1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

National Energy Supply and Demand Outlook

Having sufficient energy can support for the country in the stage of developing country like Myanmar. This is focuses on estimation of electricity demand & supply rate for future which can be supported to reduce the energy gap in long-term. Based on the methodologies and framework constructed to define what action and plan should be taken to fulfill the electricity demand for our country Myanmar. In order to make the research problems more specific and to find a solution based...
3 Pages 1518 Words

Holly Golightly's Narcissistic Personality Disorder

While some individual personality traits are mistaken for the signs of personality disorders, in some ways how a person acts can show clear signs of a type of personality disorder. There have been plenty of moments in the story ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ by Truman Capote that Holly Golightly showed she is suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder or NPD. Holly Golightly is suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder because, she shows the symptoms of unemotional traits, grandiosity, exaggerated feelings of self-importance, disregard...
3 Pages 1486 Words

Virginia Woolf's Feminist Views in the Novel 'Mrs. Dalloway'

“As a woman I have no country. As a woman I want no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world” - quotes author, Virginia Woolf. In her novel, “Mrs. Dalloway” she focuses on the real world and interrogating her interests of feminist. Woolf informs her audience by displaying key words in the text of her views as a feminist and her beliefs. Woolf effectively appeals to her audience by past history on the social problem of women's...
3 Pages 1521 Words

Brexit: Britain’s Decision to Leave the EU and Its Possible Consequences

The word ‘Brexit’ is a combination of two words ‘Britain’ and ‘Exit’. The United Kingdom decided to leave the EU 3 years on June 2016. There were total of 72.2% voters and 51.9% voted in favor of Brexit and 42.1% vote against the notion. The supporters of Brexit won the margin by 3.8% which was enough for the government to come to the decision of leaving the European Union. The due date of leaving the EU was 29th March 2019...
3 Pages 1460 Words

Nelson Mandela Essay: Childhood, Early Life, Maturity and Death

Introduction Nelson Mandela, a name synonymous with the relentless struggle for justice, equality, and freedom, stands as an emblem of hope in modern history. Born on July 18, 1918, in the tiny village of Qunu in South Africa's Eastern Cape Province, Mandela's life was a beacon that guided not just South Africa but the entire world toward a future free from racial segregation and oppression. His leadership in the African National Congress (ANC) and the efforts to dismantle the institutionalized...
4 Pages 1465 Words

Analyzing Racism in 'The Best of Enemies' by Osha Gray Davidson

The struggle of racism has hurt many people of color, but has brought upon good fortune from their actions to be treated as citizens of the U.S. The movements that occurred during history, have shaped the black community, giving them hope for the future. These movements have also changed the minds of many whites to see the error in their ways and accept this change. Osha Gray Davidson wrote the book ‘The Best of Enemies’ and how it offered a...
3 Pages 1463 Words

Essay on American Patriotism and Its Current State

How is a ‘real’ American defined? A recent study revealed that a large amount of the American population could not show the location of Iowa on a map of the United States, so how Americans define patriotism could be very equivocal. The definition of patriotism according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary reads: “a feeling of love for his or her country and supports its authority and interests”. However, more recently it has become more evident that patriotism in America is coming...
3 Pages 1457 Words

The Tragic Events of Elie Wiesel's Life

Introduction Elie Wiesel, a great figure of the 20th century, shows how strong the human spirit can be in the face of unimaginable hardship. Born in Sighet, Romania, in 1928, Wiesel's life took a sad turn during World War II when he and his family were sent to Auschwitz. He would later write about this horrifying experience in his famous book "Night." This powerful memoir, a stark and haunting account of his escape from Nazi concentration camps, has become an...
5 Pages 1499 Words

Main Challenges of General Motors

When companies compete in the economic market, there will always be threats of risk and uncertainty. Although the two phrases sound like they are similar, they are quite different. The difference between the two is the fact businesses are able to measure risk and control it. Risk is the chances of either gain or loss of something important. Uncertainty on the other hand is quite the opposite. Uncertainty can’t be gauged and business cannot control the outcome. It is suggested...
3 Pages 1486 Words

Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism: Mohandas Gandhi Vs Martin Luther King Jr.

