1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Western Cultures Unattainable Standard of Beauty

American beauty has been wanting to be achieved by millions of men and women in the U.S. for decades and the desire now has reached to other countries. This is problematic due to the fact that Americans have put a standard of beauty upon both men and women that are not achievable for those who are not Caucasian, or are not wealthier to afford cosmetic surgery procedures. Women in general face more scrutiny when it comes to appearance, however, women...
3 Pages 1529 Words

We Should Reduce Food Waste in the US and Around the World

Imagine this - you and your friends are just hanging out. Suddenly when a breeze hits you, the pervasive smell of rotting fish, rotten flesh, and decomposing food fills the air. Your eyes start watering and it becomes harder for you to breathe. You start gagging trying to search for fresh air, but there is none. Your image of a perfect day with your friends has been ruined by the stench of rotten food from the landfill nearby. The world...
3 Pages 1457 Words

Ways of Adaptation of Animals to Life in Estuarine Environments

The estuarine environment is an area where bodies of water and shoreline meet, where rivers join the ocean or other large masses of water (Barnes, R.S.K. & Green, J. 1972). The estuarine environment is very dynamic and presents many difficulties for survival, animals have found many ways to adapt and deal with the pressures. The combination of both flows of water creates what is known as brackish water, this is a mixture of salty and fresh water (‘The Dynamic Intertidal...
3 Pages 1456 Words

University Students Surrounded by Stress

Mostly everybody on the planet has or will experience stress at some time in their life. Driving to the grocery store, going to work, or transitioning from high school to university, stress is now finding new ways to surprise people every day. With this mounting stress that comes with a fast, technologically-advanced society, skills are needed to mitigate these effects, restore balance, and minimize future encounters with it. Starting university, which is undeniably a potent source of stress, can be...
3 Pages 1459 Words

People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson

“If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit” was a statement made famous by Johnnie Cochran. This quote is from America's first medialized criminal cases in court, The People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson. O.J. Simpson wasn’t the only one on trial. The Los Angeles Police Department and forensic science itself was also on trial for mishandling, racism as a key factor, cross contamination and placement of evidence and the lack of knowledge of DNA testing. The...
3 Pages 1539 Words

Influence of Industrialization on the Development of Architecture

Industrialization has had a profound impact on the world we live in and has positively contributed to the development of architecture since its start in the 17th century. Many consider the invention of the steam engine by James Watt in 1769 to have marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution as he greatly improved their efficiency and made their usage more widespread. The steam engine provided Britain with an industrial power as factories, fabrics and railroads could be anywhere. Before...
3 Pages 1547 Words

Health Implications of Social Isolation and Loneliness

Mrs. X repeatedly stated when I was interviewing her how she was grateful and lucky for the support she has at home whilst still living on her own and having independence. She said about her neighbors who check in on her, a son and daughter in law who lived nearby and who she sees regularly, as well as two daughters who ring her often. This made me think about patients who may not be as ‘lucky’, who live alone, may...
3 Pages 1526 Words

Effects of Parenting Styles and Disciplinary Strategies on Children

In the world of parenting, there are different ways in which parents’ discipline and raise their children. These styles vary due to the mode of punishment, communication, nurturing and expectations. In some cases, how parents raise their kids also carries some similarities across other parents. As a result, these styles of parenting have therefore been classified based on what similarities they share. They include authoritative style of parenting, permissive, authoritarian and uninvolved styles of parenting. This essay will therefore take...
3 Pages 1477 Words

Scandals of the Reconstruction Period

Regardless of the time period, issue, or importance, when it comes to politics, people are bound to make mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are quite large, and other times they are rather small and insignificant. But sometimes these mistakes can develop into scandals. During the Reconstruction period after the American Civil War, there were four main scandals that occurred, the Tweed Ring scandal in New York, the Credit Mobilier scandal, the Black Friday scandal, and lastly, the Dawes Acts. The Tweed...
3 Pages 1515 Words

Historical and Social Contexts in The Great Gatsby and Others

Novels are often reflections of the contexts in which they were produced, and still have value for readers today. Examples of such novels include ‘The Great Gatsby’, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in the 1920s, ‘Jasper Jones’, written by Craig Silvey in 2009, and ‘Pride and Prejudice’, written by author Jane Austin in 1813. All three of these novels portray a reflection of the context in which they were produced, whether that be at the time they were set, like...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Realism in ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

