1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

European Union Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

Advantages or Disadvantages The Freedom of Movement and the Schengen Agreement: According to Article 21 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (former Article 18 of the Treaty establishing the European Community), all Union citizens are entitled to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States. (Ristea, 2011) The freedom of movement has been accelerated by the Schengen Agreement, the gradual phasing-out of internal borders under the Schengen agreements was followed by the adoption...
3 Pages 1457 Words

Essay on Pablo Picasso: Critical Analysis of Girl before a Mirror

Artist Pablo Picasso (25 October 1881 - 8 April 1973) was known as one of the most remarkable, influential and innovative artists in the 20th century. He was known for diverging between styles so incredibly different that it seems like his works are a combination of many different artists, he was a sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer, etching artist and writer but he mainly mastered painting. Picasso was involved in the Modern art period which extended from roughly from the...
3 Pages 1489 Words

Essay on Art and Creativity

Children deserve an education rich in arts opportunities. There is a direct correlation between exposure to the arts and creating successful, well-rounded students as well as a significant impact on individual academic achievement. In terms of education, art is classified into two pre-dominant categories, fine arts (including creative writing, painting, sculpting, film production, and mixed media) and performing arts (such as singing, dancing, acting, or playing an instrument). Domestic arts refers to cooking, sewing, metal work, and carpentry. Art is...
3 Pages 1517 Words

Mother and Son's Art Trip: Exploring Beauty at MoMA

It is not easy to judge or have an opinion about the works of art. Whether people consider something as beautiful is often determined by their particular background, culture or life experiences. What is beautiful in one culture might not be beautiful in another (O’ Brien, W. 2019). How people judge and reason about things that are around them vary greatly by individual’s understanding of what can be consider beautiful, their taste or the purpose the particular artwork have. For...
3 Pages 1472 Words

Discursive Essay on Designing of Interior: Image or Thought

Introduction In this essay, the main focus will be on the effects of media cultures on the design concepts and material implementations in the practice of interior design. How the mainstream media has changed our outlook towards design and how we perceive it. The basic principle of design has been blemished with objectification, it has become a collection of scenes set on a stage that is homogeneous and inert. Every surface is being wrapped up and sold as a commodity...
3 Pages 1521 Words

Democratic Party vs Whig Party

John Tyler was quite a controversial president. Since he is branded as tyrannically abusing the presidential veto, it is no wonder why political parties would get shaken up. This was especially true for the Whigs, who at first entrusted high hopes in Tyler’s presidency and allowed him into their party. Who knew that Tyler would “go against” his own political party, which caused much backlash from the Whigs? It is without a doubt that President John Tyler and the Whigs...
3 Pages 1464 Words

Critical Analysis of Painting: The Road to Versailles

The Road to Versailles, Louveciennes: The Morning Frost The painting that I chose for this analysis is The Road to Versailles, Louveciennes: The Morning Frost by Camille Pissaro. This painting was done in 1871 when Camille Pissaro lived in the Parisian suburb of Louveciennes. Pissaro completed several other paintings depicting this same street during different seasons while they lived here. The medium of this painting is oil paint on canvas, and the finished painting is twelve and seven-eighths inches by...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Critical Analysis of Ballet Folklorico and The Charleston

Historical and Social Origins Ballet Folklorico and the Charleston both originated in the 20th century, yet Ballet Folklorico originated in Latin America, Mexico in 1952, whereas the Charleston originated in Charleston, South Carolina in 1923. The origins of Ballet Folklorico stem from ancient people and their evolution of culture and traditions. The culture and dance traditions of these indigenous groups have remained alive through Folkloric dancing. Over the years, many people who have lived in the U.S. for generations have...
3 Pages 1530 Words

Debate: Graphic Design as Fine Art

The designer left commercialism for art, and all the artist seemed angry. Art is a subject we all know well, everyone has their own version of art and what it means to them. Despite the fact that graphic design and fine art are different professions; graphic design should be considered a fine art. Art and design are closely related, regardless of the small differences in the genres. Moreover, art is about perception. Graphic design is an art form of its...
3 Pages 1493 Words

Analytical Essay on Prostitution and Sexual Autonomy

Selling sexual service is morally worse than selling massages as the prostitute (1) damages bodily integrity by treating her body as a commodity (2) damages sexual autonomy by relinquishing her body sovereignty, and (3) reinforces discriminatory beliefs of female sexuality. Selling massages, on the other hand, (1) does not involve objectification of the female body, (2) does not involve surrendering of body sovereignty, and (3) has significant less effect in reinforcing sexist beliefs. This essay will only discuss the case...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Analytical Essay on Manifestos and Movements in Art History

