1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Analysis of Devastating Effects of Bushfires on Australia

The Australian bushfires have changed Australia; as a result, many people and animals are undoubtedly affected by this disaster. However, in order to know why this happens, we must first look at ourselves. Nevertheless, bushfires have killed millions of people and even left many homeless causing them long-term problems and even debts. This impact on Australia has affected many lives in multiple ways and how people look at the world. Bushfires in Australia is most prominent during summer, when the...
3 Pages 1501 Words

Cultural Analysis of the Horror Movie 'Scream'

‘Scream’ is a movie where director, Wes Craven, utilizes multiple elements to create this movie and make it scary. One way he does this is by making everyone in the movie a possible culprit of the murders. This paper shows how the Craven uses certain parts of directing to emphasize certain parts of his movie. Specifically, he applies sound, camera shots, and mise-en-scene to incite fear into the audience. One of the most effective parts of Craven’s work is keeping...
3 Pages 1480 Words

Essay on Cool Jazz and Its Famous Compositions

With jazz as one of the most influential and powerful style, there lay various well-known jazz compositions whose composers used different styles to engage their audience. Given jazz’s evolution, many great compositions and edits exist but one in particular, ‘cool jazz’, can be described as one of the most influential and inspiring components in jazz history. Cool jazz is a kind of contemporary jazz that sought much attention after World War II, with much of its notable growth and development...
3 Pages 1492 Words

Artificial Intelligence and How It Changes the World

Artificial intelligence is being used to make decisions in your life whether you like it or not. Artificial intelligence is a major part of life that can be a good part of humanity. What is Artificial Intelligence or as some people might say AI? Well, the CEO of DataRobot started his speech by saying: “AI is a computer system able to perform tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence... Many of these artificial intelligence systems are powered by machine learning, some...
3 Pages 1471 Words

Analysis of Fertility in Malaysia

It is possible to estimate the average number of children a woman will have during her childbearing years by calculating her fertility rate. Malaysia is currently experiencing a population crisis, as the fertility rate continues to fall. It is continuing to fall because of the fact that Malaysia is going to be a develop country and flourish the modern way of thinking; or in other words, the concept of modernization. According to Sharif et al. (2018), this situation will have...
3 Pages 1485 Words

‘The Blind Side’: Book Vs Movie

Literature, a timeless piece of writing bonded together by unspoken words. Animated movies, a reel rolling a flipbook of pictures telling a story. Literature in its purest form is a film that takes place in the mind of the reader. Words slowly bind themselves into sentences that create stories, speaking in a universal and infinite language. Literature is the immortality of speech. What is the difference between the two, they both tell a story, do they not? Which ‘story’ is...
3 Pages 1475 Words

Never Let Me Go' and 'Gattaca': Optimism through Pessimism

In both ‘Never Let Me Go’ and ‘Gattaca’ they both end optimistically and which I do agree on because at the end of both texts there is something good that happens, that is optimistic. There can be a great satisfaction for the reader or viewer in a storyline that has a conclusive ending, where the hopes, dreams and relationship issues of the characters and their sense of connection to their world are resolved or understood. However, an open ending can...
3 Pages 1521 Words

Italy aims to reduce deficit post EU criticism: Article Analysis

Summary of the Article The populist government of Italy will cut its budget deficit targets from 2020. The coalition said it planned to run a deficit of 2.4% of GDP for next year and also said that the deficit would stay at that level through 2021. This announcement shaken markets and stimulated criticism from European commission. That decision made Italian government bond profits down. Italy’s leading stock exchange, Milan’s FTSE MIB, closed up 0.9% after several days of tumbling share...
3 Pages 1471 Words

Comparing Books on Women Empowerment: The Bloody Chamber

Perrault’s “Blue Beard” and Carter’s retelling of the same work is both very different, but it also can have similarities. The use of Nickerson’s retelling named “Strands of Bronze and Gold”, as well as Brontë’s “Jane Eyre”, will also be compared to the original and Carter’s “The Bloody Chamber”. This will show how different variations of the same type of events, can have different impacts and meanings depending on who is writing the tale. Also, just because something is connected...
3 Pages 1489 Words

Ireland's Legal System Compatibility with EU Law post-Brexit

Law and legal studies project In this essay I will be discussing the legal system in Ireland and will be including any observations and changes that I think should be made to this system. I will also be discussing how the Irish legal system will remain part of the European Union after Brexit happens. The legal system in Ireland is an advanced system that involves formal laws. This means the law is independently existing and neutral and is enforced by...
3 Pages 1499 Words

