chilling past. Life can be intimidating for every person in society, but the tests relinquished onto homeless, fostered, or adopted children are discouraging. As a result of certain factors, personal or financial, children can endure life without a home or with adoptive...
3 Pages 1478 Words

The Mastermind Joker: Heath Ledger's Road to the Top of the Acting World

On the 22nd of January 2008, an A-list actor would be found lying dead, on the floor of his hotel room. A few months later, with the release of his most recent movie, he would be named one of the most captivating actors of this era. This is the story of how a young Perth boy would rise to the top of the acting world. Childhood Heathcliff Andrew Ledger, born 4th April 1978, lived his childhood in Perth. His father,...
3 Pages 1468 Words

Life of Richard Williams: Informative Essay

Throughout the history of animation, there has been a lot of famous figures. Many of which can come people’s mind when talking about the entertainment medium such as Winsor McCay, Walt Disney, Chuck Jones, Max Flesicher, Ray Harryhausen, and Hayao Miyazaki. But there is one animator that is also well-known but has push the envelope with the techniques in traditional animation. His name is Richard Williams. Richard Williams is a Canadian born Animator, who worked on famous projects such as...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Representation of African Americans in American Films

In the earliest days of American film, African Americans were not in positions to produce a movie about black Americans’, Africa, or any subject pertaining to African American lives and culture, or any subject at all. Conversely, white Americans could produce, make, and distribute any kind of film they wanted and not constrained by their race. Producing a movie about African Americans and using little to no knowledge and often based on perceived behaviors and often with unflattering, grotesque versions...
3 Pages 1544 Words

Racism and Sexism in 'Game of Thrones'

According to Ella Shohat, culturally and geographically colonialism effected the way different genders and ethnicities are portrayed in media. Historically colonialism invaded other cultures and brought with them their ideologies and views. Views that were in example depicting women and the world, from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that presents and represents women as sexual objects for the pleasure of the male viewer. Also, the views of the different natives that they encountered. The historical forms of media created by these...
3 Pages 1466 Words

Plato's Allegory of the Cave and the Movie ‘The Matrix’

As we have been going through the study of epistemology, we started off with an allegory. This was allegory was said by a famous philosopher named Plato. His allegory was called the allegory of the cave. This allegory was an explanation of how mankind live, its life and how our understanding are actually very limited. This is explained is multiple steps which show the evolution of knowledge. ‘The Matrix’ is a visual representation of the allegory. If you were to...
3 Pages 1460 Words

Piano: Essay about Musical Instrument

Introduction The piano, an instrument of exquisite beauty and complexity, has captivated the hearts of music lovers for centuries. Its invention in the early 18th century by Bartolomeo Cristofori marked a significant milestone in the evolution of musical expression, offering a range of dynamics and tones unmatched by its predecessors. As a cornerstone of both classical and contemporary music, the piano has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of composition, performance, and education. Its black and white keys...
5 Pages 1505 Words

Oligopoly, Perfect Competition, Cournot's and Bertrand's Models

Oligopoly is one of the four market structures in the world and the other three are perfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic competition. All these market structures have different features and characteristics that set them apart, but among them is a perfect competition that often serves as a benchmark for others. Indeed, perfect competition, in addition to promoting economic efficiency, provides a good basis for the comparison of different types of markets in the real world. Oligopolistic markets have two main...
3 Pages 1471 Words

Native American Captivity Narratives in American Literature

This paper examines the genre of Native American captivity narratives and how the narratives influence the way the Natives are perceived. Some of the early captivity narratives depict Indigenous Americans as inhuman savages, while the more recent narratives, those in which the captives choose to spend the rest of their lives with their Indian captors instead of going back to their white community, are more likely to contain a positive perception of the American Natives. Although both men and women...
3 Pages 1523 Words

Globalization's Impact on Nationalism, Patriotism & Identity

National identity is a sense of a nation and its people as a connected whole from an internal and external perspective (internal, as the people of that nation see themselves, and external, as the rest of the world views the people of that nation), which has developed over time. The development of ‘identity’ is something very important, which means that every human being is trying to find out the answer to who they are or where they belong to in...
3 Pages 1482 Words

