1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Hemingway's "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber" Analysis

Ernest Hemingway is an American author, short-story writer, and essayist who was granted the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was noted both for the extraordinary manliness theme of his composition and for his courageous and generally public life. His concise and clear composition style has an incredible impact on American and British fiction. His works are popular because of the themes of love, hatred, war, gain, and loss he has included in his literature. Ernest Hemingway’s “The Short Happy Life...
3 Pages 1554 Words

Harlem Heroin Plague: Frank Lucas & Nicky Barnes

During the Harlem heroin plague of the seventh century Frank Lucas and Nicky Barnes were seen as the biggest heroin dealers. Both of them made millions selling dope. Nicholas Barnes is an American former crime boss, Born on October 15, 1933, in New York City, and was called Mr. Untouchable, Nicky Barnes became one of the most famous people in the community of Harlem. He helped found a criminal organization known as 'The Council” which were a (group of people...
3 Pages 1582 Words

Ethics Case Study Individual Report: The Conflicted Data Analyst

In this scenario (refer to appendix), the company you are working for is signing a multi-million-dollar contract to share customers’ private information with a third party without their knowledge. As a result, you are posed with the issue of whether you should leak the details of this arrangement to the press or keep your inside knowledge to yourself. This is considered an ethical dilemma as it may conflict with your own personal beliefs. You may believe that the company must...
3 Pages 1589 Words

Dream Interpretation: Sigmund Freud And Carl Jung

What are dreams, what allows them to happen, and what do they mean? Today I will discuss with you two theories of dreaming. Sigmund Freud’s 1899 ‘Interpretation of dreams’ (Freud, 1995) theory as well as Carl Jung’s The Archetype and The Collective unconscious (Jung, 1971). Modern-day psychologists perceive dreams to be the result of unsystematic brain activity that occurs while asleep, other psychologists consider the famous dream theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, who hypothesize that dreams can reveal...
3 Pages 1581 Words

UN Report: Intercultural Competence Analysis

The report conducted by the United nation in June 2019 reveals world population is 7.7 billion. In this situation, there are more than “two billion users” (Crystal, 2008, cited in Baker, 2009, p. 569) of English in the world and Noack and Gamio (2015, April 23) reports there are 1.5 billion English learners in the world. Regardless of the global scale, it is indeed that in the proportion of the number of the students, it indicates there are so many...
4 Pages 1624 Words

Restorative Justice: Strengths And Drawbacks Of Working Restoratively

Restorative practice brings those affected by conflict or crime into communication. This enables everyone’s involved in a situation to play a part in repairing the harm and finding a positive way forward. Nonviolent communicationis an important element towards evaluation when observing. When mixing evaluation with observation we decrease the likelihood that the others will listen to the intended message. Non-violent communication (NVC) guides us to reframe how we express one another and to listen to others. Our words become more...
4 Pages 1621 Words

Storytelling As An Effective Communication Tool

Stories are the fabric of our lives. They help us make sense of what we are, where we come from and what we want to be (Soin & Schyett 2006). It is part of human experience. When people share their stories, listeners naturally focus their attention, engaging in the teller’s experience. The deliberate and effective use of storytelling establishes links between participants and sets the stage for high performance (Kahan, 2006). The Merriam-Webster defines communication as a process by which...
3 Pages 1559 Words

Ignition of the Darkness: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and its Impact

In analyzing Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, three primary spheres come into focus. The first encompasses the meaning of the allegory as a whole. Plato’s allegory is a complex text and what Plato is trying to say can easily be misconstrued. The second domain concerns the significance of the allegory. What does it show the reader and why is that important? Finally, the third sphere regards the contemporary utility of Plato’s allegory. More specifically, is Plato’s text still relevant in...
3 Pages 1579 Words

Why is Sleep Important? Essay

Introduction People nowadays seem to neglect their sleeping habits. There are various reasons for this, all different for everyone. Whatever the case is for you, the day to finally improve your sleeping habits has come. In this article you are going to find out why sleep is so important and what the magic techniques for getting good quality sleep are! Importance of Sleep Sleeping is equally as important as eating nourishing foods and exercising regularly. Without it, your body can’t...
3 Pages 1613 Words

Literary Works Of The Civil War Era: Analytical Essay

Harriet Tubman once said, “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” Harriet is talking about how your dreams are powerful and can change the world so go for it! During the Civil War Era, there was an outbreak of slavery treatment famous authors that were slaves and express their experiences through literature and became influential members. The struggles...
3 Pages 1607 Words

Beloved: Power Of Memory And Rememory Of The Past Over People

Memories create meaning in our lives, and allow us to remember what we’ve been through. Not all memories are good ones however, and In Beloved by Toni Morrison, memory is debilitating in the lives of Sethe and other characters. Sethe is imprisoned in her mind, and can’t escape the memories of when she was enslaved. Sethe’s daughter, Beloved, represents the past, and personifies Sethe’s memories. Beloved represents the past, and proves how memory and rememory of the past has power...
3 Pages 1589 Words

My Agents of Socialization: What are they?

