1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Advisability In Space Programs Of Living On Mars

Buzz Aldrin once said, “By refocusing our space program on Mars for America’s future, we can restore the sense of wonder and adventure in space exploration that we knew in the summer of 1969. We won the moon race; now it’s time for us to live and work on Mars, first on its moons and then on its surface.” The possibilities and questions about if life on Mars, the red planet in the solar system, have been around for years....
4 Pages 1641 Words

Gas Chromatography In Mycotoxin Analysis

Introduction The multi-exposure to various mycotoxins may lead to additive, synergic or antagonist toxic effects (Ficheux et al, 2012) to humans and animals. This may cause chronic and acute diseases thereby calling for food safety measures. Many countries have setup strict regulations for mycotoxin control in food and feed and established legislation to control their possible contamination (Juan et al., 2012). The most frequently studied mycotoxins on which there are more data are TRC (Trichothecenes), FMs (Fumonisins), ZEN (Zearalenone), AFs...
4 Pages 1622 Words

How Music Affects The Soul

Music is powerful! Music provides relaxation. Music arouses emotions. Music allows expression. Music even changes how one perceives the world. This idea of how music affects the soul, dates back to Ancient Greece and to famous philosophers such as Plato and his student, Aristotle. Aristotle’s philosophy of music, is often debated and ignored, but his ideas are still valued by many today. Aristotle’s words are convincing: Music imitates the passions or states of the soul, such as gentleness, anger, courage,...
3 Pages 1580 Words

Public Relations: KFC

Organizations and companies all around the world use public relations to build beneficial relationships with members of the public to ensure a mutual co-existing between the two groups. Public relations includes a communication process that most companies, firms, organizations, and at times individuals employ to develop a strategic relationship that has mutual benefits between them. The core objectives of public relations are usually to uphold a positive status of the brand with clients, customers, the public, investors, employees, and stakeholders....
4 Pages 1606 Words

Romeo And Juliet: Who Is To Blame?

When People first read or hear about Romeo and Juliet they think that it is merely just a classic tale of romance and hardship. But when we actually look through the story we are able to see that many people are truly involved in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. For instance; their parents, for continuing the feud between both families which started for some unknown reason, Mercutio one of Romeo’s most trusted friends, for taking Romeo to the ball...
3 Pages 1562 Words

Why I Want To Become An Athletic Trainer

As long as I can remember, I have always wanted to go into the medical field. I always go back between being an RN, a physical therapist’s assistant, or an athletic trainer. This year I have become extremely interested in becoming an athletic trainer. An athletic trainer’s job specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating bone and muscle injuries. An athletic trainer is one of the first healthcare providers that arrive on the scene when an injury occurs on the field....
4 Pages 1630 Words

Dialect And Accent In Linguistics

One of my Chinese friends once complained to me worriedly that a Chinese ’19, who already has an offer from Goldman Sachs, said that he spoke English with a heavy accent, and that it might compromise his chances in the American job market. I shrugged and replied, “Well, then you may have to work harder on your accent. That’s how the market works.” However, on second thought, there was something wrong with my response. Because I want to major in...
3 Pages 1581 Words

IKEA And Child Labour

IKEA is present in different international markets which have made the company phase the risks/challenges of expanding internationally. It is important to note that IKEA does not manufacture most of its products and it has had to partner with suppliers internationally. One of the biggest problems the company has had to face in recent years was the accusations that the company used child labor in its factories in Pakistan. Management acknowledged that the situation was not handled correctly. In order...
3 Pages 1564 Words

Effects Of Body Shaming Leading To Depression Among Women

Introduction Have you been humiliated by people when they comment on your appearance? You have become so fat? Why you are so thin, parents don’t feed you? Hence, these lead to body shame. Body shame can be defined as the way in which an indivual is humiliated by their weight or body size. Body image disturbance has become so prevalent in women that it shows discontent with physical appearance on the part of women and leading to negative emotion. Body...
4 Pages 1644 Words

Marriage And Family In Christianity

In his book what McDonald does is give what life should be like with a healthy marriage and family. There are seven parts with twenty subcategories. My objective here is to review this as thoroughly as I can but first I want to point out that McDonald’s writing style is very easy to understand. He explains each section thoroughly in layman’s terms so that everyone can intelligently perceive what he is saying. What I want to do is look more...
4 Pages 1641 Words

