1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Equality and Diversity in Education Essay

It can be argued that higher education is suffering from inequalities such as a lack of gender equality. The balance of equality, diversity, and inclusion for all staff and students needs to be enhanced to ensure that everyone, students and staff, within higher education has a fair and equal experience as well as a wide range of balanced opportunities. The University of Manchester and the Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS) look to combat these issues by considering the United Nations...
3 Pages 1455 Words

Sociology Essay on 'Persepolis'

In the book, Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi she finds herself growing up amid the Islamic Revolution. She talks about her childhood and how at a very young age she had to grow up very quickly. Marjane had witnessed a lot of disaster and tragedy at a young age. The revolution sparked a lot of controversy between the government and the citizens of Iran. Some of the laws that were put into place only affected the women. Marjane and her parents...
3 Pages 1483 Words

A Raisin in the Sun' Racism Essay

The first-ever black woman to have a play performed on Broadway and all around the world in 35 different languages was accomplished by Lorraine Hansberry according to Nava Atlas in Lorraine Hansbury, Creator of a Raisin in the Sun (Atlas). Hansberry was raised in a black middle-class family in the southside of Chicago as the Civil Rights Movement was expanding. The Civil Rights Movement fought against segregation inspiring young black activists to express themselves in terms of art. Hansberry expressed...
3 Pages 1511 Words

Into the Wild' Materialism Essay

A tragic hero can be defined as a “great or virtuous character who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat” (Dictionary.com). In Sean Penn’s film Into The Wild, the protagonist, Christopher McCandless ventures away from home in seek of freedom from the world which is surrounded by materials and wealth. Growing up in a household that idealized success in the form of education and income, Christopher inevitably leaves this behind to find true happiness. This call to adventure he receives...
3 Pages 1521 Words

Essay on Family Values in 'Death of a Salesman'

Death of a Salesman, published in 1949, is one of Arthur Miller’s most well-known works. The stage play portrays several universal themes such as betrayal, abandonment, and living the American dream which resonates with many Americans. Miller spoke to working-class families worldwide through his portrayal of the main character’s (Willy) failure to acknowledge the American dream’s false promises and how it affected his family. The play is written in a way that makes it deeply confined to reality. This story...
3 Pages 1466 Words

Into the Wild' American Dream Essay

There is a lot to say about Chris McCandless. Some say he was an idealistic genius who followed his dreams to the fullest extent. Others say that he was an idiot. Both are true, to a point. The man lived for 113 days in the wilderness off of what little supplies he had with him at the time and that is quite impressive considering the circumstances. The point that I am trying to make is that McCandless was smart, but...
3 Pages 1475 Words

Essay on Sociological Imagination and Media

Mass media has changed the social landscape since its origins; with growing technological advancements and the digital revolution, the way in which we communicate as well as interact with society as individuals has been largely shaped by the media we consume. As globalization has interconnected our society economically, culturally, and socially; the media has also been shaped by the processes of globalization. With the advancement of technology came the accessibility of such media through the globalization process, which in turn...
3 Pages 1517 Words

The Great Gatsby' Movie Review Essay

In The Great Gatsby, Luhrmann offers a critique on an assortment of topics, also introduced in this movie. The Great Gatsby is seen as a notable bit of social discourse, supplying a clear seem into American lifestyles in the 1920s. Luhrmann deliberately sets up this movie into unmistakable gatherings be that as it may, at last, each gathering has its troubles to fight with, leaving a severe indication of what a hazardous area the world clearly is. By making unmistakable...
3 Pages 1500 Words

Wonder' Movie Review Essay

Movie and book comparisons are the most common thing people go to doing for a research paper. The movie and novel Wonder starts out with the main character August or Auggie Pullman talking about how his life has been growing up. It goes into what he looks like, and how people may look at him. He had 27 surgeries before ten years old, and he’s not as ordinary as the other kids. According to the novel written by R.J. Palacio,...
3 Pages 1480 Words

Lincoln' Movie Review Essay

There have been many different articles, biographies, and much more that have been published about the life of Abraham Lincoln to educate people on his life as a president, a father, and an all-American hero. This film was entirely based on the last four months of Lincoln's efforts in fighting for the 13 Amendment to be passed as a law. I think for the most part the film was mostly a correct depiction of what those four months had been...
3 Pages 1499 Words

