1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Marie in 'The Stranger'

A presentation was given about women’s lives in France. Under the Napoleonic code, women had to obey their husbands and had no social status outside of marriage. This gives an insight into Marie’s character and why she is so desperate to marry Meursault who himself is not sure about getting married. In addition, Marie had a se xual relationship with Meursault outside of marriage which was at that time considered wrong and therefore explains why she was humiliated at the...
2 Pages 1641 Words

Life Changing Essay about Coming to America

Moving from France to Los Angeles was quite a life-changing experience for me. Navigating and adjusting to a completely new culture had a significant impact on who I perceive myself to be. I grew up in the small Provencal town of Saint Remy de Provence, in the South of France. Being raised in such a tight-knit community was a great experience unparalleled by living in a megacity like Los Angeles. I remember stepping out of LAX and feeling like the...
2 Pages 1580 Words

Essay on 'Fight Club' Psychoanalysis

In the film Fight Club, Edward Norton plays the role of the Narrator, who is a white–collared insomniac. The main character Edward Norton in the film applied himself the Ego defense mechanism namely displacement and reaction formation. The main character adopted a different character for himself to avoid reality and to live a different easier life in society. The Ego is a defense mechanism in the psychological process that aids a person in overcoming anxiety, unresolved conflict, unresolved desires, and...
2 Pages 1620 Words

The importance of Being Earnest' Literary Analysis Essay

Wilde views honesty as a crucial, underrated societal value and in turn, shows the hypocrisy of those who display contradicting actions in this play. An exemplary quote is that from Cecily stating, “ “I don’t [believe him.] But that does not affect the wonderful beauty of his answer”. In this scene Algernon defends himself and even though Cecily does not believe him she falls into his trap because of mere presentation. It is obscene for any gender to recognize a...
2 Pages 1566 Words

Essay on Customer Service Excellence

Investigating Customer Service Learning Aim A: Examine how good customer service leads to a company's growth. Learning Aim B: Investigate the approaches used in the corporate world to enhance customer service. What are the benefits of providing outstanding customer service? It is important to supply excellent customer service because your customers are the backbone of your business and if you do not show respect to them then they will stop supporting you and go and support someone else who offers...
2 Pages 1639 Words

Essay on Statistics about Studying Abroad

1. Studying in Britain 1.1 Statistics Studying abroad has proved to have many advantages for both the international student and the host country, especially if we’re considering students coming from lower-income countries of the so-called ‘Global South’. Britain is often one of the most popular destinations when considering studying overseas: it was found that in 2014-2015, 19% of students in the UK came from outside Britain, 14% of whom were international non-EU students (Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2016). Other numbers...
4 Pages 1614 Words

Essay on Failures of Reconstruction

The excerpt from WEB Du Bois argues that blacks have always been a central force of labor and society even if constantly overlooked and demerited, and with the ending of the Civil War and the emancipation of enslaved blacks these same men and women were now impoverished and uneducated due to oppressive laws and racist ideology. With these people now free but unable to acquire the tools to work, be it knowledge or physical necessities, the United States faces an...
4 Pages 1601 Words

Divorce Pros and Cons Essay

Divorce has been practiced since the genesis of humanity. Did you know that there are signs that can tell if you will end up in a split with your spouse? Moreover, did you know that you can tell the signs way before the actual annulment of your marriage? Well, read this. Broken families are a norm in this century. Couples seem to gravitate towards the 'need for freedom' when a husband and a wife can no longer accommodate the thought...
4 Pages 1627 Words

Argumentative Essay about Capital Punishment

Mr. Mark DeWine, This letter is a request for the discontinuation of capital punishment in the state of Ohio. This argument will focus on three key themes including the human rights perspective, cost analysis, and deterrence. The main argument revolves around the question of whether individuals should have the right to debate about the lives of other people. Capital punishment is one of the most controversial contemporary issues in the world. This type of punishment still exists in modern America...
3 Pages 1561 Words

Young Goodman Brown' Essay: Good Vs Evil

Self-awareness is key to being a good person, no matter how the term “good” is defined. Being self-aware allows one to see when they’re straying away from the path they want to take and to correct any behaviors that drove them off in the first place. The story “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne explores how a lack of self-awareness can be detrimental. In the story, the main character, Goodman Brown, leaves his wife, Faith, for a night to go...
4 Pages 1638 Words

Feminist Literary Criticism Essay on 'Catcher in the Rye'

