1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Social Dilemma Analysis Essay

This essay will examine what a social dilemma is and how it comes about. We will examine two examples of this phenomenon to draw the reasons for it and understand what possible solutions exist to solve or prevent social dilemmas. The social dilemma illustrates the dynamic in which collective action is necessary when there is a conflict between the immediate, personal, or selfish interests of individuals and the interests that would benefit a larger proportion of a group. At the...
3 Pages 1462 Words

The Resurrection Is the Most Important Belief in Christianity: Essay

Introduction In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth and He created man in His image. He put Man to sleep and created out of his rib, a woman as a helpmate and companion for Adam. As we know they were only forbidden to eat from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. They ate and then realized that they were naked. The realization of physical nakedness is the first time they appreciate their own vulnerabilities. God said if...
3 Pages 1522 Words

Essay about Temples

Galtaji Temple: Where The Monkeys Run The World India is a land of temples, and more importantly, it is a land of unique and fascinating temples. From temples that are dedicated to movie stars, to temples that are dedicated to rats, you will find something different in India. I too wished to visit one such temple and was fervently looking for one. Suddenly I came across a temple in Jaipur called the Monkey Temple or the Galtaji Temple. At first,...
3 Pages 1501 Words

Social Location Essay

There are multiple social factors, which make up a person’s social location. My social location shapes and defines my own story. I identify as a 25-year-old, heterosexual, Caucasian, female. I am from a family of four, one brother a mom, and a dad. We are of Italian, Slovak, Scottish, and Irish descent. I was born in Canada into the upper middle class. I am able-bodied, wouldn't be considered ugly nor do I have any disfigurements. My mom is educated and...
3 Pages 1459 Words

Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered: Essay

Around the world, different countries have different drinking ages. The lowest drinking age in the world is in Cambodia where there is no limit on the drinking age. The highest legal drinking age in the world is 21 (excluding countries like Afghanistan where alcohol is banned).In the legal drinking age is 18, in the USA it`s 21 and in Italy, it`s 16. In the Uk, there is much debate on whether the age to purchase alcohol should be lowered or...
3 Pages 1478 Words

Should English Be the Official Language of the United States: Essay

Have you ever wondered where the English language came from? How it was developed and how it became what we know today? It is common to suggest that there are three main categories concerning the evolution and history of the English language. First, we have Old English. It started from 450 to 1066 and it begins with the coming of Germanic tribes settling in England. Then, we have Middle English which started from 1066 to 1500. It begins with the...
3 Pages 1457 Words

Self Analysis Essay

Introduction Diversity means understanding that every individual is unique in their own way while recognizing our own individual differences such as ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical attributes, religion, etc. As an Australian-born male with a Russian background, it has sometimes been very difficult to truly understand the unique differences of others due to my natural personality traits and attitudes that have been derived from my own cultural background, such as stubbornness or being too emotional. However, through the...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Retirement Essay

Retirement is something that is frequently postponed and worried about later, especially for people who are younger. For young adults, retirement feels like it’s still so far away, so it doesn’t feel necessary to start planning so early because it barely feels real at all. Younger folks occasionally believe that they have much more time to worry about their retirement later on, or they believe that everything will fall into place and sort itself out in the end. Usually, people...
3 Pages 1471 Words

Restaurant Evaluation Essay

The fast food industry has been dominated by five main fast-food franchises, Mcdonald's, Wendy’s, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), and Taco Bell. All these restaurants are known for their low prices, services, variety in the menu, and extremely low prices. Burger King is well known for its burgers. Wendy’s is known for their mostly Asian Influenced menu. Taco Bell is best known for its menu including Mexican Food KFC is known for its mascot Colonel Sanders and Kentucky Fried...
3 Pages 1544 Words

Personal Development Essay

Personal Development Plan Part 1 Personal Analysis (collegiovolta, 2016) Prior to setting goals for the short, medium, and long term of my personal development, the following analysis regarding my strengths and weaknesses was conducted to determine any external opportunities or threats I may encounter which could affect my personal development plan along the way. Strengths/Advantages I developed great confidence through my public speaking experiences During my time in a Political campaign and my volunteering at my church community. I also...
3 Pages 1536 Words

Persepolis’ and ‘Fun Home’: Comparative Analysis

When I think of the word Innovative, I think of words such as ideas, creativity, imaginative, truth, and originality. I believe being innovative as a writer is being able to create creative, original, thoughtful, content that readers can relate to or experience as they read the story. A piece of writing that can help a reader make connections to characters or themes in a creative way and also experience emotions fall into innovative writing. Being innovative is trying to add...
3 Pages 1548 Words

