1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Arguments for Ethical Naturalism and Intuitionism: Analytical Essay

Moral philosophy or ethics is the discipline that is concerned with what is morally good and bad, and morally right and wrong. This term can also be applied to any theory of moral values or principles. How should we act? Is it right to be dishonest in good cause? Morality describes the principles that govern the answers to these kinds of questions, and thus our behavior, character, and how we interact with one another in society today. This being said,...
4 Pages 1637 Words

Critical Analysis of Characteristics of Generation Y

Nowadays, most of the workforce in Malaysia is dominated by Generation Y. Generation Y is those born between the early 1980s and the late 1990s (Sharkawi, Syed Mohd, & Roslin, 2016). They are also known as Millennial and have unique characteristics that make them different from the generation before. This generation is raised up in surroundings which technology is widely used in daily life. More precisely, it is because of the development in the current stream of modernization is taking...
4 Pages 1621 Words

Critical Analysis of “The Ethics of War” by Bertrand Russell

This was an entry made in the International Journal of Ethics, Vol. 25 No. 2 in January 1915 by a renowned British philosopher, writer, political activist, mathematician, and social critic Bertrand Russell OM FRS. It had been six months since World War 1 had broken out when the article was published. Being a pacifist himself, Russell wrote this article addressing not only Britain but the whole world, convincing them that war cannot be justified and is not the way for...
3 Pages 1587 Words

Gender and Identity in Children's Literature: Boys vs Girls

Research Task This essay will be addressing Gender and Identity in children’s literature. These books are children’s first glimpse into education and it is partially what helps to shape their minds and opinions of the world around them, this includes how they view their own identity and how they view each gender. When referring to “Gender Identity” I will be addressing how people view what they should act like, what they should like, and what interests them based off their...
4 Pages 1598 Words

Critique of Sociological Theories and Their Applications

Introduction to Sociological Theories: Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism Everything in society can be explained through different perspectives, have you ever wondered which perspectives sociologists use? There are endless perspectives used in sociology but there are three main viewpoints I will cover throughout this essay. The three perspectives are structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Each perspective can be used to explain gender roles, racial relationships, and class differences in society. Jeffrey Alexander states in his article...
3 Pages 1573 Words

Media Influence on Politics and Public Opinion: Critical Analysis

Introduction The relationship between the media, politics, and the public is a complicated one. The changing face of the media landscape, including how we disseminate and access news content, as well as how politicians and government institutions choose to communicate, is constantly evolving and begs the question; what consequences does this have on the democratic process, political agenda, and public opinion? This essay will critically discuss how the media influences politics and public opinion. It will do so by drawing...
3 Pages 1593 Words

Social and Cultural Contexts of British Society: Discursive Essay

Describe and explain the social construction of Britishness in a culture known to you The aim of this essay is to describe and explain the social construction of Britishness in a culture known to me. Therefore, as I am from Spain and I live in a tourist area, I will explain first what “Social constructions mean” and then I will focus on the famous stereotype that Spanish people tend to think about British tourists. Concretely, I will focus on how...
3 Pages 1566 Words

Ideal Society in Thomas More’s Utopia: Critical Analysis

Thomas More was an English lawyer, author, and humanist who had been active in English politics during the early 16th century before he resigned due to disagreeing with King Henry VIII’s choice to make the king hold authority in the making of church law. Afterward, he wrote the fictional book Utopia which tells about a country without the social and economic injustices in 16th century England (Neild & Bain 2020, p.4). In this essay, I will argue that Thomas More...
3 Pages 1562 Words

Analysis of Idea and Rules of Just War Theory

From Cicero’s early ideas to Saint Augustine’s substantial contributions, the just war theory has been used as a means to morally justify the choice to go to war and maintain that the war is fought justly. Although the idea and ‘rules’ of just war have evolved over time, the idea of just war has become redundant. There are several reasons as to why just war has become obsolete including ambiguity and personal interpretation of criteria and flaws in the foundation...
3 Pages 1562 Words

The Power of Love in Our Life in Novels of Barbara Kingsolver

Love holds the power to influence the strongest of one’s opinions. Portia de Rossi states that her wife Ellen DeGeneres “has completely changed the way I look at life”. Love is a complex, profound emotion that affects most people in their day-to-day lives. It means having a heartfelt connection with another individual, this is expressed in The Bean Trees and several other articles regarding love. Love can cause a person to form new viewpoints which may push them to take...
4 Pages 1623 Words

Roles and Perceptions of the Samurai in Japanese Society

While it is an attractive view of these legendary warriors, it is nevertheless quite a misleading one. In this video, we shall do our best to correct this, and cover the even more fascinating roles and perceptions of the samurai in Japanese society from the earliest days all the way to the modern day. The geographical situation that spawned the Samurai where they did is a unique one in the world. The Japanese home islands are an archipelago just off...
4 Pages 1646 Words