The influences for my own manifesto begin with manifestos by; Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc’s “Preface to Der Blaue Reiter Almanac” (1912), Vincente Huidobro “We Must Create” (1922), Barnett Newman “the sublime is now” (1948) and Claes Oldenburg’s “I am for an art” (1961). The fundamentals of these manifesto’s wish for exploration of endless possibilities, a desire to be the movement that urges change in the art scene. I want my manifesto to express that art is no way easy,...
3 Pages 1489 Words

Analysis of 1980 Presidential Campaign: Reagan vs Carter

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the presidential election campaign of 1980. Each of the two candidates, Republican Ronald Reagan and Democrat Jimmy Carter, will be examined in this report. Each candidate will be examined in terms of their political background and experience prior to the campaign. In addition, both candidates will be observed concerning the major issues relevant to the 1980 campaign. Lastly, the results of the 1980 presidential election will be addressed in terms of the...
3 Pages 1536 Words

American Ace Book Report: Portrayal of Tuskegee Airmen

American Ace is a book by the author Marilyn Nelson. The book is about a family the lives in Italy. Our protagonist Connor’s grandmother passed away recently. Naturally, his father is pretty sad about the whole ordeal. The weird thing to Connor is his dad has been like this months after the funeral. The Bainchinchis owns a restaurant so every year on the anniversary of her death, they close and feast. During this feast, all of Connor’s uncles toast to...
3 Pages 1517 Words

Traditions of Chinese New Year in Indonesia: Descriptive Essay

Maybe you often hear about Chinese New Year or Tahun Baru imlek, the Chinese community in Indonesia always celebrates Imlek every year. By the way, do you know that there is one show which is always enlivening the Chinese New Year in Indonesia? Yup! The answer is Barongsai. The cheap entertainment that emerged and became one of the traditional Chinese arts is indeed enough to attract people's attention in every street in Indonesia during when Chinese New Year Celebration. I...
3 Pages 1500 Words

Theme of Beauty in The Turn of The Screw

Wilde’s exceptional example of gothic horror that led to its initial rejection from the ‘morally- rigid’ society that it was introduced to, carries many comparisons to the image-centered society we find ourselves in today. Dorian Gray becomes an embodiment of the consequence of vanity, which in a Christian society would be considered an example of one of the seven deadly sins: pride. The start of novel itself begins with a sensual description of the studio, a materialistic and externally focused...
3 Pages 1452 Words

Thanksgiving as My Favorite Holiday: Opinion Essay

Thanksgiving is a revered holiday in the United States that holds a special place in the hearts of Americans. Celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November each year, this holiday has a rich history and cultural significance that stretches back to the early colonial period. It is a time when families and loved ones come together to express gratitude, share a bountiful meal, and reflect on the blessings in their lives. In this essay, we will delve into the history...
4 Pages 1476 Words

Stephen King's Writing Career in Fiction Literature

Fiction literature is an instrumental element in many people’s lives today. Whether one is a literature teacher, an author, a fiction texts analyst or simply a reader of fiction writing, an encounter with creative writing leaves a critical mark on an individual’s mind. Since its invention in the 12th century, fiction has evolved and influenced many lives to date. It seeks to bring out what revolves in other people’s minds in terms of imaginations of situations, events, places, and values...
3 Pages 1516 Words

Satire in Gulliver's Travels: Critical Analysis

Gulliver's Travels, or Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships is a 1726 prose satire by the Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, satirizing both human nature and the 'travelers' tales' literary subgenre. It is Swift's first-rate recounted full-length work, and a classic of English literature. Swift claimed that he wrote Gulliver's Travels 'to vex the world as a replacement than divert it....
3 Pages 1484 Words

Reader's Analysis of The Scarlet Letter

Mapping the Plot Overview Mapping a plot reminds students that all narratives follow a predictable pattern and that identifying a climax, or turning point, requires that they first identify a major conflict. Students will use this worksheet to map the plot of The Scarlet Letter. There may be several possible climaxes, and students must defend their choice with textual evidence. Pass out this worksheet before students begin reading the text. Punishment, Guilt, and Shame Overview Exploring a text’s themes provides...
3 Pages 1530 Words

Pros and Cons of YouTube: Analytical Essay

YouTube is a great tool that can help people to get information, knowledge, and entertainment on the same media platform. YouTube content can create high social and mental influence on users. Most of the content being uploaded is by individuals like vloggers and only some of it is by corporations. So, the content available has many issues and viewers approach it in both a negative and positive manner. Viewers and bloggers claim that YouTube contains inappropriate content, and this becomes...
3 Pages 1478 Words