Western vs African Psychology on Self Concept

We live in a world that is so often conformed to one specific way of thinking. We have to expand our reasoning, step outside our comfort zone, and be willing to see ideas from others’ perspectives. In this essay, two Western psychology theories - Psychoanalysis and Humanism - will be discussed as well as the African Psychology theory. They will be contrasted to show the differences and the importance of providing African Psychology as an alternative to Western Psychology for...
3 Pages 1505 Words

Nickel And Dimed: Appeal to Working Class by Barbara Ehrenreich

Immigrants come to the United States for several reasons and one of the most common is the search for better opportunities. They see the United States as a place where they can accomplish their goals. For whatever reason immigrants come to the United States, it usually involves the pursuit of the American Dream. One of the first things people who follow the American Dream look for a stable income and benefits to send money back home and provide a better...
3 Pages 1491 Words

Role of Rag Pickers in Advanced Locality Management in India

Abstract Now a day, we are facing a problem regarding the management of waste generated daily. This waste includes solid waste from commercial zone, industrial zone and residential zone. Among all these waste management from residential zone requires first priority because if this waste is not properly disposed daily, then it will create problems to public health, affects the aesthetics. This paper gives the present status of solid waste management on dumping ground in Mumbai region and also suggests some...
3 Pages 1515 Words

Reality and Expectations of American Dream in Short Story

“The Thing Around Your Neck” is a short story in which Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the author, presents two characters, Akunna, the main character in the story and Akunna’s boyfriend, also known as The boy in the story. Akunna wins the “American visa lottery” and gets a green card to go live in America. She is an independent woman who went to community college but later drops out due to financial problems. The boy is a rich and wealthy person that...
3 Pages 1482 Words

Analysis around Effectiveness of Biometric State in War on Terror

I conclude the biometric state is playing a role in the War on Terror by exploiting the morality of the target via biometric technology governing through risk, and simultaneously converting the opportunity, to channels of survival and security. In the War on Terror, the target of opportunity is portrayed in the media as mobile targets, and in that sense, the depiction of mobile targets are operating through civil spaces of society in anticipation of a future strike. Nonetheless, to identify...
3 Pages 1477 Words

Duke University Study on 9/11 Flashbulb Memory

Research Question 1 A study was made to investigate flashbulb theory. This theory states that these memories or recollections for the conditions in which one initially learned of an exceptionally consequential and emotionally triggering event. A critical aspect of this study was to inspect the supposition that individuals recall sorts of open public events exceeding those common occasions that happened similarly sometime in their past. Students at the University of Duke were notified and where assessed on their memories of...
3 Pages 1470 Words

Internal and International Political Decisions around War on Terror

On November 11, 2001, many lives changed forever; and not just for the US citizens, but for the rest of the world as well. The war on terrorism had begun and would not end anytime soon. The US and Britain invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, which initiated the war on terrorism in 2001. During their time in the Middle East, the two countries eliminated many terrorist threats and made the world a safer place. After 9/11, the US, as well as...
3 Pages 1453 Words

Importance of Medium Providing Message: Modern Methods of Communication

‘The medium is the message’ is a phrase by Marshall McLuhan. This phrase is about the way we deliver, direct and obtain information. Expanding from the phrase is the medium more important than the information itself? Is what’s been communicated less important than the way you communicate it? Is Marshall McLuhan Really saying, the message given is actually how it’s formed? Developing from these points is the information given the content itself or the form it takes? We are going...
3 Pages 1488 Words

Oroonoko: Revelation of Feminist Agenda between the Lines

Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko is commonly seen as narrative that reinforces the immorality of slavery practiced by the English. Following the story of the enslaved prince, this message of injustice is clear within the text, serving to mask a feminist agenda that is encrypted throughout the work. While the tale of Oroonoko serves as the forefront of the story, the novella quickly advances a feminist agenda through the depiction of women’s subjectivity in the culture of both the oppressors and of...
3 Pages 1510 Words

PKU: Mental Retardation from Phenylalanine Mismetabolism

Introduction Everyone is born differently, and not everyone has the same opportunity as others. People around the world are born with disabilities and different disorders that can lead to serious conditions. When a baby is born it is mandatory in the U.S. that your health provider takes a newborn screening detecting for a disease, what if it was missed by the examination? Would something bad happen? This could cause mental disorders or slow development to the kid. That is why...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Utopian Critique of Colonialism in Gulliver’s Travels

