1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Role of IBAC in Fighting Corruption in Victoria Police

Victorian police have immense discretionary powers and are considered the most authoritative agents of social control in Australia. With the most dominant power comes great responsibility towards a proper performance for the safety and duty for the community. Police accountability must be reviewed when the understanding of issues is raised in society due to police powers being abused. Issues connected can entail ethics and integrity, ensuring police actions are steered by a professional code of conduct. To ensure a steady...
3 Pages 1567 Words

Effect of Vegetarian Diet on Reducing Risk of Cancer

The thought of the word cancer brings up so many emotions due to its negative connotation. Cancer has created this poor reputation by taking the lives of so many innocent people each day. Cancer is irregular cell growth which is due to the alterations of DNA caused by many lifestyle factors. During 1981 it was estimated that diet was responsible for 35% of cancers in the United States. This essay focuses on the impacts that a vegetarian diet can have...
4 Pages 1569 Words

Essay on Aestheticization of Violence in 'A Clockwork Orange'

The movie ‘A Clockwork Orange’ by Stanley Kubrick, based on the novel by Anthony Burgess, is one of the most significant in the filmography of the director. His innovation lies in the fact that Kubrick was able to aestheticize violence at the audiovisual level. Using the technique of using classical music in ultra-violent scenes, the director creates something truly great. Music seems to 'conduct' the film, perfectly complementing every frame that you need to draw the attention of the viewer....
3 Pages 1596 Words

My Worldview: Mixture of Biblical and Life/Earth-Centric Worldview

The environment is a constant topic for a lot of kinds of people in the world. The debate on the environment is only growing due to advances in technology and more coverage about the environment on social media and news outlets. This leads to people’s environmental ‘worldviews’, or simply how people think we should use the environment and how it should affect us. Some people have no idea what they think about the environment but that is not such a...
3 Pages 1565 Words

My Worldview and Opinion About Vaccination

Throughout life, we often wonder how ideas can be related to another idea. As we grow older and become more aware, our worldview is highly affected by our culture. This is why we see life a certain way. ‘Developing a Worldview’ by Deanne Spears has the best definition of worldviews. Spears says that our worldview derives from those around us such as family members, teachers, and friends (Spears). There are many aspects that go into shaping one’s worldview which can...
3 Pages 1617 Words

Movie Review: 'The Boy in Striped Pajamas'

Movie Summary Set in Berlin during the 1940s, ‘The Boy in Striped Pajamas’ explores the complex, yet considerably simple, concepts surrounding morality and goodness through the eyes of an eight-year-old German child, Bruno. Son to the Nazi commandant of the German concentration camps, the young boy moves to the countryside from Berlin with his family. Confined within his new house with no friends and little means of entertainment, Bruno, having the spirit of an explorer, finds his new life rather...
4 Pages 1620 Words

Monster Vs Identity: Grendel and Frankenstein’s Monster

Grendel and Frankenstein’s monster are both unsatisfied with themselves and are both in search for something more than what life has already given them. Grendel already knows how he feels about life, he finds it boring and repetitive, but there is something about the way that humans do things that fascinates him. Frankenstein’s monster wants to find more meaning in life than just being a scary monster that is so disliked by so many. These monsters are so unsatisfied with...
4 Pages 1630 Words

K-Pop as the Most Popular South Korean Pop Music

For my paper, I have chosen to focus on South Korean popular music. The genre of South Korean music I am very interested in learning more about is the K-pop genre, primarily because I noticed how big it has become in recent years. Interestingly, I discovered that you can actually trail and follow the origin of the K-pop genre all the way back to the late 19th century, more specifically around the year 1885. This is when Henry Appenzeller, known...
4 Pages 1648 Words

Comparison of Western and Eastern Animation Industry

The word ‘animation’ is not one a lot of us are unfamiliar with. Most of us have heard the word from someone or read about it somewhere. A lot of people from my generation have grown up watching cartoons like ‘Swat Kats’, ‘Recess’, ‘Scooby Doo’, ‘Pokemon’, ‘Digimon’, ‘Dragon Ball’, ‘The Flintstones’ and many more. Some of these stories were set in our then present world, some were set in a different magical world and some were straight up bizarre. However,...
4 Pages 1619 Words

Artificial Intelligence: From Past to Future

Opinion studies show that even top business leaders lack a detailed sense of AI and that many ordinary people confuse it with super-powered robots or hyper-intelligent devices. Today, in general, people think of AI as “machines that respond to stimulation consistent with traditional responses from humans, given the human capacity for contemplation, judgment, and intention”. But what exactly is AI? Artificial intelligent algorithms are made so that they are able to make decisions, most of the time using real-time data....
3 Pages 1601 Words