Evaluation Essay on Nursing

As the semester progressed my views and opinions on the topics, we learned in class have changed. Learning about different topics by discussing, reading articles, and writing made me have an open mind and remodel my perspective on the topics. An example of the topics discussed includes professionalism, critical thinking, communication, culture, values, ethics, and the nurse’s role in healthcare. These topics have influenced my way of thinking during this semester which allowed me to change my understanding of the...
3 Pages 1464 Words

Essay on Rhetorical Listening

The South Carolina Botanical Gardens have succeeded in maintaining a historical nature culture that is evident as you walk through the gardens. The gardens have many monuments, memorials, and manmade structures that preserve culture without invading the space nature needs to flourish. A push for historical preservation is displayed throughout the SCBG, with many objects and educational signs on display. Historical culture is quite evident as you venture throughout the gardens, with many important and educational structures littered among the...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Research Essay on Technology in Healthcare Field

My presentation is on how virtual reality is used in the various sectors of the healthcare industry, i.e. to assist in physical rehabilitation, as part of a treatment program, or to help train medical personnel. I find this topic engaging, as I was not aware of virtual reality being frequently used in this field, alongside or instead of traditional medical practices. Virtual reality is an entirely immersive experience, although the participant is aware that they are involved in a simulation,...
3 Pages 1545 Words

The Casey Anthony Case: Summary Essay

In July 2008, a small town in Orlando Florida was rocked by a tragic mystery. After a fight with her parents, Casey Anthony and her young daughter Caylee left home. Caylee would never be seen again. One lengthy investigation later, Caylee’s remains were found in the woods, less than a mile from her past home. Many people cast their suspicion on Casey after alarming evidence was found, making it seem as though she was responsible for the death of her...
3 Pages 1528 Words

Synthesis Essay on GMO Foods

Genetically Modified Organisms, also known as Genetically Engineered Foods, are foods created from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA using genetic engineering procedures. These practices create new traits and have greater control over others when compared to previous methods, like selective breeding and mutation breeding. In 1996 Genetically Modified Organisms were introduced to the market. Since then, tons of people have eaten GMOs in various foods, such as soybeans, beef, dairy products, corn, sugar, etc. GMOs could...
3 Pages 1497 Words

Descriptive Essay on Garden

The garden is an attempt to create an earthy paradise, a slice of the beauty that will be presented to those of who follow the doctrines and principles laid out by the Prophet Muhammad. The marriage of the Islamic Garden and architecture is through its earthly relationship to symbolize the divine: Islam is a monotheistic religion that operates on units and equilibriums, mathematical ratios that represent the unity and the oneness of God. In this essay, I want to explore...
3 Pages 1476 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay on Two Songs

Green Day is considered among many music critics to be one of the greatest rock bands of all time. They were formed in 1987 and have been icons ever since. The band consists of lead singer and guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong, bassist and backup vocals Mike Dirnt, and drummer Tre Cool. Green Day has released a total of thirteen studio albums. Their most famous album is probably American Idiot. This album was released in 2004 and contains many of their...
3 Pages 1501 Words

Reflective Essay from Critical Thinking Class

In one of our classes, we talked about critical thinking. How might you apply this mode of thinking to your learning and assessment in the future? Critical thinking is a common skill and is a rational way of interpreting situations. However, we are often affected by emotion, general knowledge, and surrounding factors. These factors make up different views of people, but the difference shouldn’t be classified as a wrong point of view. Hence, critical thinking creates a standard as the...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Procrastination and Time Management Essay

Self-regulation has been defined as the extent to which a person can change their behavior (Muraven et al., 1999). This concept is especially useful when the person struggles with a problem and/or lacks external alternatives to deal with it, such as access to educational resources or counseling sessions. Among the several problem behaviors that an individual might display, procrastination probably affects us all. Procrastination is the act of postponing a task. In college, procrastination might lead to anxiety (K. Johnson...
3 Pages 1482 Words

How to Achieve Academic Success: Essay

Reading individuals’ emotions is critical in relationships, positive communication, and in school districts. There are two different ways to determine emotions: instinctive and systematic approaches. Instinctive decisions can be more successful in determining emotions in familiar people, whereas systematic approaches are more successful in dealing with strangers. Not only can these emotions be analyzed and determined by people, but also in brain scans. Although studies have shown emotions in brain scans, all brains are different; therefore, not all emotions of...
3 Pages 1491 Words

