1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

White Fang': Summary & Analysis

In the book White Fang by Jack London, White Fang is a wolf-dog hybrid that is the main character and quester of the story. White Fang begins his life well, living in the wild with his mother, but as they are adopted by humans, his life begins it way downhill. He is segregated and bullied by the dog pups and eventually his mother is sold to another human and forgets him. As he is taken in by a cruel master...
4 Pages 1645 Words

The Weight of Societal Pressure on Individuals

Shirley Jackson’s short story and Salman Rushdie’s essay both pass on the message that society is able to impose rules and mindsets that are driven by factors such as religion due to it having a massive following. Individuals in a society avoid going against flow of the society so it is easy to find themselves conforming to something they don’t truly believe in or understand. People will just blindly follow the tradition and culture they are born into without question...
3 Pages 1562 Words

The Poisonwood Bible': The Construction of Kingsolver's

“The Poisonwood Bible,” by Barbara Kingsolver, uses the character of Nathan Price to address the effects of western supremacy and one’s personal superiority, specifically fueled by religion. The Price family travels to the Congo on a mission trip, is only a year before the country secedes from Belgium, leaving them in great need of assistance. Nathan was determined to give them this help by will or by force, all while dragging his family along with him. The way each child...
3 Pages 1593 Words

The Impact of The Taiping Rebellion in China

Taiping Revolution was a thorough political and spiritual disturbance that probably was the most important event in China during the 19th century. The rebellion was a massive Civil War in Southern China from 1850 to 1864. It was a millenarian movement against the ruling Manchu Qing dynasty. The rebellion ravaged 17 provinces and took an estimated twenty million lives. It also irrevocably altered the Qing dynasty. This research paper analyzes into details the causes of the rebellion, the events that...
3 Pages 1588 Words

The Impact of Drilling in The Arctic on The World

Resources are limited. Energy resources which are most effective, such as coal, oil and petroleum are scarce and countries all over the world are searching for alternative methods to replace them. But in the meanwhile, there are many disputes over this fossil fuels. One of these is the north pole. This area, also referred as the arctic has 90 billion barrels of oil, and 44 billion barrels of natural gas liquids in 25 geographical areas. Barrells count as 100 to...
3 Pages 1566 Words

The Red Pony': A Literary Analysis of a Book

Defining what it means to be an American is a complicated, daunting, and nearly impossible task, for the nation’s broad geographical landscape makes it difficult to find a common ground for every citizen. While one man may imagine America to mean the sprawling desert ridges of the Grand Canyon, another might picture the towering forests of the Pacific Northwest, and yet another would envision the easy, rolling hills of the North East. With the physical planes eliminated, the essence of...
3 Pages 1606 Words

Australia and Its Exotic Species Introductions

Australia is one of the most diverse and species-rich places on the planet. They have just about every type of habitat you can think of across the continent. It consists of, “About 85 per cent of flowering plants, 84 per cent of mammals, more than 45 per cent of birds, and 89 per cent of inshore, freshwater fish are unique to Australia” (Australia.gov.au). On the other hand, since 1770 more than 3,000 non-native species are known to have been introduced...
4 Pages 1646 Words

How Pollution Affects the Ocean and All of Us

One major issue that’s currently happening in our nation that I’m interested in how pollution is affecting the ocean. Where does all this garbage go? It’s all dumped into the ocean. It affects all the marine animals and the whole ecosystem. It also affects people because when we fish for food in the ocean, most of the fish have plastic and garbage in them and people that go to their fish markets and end up having plastic and garbage in...
4 Pages 1647 Words

Analysis of Sociological Factors Motivating Crime

The mind of a criminal is a very interesting one. Many may wonder what motivates a criminal to commit the acts they do. It has always been debated whether crime originates from the individual or the environment. In this paper, I am going to discuss the environmental factors that motivate crime. This paper will be split into first discussing the differences between nature versus environment, looking into the Sociological theory, specifically the General Strain Theory, and addressing any factors that...
4 Pages 1644 Words

The Death of Julius Caesar

Nobody can be accepted by everyone, so were the rulers who sat on the very top. People always tend to have more discontentions towards the ones with more power over them than the ones who were actually annoying. There were always assassinations toward powerful leaders, like Jing Ke to Qin Shi Huangdi and J. D. Tippit to John Kennedy. Julius Caesar, a legendary leader of Rome, was murdered in an assassination that took place on March 15th, 44 BC in...
3 Pages 1584 Words