Introduction When I think about it, I am unsure how to answer the question, “Who am I?” People might describe me as a caring, shy, hard-working country girl from Virginia who was raised in Washington state, someone who loves sports and values her family, and a member of the military. However, I believe I am more than all those labels combined. My name is Chelsea Lyn Kile, and I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, a sailor, and so...
4 Pages 1568 Words

Age of Reason: A Modest Proposal And Gulliver’s Travels

The Age of Reason was a period of time between the years 1715 and 1789. It is also commonly referred to as the Age of Enlightenment. Jonathan Swift was a writer during this period of reason, in which many individuals became more aware of the world around them and as a result had many intellectual and philosophical awakenings and ideas. It is during this period of reason that the focus of many writings took the shift from more serious work...
3 Pages 1597 Words

The Diary of Anne Frank: Plot Summary And Character Analysis

From 1939 to 1945, a great war known as World War II raged in Europe. A German man by the name of Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany and then the dictator of Germany, fighting to gain control of all of Europe and exterminate anyone whom he considered to not be an “Aryan” German, a member of the so-called “master race” he fabricated, which he believed to be superior to all other races in Europe. While this was happening,...
4 Pages 1630 Words

Impact of Cellphone Addiction on Grade 12 Academic Performance

Chapter 1 Introduction Technology has been an integral part of our daily lives. People all around the globe rely on gadgets for innumerable necessary reasons, such as communication, research, employment, and etc. As the world is developing, more gadgets are getting introduced, and more dependent people have become on them. Modern cell phones enable users to access a variety of electronic media at almost any time and any place. Popular activities such as playing video games, surfing the Internet, and...
3 Pages 1581 Words

Communication in Advocacy: Strategies in Healthcare

Health Care Discuss what is meant by advocacy and how the communication strategies used in your chosen scenario either support or present a barrier to the concept of advocacy being utilized. ‘Critically review a range of communication strategies that can enable the development of therapeutic relationships This assignment will discuss the concept of advocacy and its importance and relevance to developing therapeutic relationships in health care. It will discuss barriers to effective communication and how these can be an obstacle...
4 Pages 1646 Words

Pedagogical Strategies For Teaching Algebra

'I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand.' Confucius. The National Curriculum specifies that in upper KS2 - years 5 & 6, pupils should be introduced to the language of algebra as a means for solving a variety of problems, before becoming an intrinsic part of mathematics at KS3. In the year 4 programme of study, pupils should be able to read Roman numerals from 1 to 100 and up to 1000 in...
4 Pages 1625 Words

Blue Whale Essay

Introduction Blue Whales feature article First of all, blue whales are humungous in fact they are the biggest animals to ever live at 100 feet long, these majestic animals rule the ocean and control life in the ocean. At 200 tons, these rare animals can have their tongue weigh as much as an African elephant and their heart as much as a four-wheeler. There is much we don’t know about this animal such as, where they breed. We are piecing...
3 Pages 1550 Words

Nuclear Power Is Clean And Safe

With the demands in the world shifting towards society needing more electricity, nuclear power has been a way to meet power needs while keeping the carbon footprint low. Nuclear power as a whole may have a stigma attached to it. One would assume, the majority of the world’s population is not well educated on the benefits of nuclear power. Nuclear power is perceived as dangerous and deadly. Contrary to popular beliefs, nuclear power is efficient, clean (power) and inexpensive after...
3 Pages 1621 Words

Factors Contributing To The Decline Of The Bee Population

Pollinators provide important ecosystem services that contribute to the growth of floral biodiversity. The rapid decline of both wild and domesticated pollinators is evident in the decrease of plants that rely on services provided by them. One of the major pollinators is the honey bee (Apis spp) and potential drivers that contribute to the alarming decrease in their population are classified into three categories: pest and pathogens, environmental stressors and lack of genetic diversity and vitality. The interaction between these...
4 Pages 1589 Words