Opinion Essay on Cheating

I Would Prefer Even to Fail with Honor Than Win by Cheating The world is becoming so dependent on the ‘human rights concept and is gradually resulting in a morally lazy public. Unlike the human rights perspective, the idea of human responsibility originates from the declaration that all human beings are free and equal in rights and dignity upon birth. It means that every individual is endowed with adequate reasoning and conscience and that people should act toward each other...
3 Pages 1474 Words

Essay on Security Guards Fail

Negligence is when a defendant abandons the basic standard care owed to a claimant, so their actions become a foreseeable threat and can be held accountable in court. A claimant can prove negligence only if the defendant holds a legal duty over them by either the principles developed by case law or a special relationship between the parties e.g. doctor/patient, security guard/citizen, etc. The claimant needs to be owed a duty of care whilst the defendant needs to have breached...
3 Pages 1467 Words

Essay on Naruto

One of Naruto’s famous sayings was “Real strength is not what you have when fighting for only yourself. When you have something special that you want to protect, only then can you become truly strong!” (Lina, 2015). This is one of Naruto Uzumaki’s famous inspirational quotes throughout the Japanese series Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and Boruto. During the series of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, Naruto Uzumaki ends up fighting his way to the top, achieving his goal, and becoming known as...
3 Pages 1470 Words

Essay on Forex Market: Definition of Foreign Exchange Market

During -17 the common monthly turnover in the Indian overseas exchange market touched about 175 billion US dollars. Compare this with the monthly buying and selling extent of about 120 billion US dollars for all cash, derivatives, and debt devices put collectively in the country, and the sheer size of the foreign exchange market will become evident. Since then, the foreign change market recreation has extra than doubled with the common monthly turnover reaching 359 billion USD in -2017, over...
3 Pages 1519 Words

Essay on Airport Security Debate

Airport security began as a simple walk through a metal detector to halt any terrorist with weapons or bombs. As time progressed, hijackers and terrorists have become more innovative and sneaky with their ways to bring weapons on a plane that a simple metal detector will not detect. 9/11 has changed airport security drastically. Now, a simple walk through a metal detector has turned into a tedious and time-consuming process before boarding a flight. The effects of 9/11 are responsible...
3 Pages 1516 Words

Essay on ‘12 Angry Men’ Psychology

‘12 Angry Men’-Group Influence: The movie 12 angry men revolves around a jury that must arrive at a verdict, either guilty or not guilty for an 18-year-old boy who has been accused of murdering his father. The members of the jury have to take a cohesive and unanimous decision on the verdict. Enough evidence, proof, and the boy's weak alibi make it seem like he has committed the crime. Type of Group- This group of 12 members is formed for...
3 Pages 1493 Words

Essay about Vietnamese Culture

What do I like the most when I live in Vietnam and why? Vietnam is located in the Indochina Peninsula, Southeast Asia, and the country shares borders with three main countries: China in the North, Laos in the Northwest, and Cambodia in the southwest. Vietnam has its own specific culture which is the most significant attraction for tourists from both inside and outside the country to keep coming to visit and travel in Vietnam. As I am an international student...
3 Pages 1519 Words

Essay on Symbolism ‘Araby’

James Joyce’s “Araby,” as the Norton Anthology notes, is equal parts realistic and symbolic and, as such, entails a highly suggestive reading. In particular, Joyce’s language does a lot for the story’s overall realistic effect, as it incites visual imagery in its depictions of scenes and characters’ actions. As well, it glorifies the object of the protagonist’s affection, Mangan’s sister. Its content, on the other hand, informs its inherent symbolism: it makes a motif out of the term “blind” and...
3 Pages 1514 Words

Analytical Essay on Fair Trade Cocoa Products

Cocoa is used in a wide variety of products, ranging from cocoa powder to cacao nibs to beauty products to chocolate. However, Nestle, one of the biggest companies that sell such products, does not use Fair Trade Certified cocoa. Instead, they use Rainforest Alliance-certified cocoa, which can be harvested from farms that utilize child labor andor slavery. Although they promised to discontinue their use of cocoa sourced from such farms, they failed to keep this promise. Additionally, the farmers that...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Robots Need Motivation to Be Autonomous

