Zusak’s novel ‘The Book Thief’, based on real events, represents the Holocaust by having details that accurately depict the events of that time, the emotions that were forced upon people and reasons for the decisions they made. Having an accurate novel gives the feeling of a genuine representation that feels true to events that occurred. The authenticity and emotion of the Holocaust has been shown effectively through Zusak’s narrative character of Death. Zusak has also made his book have great...
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Fyodor Dostoevsky is considered not only one of the most influential writers in Russian history but one of the most respected authors in all of contemporary literature. His most successful novel, Crime and Punishment, is heralded as a masterpiece and its literary influence is still felt to this day. Dostoevsky himself became very religious following his release from jail, and his influence from this can be seen in the many references, religious symbols and themes throughout Crime and Punishment. In...
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In the western medieval space, peoples and texts are transmitted, crossing the borders of kingdoms and language barriers. The contributions gathered here are concerned with the perception of the boundaries between territories, languages, or cultures and with the awareness of their lack in the texts of the Middle Ages. In 1386, when he began to write his Canterbury Tales, Chaucer was about forty-six years old. Looking back, the son of the London wine merchant could see an already long and...
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Poems by William Blake Primarily, Blake intends to expose the cruelty of life and society as well as the consequences of the Christians' beliefs regarding suffering and hardship. The Chimney Sweeper begins by informing readers that the speaker was quite young when a tragic event occurred by stating, “ When my mother died I was very young” (Blake Songs of Innocence). Even though the poem does not reveal what killed the boy's mother, it alludes that her death somehow influenced...
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Abstract Multiculturalism is a big reality in Australian society. People live it daily either in cities, suburbs, schools, workplaces, buses or even trains. While in each of these places, Australians tend to mix up with others from different backgrounds. This acknowledgment of multiculturalism has attracted a debate though. The self-declared multiculturalism friends sometimes have become the real source of concern. In essence, this should not be the case. It is very significant that civil debates are conducted to discuss the...
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Over the past century, there have been many developments in Optometry that have transformed the way in which practitioners conduct examinations and diagnose patients. Although such transformations have been introduced with the objective of enhancing the practitioner’s ability to identify and rectify vision-related conditions and to provide the patient with the best possible eye care, developments such as Behavioural Optometry, also known as Vision Therapy, have become debatable amongst Optometrists and scientists with regards to its validity and effectiveness in...
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The study of obesity is a relatively new interdisciplinary academic field. The community college library shelves should contain two types of resources. First, several kinds of reference materials, and second, a host of broader materials that place the discussion of obesity within a cultural framework. This overview is divided into two major sections, the first is reference materials, and the second is a list of useful and current monographs that discuss the societal implications of obesity. Keywords obesity, eating disorders,...
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Introduction The social experience of a person shapes his life from a very early age. The impact of sociological theories such as structure and agent theory is also prominent in the person's overall experience in very sectors such as family, race, ethnicity and social inequalities. As a person grows his learning and experience from an early age also becomes mature (PANAGIOTOU, 2019). Steve Jobs is known as one of the most successful entrepreneurs, industrial designers,s and media investors of all...
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Many factors in society contribute to the overall outcome of an individuals’ childhood experiences, health, and wellbeing. An individual’s concept of societal norms and how they should behave are also heavily influenced by these factors. The novel lullabies for little criminals demonstrates how social determinants of heath influence the main character, Baby, to act in a self-destructing manner. These social determinants of health include housing and educational districts, income and poverty, and addiction. All of these can be used to...
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Researching Cerebral Palsy and looking at the name it explains itself, Cerebral meaning “of the brain” (The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, 2011) and Palsy meaning “lack of muscle control” (The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, 2011). Cerebral Palsy, also known as CP for short, is a neurological condition that affects body movement and muscle coordination (The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, 2011). Getting Cerebral Palsy can happen from many issues like premature birth, a child not receiving enough nutrients...
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When looking into and exploring Canada’s history, most Canadians have come to believe that it is a history mostly characterized by that of peace, with the country achieving its independence from Britain peacefully. This not accurate, however, when looking into the significant dark history associated with the poor treatment of Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples by the Canadian white settlers and government. The purpose of this document analysis was to analyze an aspect of this history in Ontario and how it holds...
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People are no strangers to the concept of family, what it means to play a role in a household in order to paint a portrait of normalcy for society. Yet, since the introduction of Charles Addam’s the Addam’s Family (1938), a family who delights in the macabre and are arguably unaware or do not care, that other people find them bizarre, the appearances of unconventional and noticeably dysfunctional families in media has grown considerably over the past decades. Evident in...
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Candide was written by the French author Voltaire in 1759 in his attempt at exposing many aspects of religious and social injustices within Europe, as he saw it, through the naïve and simple protagonist Candide and his ever-optimistic mentor Pangloss. From religion to the aristocracy, Voltaire satirizes various aspects of European life throughout the period identified as the enlightenment. He also indirectly states that life in 18th-century Europe was often filled with corruption and flaws from within all levels of...
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During the late eighteenth and mid nineteenth century oversaw the birth and fast-paced growth of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. (Baker, 2019) Factories overtook the role of previously played by agriculture in the economy and the working-class citizen quickly made his way out of the village and into the workhouse. (Barrow, 2013) Though the economy was thriving, there was a sense of mourning noted amongst the general public which witnessed the increasing mechanisation of the world. The clash between the...
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Background Asthma is a respiratory and genetic condition characterized by the inflammation and narrowing of airways in the lungs. The inflammation forces airways to swell, contributing to difficulties in breathing (Rubner et al., 2017). During asthma attacks, individuals experience periods of intense coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing. Individuals with asthma may experience mild to severe symptoms, and a varying frequency of attacks. An individual’s physical activity may be related to the timing of asthma symptoms. Some people...