For the second part of my Independent studies across the study weeks 11-17, I covered the option for Chapter six regarding ‘Topics covered in Gulliver’s Travels’. Further to this, I looked at two of the sub-headings ‘Swift, Gulliver’s Travels and travel writing’ also, ‘Swift, Gulliver’s Travels and colonial discourse’. From my cursory reading of Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, I found the character to lend a sense of false authority to the structure of the plot that is wholly believable. Firstly, every...
3 Pages 1485 Words

Relationship between Intelligence and Creativity: Psychological Approach

From an extended time, creativity has been a neglected subject in psychological research. This can be chiefly as a result of its invariably been widely believed that it has mystical influences or a divine nature. Plato said that the writer is barely able to produce what the Muse dictates and most frequently than not, even these days, writers and inventors typically mention the presence of a spiritual nature that switches their perspective to a revelatory one. However, at the start...
3 Pages 1473 Words

Portrayal of Insomnia in Movies: Critical Analysis

The movie tells the story of how an office worker Edward Norton meets an eccentric man named Tyler Durden and how both start a secret fight club that evolves into a secret underground cult. The big twist is that Tyler is actually not real. He is a figment of the imagination of the author. The writer and director of Split, M. Night Shyamalan, professes to have been intrigued by dissociative identity disorder, commonly known as split personality disorder for a...
3 Pages 1450 Words

John F Kennedy Leadership Qualities

Leaders who have, or inherited, bad qualities over their leadership are subject to critical criticism from their people or subordinates. That is why leaders who have such good qualities are very sought out. To become a successful leader one should focus on their commitment, integrity, and confidence, while staying away from being, or becoming, self-centered. Let it be known that good quality, effective leaders, do not put themselves first so being self-centered or letting their ego take control will not...
3 Pages 1506 Words

Influence of Traffic Congestion on Environment: Analytical Essay

Traffic congestion is a major issue in cities that creates long commutes and contributes to a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The unpredictability of traffic patterns undermines the effectiveness of static traffic models which are unable to adapt to changes. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used to reduce traffic congestion by modifying the behavior of interconnected traffic signals because current traffic management systems are insufficient to tackle this growth of traffic on the road networks. First we...
3 Pages 1470 Words

Importance of Moral Development for Children: Analytical Essay

Morality is defined as “a system of principals that help an individual determine between right and wrong behavior.” Moral development, on the other hand, is a concept that has to deal with the incremental changes in moral beliefs as a person ages and gains maturity during his or her life ('Moral development: forming a sense of rights and responsibilities | Educational Psychology', 2019). Moral beliefs tend to be related to moral behavior but not entirely. While it is possible to...
3 Pages 1517 Words

Impact of Said's 'Orientalism' on Ideologies and Practices: Analysis

Despite its emergence as a scholarly practice almost three centuries ago, Edward Said’s insights into the relationship between knowledge, power and practises of domination in his 1978 publication of Orientalism remain relevant in understanding contemporary relations of development. While the explicitness and expression of orientalism has changed since Said’s understanding forty years ago, the indissoluble knowledge-power relationship which provides the basis of orientalist ideology remains relevant in informing contemporary relations of development. This relationship is particularly insightful in understanding relations...
3 Pages 1513 Words

Art History: Historical, Social, Economic, Political Implications

Introduction The main topic to be discussed in this synthesis paper will be the Historical, Social, Economic and Political Implications of Art. Through the various given readings, specifically 5 readings related to the topic, the determining of main arguments in each reading by carefully deconstructing the readings and gathering salient information on it. The order of each reading to be discussed will be as follows: Art History and the Global Challenge: A Critical Perspective, Infrastructure of Colonial Modernity, Itinerant Figures,...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Philippine Street Art: Reflecting Social Issues

In the Philippines, people are known to be artistic and creative in different aspects of life. Even at the earliest time, these characteristics were reflected in the different remnants of the existence of humankind. Angono Petroglyphs was known as one of the earliest artworks in the Philippines dating to at least 3000 B.C. This petroglyph depicts 127 carved stick drawings of human figures and animals on the walls of a cave in Binangonan, Rizal. This discovery by Carlos V. Francisco...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Frida Kahlo as a Nationalist Ideal of Mexico’s Indigenous Population

Frida Kahlo, born in 1907, was a Mexican artist famous for her self portraits. She explored themes of post-colonialism, race, identity and class in the twentieth century Mexican society. Although often described as a surrealist, she rejected this title, declaring, ‘I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality.’ Her paintings not only reflected the hardships she endured throughout her career, but also her strong political ideology. Kahlo’s husband Diego Rivera’s mural style frequently depicted revolutionary fighters and peasants, whereas...
3 Pages 1489 Words
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