1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Iliad: Aphrodite Promise in Marriage to Paris

In a broader discussion of men's status and glory (kleos) in The Iliad, Homer describes women's societal roles in their connection to men and the gods. While the male characters are fixated primarily on war and the gods' prophecies, Helen is left to ponder the dreary emotions her circumstances evince. Although Homer initially portrays her as a spoil of war, Helen's relationships with Menelaus, Paris, Aphrodite, and Hektor shed a unique light on her subjugated position, and heighten her humanity...
4 Pages 1642 Words

Essay on Health Care

1.0 Background of the Study The need for a linked environment for achieving organizational objectives is peculiar to nearly all establishments. An environment is anything that surrounds and affects a system. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2008), an environment is the conditions in a place that affect the behavior and development of an entity. Health and Social Care is a term that describes services that are available from health and social care providers in the United Kingdom (U.K.). Health...
4 Pages 1622 Words

Essay on Gothicism

Physical Setting Conrad was deeply fascinated by the circumstances that established men's perseverance and were fascinated by physical realism. This curiosity propelled him into realities that he presented in romantic charm and ' adventurous exaltation' in the novella. The very opening line of the novella, “The sea-reach of the Thames stretched before us like the beginning of an interminable waterway.” sets the eeriness, gloominess, and desolation, perhaps the most significant elements of gothic literature. The portrayal of imperialistic domination presents...
3 Pages 1565 Words

Essay on George Washington

According to (Calloway, 2018), George Washington was the firstborn of Mr. Augustine and his mother, Mary Ball Washington, who lived in Virginia County in America. He had six siblings, and he was brought up in a very adverse background since his dad left him at a significantly younger age, eleven years, where he left most of his wealth to George's brothers-in-law. George Washington inherited ten enslaved people at the age of eleven years. He spent most of his time at...
4 Pages 1585 Words

Essay on Forestry Activities in Canada

Canada is the third-largest forested area in the world. The enormous amount of forested land is an obvious explanation as to why large-scale commercial forest harvesting is taking place in Canada and contributes a lot to its economy. However, the deforestation of such a large number of trees has affected the environment in a severe way. If steps are taken to manage forests with a more sustainable approach, then attempts can be made to restore the environment and preserve it....
4 Pages 1638 Words

Essay on Elections

“Elections are a necessary but insufficient feature of democratic rule”. Analyse this statement with reference to both democratic and authoritarian states for illustration. In this essay, I will argue the point that elections are necessary for democracy and that they are not insufficient for a strong democracy. Elections are essential due to direct democracy. Direct democracy is a way of government where political decisions are formed by the entirety of the people and these democratic governments must be handled through...
4 Pages 1613 Words

Essay on Death Penalty

The death penalty is the punishment handed to people found guilty of capital criminal offenses. Capital punishment is also called the death penalty, and it is carried out through the execution of the offender (Balleisen, 2018). Through death penalty involves killing the offender; it is essential to extrajudicial killing since the latter is done without following the due process stipulated by the law. Though the term capital punishment can be used interchangeably with the term death penalty, it does not...
4 Pages 1579 Words

Allegory in Short Stories: 'Black Girl in Search of God and Subaltern'

The short stories can be comprehended as the modern-day written version of tales rendering the folktales that are mostly written with many moral insights and cultural values. Allan H. Pasco, a distinguished professor of Nineteenth-Century Literature, defines a short story as short, literary prose fiction, open to any topic or material, but the deciding factor is usually not the presence or absence of a saint or supernatural events, but rather the artistry in the creation of a reality whose existence...
4 Pages 1621 Words

Essay on Accounting

Accounting dates to ancient civilizations. For many years people have been engaging in trade and also coordinated systems of government, practices of record-keeping, accounting, and accounting tools have been in use. It prevails to enable people to be informed about their financial judgments. It is concerned with accumulating and assessing financial data and then transmitting this data to those preparing conclusions. (Wood, 2015) This essay details the resemblances and differences between management accounting and financial accounting. “Accounting is the process...
3 Pages 1632 Words

Essay on Abraham Lincoln

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves” – Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln is one of the most celebrated figures in American history and is revered today as a man of rare ability and character who shaped the United States in his image. Abraham Lincoln had a strong belief in the preservation of the Union, this belief influenced the development of the United States of America....
3 Pages 1574 Words

Essay on 'Oedipus the King': Oedipus at Colonus Antigone

Sophocles’ The Three Theban Plays explores the faults in one’s character that triggers irrational and unlawful behavior. A specific fault seems to recur throughout the plays and pushes characters to commit the greatest crimes. To find this fault, it is vital to retrace the motivation of each character’s actions. The root of all their actions is pride. Oedipus, Antigone, and Creon all succumb to this fault. These characters’ pride drives their every action and clouds their judgment. Pride is the...
3 Pages 1567 Words