The Importance Of Research Methods To Society

Understanding Research Philosophy and Its Impact Today’s society is highly technology focused with an abundance of data available through simple internet searches. The researcher needs to be skilled in selecting applicable information from the vast amount of data available and be able to use it in a meaningful way. To do this effectivity the researcher must understand the philosophical foundations of research. Understanding philosophy as part of the research process encourages researchers to widen their perspectives and open their minds...
3 Pages 1634 Words

Theorems And Proofs In Geometry The History Of Their Appearance

Theorems and proofs both play a crucial role in mathematics as they serve as something more than the justification behind a result. Theorems are statements that can be demonstrated to be true by accepted mathematical operations and arguments. A theorem makes up some general principle, meaning it is part of a larger theory. The process of showing a theorem to be true is called a proof. The two simply tie together as they are both what geometry revolves around. With...
3 Pages 1582 Words

Using Rats In Scientific Research

Living organisms have systems which all work together to enable survival. In the animal kingdom, rats and humans are both mammals, and they have very similar systems and organs in their body. A mammal is a warm-blooded vertebrate animal which has fur or hair, gives birth to babies, as opposed to laying eggs, and feed their young milk. The systems which enable survival in mammals include the circulatory system, musculoskeletal system, digestive system, excretory system, respiratory system, reproductive system and...
3 Pages 1630 Words

Key Role Characteristics And Features Of Butterfly Wing Patterns

Evolutionary biologists have, for a long time, been interested in the butterflies' colorful wings. The coloration patterns on the wings of a butterfly have many roles, which include the attraction of the male, concealment, mate identification, and warning signals. Given that the coloration on the wings mostly plays several roles simultaneously, there is a possibility that there exist conflicts between how different signals express themselves. For example, the ventral wing side coloration is mainly used to avoid predators through camouflage,...
4 Pages 1624 Words

Consider Nuclear Energy as Safe Alternative Energy Source

Nuclear energy is a method of harnessing energy through the splitting of an atomic nucleus. This is achieved by shooting a neutron at a highly fissile atomic element with an unstable nucleus. A fissile element is an element that has a geometrically unstable nucleus. The fuel generally chosen for nuclear reactors are isotopes from actinides and lanthanides, like Uranium-235. When this nucleus of the fuel is split, a massive amount of energy is released. This energy, in turn, can be...
3 Pages 1571 Words

Alan Turing: The Father Of Computer Science

“I propose to consider the question, “Can machines think?” (Turing 1950, 1). If machines could think, would they think like humans? Could they be programmed to think like humans and the way their mind works while carrying out procedures? Those were the types of questions Alan Turing continued to ask throughout his years studying technology, science, and mathematics. His mind ran wild with new opportunities, seeing that there was a machine that could be built to solve problems within a...
4 Pages 1599 Words

Leadership Characteristics Of Mahatma Gandhi

Many leaders in the world guide people and help their followers through situations and events with truly remarkable talent that many people remember that leader for his extraordinary characteristics. One such leader that comes in this category is Mahatma Gandhi, the legendary freedom fighter and one of India’s founding fathers who opposed the tyranny of British rule and gave India its freedom. Mahatma Gandhi was born in Porbandar, Gujrat in 1869. In 1883 Gandhi was married to 14-year-old Kasturbai Makhanji,...
3 Pages 1570 Words

How Language Can Change Human Thoughts

Abstract This research is being conducted to analyze how language plays its role in determining, manipulating, adjusting and influencing human’s thoughts and perception. Research was conducted in University of Gujrat, using a survey method. Fake statement was presented as a fact and point of view were given in its favor. To check the influence of language in thoughts, forty samples were taken. Sample was taken in the form of two variables, males and females. Results support that language influences human’s...
3 Pages 1565 Words

Use Of Computer And Augmented Reality In Chemistry Teaching

Chemistry had been regarded as a difficult subject for students by many researchers, teachers, and science educators because of the abstract nature of many chemical concepts, teaching styles applied in the class, lack of teaching aids, and difficult symbolic language of chemistry. For a better understanding of its concepts, students need to visualize chemical structures and molecules in three dimensions. Picturing chemical structures in three dimensions has consistently been troublesome. Traditionally, we have utilized molecular models for this reason, normally...
3 Pages 1575 Words

Sustainable Development Goals And Chemistry

Our human health and the global environment are threatened by the adverse effects of development in different field of science. Our bodies are contaminated with a large number of synthetic industrial chemicals, many of which are known to be toxic and carcinogenic while others remain untested for their health effects. They come to us from unlabeled products, chemically contaminated food, air, water. The United Nations General Assembly has addressed these challenges in its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which have been...
3 Pages 1562 Words
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