Pessimism in Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground: Critical Analysis

Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground depicts a man who is deeply rooted in a lifestyle of pessimism and bitterness. He is highly governed by his own taxing philosophies. The Underground Man lives by the precedent of his own conceptions on how life should be lived. His understanding of the way people should interact socially and how individuals should be engaged emotionally has been thought through intensively. He is highly contradictory in his rationalization of his own practices, but appears to rather...
4 Pages 1613 Words

Shakespeare's Representation of Henry V and Henry VI: Critical Overview

Any student of history who plunks down to expound on the fifteenth century is fighting Shakespeare from the minute he lifts his pen. It is a fight he will most likely lose. Shakespeare's representations of the Plantagenet lords, sovereigns, and nobles who led and demolished England are strong to such an extent that they have, by and large, become magically melded with the genuine, recorded people themselves. Who, for instance, can consider Henry V without burping up a line or...
3 Pages 1566 Words

American Revolution's Impact on British Empire

In his controversial pamphlet, The True Interest of America, Irish clergyman Charles Inglis forewarned death and despair if the American colonies separated from Great Britain—no matter the victor. If Mother England squashed the colonists, Inglis feared to “receive terms from her in the haughty tone of a conqueror.” If she lost to the ragtag rebels, Inglis could not imagine “what extremities her sense of resentment and self-preservation will drive Great Britain to?” Regardless of the outcome, Britain would “risk everything...
4 Pages 1604 Words

The Impacts of World War II in the 1950s: Analytical Essay

After the Second World War at 1945, Churchill Stated that “America at this moment, stands at the summit of the world.” The status of America during the 1950s is proof for what Churchill said. America was at his best after WWII, though it caused so many destruction and mass killings, Americans believed that after the war there would be prosperity. And there was; The economic status, the political status, the progress in science and technology, and the population growth due...
3 Pages 1555 Words

Analysis of Underground Man's Language and Behavior in Notes from Underground

1. How does the Underground Man's language 'sound'? The Underground Man “sounds” like he is holding an intellectual discourse with a group of gentlemen, attempting to present his ideas both in a witty and dignified if not contradictory manner, often writing as if responding to actual reactions and replies (“Well, rest assured, gentlemen, I’ve never received such a slap, although it’s really all the same to me what you think about it…But that’s enough, not another word about this subject...
4 Pages 1631 Words

Case Studies of International Law: Newcrest Mining vs Commonwealth

Abstract This essay brings an opinion to 2 cases: Newcrest Mining (WA) Ltd v Commonwealth and Western Australia v Ward. The first case argues that Australian laws overlook certain fundamental rights that would otherwise be covered by interpreting international laws. Therefore, it should be incorporated into the interpretation process of legislation and the constitution. The second case dissents this to be more of a personal agenda and a potential breach of the separation of powers. If courts look to international...
4 Pages 1613 Words

Mrs Dalloway and The Hours: Resonances and Dissonances

Through conversations between texts and composers, the construction of texts can be reintroduced across different time periods to display and challenge the values of audiences. This is exemplified through Stephen Daldry’s postmodern film, The Hours, which compliments Virginia Woolf’s modernist novel, Mrs. Dalloway, to a great extent by offering an adaptation on the novel. Through the exploration of both resonances and dissonances between both texts, the relationship and intertextual components are impossible to ignore. ‘Mrs. Dalloway’ written amidst the Victorian...
4 Pages 1626 Words

Case Study of Visual Memory Loss and Autobiographical Amnesia

Abstract It is believed that various regions of the Medial Temporal Lobe (MTL) are majorly involved for the coordination activations in disparate parts of the cortex, and these activations help in the information representation for the Autobiographic Memories (AM). Hence, any type of physical damage to the MTL would cause difficulty in the retrieval of AM. Patient M.S. suffered from long-term visual memory loss along with some semantic deficits, he also exhibited severe retrograde (inability of retrieving previous memories) amnesia...
3 Pages 1617 Words

Analysis of Korea and the Asian Region Based on Key Philosophers

The work of early philosophers has influenced the way society has adopted certain cultural practices, religious beliefs, and even political philosophies. Some of the influential philosophers from ancient history include Marx, Nietzsche’s and Freud. These three philosopher’s work has impacted the Asian region and Korean cultures, religion, moral thinking and values. Karl Marx was a philosopher from German, he was also an economist, journalist and revolutionary. Born from 1818-1883 he became one of the most influential figures in history through...
4 Pages 1645 Words