Since 1939, Batman has been a childhood hero favorite and remaining so into adulthood for his fans. From comic books to cartoons and from action figures to costumes, Batman evolved into an imaginary American hero recognized by many. In 2005 Time Warner created ‘Batman Begins’, the first high-budget picture produced by Christopher Nolan. Up until this point Batman had mostly been viewed as a comic book character. However, this marked the beginning of a new era for Batman and a...
3 Pages 1450 Words

Postmodern Techniques in 'Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close'

In order to often better connect with stories, the use of literary techniques is extremely important, as it allows the reader to personally engage with the text. Such a technique is used by the author of the novel ‘Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close’, Jonathan Safran Foer, a story about a 9-year-old New Yorker, Oskar Schell, who is seeking closure of his father’s death in the September 11 attacks. Mainly, the author capitalizes on the practice of imagery, the use of...
3 Pages 1541 Words

Politics of Peace and Conflict Ending

“Peace is rarely conceptualised, even by those who often allude to it” (Oliver Richmond). Peace can be conceptualized as a communion of ideas, that when agreed upon, causes a state of welfare and well-being for self and others. In other words, peace can often be looked upon as a state of harmony that comes from the lack of conflict. Conflict, can be of different types, differing in intensity and casualties, whether on a local scale or international, spreading across a...
3 Pages 1506 Words

Andrew Clark's Personality Analysis Through Erikson's Theory

Andrew Clark, in ‘The Breakfast Club’, seems to be the obvious movie jock, specifically a wrestler. He is a popular guy in school, so naturally, he seems to be interested in the popular girl, Claire. He is the movie’s ‘good guy’ – the opposite of bad boy, John Bender. Andrew tries to prove he is a good guy on multiple occasions of standing up to Bender. Initially, this jock acts as the voice for the other students, saying things the...
3 Pages 1460 Words

Mark Zuckerberg's Personality Based on the Movie ‘The Social Network’

‘The Social Network’ is a biography of the co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. The movie is basically based on the book written by Ben Mezrich in 2009. The name of the book was ‘The Accidental Billionaires’. The movie was directed by Aaron Sorkin and released in 2010. The movie got very popular and being nominated for many awards. The movie gives the reflection of incidents happen in Mark Zuckerberg life. When he was studying in Harvard University, he created an...
3 Pages 1539 Words

Is Love the Strongest Emotion? Essay

Love is the strongest and most influential emotion because it causes people to make decisions that could potentially be life threatening that they otherwise would not make. Although understanding what’s going on to create emotions can be complex its vital for analyzing Romeo and Juliet. The reason for this is because one needs to understand the reasoning for many behaviors of Romeo and Juliet and looking at what’s going on in the brain is a good way of going about...
3 Pages 1470 Words

Illusions of Love in 'The Great Gatsby'

What do we really desire in life? Your emotions and especially love can push you to do good things in life but sadly, can also push you to make negative choices or even become obsessive. As was the case for Gatsby in this novel. In the book, ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald, love and desire are big motivators for almost nearly every character, but especially for Gatsby. The good the bad and even the ugly can come out...
3 Pages 1462 Words

How Teacher Is Benefited by Learning Educational Philosophy? Essay

Philosophy is the basic nature of knowledge, real life and is the study of existence, especially as a teaching discipline. Philosophy is the study of people and the world by thinking and asking questions. Philosophy is an art and science. Its important general approach to such issues when considered is the formal approach and philosophy is different from other ways of solving by and the ‘philosophy’ of a particular person in ordinary discourse may refer to their beliefs about things....
3 Pages 1497 Words

Gina's Unreliable Narration in 'The Forgotten Waltz'

Gina Moynihan is an unreliable narrator of her own story as she contradictions herself throughout the entire novel. She also does not conform to a basic structure and further points will explain how she states and makes mistakes when certain things took place and how they happened. Gina was infatuated with Sean yet looking back in the novel, that is not stated anywhere. She also recalls being confused by him in early meetings, even after their first night together she...
3 Pages 1465 Words

Essay on Time Is Gold

Growing up it is often emphasized that ‘Time is gold’. It is a common 'favorite motto' that is usually written in every grade school's journal or diary. Though at the young age I haven't got a clue of what that means until I get to the point that also in high school, I get to comply to lecture requirements. Teacher got stricter with deadlines and failure to comply to sure requirements would result to a consequence or even a failing...
3 Pages 1451 Words

