Fad Diets: Worse for Health than Being Overweight? All around the world each day, people fret over the numbers on the scale, the size of their clothes, and whether they went over their daily calorie limits. Everything from carbs, fats, and proteins to strict lists of “okay” foods are limited and closely monitored in hopes of losing weight while religiously following the newest diet promising quick results. Dozens upon dozens of well-known diets all have different reasonings for their supposed...
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1500 Words
By writing Mansfield park to be a real-life foil to Elizabeth Inchbald’s interpretation of August Von Kotzebue’s Lovers’ Vows, Jane Austen re-inverts Kotzebue’s subversive moral standard and creates a work positing equal moral conscience. Austen’s resulting text is a novel that, although separate in its stories and characters, also upholds distinct parallels to “Lover’s Vows” in the structure and situations of the plot and subplot. For the sake of this essay, I will follow Kotzebue’s narrative scheme which is reversed...
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Characters as friends and guardians This section aims to discuss the use of characters introduced to children through book illustrations and how these can become much more than just a scribble on a page. An illustrated character has the capability to become a friend to a child just as much as any other human, as young children have an imaginative capacity that makes them able to imagine a character in any situation or scenario. A study by Taylor (2001) suggested...
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Look at me! I am prettier than you! I have better grades than you! Me me me me! I got a higher score on the SAT than you! Omg isn't my hair so nice! People's contemplations, feelings, and mentalities toward things are all a chunk of our identity. A great many people with a solid characteristics are effectively ready to coexist with their friends or the general population around them. There are as of now ten personality issues perceived by...
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The ethics of collaborative research: co-authoring, disseminating of research outcomes, the ethics of research teams. I strongly believe that the ethics of collaborative research in regards to co-authoring, disseminating of research outcomes, and ethics of research teams should be carefully explored and scrutinized in the context in which research in the field of sociology is mostly done in teams of experts of different background. A good ethical collaboration among the team members is thus of upmost importance for the purpose...
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1518 Words
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Problem Statement High rates of readmission after hospitalization for heart failure puts a tremendous burden on patients and the healthcare system. Predictive models are used to identify patients with high risk for hospital readmissions and potentially enable direct specific interventions toward those who might benefit most by identifying key risk factors. The current ability to predict readmissions in patients with heart failure is modest at best. The inclusion of a richer set of predictor variables encompassing patients’ clinical, social, and...
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1505 Words
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, commonly known as, “OCD” is an anxiety disorder defined as involving unwanted, persistent, intrusive thoughts and impulses, as well as repetitive actions intended to suppress them. There are two parts to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, (1) obsessions; intrusive and nonsensical images or urges that the individual tries to resist or eliminate, and (2) compulsions; thoughts or actions used to suppress the obsessions and provide relief (Burger, J. M. 2019). Individuals who experience symptoms of OCD will have the consistent...
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1486 Words
Being a Doctor’s daughter, I grew up in an environment that encouraged me to develop a special interest in the field of healthcare. I have always been inquisitive as a child, seeking explanation for every observation. Having graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Dental Sciences from Dr NTR University of Health Sciences, I began to search for a program that would allow me to harness my potentialities concerning health care. As the role of informatics is rapidly growing in the...
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1534 Words
The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. This quote by Aristotle sums up David Miller’s conjecture in the article, Against Global Egalitarianism. Miller’s work confronts and dismantles the view that there needs to be substantial equality between humans as a matter of justice irrespective of the society they belong to. As a nationalist and minimalist, he does not fail to acknowledge and support the value of equality within individual societies but rejects the idea...
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1516 Words
“Implementation of No Homework Policy” Education has been a significant part of society. As of today, education plays a vital role in the success of every individual however, education has changed through time. Students nowadays experience a much faster pace than students generations ago (Cordz, 2017). Students are often looked upon as the building blocks of society thus the present generation needs a competitive advantage which includes their academic success among others. However, It is evident that with the growing...
