1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Biosocial, Cognitive And Psychosocial Factors Of Adolescence Development

INTRODUCTION Adolescence is a time of major transition that bridges the gap between childhood and adulthood. This developmental stage is marked by significant biosocial, cognitive and psychosocial development that can make the teenage years incredibly that can make the teenage years incredibly challenging. This presentation categorize these developmental stages as relevant to parents, healthcare providers and teachers. Adolescence is divided into three periods; early (ages 12-14), middle (ages 15-17) and late (ages 18-21). Some teens will develop faster in one...
3 Pages 1502 Words

The Catcher In The Rye By J. D. Salinger: Journey Into Adulthood

The Catcher In The Rye by J. D. Salinger is a classic novel about a young man named Holden Caulfield and his journey into the adult world. Holden has been to many schools and kicked out many times. Holden tells the story of his expulsion and the adventures following it. He runs into a variety of characters on his journey Holden narrates his own story in vivid detail, along with an interesting choice in vocabulary. This novel has remained relevant...
3 Pages 1523 Words

Comparative Analysis Of William Shakespeare's Sonnet 20 And Sonnet 116

In this essay I will be writing a comparative analysis of two sonnets, the first being William Shakespeare's 'Sonnet 20' and also 'Sonnet 116' whilst referring to two essays in 'An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory' about Love and Queer. Both sonnets centre around the theme of love, with 'Sonnet 116' focusing on Shakespeare's personal thoughts on love and 'Sonnet 20' is aimed towards the Fair Youth that Shakespeare is infatuated with, a common topic in the majority of...
3 Pages 1485 Words

The Impact Of A Sports Vision Training Programme

“Keep your eye on the Ball”- a common saying that is not often taken literally, but Vision Training has been thought to give this phrase a more meaningful purpose. Vision Training, also known as Vision Therapy has been said to be one of the most controversial procedures in Vision Care to date. It has been used for a variety of purposes over the years from helping those with Learning Disabilities to helping correct conditions such as Amblyopia, Strabismus, and Accommodative...
3 Pages 1499 Words

Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis And Prosocial Behaviour

Altruism can be defined as the desire to help someone even if it involves a cost to the helper (Aronson, Wilson & Akert, 2013). This is different to prosocial behaviour which is an act performed with the goal of benefiting another person (Penner, Dovidio, Piliavin & Schroeder, 2005). There is difficulty in understanding people’s motivation behind their behaviour as we can never fully know a person’s intentions, making the distinction between altruistic actions and prosocial behaviour hard to define. We...
3 Pages 1483 Words

The Reasons And Preventions Of Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse is a sexual activity between an adult and a minor. There are different forms of child sexual abuse like fondling, exposing themselves to the minor, showing pornographic images, etc. It does not necessarily include physical contact. A child cannot have any type of sexual activity with no one, not even relatives. Families who have been affected by child sexual abuse have been struggling with the outcome it has brought into their lives. Many children end up traumatized...
3 Pages 1461 Words

Listening Peculiarities Of Interpersonal Communication In Business

Techniques for Being a Good Listener The world, as is currently set up, is high-paced. Everything and everyone is moving fast, and the situation is even worse in the healthcare sector. It is noted that the veterinary science sector is also no exception. Genuine listening is rare these days, regardless of how significant it is in building relationships, guaranteeing an understanding, solving issues, improving accuracy and resolving conflicts. At the veterinary department, effective listening results in less wasted time and...
3 Pages 1489 Words

The Vision Of Art And Beauty In The Picture Of Dorian Gray

Beauty - a filter for reality. The subject under analysis is the vision of beauty in Oscar Wilde's novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray. The fin-de-siècle aesthetic sees in art a spiritual dimension that opposes the banality of daily existence: in “The picture of Dorian Gray” (1891), Wilde gives full expression to his conception of art, according to which it is natural to imitate art and not vice versa, claiming the ability of art to shape the conventions and intellectual...
3 Pages 1522 Words

The Importance Of Resilience In Business Organisations

This report is to critically analyse the dynamics that contributes to how resilient organizations remain resilient during disruptive times. The first part of this report will define and explain the conceptualization of organizational resilience whereas the second part will focus on providing critical discussions of the features of resilient organizations. According to the BSI group, Organizational Resilience is defined as “the ability of an organization to anticipate, prepare for, respond and adapt to incremental change and sudden disruptions in order...
3 Pages 1497 Words

Health And Safety Conditions At The Workplace

Introduction The focus on this assignment is to sought research and analyse that the Union and workers will know best to identify ill-health caused by work. Common work-related injuries are stress, anxiety and depression, musculoskeletal disorder, occupational lung disease and work place injury such slips and trips, handling/lifting and carrying, falls from a height, struck by an object and acts of violence. The benefits of a unionised workplace are that the Safety representatives have the best training, education and development...
3 Pages 1476 Words