Comparing Reservation Blues & Lone Ranger and Tonto

Humor is one of the significant elements that make up American Indian worldview. American Indians, who have a “comic spirit” (Weaver, 1997: 141), are spontaneously humorists and witty people. More than an ethnic characteristic, humor becomes a survival strategy for American Indians. Both Reservation Blues and The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven are full of examples that display American Indians spontaneous humor and comic spirit. Coyote Springs is invited to Seattle to join a music contest. Victor and...
3 Pages 1566 Words

Role of Niels Bohr in Development of Atomic Theory: Analytical Essay

Niels Bohr, who was interested in explaining the spectrum of discrete lines that is observed when light is emitted by different elements. Many models of the atom have been proposed based on experimental data, including J.J. Thomson's discovery of the electron and Ernest Rutherford's discovery of the nucleus. Rutherford explained that in an atom, the nucleus is positively charged and surrounded by electrons in his Rutherford Model (negatively charged particles). The electrons follow a predetermined course known as orbits. Rutherford's...
4 Pages 1636 Words

Analysis of Responsibility, Morality, and Humanity in Auschwitz

I was taught the structure of an “if...then” hypothesis in my high school chemistry class. Then, I used the “IF() { then }” function in JavaScript to code an app. The repeated appearance of this phrase in this format furthered my expectation that the introduction of the “if” suggested a “then” would be found soon after. The title, If this is a man, threw this heuristics for a loop before I turned the first page. Upon knowing of this original...
4 Pages 1622 Words

Physics Laws in Rollercoaster Design: Newton's Laws

Introduction Since its first opening in Paris on July 8, 1817, the rollercoaster remains to be the prime attraction of every modern theme park. The rollercoaster ride focuses on exposing the riders to a variety of magnitudes of forces, at different times, without compromising on the health and safety of the riders. To give maximum enjoyment whilst ensuring safety, manufacturers have to study and understand the different forces and conditions riders are exposed to while in the ride. This paper...
3 Pages 1581 Words

Intelligent Street Light System: Analytical Essay

Abstract – Active street lighting has emerged as an essential factor in strategies for a resource-efficient economy and realization of sustainable growth. In the outdoor area, lights represent approximately 40 % of the total energy consumption at night and have much energy saving potential. If passers-by or vehicles, summarized as traffic elements, are not located near street lamps, it is not energy-efficient to turn them on. The idea is to activate street lights only when they will be used to...
3 Pages 1560 Words

What Is Nursing: Case Study of Myocardial Infarction

What is nursing Myocardial Infarction (MI) is a medical condition also referred to as a heart attack that occurs when the blood flow stops or decreases to a part of the heart resulting in damage to the heart muscle. As a nursing practitioner, it is important to be alert to some of the symptoms and conditions that are likely to lead to MI as they are easily misinterpreted causing patients not to seek the appropriate care when they should. Treatment...
3 Pages 1566 Words

Exercise Physiology & Biomechanics: Force in Push/Pull Pattern

Introduction The reason for this lab report is to inform how Newton’s laws of motion can detail human movement. Analysing and understanding movement is important for sports science movement is the effect of force generated in a push and pull pattern between two objects. Forces can change speed or direction of an object. Within this report I will evaluate the findings of counter movement jumps while applying Newtons laws. Newton’s first law, Inertia uses no uses of units therefore this...
4 Pages 1611 Words

Analysis of Certification of Primary Care Practitioners in Various Fields

The Consensus Model for APRN Regulation (2008) states the scope of practice is not setting specific but rather based on the needs of the patient. Advanced nursing programs are designed to prepare individuals specifically for their declared practice. Seeking practice outside of one’s specialty must require formal preparation and certification. APRNs are educated in one of the four roles and in at least one of six population foci: family/individual across the lifespan, adult-gerontology, pediatrics, neonatal, women’s health/gender-related, or psych/mental health...
4 Pages 1592 Words

Scientific Management and McDonaldization in Quality Care

Executive Summary This report focuses on the innovative approaches adopted by one of the largest eye care services in the world which ultimately defeated barriers of distance, poverty and ignorance to create a self-sustaining system. In order to achieve this, the report outlines its effective use of scientific management and McDonaldization in providing high quality care available to masses at lowest possible cost. It finds that the all 4 elements of McDonaldization put forward by Ritzer were fundamental in the...
3 Pages 1562 Words

Critical Analysis of Billy Collins “Sonnet”

I'm not a big fan of poetry. I can enjoy reading poetry of Latvian writers from time to time and, but I’ve never been in to poetry. Of course, I have not read much poetry. But I got interested in Billy Collins poetry and in his style of writing. That’s why I chose to analyze exactly this poem. Moreover, I got interested in reading more. Collins poetry seems contemporary, accessible, easy to read and surprisingly pleasant. You feel kind an...
3 Pages 1590 Words
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