Principal Features of the UK Constitution: Discursive Essay

Constitutional law is concerned with the overall constitutional structure which a country is governed. The narrow meaning of a constitution relates to documents with legal sanctity setting out the framework and principal functions of the Government. In consideration of this definition, the UK does not have a constitution. The broad meaning of a constitution is the whole system of government of a country, the collection of rules which establish and regulate the government. In this sense, the UK does have...
3 Pages 1487 Words

My Attitude to Thanksgiving: Reflective Essay

I love Thanksgiving. I like the eating part, don’t get me wrong. But I love the preparation part. For the past couple of years, I’ve missed it though. As a chaplain, I worked on Thanksgiving, strolling floor to floor blessing and sharing meals with nurses and doctors, and patients in the Atlanta hospitals I worked in. And mid-day, each thanksgiving, my wife Karen came, bags of dishes in hand, having spent the day cooking up a beautiful meal. I smirked...
3 Pages 1505 Words

Moral Compass of a Lawyer: Discursive Essay

As Abraham Lincoln once stated, ‘if in your own judgment you cannot be an honest lawyer, resolve to be honest without being a lawyer. This statement suggests questions of morality have long been at the heart of the legal profession. The relationship between the client and the lawyer, at the expense of the lawyer’s morality, is often considered a primary concern of the profession, following its rise to popularity under the standard conception during the 20th century. As Rodell argues,...
3 Pages 1475 Words

Importance of Personal Identity for Survival: Argumentative Essay

Introduction Parfit argues that personal identity and psychological continuity cannot both be what matters in survival because the former cannot admit a degree, whereas the latter can. Parfit takes a reductionist view of personal identity reasoning that what is of importance is facts concerning brains, bodies, and physical and mental events; we should not be concerned with another sense of identity that cannot necessarily be explained by physical brain activity. I argue that psychological continuity and personal identity are not...
3 Pages 1491 Words

Impact of Chinese Culture on the Traditions of Chinese New Year

Due to the evolving global environments that we are in, culture is constantly changing. In this day and age, culture is the identity of society and is one of the reasons that maintain harmony within the community. Culture has a strong influence on the values and lifestyles of individuals. It constructs changes, and therefore, their consumption patterns. Everyone has a different cultural identity and every one of them is unique in their way. Culture is what builds up a person...
3 Pages 1466 Words

Human Psychology in Crime and Punishment: Critical Analysis

“That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.” Jhumpa Lahiri once famously said. The books—no matter what time and what year—have always something to tell, something to give and the texts are always ready to hold our hand and take us to the journey full of adventures, dreams, reality, pain, love, imagination, lessons, future, past, and many other things one can think of and one cannot think of. In general, the books might get old...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Impact of Poverty on Child's Education in The Other Wes Moore

The world’s economic turbulences have vastly affected the lives of many people, perhaps to the tune of billions. Across generations, education has always been a priority due to its eventual benefits in life. In today’s world, described by the global competitive nature for survival, especially in the job market, education comes in handy in determining a person’s skillset and the prosperity of their future. Nevertheless, some children from the said poor families have been able to fight their way out...
3 Pages 1512 Words

Discussions on Modernity and Coloniality in Heart of Darkness

Well known to generations of readers and reaching almost a century of age, the novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad has not lost any of its ability to astonish and dismay. The novel continues to be, to many degrees, a significant starting point for discussions on modernity, coloniality, glorification of Western hypocrisy, and societal ambiguities. However, in more recent analyses of the novel, many have found that it offers a less than inclusive approach to racial issues and that...
3 Pages 1505 Words

Descriptive Essay on Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year has always been one of my favorite topics to discuss about. As a Vietnamese, this topic is even more interesting for me since we also have Lunar New Year for the first 3 days. For a couple of days, I have done some research about the history, the common customs and the myths about the Chinese New Year and it is amazing to figure out how the festival has started and evolved over time. Before discussing about...
3 Pages 1532 Words

Cultural Relativism and Issues of Women’s Rights: Analytical Essay

Growing up as a second-generation Haitian-Canadian woman, I have learned that the rights that I have been born with were once thought as being impossible to acquire because of slavery. My ancestors from Haiti were one of the first countries to successfully revolt against the colonial oppression of the French in 1804. They fought for their human rights as liberated slaves and eradicated their persecutors, creating a safe space for them as free people. This exposure of courage gradually expanded...
3 Pages 1539 Words
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