Essay About Global Warming in Africa

UN Climate Change News, 27 October 2020 – Increasing temperatures and sea levels, changing precipitation patterns and more extreme weather are threatening human health and safety, food and water security and socio-economic development in Africa, according to a new report devoted exclusively to the continent. The State of the Climate in Africa 2019 report, a multi-agency publication coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), provides a snapshot of current and future climate trends and associated impacts on the economy and...
4 Pages 1642 Words

The Deathless Death of the Human Experience

In “A Score to Settle”, an action thriller film directed by Shawn Ku, the main character Frank, portrayed by Nicholas Cage, is an ex-con previously affiliated with a local crime cartel, who seeks retribution on his bosses after 19 years of wrongful imprisonment. When he realized he had been duped into taking the fall for his boss’ crime he became quite indignant and resentful, especially since he left his infant motherless son in the care of fellow ‘mob-members’. Overtime, he...
3 Pages 1601 Words

The Waste Land': Water Motif Showing Decay in Modern Society

TS Eliot uses water as a motif throughout the Waste Land. It is shown in different lights: at the beginning we can see that water is the cause of death and in the last book we see water an essential asset for life. Eliot links water to religion and spirituality to create a clear connection between the decay of the modern world and the drowned Phoenician sailor. I will also discussion how Eliot uses physical landscapes with water to show...
3 Pages 1550 Words

Climate Change Impacts Florida’s Biodiversity

Introduction The ecological system of Florida contains several distinct life forms with rarest species as compared to other ecosystems. Florida’s geographical location and longitudinal range makes it situated in a manner that almost all parts of South Florida have a tropical climate and the central and northern parts of Florida’s State is humid subtropical containing the Florida’s species with varying genetics in that ecosystem. Florida contains the highest amount of plant species as it is considered top six rich of...
4 Pages 1623 Words

Waving Goodbye to Plastic Pollution

“In a cringe-inducing video that's gone viral, a team of scientists spent nearly ten minutes pulling a plastic straw from the nostril of an Olive Ripley sea turtle” (Lee [2]). In this horrifying video, many have realized how bad plastic pollution has become in the oceans. The future needs clean oceans. As more and more industries use plastic, there will be more and more of it in the ocean and more and more creatures, like the turtle, will suffer for...
4 Pages 1605 Words

Essay on Future Without Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels have served as the primary source of energy for the past century, helping man to achieve a previously unprecedented level of development. This source of energy has been harnessed to power industries and fuel transportation means therefore helping in the growth of the modern civilization. However, the ability of fossil fuels to continue playing a central role in fulfilling the energy demands of mankind has been called into question due to a number of reasons. The great industrial...
3 Pages 1575 Words

The influence of International Politics and Geography on Foreign Policy

One has to recognise geographical realities for the unequal growth of nations is the cause, directly or indirectly, of the great wars of history and is in large measure the result of the uneven distribution of fertility and strategical opportunity upon the face of our globe—Sir Halford Mackinder. Geography consists of largely the answers to the question ‘where is it?’ whether in reference to a state or to any other part of the earth’s surface. Christopher Hill (2003) contends that...
4 Pages 1603 Words

Discovering Tundra, Its Climate and Main Features

Merriam Webster defines tundra as a large area that has continuously frozen ground and no trees, and it defines biome as a large ecological land type (Tundra; Biome). According to these definitions, tundra biome is a large ecological piece of land that does not have any trees and is characterized by permanent frozen ground. Interesting, tundra comes from the Finnish word tunturia which means “treeless plain” (Pullen, 2004). Tundra biome can be separated into two different types, arctic tundra and...
3 Pages 1576 Words

Global Human Rights Issues for Indigenous Peoples

Native populations face a serious human rights problem: The nations of the world refuse to recognize that they have human rights. While those countries are ready to recognize that individual indigenous persons have rights secured through international human rights law, problems arise when they claim rights as a peoples of an ethnic, cultural, racial, or national background. To protect native peoples from the possible repetition of the horrific acts performed against them in the past, laws should be put in...
4 Pages 1637 Words

Light intensity & CO2 on plant growth

Plants in natural habitats are subject to progressive variations in light intensity, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and temperature (Yamori et al. 2010). Plants make their own food by the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is based on two reactions, the light reactions and the dark reactions. The light reactions make use of sunlight captured by photosystems in chloroplasts which result in the splitting of water into oxygen; the dark reactions make use of atmospheric carbon dioxide and converts it into carbohydrate...
4 Pages 1649 Words

The Dangerous Effects of Eutrophication on The Great Barrier Reef

Eutrophication is the situations where nutrient enrichment, increased algal growth and/or increased organic production rates have resulted in change in benthic community structure. This definition is derived from Bell et al. (2007) and international eutrophication assessments (Foden et. Al 2010). This has been a problem since the first European settlers arrived in 1850s and started expanding their agricultural practices, increasing the discharge in water of contaminants. Nowadays, an increase in the fertility of the sediments and water column of the...
3 Pages 1566 Words