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Two Worlds In the book entitled Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska, Sara Smolinsky deals with the clash of the Old World and the New World as an immigrant in New York in the 1920s as she struggles with placing her individual values over her family. On the other hand, James Baldwin in his book, The Fire Next Time, wrestles with segregation and racial discrimination between the white and African-American worlds amidst the Civil Rights movements. Both books address tensions between...
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In the novels The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway, the protagonists are both unsatisfied with their lives. They either have everything that the average person would be envious about or they fill their days with partying and alcohol. Both are trying to fill an empty void that the whole generation is suffering from. The time periods of both novels take place after World War I so everyone is stuck in a...
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Loss of Innocence What is loss of innocence? Erica Goros wrote, “Never mourn the loss of innocence because it always brings the much greater gain of wisdom.” It is an event in a person's life that leads to a greater acknowledgment of evil, pain and suffering in society and daily life around them. This is an important theme throughout Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. The story takes place in the South during the Great Depression. The novel is...
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Biblical Christianity for Thoughtful People Introduction From the very beginning, God created a world where all his creations would work in unity on earth. Everything that God created was planned out to benefit all and align with the future. God created a path for all to walk down and each step followed another for the path of life to be complete. With all that God has created, there will always be some aspects that God cannot control, such as, sinners....
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My Philosophy of Supervision is having clear goals of supervision, which is based on the following: My Values and beliefs of being a Therapist: As part of my training, I had very little opportunity to observe senior practitioners at work, apart from a few role-plays and watching Gloria films. The transition from the classroom-based didactic nature of learning to the actual application of knowledge and techniques causes a sense of achievement and anxiety. When I first started my training I...
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I was born on September 13, 2003, in Jacksonville, Florida. I was born prematurely, by 75 days. I was a very tiny baby, I weighed 3 lbs 1 ounce and was able to lay on my dad’s hand with my legs hanging off. I was in the hospital until October 24, 2003. During my time in the hospital, one of the nurses left an IV in my right wrist for too long, and it burnt my wrist. When the burn...
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Foreword An old story written by Wayne Cordeiro in his book, “Doing Church As A Team” tells of a rabbi living in a Russian city a century ago. Disappointed by his lack of direction and life purpose, he wandered in the chilly evening. With his hands thrust deep in his pockets, he aimlessly walked through the empty streets, questioning his faith in God, the Scriptures, and his calling to ministry. The only thing colder than the Russian winter air was...
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According to Martin Gansbery from Thirty-eight Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call The Police “law-abiding citizens in Queens watched a killer stalk and stab a woman in three separate attacks”. Thirty-eight “law-abiding citizens” who after hearing “he stabbed me! Please Help me! Please help me!” did nothing but slide open their windows and turn on their lights. Even “Assistant Chief Inspector Frederick M. Lassen, in charge of the borough’s detectives and a veteran of twenty-five years of homicide investigations”, was distraught...
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Employment (the number, quality, and security of jobs available) is an important social concept. The fact that income is directly correlated to employment creates the societal notion of class. As such, lack of employment is, consequently, also an important economic aspect that has a direct connotation with the make-up of the society. This literature review aims at effectively analyzing the extent to which unemployment negatively impacts society (unemployment as a social problem) through the eyes of 5 credible sources that...
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The word ‘stereotype’ is today almost always a term of abuse. A pattern of stereotypes is not neutral. It is the guarantee of our self-respect; it is the projection upon the world of our own sense of our own value, our own position and our own rights. The stereotypes are therefore, highly charged with the feelings and attached to them. They are the fortress of our tradition, and behind its defenses we can continue to feel ourselves safe in the...
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The transition from childhood to adulthood also known as adolescents (shonen for boys, shojo for females) is heavily shown within the realm of anime. Studio Ghibli is also known as one of the major producers of adolescent films with the help of Hayao Miyazaki, a director, and producer of films such as ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’, ‘Spirited Away’, ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’, etc. In both ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’ and ‘Spirited Away’, the female protagonists go through a maturation process that involves loss...
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Climate is changing day to day. This climates change gave the attention to the entire world because it is our responsible to take care of our climate change. There are gases which are affecting the climate such as CO2, CH4, N2O, etc. India was responsible for 4 percent of total emission in 2000. Emissions are set to rise further still over the next 20 years as the Indian economy rapidly develops. The farm sector in India is in trouble and...
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The film, movie, cinema, motion picture, or moving picture has been entertaining audiences for over one hundred plus years. They have come a long way since the Golden Age of movies. Early on movies such as ‘Citizen Kane’, ‘Casablanca’, and ‘The Best Years of Our Lives’ broke and set new ideas for film-making, casting and directing. Their production made new rules for shooting movies. Their casting used A-list celebrities, alongside never-before-seen actors, mixed with regular people that had experience in...
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Symbolism is a concept people are exposed to everyday, whether they notice it or not. It is a device that is used in many different forms, from state flags to works of art to the lyrics of one’s favorite song. Many find symbolism to give such things a higher significance or importance, allowing them to become much more than their surface meanings. The symbolism in literature is no different. In literature, symbolism has been used to thoroughly amplify the meaning...
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In an article distributed by 'They Say/I Say with Readings', David H. Freedman speaks to the message ‘How Junk Food Can End Obesity’. The article revolves around how the media and health food fans in every practical sense have been bringing down industrialized and arranged sustenance. In the article, Freedman uses his acceptability to actually show the ethics incorporating the decrees used by those against industrialized and arranged sustenance. He uses delicacy to help depict how less kind of wealthy...
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