Michael Oher from the Film 'The Blind Side': Character Analysis

In this essay paper I will discuss and analyze Michael Oher’s personality. This essay paper is based on true events from the film ‘The Blind Side’ inspired by Michael Lewis’s best seller. Michael Oher is an African American who grew up as an extremely impoverished child in the ghettos of Memphis Tennessee. Oher was from a place called Hurt Village, a housing project in North Memphis, where he was one of twelve families growing up in broken homes and low...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Copyright and Royalties in the Music Industry

I have been asked to create this essay in which I have to provide an account for how copyrights and royalties work in the music industry and to show my understanding of the importance of collections societies. I have thoroughly researched these topics and have gained full understanding on each matter. Copyright There are many issues surrounding the downloading side of today’s music industry. And one of these issues to mention is illegal downloading. With music now being so easy...
3 Pages 1495 Words

Comparison of Italian and German Opera

By the 19th century, opera had become one of the most popular musical genres. Italy had been the birthplace of opera in the 17th century, however, other European countries such as Germany began to produce their own operas during the Classical period. For most of the 19th century, Italy and Germany were comprised of smaller states and had not yet fully unified into one nation. The desire for individual unification by both Italy and Germany created fervent nationalism. Between 1800...
3 Pages 1519 Words

Color in Two Vibrant Cultures: Contemporary Mexican and Cambodian Art

Historically, cultural traditions in Asia and South America have played a large role in artistic style and content in those respective regions. From ancient pictographs to passionate paintings depicting a region’s triumphs and losses, art records memories of millennia past. Symbols of the past can still be found in modern art. In Mexico, pieces may combine the culture of the Aztecs with Catholic symbols. Cambodian artworks might depict traditional colors and a remembrance of the pain caused by the Khmer...
3 Pages 1467 Words

Essay about Chuck Yeager: The Fastest Man Alive

“Death is a great enemy and robber in my profession, taking away so many of my friends over the years, all of them young”. Chuck had a dangerous job, he was a pilot in World War II and half of his friends were either killed in the war or in testing planes for the USAAF and from that, he was facing death every day. Chuck grew up on a farm and right out of high school, enlisted to become a...
3 Pages 1541 Words

What Does Professionalism Mean to You: Opinion Essay

In this assessment, I will be aiming to cover the importance of professionalism from a student nurse's perspective. As a student nurse, professionalism plays a very important role in the quality of care of a patient as well as maintaining respect, personal beliefs, and personal development. My definition and understanding of professionalism within nursing as a student nurse is to appraise my knowledge and involvement in high-quality practice guidelines as I have an impact on the community as a healthcare...
3 Pages 1484 Words

West Side Story: Review Essay

If You`re All White In America: A Closer Look at West Side Story Adaptations of William Shakespeare`s Romeo and Juliet have been flooding the arts scene since time immemorial; indeed, there`s some debate as to whether Shakespeare`s own version was an adaptation of an earlier tale. Arguably one of the most iconic retellings takes form in West Side Story, a musical following star-crossed lovers Mar`­a and Tony as they find love amidst opposing sides of a turf war. Following the...
3 Pages 1467 Words

Vaping Essay

Introduction What do you think about vaping? Now, how about vaping among teens? First, let's talk about what vaping is. In short, vaping is the action or practice of inhaling and exhaling the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device. However, the process is much more complicated than just inhaling and exhaling. Vapes or electronic cigarettes, such as e-cigarettes, e-hookah, pens, vapes, or e-cigars, work by heating a nicotine or non-nicotine solution with an electric coil that is...
3 Pages 1520 Words

The Yellow Wallpaper’: Character Analysis Essay

Charlotte Gilman through “The Yellow Wallpaper” illustrates personalities connected with old American views. During this time in history, women were commonly observed as belongings. Although a number of specifics have been altered, there are similarities between Gilman and the narrator of the story. The short story revolves around a woman who has a newborn baby and is now struggling with an illness. As a result, her husband, baby, and sister-in-law accompany her to a summerhouse to acquire peace and rest,...
3 Pages 1462 Words
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