Parental Magma Hypothesis for St Francois Mountains

The St. Francois Mountains of southern Missouri is an area that has drawn igneous petrologist from all over the world to its location. It is comprised of exposed Precambrian rocks brought to the surface by volcanic and intrusive activity that is dated to be 1.45-1.28 billion years in age. Regionally speaking, the rocks of the St. Francois Mountains are a part of the Mesoproterozoic Easter Granite-Rhyolite Province. It is common for these rocks to be buried underneath Phanerozoic sediments and...
3 Pages 1563 Words

Emerson's Philosophy in The American Scholar: Biography and Ideas

Over the course of a lifetime, many human beings are faced with challenges that shape them and opportunities to shape others. Ralph Waldo Emerson is a man who experienced much tragedy, including the premature death of many close family members beginning early in his childhood. Growing up, he felt “imprisoned in streets and hindered from the fields and woods amidst the busy commercial activity” (“Ralph Waldo Emerson's Childhood”). These and other occurrences have helped him develop the philosophies he has...
4 Pages 1640 Words

Planning Process of Marketing Research for AvalonBay Communities

AvalonBay Communities Marketing Research Process AvalonBay Communities is a property management business for apartments with a presence in 11 areas in the United States: California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia, and Washington. In addition to managing apartment properties, AvalonBay also develops, redevelops, and acquires existing apartment properties for continued expansion and increased presence in the market. With such a varied real estate presence they have an in-house marketing research team to...
3 Pages 1585 Words

Self-Concept of Teacher Identity in Northern Ireland

Over the course of the first ten weeks of my study of education, I have developed a wide knowledge of the key aspect of Teacher Identity. This simple aspect permeates the entire study of education and plays an important role in many other aspects of the study. Through my study of education, it has become apparent that Teacher Identity is based solely on the individual and their values as well as emotions. Professional identity is defined as “one’s professional self-concept...
3 Pages 1596 Words

German And Indonesian Cultures: Comparing Working Styles

Introduction Culture is a characteristic or identity of people who live in a certain area. It is arises from daily actions taken by the community to create habits and finally became the culture of the community. So, we can say culture affects people’s lives in socialization, consumption and modernization. Therefore, culture create characteristics of people. In business, people also bring their culture into the business. Business is people’s activity who is connected with products and services to achieve a goal,...
3 Pages 1579 Words

Rites of Passage in Native American and Australian Cultures: Analysis

Primal Traditions are the first traditions of humankind. They have been handed down from generation to generation through stories, songs or specific rites of passage in their tradition. These primal traditions are generally from non-literate people which indicates that they do not depend on scriptures or written teachings (oral) instead, trees and plants, water bodies, cliffs and mountains are believed to have spirits or be deities. The roots of these traditions are so distant that accurately detecting them can be...
3 Pages 1554 Words

Relationship of Localism to Interior Design: Analytical Essay

In this essay we will be looking at how localism relates to interior design looking at its pros and cons within communities and how and why localism is important in the sustainability of creative interior design, giving examples where appropriate and relating this back to why as interior designers we should be aware of the issue within today’s current ethos. To understand why localism is a critical issue within interior design it is paramount to understand what is localism as...
4 Pages 1633 Words

Pros and Cons of Homeland Security

Is the Department of Homeland Security fulfilling its main purpose? Filomena, 5, has been crying frequently and has occasionally even vomited out of sorrow since Border Patrol authorities separated her from her father on May 16. Numerous young immigrants have horrifying incidents like the one described above. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was specifically instructed by the Trump Administration to prevent illegal immigration, which resulted in these horrible occurrences. But the real question is: What direct threat is currently...
4 Pages 1645 Words

Rites of Passage in Passing by Nella Larsen: Critical Analysis

In the novel Passing by Nella Larsen the audience experiences what is called, the rites of passage. They have a sense that they are attempting to be something that they are not meant to be by constructing an illusion that they believe influence other people that they posses an identity. The Rites of Passage is what each adolescent goes through in their life, along with adults in certain aspects. In this novel I was able to look at the underlying...
4 Pages 1625 Words

Professional Goals in Nursing Essay

Motivated to care: Holistic Nursing Nurses are an important part of nursing care and more intricate than is perceived. Understanding what motivates and drives most nursing careers will open a new world of understanding of the core values that drive the profession. Nurses draw inspiration from mentors such as family members, friends, educators and those great people such as Florence Nightingale whose passion for nursing care has made nursing the revered career it is today. Building off these values as...
4 Pages 1623 Words

