1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Genetically Modified Organisms In Genetic Engineering

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and advanced biotechnologies have a very large impact on the environment, agriculture and human medicine. Many people including scientists believe this is the way of the future. These people see all of the benefits of being able to produce solutions to worldwide problems. With all of the supporters, come the skeptics. There are a lot of people that do not believe in tampering with genetics. Genetic Engineering, commonly known as Genetic Modification (GM) is a process...
3 Pages 1590 Words

Improving Language With Constraint Induced Aphasia Therapy

Communication: it plays a huge role in our everyday lives. The brain is a fundamental component for communication as it is composed of thousands of pathways that contribute to speech and language abilities. Damage in the brain, post stroke, triggers the process of diaschisis, meaning circuits are rapidly rerouting, and the brain has begun adjusting to the new norms. Oftentimes, trauma from a stroke results in acquired disorders of language and/or cognition. One of the most common acquired disorders, secondary...
4 Pages 1598 Words

Political Discourse Analysis

Linguistic manipulation is an authoritative instrument in politics because political discourse is initially focused on convincing people to take specific political action or to make critical political decisions. To persuade the capable electorate in present time societies, politics primarily over powers the mass media, which leads to creating innovative forms of linguistics manipulation. For example altered forms of pressed conferences and pressed statements, efficient text in slogans, the connotative meanings of words a combo of language and pictorial imagery. In...
3 Pages 1602 Words

Discourse And Politics: Peculiarities

What is political discourse exactly? Such a broad and vague question has been approached by many theorists in the area of discourse who have each delivered their own results, but none of which have given just one precise definition. Most critics focus on the relationship between the written text and another field, such as politics, culture, racism, etc. Hence, as a simple compilation of their findings, political discourse is recognized by its officials and their talk of political parties and...
4 Pages 1636 Words

How Female Fear Leads To Tragedy In Romeo And Juliet

In contradiction to modern North American responsiveness, in Renaissance Italy, the purposes of women were prescribed by rules and expectations determined by stringent patriarchal values. In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, female characters believe that they, and the women they are answerable for, must agree to society's expectations and the result makes these women accountable for the final shocking ending of the play. The Nurse, Juliet's primary caregiver, dangerously influences Juliet to be married, and it is this deceived desire...
4 Pages 1614 Words

The True Cost Of Cheap Labor

Cheap labor is a very economic and political problem across the world, mainly in the United States of America. The main concern when it comes to cheap labor in America are immigrants that come here to have a better life are having to work harder than normal Americans do and still get paid less due to being immigrants. When people come to America, it is like starting over, having to rebuild everything over again. Once a person mentions that they...
3 Pages 1552 Words

The Effects Of Absent Parents

Life with absent parents as a young child is very difficult and has somewhat of an empty feeling to it. Growing up as a young child without a mom and/or dad takes years of putting things back together and figuring out life. It is extremely hard going into adulthood trying to learn and take on responsibilities that parents should have taken the effort to show to the child. Lack of parent involvement has caused a rise in need for emotional...
4 Pages 1643 Words

Role And Influence Of Women In The Roman Republic

During the Roman times, women were always under the rule of men. The Romans had the strong belief that all women, regardless their status or age, were characterized by a general inborn incapacity of the female gender. Therefore, the Roman family was male-dominated, and men were the head of the household, the paterfamilias, women were subjects to be under custody of the nearest male relative in their family, commonly her husband or father. Although women did not hold an imperative...
4 Pages 1615 Words

The Reasons Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

150 years ago Princeton and Rutgers University started game we now know as American football, now back then college football wasn't as big as it is today. There isn't 100,000 screaming fans in the stands or television broadcasting the game,well back then they didn't have T.V and only 100 people showed up for the first game, and it certainly wasn't as exciting or fun to watch as it is today but it laid down the foundation of the for what...
4 Pages 1642 Words

The Worldview In Hinduism Religion

“Worldview” refers to the way a culture experiences the world through the expression of its own beliefs and philosophy. Martin and Nakayama (2002) describe it as a culture-specific set of “values or beliefs about the way the world and human behavior should be,” (p. 21) although worldview is defined as the external relationship between humans and the divine, the nature of life, and with ourselves. In Indian culture and Hinduism, we value a particular belief system and set of morals...
3 Pages 1564 Words