The transition of how women are perceived from the 20th century to then, post-modern times is differential and quite arguably, dramatic. In both 'A Streetcar Named Desire' and 'Catcher In The Rye' there is a significant pattern of subversion against stereotypes, specifically women. More specifically, this is shown through the contrast of both female protagonists in 'A Streetcar Named Desire', (Blanche and Stella Dubois), where Blanche depicts herself as a 'Southern Belle' whereas her sister, Blanche is shown as a...
4 Pages 1614 Words

Color Purple' Literary Criticism Essay

The Color Purple by Alice Walker strongly portrays the acts of Religion, Domestic violence, and Women/Femininity. Domestic violence shapes every aspect of Celie’s life in The Color Purple; it keeps her isolated and fearful of the world around her. This circumstance drives the plot and paints a reasonable picture of what life may have been similar to inside an African American home. While writing this novel, Alice Walker wanted to showcase the different aspects of racial inequality through herself and...
4 Pages 1632 Words

Literary Criticism Essay on Caryl Churchill's Works

The Literature ‘Top Girls’ by Caryl Churchill is shaped by the concern of women in work throughout the play. The concern of ‘roles’ in work that women have been reinforced to take and women climbing the ladder of success in work breaking the gender hierarchy are seen in ‘Top Girls. Also shows us that one woman’s success in society does not bring up the fortune for the rest of the women. Caryl Churchill may make ‘Top Girls’ seem to be...
4 Pages 1623 Words

Fake News Synthesis Essay

What is fake news? There is so much news flying around on TV, Radio, Social Media, etc. and everyone wants us to believe that their news is real news and not fake. So, how do we decide which news is fake and which is not? Katy Steinmetz in her article, “How Your Brain Tricks You into Believing Fake News' argues that everyone falls for fake news. Motion Masters, produced an informational video, “Fake News: Part 1”, to help us to...
3 Pages 1555 Words

Essay on Jewel in the Crown of Imperialism

Myers believed that the novel A Passage to India was attacking the 'traditional (and mythical) justification of imperialism', he did not believe that the 'natives' were 'better off under the English domination'. The novel, A Passage to India, is set in the 1920s in Chandrapore (an anglicized spelling of Chandrapur), a district in the North of India. At the time of writing, India was keen to be free of English rule and declare its independence, which it eventually did in...
3 Pages 1577 Words

Essay on Why Is College and Career Readiness Important

The present job environment demands candidates with diversified knowledge scope to handle work dynamics in today’s world (Makki et al., 2015, pg 1007). Makki et al. define career readiness as an intrinsic behavior inculcated in a person through training and how he or she relates to the immediate environment. Most of the world’s population is composed of professionals with a restricted knowledge base as opposed to the management requirement of a vast knowledge base. Integration between leadership competency and know-how...
4 Pages 1621 Words

Social Media Bias Essay

The discussion of bias in overall mass media is a difficult one to have, simply because of the huge variety of news organizations and social media, all with their political agendas. Yet despite this inherent difficulty, many Republicans and some Democrats believe that there is a bias in mass media for the political party opposite of their own. Every time Conservatives or Liberals claim a bias in mass media, they are typically selecting one specific anecdote in which a political...
4 Pages 1605 Words

Essay on Truth and Non-violence

Mahatma Gandhi believed equality and peace need the complete truth to be achieved. He began to care deeply about this even at a younger age. After he was convicted of lying out of carelessness in school, he began to think that a man of truth needs to be a man of care (Gandhi 13). His care for truth grew as he got older and became more influential as a leader. Not only that, he believed telling the truth had to...
3 Pages 1579 Words

Decision Making in Family: Essay

This section examines the impact of international migration on left-behind children from the perspectives of children, unlike adults. The literature cited in this section used children as informants. The studies provide an alternative perspective concerning how left-behind children experience and deal with parents' migration, with particular emphasis being placed on the children's constructions and narratives in the processes of being left behind. As mentioned earlier, the experiences, feelings, and reactions of children affected by migration are often hidden within predominantly...
4 Pages 1596 Words

Essay on 'All Quiet on the Western Front': Kemmerich Boots

Chapter 1: Why is it Ironic that Kantorek refers to the men as the “Iron Youth”? The Irony in “Iron Youth” Kantorek refers to the men as “Iron Youth” because they are willing to do anything for their country. The “Iron Youth” describes a strong German man, who will fight to protect his country. When the men have read what Kantorek wrote to them, they think, “ Youth! We are none of us more than twenty years old. But young?...
3 Pages 1567 Words