This paper will examine the idea of social justice and the global moral theories used to achieve it. It will defend Mohandas Gandhi against Martin Luther King Jr. The reason why is because Gandhi uses cosmopolitan theory in a nonviolent way to fight for freedom and segregation on a national level, while King uses purified patriotism to end racism in the United States. Martin Luther King Jr. adheres to the global moral theory of purified patriotism. Patriotism is the pride...
3 Pages 1523 Words

Use of Group Activities in Social Care Work

I will be providing a guide to group activities in a social care setting. This guide will examine the practical uses, benefits and also the reasons for using group activities in a social care setting. According to Coru their definition of social care is as follows: “Social care work is a relationship-based approach to the purposeful planning and provision of care, protection, psychosocial support and advocacy in partnership with vulnerable individuals and groups who experience marginalisation, disadvantage or special needs”...
3 Pages 1497 Words

Environmental Injustice as a Problem of Our Time

On December 2, 1970, President Nixon initiated the first-ever Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), due to the public’s growing concern of air and water pollution. Yet, almost 50 years past, minority communities are still in danger of environmental threats. Could this be because of our flawed regulations and policies in our environmental system? The notion of environmental injustice came from communities that were unusually hit with higher amounts of environmental threats than other types of communities. The communities affected may be...
3 Pages 1503 Words

Social Differences in Criminal Behavior: Theories and Models

Social class and crime behavior relationship is a long-standing basis of discussion in criminology. The society has this perception that crimes are to be committed mostly by a lower class group of people in the society, forgetting the fact that even the upper and middle-class people commit serious crimes too. These social classes are a result of emerging divisions in the society which are supported by the social and economic background of the people. As opposed to the social norm...
3 Pages 1456 Words

Character parallels in 'Ender's Game' and Freud's Id, Ego, Superego

In the work of Sigmund Freud, the pioneer of psychoanalysis, he determined that there are three parts of the human mind, the Id, the Ego, and the Superego. The Id is the most basic primal instincts, the Ego is the grip on reality, and the Superego is the obligation to society. The Ego is often seen as a balance between the two. This theory has had a major impact on the world of psychology and beyond. In the novel ‘Ender’s...
3 Pages 1466 Words

Raising Minimum Wage to Address Homelessness

Becoming homeless is something that can happen to anyone, in any point of their lives. It has always been around, seeing beggars and people camped out on the streets was a common think, something you didn’t have to take a second look at. But lately it’s become more apparent due to more news coverage on conflicts that have happening more often within communities on how to resolve the amount of homelessness being seen. Homelessness is inevitable, it will continue to...
3 Pages 1473 Words

Impact of Big Data on Freedom and Privacy

With the rise of the technological revolution in social world and benefits it creates, comes also concerns and issues about the range of use of those technologies. The use of big data is just a small, but nevertheless, important issue in the common world and raises many questions such as the process of data collection, how much information is gathered about a person and how that information is being used, whether there is a balance between benefits and costs and...
3 Pages 1453 Words

Child Life Specialists Supporting Children with Cystic Fibrosis

Furthermore, the respiratory, digestive, reproductive and sweat glands are most affected by cystic fibrosis. There are many types of treatments that can aid these systems. The nervous system and the brain are least affected, making a child’s ability to learn not adjusted by cystic fibrosis. While the brain is typically not affected by those with cystic fibrosis, the lives of these individuals can become drastically different from those of healthy people. A high maintenance lifestyle typically becomes more prevalent in...
3 Pages 1452 Words

Issues in Animal Agriculture & FDA/USDA Ineffectiveness

Food production has drastically changed over the course of human history. The process of cultivating food from raw materials to the preparation of cooked dishes has transformed entirely. Animal husbandry first began more than 10,000 years ago during the so-called Neolithic Age when humans began domesticating animals such as dogs and sheep. This concept is a branch of agriculture concerned with the domestication of, care for, and breeding of animals such as dogs, cattle, horses, sheep, goats, pigs, and other...
3 Pages 1461 Words

US Politics and Drones: An Analysis

On February 4, 2003, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States of America (US) used an unmanned predator drone for the first time. It was a targeted killing in the Paktia province of Afghanistan. The person killed was supposed to be Osama Bin Laden, the leader of the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist group, Al-Qaeda. However, it was later admitted by the CIA, that the man killed was actually just a civilian gathering scrap metal. According to the Bureau of...
3 Pages 1477 Words

Key Strategies for Measles Eradication

Morbilli, more commonly known as “measles,” is caused by Rubeola virus that results in a highly contagious disease that infects the respiratory system, immune system, and skin. Initial symptoms are a high fever, runny nose, bloodshot eyes, and white spots on the inside of the mouth. It then develops into a rash that spreads downwards (Naim, 2018). Logically, because this is such a contagious disease, anyone who comes into contact with someone who has measles will most likely contract the...
3 Pages 1466 Words