Implementing Strategic Leadership in Diverse Environments

The main focus of this case study is to deepen our knowledge regarding the implementation of strategic leadership and change management in a diverse company based in Indonesia, where diversity is still an issue. This case study will discuss the manager’s experience of the company’s strategic leadership process and his change management interpretation and how effective it has been for the company. A 90-minute-semi-structured interview with a manager of a renowned Indonesian-based law firm was conducted as the main source...
4 Pages 1633 Words

Inuit Art: The “First Goose of the Spring” by Hammock

Introduction to eskimo art In the words of the renowned folklorist Henry Glassie, “All art is an individual’s expression of culture. Cultures differ, so art looks different” (Rafferty 78). This is essentially true in the case of the Eskimo art which has captured the world’s imagination by virtue of its singularity of thought and expression. The Eskimos, inhabiting the region extending from eastern Siberia (Russia) on the one hand to Greenland on the other, have achieved worldwide recognition with their...
4 Pages 1638 Words

City Trees and Climate Change: Act Green and Get Healthy Essay

Introduction Nowadays, rapid climate change occurs due to active urbanization, as the growth of cities contributes to the urban heat-island effect (Gill et al., 2007). City trees play a critical role in ameliorating the heat-island effect and in removing particulate matter (PM) from the air (Gill et al., 2007). Consequently, increasing the number of city trees in spatial design could be a viable solution to reducing the pace of climate change and improving the quality of air in large cities,...
4 Pages 1641 Words

Computer's and Internet's Negative Effects on Family Relationship

The impacts of technology are more visible in families. Although, it truly has a long list of advantages; However, there are drawbacks to incorporating technology into households. Almost every family owns a smartphone, computer, and laptop, which means technology dominates almost every family. Because of that, the traditional way of parenting has become rare nowadays and it lessens the value of parenting. Below are the negative effects of technology, specifically the use of computers and the Internet among family relationships....
3 Pages 1599 Words

The Impact and Implications of Shaheen Bagh's Protest

Introduction In March 2020, we set out to see for ourselves what might be called the Indian Tahrir Square, a revolt even in the times of a pandemic – fifty days before the Indian Prime Minister made the Covid-19 infamous announcement of a midnight lockdown in February 2020. Shaheen Bagh, New Delhi, put out this imposing poster of the ‘Constitution of India’ as a common belonging. Building upon her field notes and encounters with ‘the rest’ of the country, the...
4 Pages 1640 Words

Whether or Not Bacteriophages are a Viable Alternative to Antibiotics

Antibiotics are drugs or medicines used to treat bacterial infections. There are two main mechanisms that antibiotics employ to treat a bacterial infection. They can kill the bacteria or prevent it from reproducing, labeled bactericidal and bacteriostatic, respectively. Antibiotic resistance is becoming an ever-growing issue all around the globe. The rate of bacterial evolution far exceeds our current rate of development of antibacterial agents. If bacteria become completely resistant to our antibiotics then we will have to survive like we...
4 Pages 1622 Words

Chinese Dominance and Dynasties: Analytical Essay

Throughout the history of the world, powerful kingdoms have existed. These kingdoms included the Chinese dynasties. Within the history of the Chinese dynasties, including the Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang, and Song, many created significant cultural markers such as calligraphy and oracle bones under the direction of ruling families, both good and bad. Together, the emperors, inventions, and conflicts are the basic structure of China’s dynasties. The Chinese dynasties are some of the most influential dynasties through their inventions, religion,...
3 Pages 1558 Words

Advanced Computing Models: Comparative Analysis of Google and Microsoft

Introduction For the final paper and some discussion with Professor Ivanov, I have decided on writing a comparison piece of Microsoft and Google cloud services. Throughout the semester, we have covered many topics related to cloud computing. Many of which were strange and foreign land to me and I worked hard to navigate through the terminology to make connections. For the remainder of this paper, I will do my best to compare Microsoft and Google, I will also try to...
3 Pages 1613 Words

Adoption of the Euro: Pros and Cons

As the official currency used by the 27 member states of the European Union (EU), the euro is one of the main currencies traded by market participants and has an influence on global markets. Although it was launched since January 1, 1999, physically the euro was used on January 1, 2002. Since its introduction, only 19 member of European Union countries have directly used the euro as official currency and 8 other countries still use their local currency. Why don't...
4 Pages 1590 Words
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