Filipino Culture Respect Essay

Unity is a strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration wonderful things can be achieved an inspiring quotation from a witty and noble poet Mattie Stepanek. What does the state want to imply it solely expresses that unity has a remarkable role in today's society and with the aid of teamwork and collaboration of humans several amends can happen. As the modernization began the Philippines has been facing various dilemmas wherein unity has the capability to resolve these issues. In...
3 Pages 1488 Words

Essay on Rosa Parks Character Traits

Back in the 1960s, an African American woman by the name of Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a White male to bring awareness to racial equality. Although this was against the law at the time and caused one of the biggest political controversies known to date, Rosa Parks stood up for her own beliefs. A similar situation occurs in the play Antigone, the protagonist in the play by the same name performs an...
3 Pages 1477 Words

Essay on Ignorance Is Strength in '1984'

Is it corrupt for a government to manipulate its citizens to maintain full control over their country? In the novel 1984, the three-party slogans are contradictory phrases that are manipulated to be true by the party. “ War is Peace”, “ Freedom is Slavery ” and “ Ignorance is Strength” are the slogans Orwell uses as a form of propaganda and as an introduction to doublethink. The party uses these slogans to have full control and power over the people....
3 Pages 1532 Words

Essay on Case Study on Social Anxiety Disorder

Introduction Anxiety disorder is one of the worldwide major public mental health problems. In the last decades, the number of people diagnosed with mental health disorders such as; anxiety has enormously increased. Anxiety is defined as a state of uneasiness, such as worry or dread, that might be minor or severe (NHS 2018). According to the Cleveland Clinic (2020), There are many types of anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety, panic disorder, phobias, and separation anxiety. The Most common type...
3 Pages 1478 Words

Critical Thinking Essay Welding

Welding is my future career choice. I have chosen this career because I grew up watching several of my family members and friends weld. Welding has become an ever-growing interest to me. Welding pays incredibly well, keeps you occupied, and makes work days go by ultrafast. This job really does not require any special education except in situations where you are looking to work for big industries. However, the education required for this job does vary by employer. Most employers...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Analytical Essay on 'The Crucible'

The exploration of diverse human experiences can provide valuable insights into the nature of human behavior. Through the portrayal of human experiences, an individual can deepen their understanding of the fundamental characteristics that make us human. Within Arthur Miller’s 1952 tragedy, The Crucible, my attached visual representation, and the 2016 slam poem 'Islamophobia' performed by Elevated!, the audience is provided with new insights into a range of human experiences. Allowing for conclusions to be drawn about the nature of human...
3 Pages 1507 Words

Exemplification Essay about Mexican Characteristics

Most Americans have heard of the difficulties of life for White Americans during the great depression, but few know of the injustices towards Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans during that time. Using all peoples of Mexican heritage as a scapegoat for the economic depression, unprecedented hatred and discrimination were shown towards them. Then repatriations-the illegal process of moving immigrants back to their home country. Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans were encouraged or forced to return to Mexico, resulting in one of the...
3 Pages 1492 Words

Importance of Educational Planning Essay

Development is everywhere and our education system is becoming more and more complex, making education planning necessary. We are faced with many problems such as population explosion, labor demand, growing desires of all sectors of society, inequality between economic and educational product demand, ecological imbalance, resource reduction, and chaos in system development and application. All these problems require the education system to find solutions. The education system faces all these problems, so planning becomes more important as planning ability becomes...
3 Pages 1540 Words

Essay on the Effects of Animal Testing

Animal testing was first introduced around 300 BCE when the Greek Philosopher Aristotle performed tests on them. This practice became widely known in the 17th century when Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was put forth. Approximately 26 million animals are tested each year in the United States. Animal experimentation has been used to create treatments and to assess the safety of products, ranging from medicine to cosmetics. Animal testing is also used to understand how the human/animal body works. Animal...
3 Pages 1533 Words

Analysis of JD Vance's 'Hillbilly Elegy' Themes

J.D. Vance was born in Jackson, KY, the county seat of Breathitt County. His family had to make the choice of whether to stay in the hills and try to make a living or to move north to find work. Vance’s mother, Bev, was in and out of many relationships, and marriages which all crumbled due to her personal instability. She was also addicted to painkillers, so the real stability in his life was provided by his grandparents, known to...
3 Pages 1467 Words
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