Tributes To A Sister Or Sister-in-law Who Died

The death of a sister hits us hard. It is the loss of a sibling who shared a unique history with us, or a sister-in-law who has become chosen family--and possibly the mother of our nieces or nephews. When death takes a sister, it also takes away an integral part of our formative past. Paying tribute to your sister can be both a way to connect and move through some of your grief. A tribute can be as simple as...
3 Pages 1614 Words

The Significance Of Prophet Muhammad's Lessons

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the role model of Muslims and therefore Muslims should in the best of their ability study and reflect on his life. Studying the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) should not be limited to acquiring factual information. Besides being aware of factual information, as Muslims, we are also obliged to take lessons from his life. For example, many lessons can be taken from the battles fought by the Prophet (pbuh) and his companions. Ali Ibn Husain (RA)...
4 Pages 1608 Words

Mind Your Manners

Abstract A problem that is all too common, I’ve noticed, is that not enough people use their manners. Being raised a benevolent Midwesterner, I take notice when people aren’t polite, especially by forgetting to simply thank someone for a small favor. I came up with the idea of testing people’s manners firsthand to see if I was crazy, or if people actually forget “please” and “thank you” more than you’d think. In order to test how polite people are firsthand,...
3 Pages 1589 Words

Homosexuality: What Does The Bible Teach?

It is a known fact, at least in the United States, that many members of the Christian faith are thought to “hate” or have a “phobia” concerning homosexuals. It is also understood by some that God hates members of the LGBTQ society as well. Some claim that the Bible teaches hatred of homosexuals and that Christians should not treat them like people. The Bible has only a few instances that address homosexuality directly but has many passages that can be...
3 Pages 1574 Words

The Advantages Of Vegetarianism

Albert Einstein once said, 'I think the changes and purifying effects that a vegetarian diet has on a human being's disposition are quite beneficial to mankind. Therefore, it is both auspicious and peaceful for people to choose vegetarianism.' The aforementioned quote aligns with the assertion that vegetarianism is a better alternative and should become universal for the good of animals, human health, and the environment. This dietary practice has important philosophical grounds related to killing animals and the fact that...
4 Pages 1648 Words

Investigated Career Choice

I am currently a high school student aspiring to receive a career in Civil Engineering. Ever since I was a child, I have always bombarded myself with certain questions. Who builds these roads? Who builds these bridges? How did someone manage to build these large infrastructures? From this curiosity, I discovered Civil Engineering. Henceforth, I have decided to be a civil engineer because this occupation fascinated me and allows me to help the society that I commune with. Although this...
4 Pages 1601 Words

TNXB Gene In Medicine

INTRODUCTION The TNXB gene is cytogenically located at the histocompatibility complex III on chromosome 6 in the human genome (6p21.33- p21.32). The gene has a unique structure as it overlaps with other genes by embedding its 5’ and 3’ end in CREBL1 and CYP21 genes respectively. It is the gene that encodes for Tenascin X which can also be called Texabrachian - like protein. This protein is a member of the tenascin family which are extracellular matrix glycoproteins. FUNCTION OF...
4 Pages 1640 Words

A Glimpse Into Borderline Personality Disorder

Abstract Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a type a personality disorder that is described as not being able to regulate one’s emotions. There are many reasons that this disorder can be diagnosed and treated. Professionals will often use psychotherapy treatments know as Dialectical and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (DBT & CBT) to help a patient with BPD refocus their mind and help center any negative thoughts or behaviors. Some patients may require additional help in conjunction with the psychotherapy, which is...
4 Pages 1611 Words

The Effects Of Stress Police Officers Experience

Stress plays a part in the lives of everyone. That’s the way our body reacts to any changes that require an adjustment to a response. Police Officers are in a position of authority and making split second life or death decisions on a regular basic making the stress level be at the higher percentage than other jobs. The stress relate to that can have a major negative impact on their lives. According to the Cross study performed to Police Officers...
4 Pages 1620 Words

Why All Firefighters Should Be Paid?