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1508 Words
Introduction 'Chi cheng!' the sound of money passed over my ears again. In this realistic world, everything needs to be bought with money - from our basic needs to the things that make us smile. Some people say money is not everything, but I have seen how money affects our daily lives and happiness. Without enough money, we struggle to get even necessary things. That's why I believe that money can buy happiness - without money, we may not be...
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1542 Words
Vaccination is one of human history's most significant medical achievements, offering unparalleled protection against many infectious diseases. This essay explores the multifaceted aspects of vaccination, tracing its history from early developments to its indispensable role in modern healthcare. Vaccines have been pivotal in combating infectious diseases, leading to a dramatic decline in morbidity and mortality rates globally. This journey into the science behind vaccines encompasses their development, the rigorous testing they undergo, the ethical considerations in their distribution, and their...
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1454 Words
Abortion is a very controversial topic that has been around for decades in the United States of America. There are two sides to this argument, which include people who are pro-choice, who believe that each person is the source of their own moral authority and has the right to choose life or death, and people against abortion (pro-life), who believe that by moral authority, abortion is wrong. For readers who don't know, abortion means the termination of pregnancy by removal...
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1496 Words
Introduction Career development is an ongoing process in life. Every individual has a dream of doing that work which gives them maximum satisfaction and happiness. There is a point in life where all we care about is money as we assume that money can buy happiness. And as we grow older over the years, when we’ve accomplished the financial benchmark set for ourselves and that would be a time where we’ll realize that this isn’t a success. After all the...
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1526 Words
The reason why I chose to do nursing is because of my past experiences. These experiences made me cherish the field and its excellence. After losing my parents at a young age, I was raised in a very big family. As the oldest, I was taught responsibility from a very young age. After completing my ordinary level, I noticed that the same skills and actions in my private life would prove me victorious in the nursing field. I not only...
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Effectiveness of Online Learning The concept of online learning has already existed since 1999 when the phrase was first used in a lecture on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) programs. Subhashi (2008) further defined that “Online learning is any learning experience or environment that depends on the Internet or World Wide Web (WWW) as the main medium in communication and presentation”. E-learning has developed mostly due to the advent of the internet throughout the mid-20th century. Many researchers believe that the...
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Introduction Character development is oftentimes character driven. Charles Dickens demonstrates this through a story of a young, innocent orphan boy named Philip Pirrup, otherwise known as Pip. Pip goes on various adventures through the novel and meets incredible characters such as Abel Magwitch and Estella (his tasteful love interest). Along the way, their social status and personal views impact his growing personality, change his perspectives, and demonstrably influence his actions. In Charles Dickens Great Expectations, Pip becomes a selfish, ungrateful...
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1464 Words
Recently, there has been a lot of tension between the police and the public. There have been numerous reports of police members abusing their power by discriminating against civilians, and there has also been numerous attacks on police by various outraged groups. In order for the police to be successful in their duty, they need to be trusted by civilians and competent enough to do their job regardless of their own personal feelings. The service and civilians would desperately like...
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Rob Reiner’s A Few Good Men follows naval lawyer Lt. Daniel Kaffee as he defends Lance Corporal Dawson and PFC Downey as they are accused of murdering fellow marine Private Santiago. Kaffee is working with Lt. Commander Jo Galloway and Lt. Sam Weinberg while working against Captain Ross, Lt. Kendrick, and Colonel Jessup. Though he has the odds against him, Danny is able to save Dawson and Downey, at the cost of them being dishonorably discharged but he also uncovers...
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1487 Words
Behaviour observations were made at a multinational speciality retailer which sells products in the premium sector. I work here on a casual basis and made observations during shifts and in my spare time. Being an upmarket and speciality store, employees must have in-depth knowledge about products and provide excellent customer service. These high demands can put stress on employees, so it is essential to have a strong, positive company culture. During my observations, I observed how our company’s culture acts...