Stereotypes Theory And Groups

Nowadays, people are constantly using stereotypes in their everyday life to simplify the diverse world around them. Placing people into social categories helps people to understand quickly how to behave when meeting new people, as they might have a similar experience in dealing with other people from the same social group before. However, one of the significant drawbacks of generalization is that it can be a reason for prejudices as it makes people ignore the differences between individuals. As a...
3 Pages 1486 Words

Ted Bundy: The Most Notorious Killers In American History

The 1970s was one of the most terrifying decades for America, the most notorious and dangerous serial killers ran wild during this decade. One gripping serial killer that made everyone's stomach twist at the call of his name was Theodore Bundy. Bundy was very different from everyone else in a strange and dark way. The man with the world at his fingertips; He was smart, outgoing, and handsome, but behind the disguise was an absolute nightmare. Theodore Bundy was the...
3 Pages 1526 Words

The Factors Of Population Growth In Bhutan

Growth of population has been a rising issue in both developed and developing nation and its fluctuation have now become a major concern as it has a huge impact in the places where there is increase in population. Population growth refers to the increase in the number of people that live in a country, state or city (Business Dictionary n.d.) It has caused disorientation in terms of economy, environment and social aspects. Rapid change in population statistics can be dangerous...
3 Pages 1456 Words

Liberal Arts Education: Definition And Evolution

This paper is a research into the History of Liberal Arts, in particular, what is identified as a liberal arts education, when was it first recognized, and how it evolved. My research will focus on the historical roots of a liberal arts program and the benefits it brought to those who pursued a liberal arts education. My research will conclude with the impact a liberal arts education continues to have in today’s world. The worth of a liberal arts education...
3 Pages 1511 Words

Literary Devices in Poe's Works: Setting, Symbolism, and Point of View

In Edgar Allan Poe’s gothic tales the use of literary devices such as setting, symbolism, and point of view are frequently used to reveal significant aspects of a central character. This can be portrayed in the short stories by Edgar Allen Poe's tell-tale heart, the black cat, the fall of the house of the usher. The gothic tales are used to portray a person’s deepest and darkest fears and the actions that are caused by them with negative repercussions. Edgar...
3 Pages 1533 Words

Professional Code Of Ethics For Teachers

Introduction The main purpose of education is to create skills, grasp knowledge and spread awareness about our glorious national heritage. The values enshrined in our constitution lay stress on attaining basic scientific outlook and commitment to the ideals of patriotism, democracy, secularism, socialism and peace. Education should strive for academic excellence and progress of the arts and science in conformity with our national needs and priorities. For the purpose of this code, the term 'teacher' covers all school teachers, on...
3 Pages 1498 Words

Racism and Race In Othello by Shakespeare: Essay

Racism and prejudice, two of the most devastating elements that is engraved into every society and civilization since the beginning of history are a topic of debate and discussion. Racism, a word that looks quite simple on paper, but holds so much more meaning when looking at the whole picture. Racism is something that appears in many shapes and forms directed at those of deemed inferior to those of the opposite race. Although the worlds society has progressed in the...
3 Pages 1530 Words

Evaluation Of Psychoanalytic Theory, Behaviourism, And Humanistic Theory

In this essay I will be evaluating the three psychological theories known as Psychoanalytic Theory, Behaviourism and Humanistic Theory. I will describe each of the 3 theories and discuss their strengths and limitations, and what each theory aimed to do. Psychoanalytic theory is the theory of personality development that guides psychoanalysis and is a particular therapy that aims to help with repressed emotions and memories (Mcleod 2007). It is also a clinical method for treating psychopathology, which is the scientific...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Interjurisdictional Competition For Economic Development In Kenya

Introduction In 1956 Charles Tiebout in his article “A Pure Theory of Local Expenditure” introduced the notion that decentralization leads to superior variation in the provision of local public goods (goods that are tailored to better suit local population). He introduced the Tiebout model, a model that seeks to attest that decentralization is the solution to the “free rider” problem in local governments and that interjurisdiction competition leads to the provision of public goods at a peak level, as it...
3 Pages 1527 Words

The Topics Of Slavery And Freedom In The Novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, an infamous abolitionist novel, was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe and published on March 20, 1852. Stowe had an admirable stance on the abolition of slavery; she used her privilege as a White writer to detail the life of a slave to expose the evil acts of the Southerners and the complacency of the Northerners. The book follows the life of an enslaved man named Uncle Tom who was sold to several other slave owners, who each...
3 Pages 1516 Words