Hearing the station tones drop for a fire and running to the gear rack to put on the turnout gear can be adrenaline pumping. Riding down the highway with the lights reflecting off of the buildings and listening to the radio traffic knowing that there is an active fire on the first floor can get the adrenaline pumping faster. Firefighters run into burning buildings while others run out at all hours of the day. For many years, fire departments have...
3 Pages 1616 Words

The Harsh Reality Of The Foster Care System

Have you ever heard anything dealing with the issues of the foster care system lately? Well, to begin with, the foster care system, is a government program where children are placed in if they ever become an orphan or are taken custody of by the child protective services. Each year thousands of children are placed in foster care each year and the majority of them enter the system due to neglect or abuse. All of these children need to deal...
3 Pages 1640 Words

Colonialist Suppression Of Sacred Haisla Spirituality

Indigenous writing of fiction means to explore several contemporary perspectives and shine light on the tragedies brought by Eurocentric virtues. The novel, Monkey Beach, written by Eden Robinson, takes place in a Haisla community named Kitamaat Village on the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Robinson focuses on a contemporary Haisla family and their societal outlook shaped by Euro-Canadian activity. The narrator and protagonist, Lisamarie Hill, possesses a sacred, Indigenous gift that ostracizes her from the accepted west coast colonial belief...
3 Pages 1612 Words

Were Romeo and Juliet Really in Love?

Edmond Mbiaka once said, “Don't judge people by their physical appearances if you truly want to get to know them. Just watch their frequent footsteps and you would surely know their true personalities.” The act of fake true love is a major lesson shown in the play, Romeo and Juliet. The play is set in Verona, Italy, and is centered around two characters, Romeo and Juliet. The two fell in love at a party, but instantly realized they are from...
3 Pages 1562 Words

Does Multitasking Take More Time?

Introduction In this fast-forwarding world, it is essentially important for one to manage time and do tasks simultaneously to manage the workload. Task achievement is the first thing one should aim for. Completing the task efficiently makes the results brighter. Quality and time given to the task performed is also important outcome for one to multitask and give their best. Thus, it can be concluded that task achievement and management of time is vital for everyone to complete the assigned...
4 Pages 1596 Words

Gender Roles In Modern Society

Introduction to Gender Roles in Modern Society The world is constantly changing with everything involved in the lives of people who live in it. People have to be conscious that is not only something physical, the form individuals think also evolve as the time passed by. In modern society gender roles is a big controversial topic. Therefore, gender roles in society are continuously changing over time. Understanding Gender and Its Cultural Norms First, people must understand the elucidation of gender....
3 Pages 1588 Words

Real-Time Foreign Language Translation

ABSTRACT This paper explains about the published articles from online resources that give a solution to immediate language translation in order to maintain situational understanding and information collection. As technology shrinks the distance between nationalities and cultures, language remains a barrier that still prevents a shared perceptive between the pair. This paper will look at how technology has evolved and removed the language barrier through modern technology. As the technology is bringing the world closer, the language barrier has become...
3 Pages 1600 Words

Colonialism In The Motorcycle Diaries

The 2004 biographical film, The Motorcycle Diaries, reveals the journey of the 23-year-old Ernesto “Fuser” Guevara. The movie takes place in 1952, where Ernesto, who is about to complete his medical degree, along with his friend Alberto Granado, a biochemist, leave Buenos Aires in order to travel around Latin America eventually reaching a leper colony, which they intend to volunteer at, in just four and a half months. Even though the journey starts out as just a thrilling adventure, Ernesto...
3 Pages 1603 Words

Characters Portrayals In A Doll's House

Many audience members go to plays to get out of their homes for a few hours, and to experience an older form of performance art. Some go simply for the emotions that live actors can portray, such as drama and romance without thinking of the deeper meanings and portrayals of different aspects of the play. For the author of the play there is almost always a deeper meaning to many of the details within their works beyond what is shown....
3 Pages 1576 Words

Influence Of Social Power And Objects In The Monkey's Paw And Star Wars

Influence refers to the ability to have a strong impact on others whereas power can eventually lead to chaos and madness. Individuals use their status to persuade, convince and control others for personal gains. In the short story by W. W. Jacobs, the monkey's paw was used as an object to show the dangers of accepting a foreign object by an authoritative and trusted figure. Whereas in Stars Wars, the physical elements such as the lightsabers and powers of force...
4 Pages 1628 Words

Exposition Of The General Covenant Stipulations

INTRODUCTION Deuteronomy contains at its core a cross between an ancient Near Eastern treaty. Within this structure, the laws and treaty stipulations – general (5:1-11:32) and specific (12:1-26:19) – are given pride of place. After the setting and introduction to the covenant (4:44-49), Moses begins his second sermon (5:1-28:69) with an interpretive restatement of the Decalogue (5:621), couched within an extended reflection on the initial law-giving at Horeb and Moses’s role as mediator (5:1-33). In the passage at hand (6:1-15),...
4 Pages 1604 Words
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