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1522 Words
Accounting scandals and cases of fraud are becoming perpetual in nature and currently one of the greatest challenges in the modern business world. Fraud in the corporate realm may be characterized as the “intentional misstatements including omissions of amount or disclosures in financial statements, to deceive financial statement users'' (Gullkvist and Jokipii, 2013, pg. 45) Despite intense efforts over the last few decades, to eradicate the misappropriation of assets, and fraudulent financial reporting, it appears that fraud in its various...
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Double-voicing This section explores double voicing in both platforms to test whether there is double-voicing present in both platforms’ samples and if there is what aspects it manifests differently. Vásquez and Creel (2017: 64) propose that double-voicing “is used by the authors of those Tumblr Chats who seemingly present the voice of a single ‘character’ (or participant), yet present two different – and often conflicting – meanings.” What is more, they state (cf 2017:66) that double-voicing is best achieved through...
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1502 Words
Introduction The theory was proposed by Michael C. Jensen in an article called “Agency Costs of free cash Flow, Corporate Finance and Takeovers in 1986.” According to this theory if a firm is efficient should pay the free cash flow to the shareholders. The firm should also give maximum value of the free cash flow to the shareholders. In the view of Jensen free cash flow is a problem rather than a good thing. When the firm has substantial free...
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1450 Words
Assignment Critically assess the evidence used to argue that the slave trade is responsible for much of Africa’s current underdevelopment. Consider how data and cliometrics have influenced the academic debate on the impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade? Do you think it is a useful intervention? Why or why not? Introduction Over the past sixty years, the historiography of the trans-Atlantic slave trade has displayed exceptional sophistication and growth. Historians have assembled a broad cluster of sources and presented rich...
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The announcement of the war on terror drove substantial change, which was explicitly unsuccessful for various reasons. Mainly as this war had led to the humiliation of those falsely accused, as well as causing great fear among the American public, making it a possible cause towards the increase of xenophobia and racism globally, more so in America. Furthermore, the campaign had single-handedly massacred thousands of innocent civilians in the name of ‘democracy’, consequently contributing to more harm rather than good....
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1475 Words
Allor (1988) in his ‘Relocating the Site of the Audience’ a Critical Study in Mass Communication argues that “The concept of audience is more importantly the underpinning prop for the analysis of the social impact of mass communication in general’. Within the last few decades, the extent at which the audience participates with new media has shifted dramatically, this shift is directly correlated with the recent influx of new technology and social media networking sites. “The audience that once blindly...
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1546 Words
The ongoing upheavals in north African and middle eastern countries, which began December 2010 and continue to this day have generated a massive media coverage within the Arab world and beyond. Journalists, academics, and policymakers were and still are stunned at the rapid developments that spread across the region, demanding social and political change. Movements that until recently seemed improbable given the cultural and sociological complexities of the region. This paper will examine first, the development and the metaphor of...
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Paul Martin in his writing, Twilight of the mammoths, examines the different viewpoints regarding the extinction of mammals in the late quaternary. He starts with an overview of some ideas for possible reasons of near-time extinctions. For example, some he brought up were disease and even climate change. Martin’s thesis within the reading is that as humans journeyed around the world, they wiped out many of the mammals present therefore humans were the main cause of near-time extinctions through their...
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1455 Words
Real-time Computer-generated imagery (CGI) projects are taking off in the animation industry allowing bigger, better ideas and realistic motions. This allows animators to capture physical motion through a motion capture suit or tracking dots on the actor’s faces. Motion capture was first developed by Max Fleischer in 1915. The first full-length file that used it was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). Within in that time Motion capture suits have advanced and have many different types of suits ranging...
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1542 Words
A few years before joining the Church of England, T.S Eliot published The Waste Land. During this time, he contemplated on the idea of joining the church as a way of salvation. His ideas of rebirth and salvation, at this time, resonate through the poem’s lines. The Waste Land, as a whole, is not considered a religious poem; however there are aspects of it that have revealed some religious views. Eliot makes reference to the various images of Christian beliefs,...
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