Ethical Dilemma Of Robotic Surgery

Brief Description of the Ethical Dilemma A popular and distinct technological advancement in the present world is robotic surgery that has been acquired in the entire health care industry. In Britain, several surgeries are being conducted by robots and these surgeries have become successful without indulging any type of problem. However, there had been an incident, in which a patient almost died due to technical failure of the camera within a robot, doing his surgery. Several medical problems like cardiac...
3 Pages 1488 Words

Recurring Ideas in Of Mice and Men, Travels with Charley, and The Pearl

The Desire to Escape One recurring theme that is displayed in Of Mice and Men, Travels With Charley, and The Pearl is the desire to escape, which causes the characters to venture to somewhere else in hopes of a better life, but something. In The Pearl, Kino wanted to leave La Paz, Mexico to go to a different town where pearl buyers could hopefully offer them a price that they “deserve”. In Of Mice and Men, Lennie and George leave...
3 Pages 1486 Words

Six Steps Problem Solving approach

Introduction The paper will examine the problem and evaluate the issue by using the six-step problem-solving approach. The assignment is asking what you are doing when you are faced with a question. When are you going to fix it and what steps have you taken to ensure that it is properly resolved? The six methods for problem-solving will be applied to scenario 1 in this task. Where a person has to make a difficult decision between changing his job to...
3 Pages 1476 Words

Sex Education In Kyrgyzstan: Types And Importance

This paper discusses what is sex education, its types and the importance of sex education in Kyrgyzstan. It examines the fundamentals of sexuality education of society and sexuality education practice in Kyrgyz society. Introduction Every child has thought about how children appear from mothers’ belly, and often, when a child asks an adult such question, the adult feels uncomfortable, ashamed, and even sometimes angry and can shame the child for interest. Often, when children are already studying at school, in...
3 Pages 1534 Words

William Shakespeare. Essay

Introduction William Shakespeare, a name synonymous with literary genius, remains an enigmatic figure who revolutionized the world of English literature. Born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564, Shakespeare's works transcend time, influencing countless generations with his profound understanding of human nature. His legacy comprises 39 plays, 154 sonnets, and several poems, each a masterpiece in its own right. Shakespeare's ability to weave complex characters and intricate plots is unparalleled, marking him as the preeminent playwright of the English language. His plays, categorized...
5 Pages 1502 Words

Social Media Addiction Linked To Cyberbullying

Cyber Bullying is a major problem. For some of you who may not know what cyber bullying is, cyber bullying is a form of bullying that takes place entirely online through devices such as phones, tablets, and computers. Cyber Bullying happens to everyone, kids are cyber bullied because of their gender, race, ethnicity, and disability. Cyber bullying is meant to hurt, humiliate, expose, and harass others (Steele). Cyber bullying has a huge effect on kids to the point where they...
3 Pages 1545 Words

The Rise Of Youth Culture After Great Depression Followed By World War II

By definition, popular culture refers to influential principles, practices, beliefs, music, art, literature, fashion, dance, film, cyberculture, television, and radio which are recognized and appeal to the majority of society (Crossman, 2019). In the 21st century, the term ‘teenager’ is widely used, referring to youth aged between 13 and 19, but it wasn’t always so common. Pioneered in 1950s America, the idea of ‘teenagers’ was initially a source of cultural division between children and adults. However, following its introduction in...
3 Pages 1460 Words

Nicomachean Ethics: Ideas And Arguments

Throughout the history of humankind, the ethical question of whether or not humans should pursue ultimate happiness without boundaries is often a source of philosophical discourse. Such a question has resulted in many interpretations and theories that have led to extreme violence, oppression, and affliction. Defining what ultimate happiness is and examining if it is possible to achieve such a concept will aid in comprehending such a perplexing question. This investigation will lead to a discussion about whether it is...
3 Pages 1529 Words

Animal Farming: A Major Contributor to Global Issues

The production of livestock is among one of the most ecological detriments for all human needs (Abbasi et al., 2015). Firstly, it is inevitable to say that the human population is increasing, and towns are extending to mega-cities (Abbasi et al., 2015). while the request to produce more food will continue to grow, and agricultural land will continue to decrease (Abbasi et al., 2015). Within the mid-20th century, the era of industrialization fostered the explosion of natural resources to produce...
3 Pages 1460 Words

Domestic Violence: Health And Social Issue

In recent years, particularly in the last decade, society has gradually become more aware of domestic violence cases in relationships and families. Society has started recognising the extent to which domestic violence impacts an individual’s mental and physical health and the overall impact it has on the well-being of a family. Domestic violence is a complex behavioural issue that may include physical acts of violence, emotional abuse and sexual abuse (Hegarty, Hindmarsh & Gilles, 2000). Worldwide, 30% of women report...
3 Pages 1471 Words
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