Evidence And Challenges Of Judaism

Claim Judaism is a religion that fits into the third model of ultimate reality, Transcendence. Those of the faith believe that the perfect being, God, exists and transcends the universe. People are not God but will one day be resurrected after death to stand trial in front of Him. Like all religions in the third model, it claims a person’s body is who they really are and indicates if you’re male or female. It also claims that what you do...
3 Pages 1553 Words

Expanding The Recognition Of Family Relationships Through Law

Early family law recognized “traditional” families as consisting of a married man and women who biologically conceive a child naturally. As time progressed, different social revolutions and technological advancements influenced society to expand their perception of what qualifies as a family. As a result of these adjustments, different laws were reassessed and modified to better suit the changes that these advancements entailed. Throughout history, law has moved towards more inclusive classification of family relationships by redefining family roles and expanding...
4 Pages 1642 Words

The Nutritional Considerations Of Athletes

The nutritional considerations that athletes need to be aware of in order to improve their performance are categorised into 3 sections, pre-performance, during-performance and post-performance. Pre-performance The athlete must be aware that it is important to be well-fueled and hydrated. Tennis players need to pay special attention to their pre-match meals and beverage choices as these foods and fluids may need to last for hours during tennis matches, (Nutrition and hydration tips for tennis). During competitions, glycogen reserves can be...
3 Pages 1570 Words

Suffering As The Concept Of Modern Society

Suffering is an important concept in the end of life care which diminishes quality of life and it tends to be widespread in terminally ill patients. Dame Cecily Saunders coined the concept of ‘total pain’ and outlined some of the various physical, psychological, emotional, existential, social factors contributing to suffering. While these factors may contribute separately to suffering, a synergy often occurs among them. As a result, when one dimension of a person is threatened, this can provoke or add...
3 Pages 1580 Words

Cricket In Australia: Shame Or Glory

In the past two years, we have witnessed the destruction of men’s cricket in Australia. From cheating to racism to homophobia, Australia has seen it all. What will it take for the reputation of Cricket Australia to be restored? Will the team ever return to its former glory? 24 March 2018. A day forever marked by scandal and shame for the Australian national men’s cricket team. From this point on, Cricket Australia spiralled significantly in regard to men’s cricket, with...
4 Pages 1620 Words

Contributions to Judaism: People, Schools of Thought, Ethics

Judaism, as a living religion has grown and developed over time and influences the lives of its adherents through aspects of their principal beliefs and core ethical teachings. This is due to significant people such as Moses Maimonides and core ethical teachings such as sexual ethics, which heavily contribute greatly to making Judaism a living religion as it allows adherents of Judaism to deeply interact with these characteristics of the Jewish religious tradition Moses Maimonides (1135-1204) significantly contributed to the...
3 Pages 1573 Words

Empowered Characters And Misogynists? Internalized Misogyny In Pop Culture

In a misogynist society, many of the favourite characters in film and television are women who hate women. According to most dictionaries, misogyny is the feeling of hostility, distrust, hatred or contempt for women. It is, therefore, an important basis for the exercise of sexism and female oppression and can manifest itself in several ways - from seemingly harmless jokes to social exclusion, discrimination, sexual objectification, control and violence against women. From the definition of the word, one would expect...
4 Pages 1646 Words

The Advantages Of Biotechnology

Biotechnology can be defined as the exploitation of living systems and biological processes to develop tools for technological use. Applications may be used in areas such as industry (e.g. food, energy), medicine, environmental sciences, and computational design. The term ‘biotechnology’ was introduced in 1919 by a Hungarian scientist, Karl Ereky, to refer in general to processes where raw materials were converted into useful products, such as on industrial farms. Most biotechnological developments in early times were based on products available...
3 Pages 1565 Words

Faith Integration And Advanced Directive

The scope of modern nursing practice is multifocal, and spans the entire span of human experience, including; birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age, and death. Death, and dying are unique aspects of nursing practice in that they represent the ending of physiological maintenance, and care, but the beginning of a unique aspect of spiritual and psychosocial care for the patient, patient’s family and love ones, and the nurse him/herself. The finality, and totality of death increases the stressors on...
4 Pages 1621 Words