Essay on Sociology of Love and Relationships

Give the opportunity to ten people a pen and paper and ask them to define ‘love’; you will be presented with different answers and definition. Love is interesting sociologically for so many reasons. To start with, just the one word can stand for so many different meanings to different people: sexual love, intimate love, companionate love, romantic love, parental love, friendship love, love for places, belongings, views. It is a word that is used prolifically to mean so much, which...
3 Pages 1486 Words

Essay on Dogs and Why They Are the Way They Are

Imagine you are all worn out from a long day at work. The first thing you see as you walk into your house is an animal with an uncontrollably wagging tail coming at you and melting away all your stress. Whether or not you have a pet in your house, you can tell with absolute confidence that it is a dog that I am talking about. In fact, this distinctly friendly characteristic is so closely associated with dogs that it...
3 Pages 1502 Words

Essay on Building More Secure Nigeria Using Technology

The major cankerworm that has eaten deep into the root of Nigeria, is the menace called insecurity. The continuous degradation of security in Nigeria is of concern to each and every one of us, from the youngest to the eldest and every effort must be exerted to conquer this challenge. Adam Oluwadamilola of National Defense Academy Abuja highlighted some of the pertinent questions that should be raised among us is: Can our IT skills and strategy provide 100% of both...
3 Pages 1497 Words

The Pros and Cons of Tourism Essay

Introduction Among the most consequential cultural and economic phenomenon of the modern era has been the multi-faceted and ever-changing tourism industry. It includes people going to and staying in unfamiliar places for various reasons, whether for work, pleasure, or other reasons. This international emigration has the potential to improve economies on a local and national level while also bringing people together from different backgrounds. Travelers' lives are enriched and their perspectives broadened when they encounter with diverse cultures, landscapes, and...
5 Pages 1476 Words

Do Genetically Modified Foods Affect Human Health? Essay

Rationale Godfrey (2000) in the Lancet claimed that “it is unknown whether the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture affects human health”. While the article discussed uncertainties of GM foods, it stated the USA has a broad range of modified nourishment already but lacks case study on the affects for those who digest the genetically modified food and those who do not, as research upon human test subjects violate the ethical code of conduct. Subsequently, with preliminary investigation, a...
3 Pages 1478 Words

Deforestation as the Main Cause of Animal Extinction

The earth revolves around captivating animals, that form the globe’s ecosystem. The wildlife assists in ecology, economics, and biomedicine; these idioms will keep the planet safe because humans will have access to clean air, food, and water. Sadly, there’s a vast extinction of animals due to deforestation. Deforestation removes tropical forests to create empty land. For many reasons, this occurs, including agriculture, and logging for material and growth. But if animals are not in their habitat, they can’t survive. This...
3 Pages 1540 Words

Conceptualizations of Work and Perspectives on Employment Relationships

Work is an important versatile concept of our daily lives. According to Budd (2011), the definition of work is a “purposeful human activity involving physical or mental exertion that is not undertaken solely for pleasure and that has economic or symbolic value”. There are numerous conceptualizations of work as there is no single ‘correct conceptualization’ that would be true for all the people, as everyone tends to believe that different conceptualizations of work are accurate depending on their perspective of...
3 Pages 1514 Words

CEREC Vs Traditional Crowns: Pros and Cons in Dentistry

Crowns date back almost 4,000 years. Skeletons in Asia have revealed golden caps and gold tooth replacements on teeth. Unlike back then dentistry has become more esthetic with patients wanting tooth-colored crowns instead of gold or alloys. Patients prefer people not knowing they have received dental work. A purpose to a crown is to protect the structure of the tooth after the dentist has prepped it permanently. Crowns come in many types of materials that can be fabricated by the...
3 Pages 1468 Words

Can Video Games Be Considered Art?

Video games are art. The debate that whether these electronically supported, digital means of entertainment should be considered artistic or not, is losing its steam rapidly. Video games have always fallen prey to the harsh critical views and time and again questioned about their presentations. Even before falling into this art debate, video games had a hard time to be even considered as a fun activity. Their several side effects, always put them in sidelines to get a deserving appreciation...
3 Pages 1514 Words

Review: 'The City That Became Safe: Lessons for Urban Crime Control'

The purpose of this writing is to dissect Franklin E. Zimring’s academic literature, ‘The City That Became Safe: New York’s Lessons for Urban Crime and Its Control’. This book is about the New York City’s decline in crime and the reasons behind it. This book is broken down into three sections, consisting of eight total chapters. The main idea of this book is to draw a closer look at the major decline in crime from the 1990s to 2009. The...
3 Pages 1499 Words
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