Argumentative Essay on Electric Cars

In recent years, new energy vehicles - charging vehicles appear in the automotive industry market. Some people argue that “electric cars should replace gas-driven cars”, which is a topic that I strongly disagree with. I will analyze it from four aspects: function, price, ethical claim, and production pollution respectively. From the first article, it is mentioned that even the cheapest electric car is very expensive so many people cannot afford it, while the fuel car is a better choice to...
3 Pages 1552 Words

Analytical Essay on Energy Efficiency Policy

The concept of energy efficiency first arose following the oil price shocks that resulted from decreased oil output in the wake of the Iranian Revolution in 1979 (Graefe 2013). The consequences of the nation’s growing dependence on foreign oil became evident as prices quadrupled and supply dwindled. President Jimmy Carter became a champion for energy conservation in response to the various energy crises that threatened national security in the 1970s. In his speech 'A Crisis of Confidence' Carter addresses the...
4 Pages 1624 Words

Analysis of Oedipus and Jocasta Relationship

Sophocles is properly recognized for his plays, and Oedipus is one of his early Western tragedies. This Greek mythology-based play became popular in Greece and inspired other scholars in the twentieth century. Dodds used to be one of those pushed 20th-century students who published On Misunderstanding the Oedipus Rex, a book that broadcasts his personal viewpoint. Dodds claims that in Oedipus the King, Oedipus the King has to no longer be held responsible for murdering his father and marrying his...
3 Pages 1553 Words

Gender differences in 'Big Five' traits in men and women

For my paper, I decided to research how the “Big Five” personality traits are shown in both men and women, as well as how these traits are presented cross-culturally. The “Big Five” personality traits, also known as the Five Factor Model, are used to summarize and capture the vast differences in human personality (Soto and Jackson, 2). This model is broken down into five broad personality traits: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism (also referred to as Emotional Stability), and Openness (also...
4 Pages 1595 Words

Analysis of Celebrity's Influence on Society

How Celebrities Influence the Dynamic of Relationships in Society through Functionalist Perspective. The emergence of such impressions categorizes modern human society as celebrity culture. Celebrity culture has risen under the influence of social changes, for instance, the decline in organized religion, the mediatization of society, a decline of the authority of traditional orientation groups, and commercialization. In simpler, definition celebrity culture is the custom that focuses on famous individuals for some reason. Celebrity culture might also be harmful since it...
3 Pages 1563 Words

Who Is Responsible for the Death of Neil Perry from 'Dead Poets Society'?

‘Dead Poets Society’ is a 1998 movie directed by Peter Weir. It is an American drama set in Welton Academy, an elite and conservative boarding school for boys located in Vermont. One of the questions that everyone had about the film was: who was responsible for the death of Neil Perry. Various factors contributed to Neil Perry’s death. Many people who watched Weir’s movie, ‘Dead Poets Society’, believed that his English Teacher, Mr. Keating, was the one responsible for Neil...
4 Pages 1634 Words

What Makes Alfred Hitchcock One of the Most Well-Known Auteurs?

One of Sarris’ three premises that make Alfred Hitchcock one of the most well-known auteurs and gives him a distinct style of film from other directors is his technical competence; with usage of mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, and sound. Beginning the list, Hitchcock uses woman who are almost always blonde. For example, Marion Crane (‘Psycho’, 1960), Melanie Daniels (‘The Birds’, 1963), and Lisa Carol Fremont (‘Rear Window’, 1954). Hitchcock stated that he had a preference for blondes as they were less...
4 Pages 1610 Words

Essay about Unemployment in the United States

Unemployment has been an issue and a concern in most counties across the world, including the US, but unemployment is at the lowest it has ever been in 50 years. The factors include demographics, level of education, the introduction of automation/technology, economic conditions, and demographic characteristics. In the United States, employments are frequently utilized as a proportion of the strength of the nation's economy. The most broadly utilized percentage of unemployment depends on the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate alludes...
3 Pages 1586 Words

Role of Food in 'Like Water for Chocolate' and 'Chocolat'

For some, home is a plate of kimchi and white rice. For others, its borscht, a warm cup of tea, beef bourguignon, or tamales. Such preferences are not only personally meaningful but culturally significant as well. These meals map who we are, where we come from, and what happened along the way. Certain meals can act as a way to retain an extensive heritage or as a way to embrace new ones. Ingredients, methods of preparation, and techniques vary through...
4 Pages 1637 Words