Essay on Gandhi Movie Summary

What would it be like to situate Gandhi in today's pragmatic times? Would the Gandhian way of life have any value in this “developed modern civilization,” Gandhi was critical of? This has been shown with a touch of humor in Raj Kumar Hirani’s film, Lage Raho Munna Bhai. The movie beautifully answers these questions, by locating Gandhi in popular culture. The movie, Lage Raho Munna Bhai, produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, strives to revive the values and principles of Mahatma...
3 Pages 1581 Words

All Quiet on the Western Front' Essay on War's Effect on Minds

Fiction is a powerful tool with which to express a truth or make a point. A juxtaposition of interconnected external and internal conflicts which affect the characters can be used to emphasize the importance of such a truth. In All Quiet on the Western Front, the author, Erich Maria Remarque, creates such a duality to great effect. Paul, the protagonist of Remarque’s novel, is a German soldier fighting in World War I against the English and French. As the war...
4 Pages 1646 Words

Essay on Federalism in Texas

Texas tends to not restrict an individual’s right, however; the Texas government in the past seemed to always restrict an individual from gambling. The first Texas constitution banned all types of gambling even though many citizens seemed to enjoy the culture of gambling. The Texas ban on gambling was very strict. Any bet on random chance and any form of gambling was part of the definition of illegal gambling. The ban on gambling stayed relatively the same for quite some...
4 Pages 1640 Words

Graduation Cause and Effect Essay

The Bronx is known to be a low-income community in the process of rebuilding itself and its residents. Many schools provide a series of athletic teams for the student body but yet we see many students not participating and being neglected. Another option the youth within these communities have is recreational youth programs within their community. One of the two sports teams that offer the opportunity of progression and opportunity for students and their academic performance are soccer and squash....
4 Pages 1635 Words

Essay on Fashion Stereotypes

Androgynous chooses an identity that can be explained as an altered blend of both or mixed male or female identity. True androgyny lies in the absence of gender binaries and their associations. Designers who have managed to create androgynous fashion are typically the ones who erase masculine and feminine differences. Androgyny refers to someone’s physical appearance or presentation and doesn’t necessarily correlate to a gender or sexual orientation. As ANDROGYNOUS FASHION is genderless it sometimes raises political thread, whereby issues...
3 Pages 1559 Words

What Is Christian Morality Essay

Frederich Nietzsche is one of the most strikingly influential philosophers of the modern era and his works have permeated through the intellectual discourse of the 20th century and beyond. This essay will seek to explain Nietzsche’s conception of genealogy, and its impact on perceived morality and examine the degree to which his scathing criticism of Christianity is justified. The core tenet of Nietzsche’s conception of genealogical analysis, particularly in “On The Genealogy of Morals” is to demonstrate that any given...
3 Pages 1567 Words

Essay on Perseverance in Face of Hardship

Tragedy. A three-syllable word that brings nothing but great suffering, distress, and always the unfortunate unhappy ending. The novel and film, “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy, shows a journey powered by a father and a son's love through a post-apocalyptic disaster. A world once full of color is now a grey, cold, barren land that is crawling with few survivors who turn to cannibalism to survive. What the duo used to call home is now a dark landscape drowned in...
3 Pages 1595 Words

Essay on Water Problem in India

A human being cannot live without water, but the source of water is not endless. Manju (2017) pointed out that 97% of the water on the earth is salt water, and the remaining 3% includes surface water, glacial water, and groundwater. That is to say, only 1% of the water on earth is available for humans to use. Groundwater is a freshwater resource, which is the main source of water in India and provides most of the domestic and irrigation...
3 Pages 1608 Words

Essay on Women Minority in 'Hidden Figures'

Every day people fight for equality in protests while others battle for it in offices by proving their intelligence and value. While there is lots of discussion about gender equality it is still arguably very difficult to change in society. The film, Hidden Figures, directed by Theodore Melfi, and the article “Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women” by Liza Mundy both show examples of technology companies being a gendered institution. Originally, Silicon Valley was a good fit for...
3 Pages 1557 Words

Loneliness and Solitude Essay

Humans are social animals. Having a relationship with others is one of the most important and enjoyable aspects of the lives of people. Relationships and social interactions have a big role and impact on our psychological well-being and happiness. On the other hand, isolation from other people is sometimes exercised by parents, teachers, and prison officials as a form of punishment to give someone a lesson. Withdrawing oneself around people to have alone time is not a bad thing. Perhaps,...
3 Pages 1564 Words
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