The Role of Antisocial Personality Disorder in Crime

They could be friends, co-workers, or neighbors. They could even be a family member. A conversation might be held with them or they have maybe even invited inside the house. Younger siblings or children could play at the same playground or be in the same friend group. These people could have Antisocial Personality Disorder. 3% of American men and 1% of American women have been diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder (Friedland , 35). Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) is a mental...
3 Pages 1485 Words

John Proctor Eulogy

Proctor’s last act is a noble and honorable way to die. He chooses to die not only for himself and his wife, but also for those who stand wrongly accused. Proctor decides to die with the honest people of Salem instead of selling those people out and dishonoring their memory and deaths by falsely admitting to the crime of witchcraft. By refusing to confess, John gives up his life with his wife, children, and unborn child, standing by the ideal...
3 Pages 1525 Words

Communication and Health Promotion for Seriously Ill Patients

This case study is based on Mr Khan a 78 years old patient who is suffering from a serious heart condition and now admitted to hospital for treatment. The essay will focus on the different aspects that are relevant to this case study. It is identified that Mr Khan has myocardial infarction (MI) and is faced with serious health complications. The biopsychosocial aspect, along with the ethical, legal and professional issue of healthcare are the key elements of discussion and...
3 Pages 1460 Words

Rosie The Riveter Movement's Impact on WWII Girl Jazz Bands

World War II is remembered for its fostering of the Greatest Generation, the Rosie the Riveter movement and an overwhelming amount of American Nationalism. This pivotal event of the twentieth century marked a new culture and era. When great nations clashed on the battlefield, the resulting impacts are extensive with many events and cultures being often marginalized or completely forgotten amongst future generations. Swing music became the cultural link to World War II. The genre proved an outlet to both...
3 Pages 1498 Words

Bernie Madoff: The Scam of America

Would anyone assume that a young man who grew up from humble beginnings in a small Jewish middle-class family be responsible for the largest Ponzi schemes in American history? A young Hofstra graduate with a bachelor's degree in Political Science and hopes and aspirations to work on Wall Street. Bernie Lawrence Madoff was born on April 29, 1938, in Queens, New York. Madoff’s Family originated from Poland and was heavily affiliated with the Jewish religion and community. Madoff was never...
3 Pages 1530 Words

Basics of Effective Human Resources Planning on the Example of M&S Company

Internal planning factors relate to what is happening inside the organization and how the organization is changing to cope with the new methods of working or demand made on it. It is also a way of considering new skills that will be needed in the future and those that existing staff already have. Furthermore, there are three internal planning factors. The first factor is called organizational needs and under this a business-like M&S, their HR department would need to be...
3 Pages 1462 Words

Review of the Documentary ‘He Named Me Malala’

October 9th, 2012, changed a young 15-year-old teenage girl named Malala Yousafzai’s life forever. One day coming home from school, the voice of an innocent girl was silenced after the blaring sound of the Taliban’s bullet pierced through Malala’s head. After a miraculous recovery, Malala was determined to send a message to the world; one that invoked women empowerment and a new stage for progression for women’s education. To do this she confronted the very enemy that attempted to kill...
3 Pages 1534 Words

Comparing 'Top-Down' and 'Bottom-Up' Offender Profiling

Offender profiling is the process of analysing a crime scene, victim, and any other evidence in order to provide a likely description of the offender. The top-down approach is used by the FBI in America, and is typology lead, whereas the bottom-up approach to offender profiling is what is used in the UK, and is data driven. My motivation for writing about this topic is that I have an issue with the names ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ themselves, as to me...
3 Pages 1467 Words

John Proctor's Decision to Prefer Honor to Life

In the dark thunderous nights of the winter of 1692, the people of Salem’s biggest fear had risen upon them. Arthur Miller deliberately uses verbiage to make the Trials seem a little more histrionic. Abigail Williams and a group of young ladies performed dances around a fire, fully stripped out of their clothes, which sprung a rumor lasting a few months that costed people’s lives. The people of Salem credenced the rumor, that the dancing was a talisman to calling...
3 Pages 1525 Words

Depression in College and Its Causes

Students all around the world have told their stories of how their college years were either great and party filled, or class and homework filled. One thing the students all seemed to have in common was that depression and anxiety was always something hanging over their shoulders. Student have spoken on how if they weren’t stressing about that night’s homework they were stressing about their next test or exam and even after that they were worried about large projects and...
3 Pages 1543 Words
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