Role of Neuroscience in Everyday Life and Its Impact on People and Society

The term ‘neuroethics’ is fairly new to the world of bioethics and neuroscience. This word/concept was formulated by a world history scholar, William Safire, in 2001. For a long period of time, scientists pointed to genetics as the main scientific challenge to our ethical, legal, and social practices and beliefs. Over time and through much research, it became apparent that genetics were much more complex and included interactions between genes and environment. Neuroscience does not only deal with genetic aspects,...
4 Pages 1633 Words

Equilibrium in Teaching in ‘Dead Poets Society’

The movie ‘Dead Poets Society’ exemplifies major differences on how teachers use diverse methods in teaching for their students. It also shows us the different situations that students may encounter during their whole academic year and how they respond to the situations they are put in. The film also centered on how it was important to acknowledge the uniqueness of every student that teachers may come across during their years of teaching. In the movie, we can perceive the philosophical...
3 Pages 1561 Words

The Movie 'Divergent' and the Split in Society

Abraham Lincoln once said: “A house divided against itself cannot stand”. ‘Divergent’ is set in a post-apocalyptic society where a faction system is created in order to form a more perfect society with each faction simulating an ideal characteristic: Candor (honesty), Amity (kindness), Abnegation (selflessness), Dauntless (bravery) and Erudite (intellect). At the forefront of these factions are Abnegation and Erudite, these factions, although aiming towards one goal, the prosperity of the faction system itself, are often found in conflict. Thus,...
3 Pages 1598 Words

Life of Joan of Arc and Her Influence on History

In the history of the world, many influential women who have done things never thought to be possible by women. Women such as Rosa Parks, Marilyn Monroe, and Michelle Obama are inspiring girls all around the world to be whom they want to be. However, there has been one woman that has been covered in dust as her past has gotten farther away from us. She helped France in the 1400’s to get through to the end of the Hundred...
3 Pages 1580 Words

American Dream's Dark Side in 'Winter Dreams' and 'The Swimmer'

The American Dream is depicted as an ideal, almost perfect lifestyle mostly centered around money and materialistic possessions. However, it can also be seen as a very flawed and selfish idea. This flawed image is wonderfully portrayed in the stories ‘Winter Dreams’ and ‘The Swimmer’. Both stories use different plot elements and hidden meanings to convey this flawed image of the American Dream. The American Dream is an idea that opportunity is equal for everyone in America, making it possible...
4 Pages 1602 Words

Healthy diet ideas in children with learning disabilities, ages 4-12

Health promotion is defined by World Health Organization (WHO) as the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities (WHO, 1990). Healthy eating is defined as a diet reduced in fat and salt; or in starchy foods, fruits and vegetables. Here fruits and vegetables are mentioned to show the importance of fruits and vegetables has in our diet. Reflection within...
4 Pages 1643 Words

Comparison of Belton House and Villa Rotonda

The English Restoration period and the Italian Renaissance period are highlighted by many unique characteristics. Two great examples that portray the similarities and differences of these time periods are Belton House, designed and constructed in the 17th century by William Stanton and others in Lincolnshire, England (Harwood, Buie, et al.), and the Villa Rotonda, designed and constructed in the 16th century in Vicenza, Italy by Andrea Palladio (Harwood, Buie, et al.). The land for Belton House was acquired by the...
3 Pages 1560 Words

Bram Stoker's Novel 'Dracula' as a Representation of Marxism

Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis that uses a materialist explanation of historical development, better known as historical materialism, to understand class relations and social conflict as well as a dialectical perspective to view social transformation. It originates from the works of 19th-century German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxism is presented throughout the 1897 Gothic novel ‘Dracula’ by Bram Stoker, which displays Count Dracula, who is attempting to move from Transylvania to so that he may find...
3 Pages 1580 Words

Aristotle and the Achievement of Eudaimonia

Are you living, or merely just existing? Are you truly happy deep down or are you simply content with your existence? Are you flourishing in life or are you wallowing in monotony? One of the greatest influencers to western philosophy, and considered to be, perhaps the greatest philosophical, political, and ethical thinkers of all time linked all of those ideas of truly living, happiness, and flourishing together into a concept known as eudaimonia. What really is eudaimonia, and how does...
3 Pages 1600 Words

Analysis of Oligopoly Market

This report is based on analysis of oligopoly market, where the definition of oligopoly is discussed to identify the features and structure of the market. The main determinants of oligopoly market will also be discussed. The main element of this report focuses to find out how firms make their price and output decision in the oligopoly market, where Saudi Arabia based telecommunication service provider ‘STC’ is selected as an example of the firm operating in oligopoly market in the Kingdom...
4 Pages 1622 Words
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