Humans are the most socially advanced of all species and use this specialty in day-to-day situations. However, it’s not clear what skills a robot must acquire in order to have appropriate interaction. There are two types of robots: 1st controlled by others and 2nd autonomous robots, that acts on the basis of its own decisions, and are not controlled by a human (Matari´c, 2007). Duffy (2003) states that a human-centric machine such as a social robot requires human traits as...
3 Pages 1509 Words

Essay on Theories of Public Policy

Public policy making is essential in making sure that the government is guided in order to reach rational decisions. It is there to give clarity to the internal and external stakeholders on how an organization operates (in this context the government), how resources will be allocated, and how everything will operate in a country. Public policy can also be defined as “a relatively stable, purposive course of action followed by an actor or set of actors in dealing with a...
3 Pages 1528 Words

Essay on Italian Crisis of 2018

The Italian economy has been hit by a deep-seated political and economic stir which has led to an unprecedented financial crisis. Italy is the only eurozone country to enter recession in 2018 after two consecutive quarters of contraction in the business cycle. Alongside the 2010 debt crisis of Greece and 2018 currency crisis of Turkey, Italy stands alone to be the only eurozone nation to experience recession for the third time in the past decade. The Italian Economy: A Background...
3 Pages 1545 Words

The Beatles as One of the Most Famous Bands of the 20th Century

Introduction One of the greatest notorious groups during the 20th century were the Beatles because they revolutionized rock and rock as to how we know it today. Not only were they known to be talented musicians, but they also wrote and composed their own music. The Beatles proved to many out there that they were well liked and excited large mass of people at each of their public performances. It all began in the city of Liverpool, England, with four...
3 Pages 1546 Words

Taormina: My Dream Town and Life-Changing Experience

Perhaps the most fulfilling human emotion is that of liberty. In a society burdened by the monotonous droning of everyday life, a sense of freedom might be the most empowering feeling in existence. Every urbanized city I’ve lived in, from grand Toronto to unimposing Champaign, has left me with the opposite; a constricting claustrophobic feeling. Even aspects of my life that are almost unanimously considered for the better of society never satisfied me, namely technology. Unlike my colleagues, as I’ve...
3 Pages 1463 Words

Is Mercantilism an Effective Form of Growth in Modern Economies: Essay

To begin with, the key question for modern growth, however, is this: ‘Does mercantilism still exist?’. In many developing nations, under one-party rule or managed by huge bureaucracies guided by industrial policies, the answer is undoubtedly, yes. On the other hand, in the modern economies, where tax reporting and collection are fairly efficient, mercantilism is much less in evidence. However, this idea of mercantilism was at its peak during the 16th-18th centuries. This time period is also known as the...
3 Pages 1502 Words

Music Therapy: Transforming Disadvantaged & Disabled

This essay will provide research (both found and from personal experiences) based upon how disadvantaged and disabled people react to music of different genres ranging from classical to more modern styles of music. Music therapy has been used to help disadvantaged and disabled people for hundreds of years dating back to 1789. Musical therapy is considered to be a healthy form of therapy especially for children and adults with autism. One of the reasons that music has quickly become a...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Hope as the Main Theme of the Film ‘The Shawshank Redemption’

‘The Shawshank Redemption’ is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont. To summarize the film, it tells a story of a banker Andy Dufresne, who was sentenced two life sentences in Shawshank State Penitentiary for the murders of his wife, and her lover despite the claims of his innocence. During the movie, he befriends a fellow prisoner named Ellis Redding, also known as ‘Red’ a contraband smuggler. The director develops a major theme throughout the film,...
3 Pages 1464 Words

George Martin's Role in the Beatles' Musical Success

The title of ‘The Fifth Beatle’ has been given to various people affiliated with the band over time, but nobody is quite deserving of the title than Sir George Martin. He was the composer, arranger and producer for the majority of the Beatle’s career and his inputs are a direct link to some of the band’s greatest influential contributions in music history. His relationship with the band started early, in 1962 he heard one of their demo tapes and arranged...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Effects of Excessive Cellular Phones Use for Teenagers

Most teenagers are obsessed with their cellular phones and as time passes the number of teenagers who are fully engaged with their phones are slowly increasing and it is very alarming. Back in the older times where life was simple the only means of communication are through the word of mouth and letters but as our society improved so did our ways of communication. In the present time, with the help of technology, communication is now made easier with the...
3 Pages 1491 Words
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