My Perspective on Moral Relativism: Reflective Essay

‘Conscience Hath a Thousand Several Tongues’ ‘Morality – like velocity – is relative. The determination of it depends on what the objects around you are doing. All one can do is measure one’s position in relation to them; never can one measure one’s velocity or morality in terms of absolutes.’ This quotation by novelist David Gerrold highlights the inherent nature of morality as being relative. Moral relativism – the notion that morality persists with respect to cultural circumstances, societal paradigms...
3 Pages 1609 Words

Issues of Creativity Enhancement: Critical Analysis

To initiate any scientific investigation, a researcher needs to collect factual information. Based on that factual knowledge; the researcher can understand where there is a gap in knowledge. This process gives birth to the problem, which needs to be solved. A problem is engendered on the ground of the existing gap in knowledge about the concept or contradiction in existing concepts. It leads to several investigations for a better understanding of the concept. The roots of the word 'problem’ lie...
4 Pages 1582 Words

History of Architecture Essay

Pre-historic “It has been truly said that protection from the inclemency of the seasons was the mother of architecture and according to Vitruvius, a man in his primitive savage state began to imitate the nests of birds and the lairs of beasts.” – Banister F. Fletcher, (Fletcher, 1905: 1). Materials such as arbors of twigs covered with mud and branches of trees covered with turf were used to form huts and dwellings such as shielings, beehive huts and dome-like structures...
4 Pages 1627 Words

Emersonian Essay on Frida Kahlo

Emersonian Essay Imagine if no one followed the rules. Everyone would not care and people would speak up to what they truly believe in. This world would be completely different. We wouldn't have to walk around with a fake mask just to fit in. Although that would be great, I think it would be awhile until that happens. With not all of us being like that, there are a few people that are; and one of those people is Frida...
3 Pages 1572 Words

Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo Relationship

This exhibition is all about the experience; yours and Frida’s. From the ‘selfie’ opportunities at the entry and exit to the manifestation of her pain. For fifty years Frida Kahlo’s personal possessions were locked away following her death in 1954. In Frida Kahlo: Appearances Can Be Deceiving, the Brooklyn Museum has put together the largest U.S. exhibition featuring the iconic artist and the first in the United States to display her clothing and personal effects. The exhibition is based on...
3 Pages 1575 Words

Descriptive Essay on Relations between Michelangelo and Pope Paul III

There is no art without the artist. Additionally, there is no art without the sponsor. The consequence of a cooperative effort between the artist and the client is beautiful humanist graves, devout frescoes, and towering buildings. The Last Judgment, a fresco by Michelangelo Buonarroti, is located on the wall behind the altar in the Sistine Chapel and shows the event of Christ's second coming to render judgment during the end of the world as taught in the Christian religion. Formerly...
3 Pages 1604 Words

British Imperial Policy

The late 19th century marked a new wave of global competition. Although the British empire still enjoyed its global dominance with extensive colonial control, its colonies in the New World gradually gained self-governance from the central government and experienced rapid economic development. Meanwhile, emerging industrial countries, especially Germany and United States, created arising threats and challenged the global dominant status. The emerging international conflicts mark the eve of worldly wars. Under such context, the British empire’s voluntary grant of self-governance...
4 Pages 1648 Words

Argumentative Essay on Whether Thatcherism Was a Failed Revolution

The fall of the labour government ended the era of post-war consensus that reigned Britain for over 30 years. Prior to the election of Margaret Thatcher in 1979, Britain gained high levels of unemployment, industrial unrest and inflation which led to the desperate need of radical change. Indeed, the election in 1979 covered fundamental reforms in all areas of society which was referred to by historians as the ‘Thatcher revolution’. It can clearly be said that Thatcher did represent a...
4 Pages 1598 Words

The American Struggle with Fast Food: Essay on Fast Food Nation

Critical Analysis Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. HarperCollins, 2002, 288 pages We all love fast food. It is a guilty pleasure. Almost forty percent of Americans consume fast food on any given day. Most of them know that junk food is bad for them, and in that same way, some of them do not care. Eric Schlosser in the book Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal exposes the inconvenient...
4 Pages 1627 Words

Social Needs in Adolescence: Analytical Essay

Time and time again, research has shown adolescence to be a time of great and dynamic change (Cripps and Zyromski, 2009; Blakemore and Mills, 2014), driven in part by changes in adolescent social relationships. Social interaction has been likened to food or water as a basic human need (Baumeister and Leary, 1995; Tomova, Tye, and, Saxe, 2019), but the growing influence of the peer group and a particularly strong vulnerability to social exclusion (Sebastian et al., 2010) suggests that learning...
4 Pages 1555 Words
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