The Migration Of Prophet Muhammad From Mecca To Medina

Introduction Muhammad was a religious, political and social leader of Arabic origin and he was also the prophet and originator of Islam. As per Islamic doctrine, Prophet Muhammad was sent to confirm and present monotheistic teachings that had previously been taught by other prophets before him such as Adam, Moses, and Abraham and Jesus. He is seen as the last Prophet of God according to the main branches in Islam. Muhammad was in 570, AD in Saudi Arabia (then Mecca)...
3 Pages 1566 Words

Self-reflection Of My Personal Traits And A Team Player

I have always considered myself a “slow” learner, who takes a little more time to learn, to adapt or to become proficient than others. Such discovery is not something that stimulates self-loathing out of me or shuts me down and traps me into bed shielding me from day-to-day tasks, at least not anymore. Instead, I have somehow accepted it as one of many characteristics of mine and have figured out how to carry it with me into the action of...
3 Pages 1580 Words

Payment For College Student-athletes: For Or Against?

College athletes, they are arguably some of the hardest working students in the school systems. They attend their classes and are required to maintain their grades, while also behaving as some of the best students. Along with living the life of an average student, they also have an extremely demanding schedule with the sport they play to go along with it. Lately, the most easily sparked debate is whether student-athletes should be paid for playing sports. Those who believe that...
3 Pages 1562 Words

Theories And Applications Of Coaching

The field of coaching has much to gain from the application of theoretical knowledge to practice, including increased credibility and improved outcomes for stakeholders. This approach requires coaches to respond to the individual in front of them by integrating research evidence and personal expertise (Stober, Wildflower, & Drake, 2006), with the aim to effectively facilitate behaviour change via goal-directed self-regulation (Good, Yeganeh, & Yeganeh, 2013; Grant, 2012). Two perspectives that have clear theoretical relevance to achieving this aim are the...
4 Pages 1588 Words

The Influence Of Globalisation on Agricultural Biotechnology

In a bid to aid globalisation, the Australian Government established liberal trade policy agreements with low wage economies. However, according to a manufacturing report released in 2018 by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, it suggests liberal trade policies are hampering the growth of Australia's manufacturing industry instead of fueling economic growth. Australia’s manufacturing industry contributes 6% to the Australian GDP, however the utilisation of manufacturing has declined considerably over recent years. The Australian manufacturing industry exports $96.1 billion...
4 Pages 1561 Words

The Inner Working Of The Stars

Helioseismology, simply put, is the study of the Sun’s core through the observation of wave propagation that is visible on the surface. This is possible due to both the continual movement of plasma to the sun’s surface, as well as the constant radiation from the heat, that forms convection cells resulting in the investigable convection currents or “waves”. As each cell and consequently current, have varying fluctuations in pressure, the Sun is left with its uneven surface. As well as...
4 Pages 1621 Words

Learning The Tennis Serve

Introduction Tennis is a sport within which people of all ages and backgrounds can compete in, varying from playing in local courts to the four Major Open competitions throughout the world. This sport incorporates a dynamic set of skills which encapsulate audiences when performed at the highest level. There are two significant classifications of the game; singles and doubles. These different varieties each encompass their own set of rules which is followed when playing. The tennis serve is the starting...
4 Pages 1598 Words

GA-based Optimization for Word Segmentation in NLP

Executive Summary The present report studies and fundamentally looks at the paper GA Based Parameter Optimization for Word Segmentation. We start with a short presentation of the point and how research in Word Segmentation has come to fruition as of late. At that point, we will talk about the system proposed in the cited paper and fundamentally dissect it. Toward the finish of the paper, we will combine our discoveries in the end. Every one of the papers and articles...
4 Pages 1634 Words

Ambiguity of Evil in House of Cards, Sicario & The Underground Railroad

Good and evil. These two words illustrates one of the most recurrent themes in writing and literature that gets people into saying, what describes the barriers between good and evil? This distinct question has continued to be profoundly embedded in the human individuality since the dawn of humankind. Countless and countless of narratives have been devoted into uncovering a well-defined explanation, an ultimate answer to the question. It has been one of the most conventional themes in our time that...
4 Pages 1599 Words

Self Assessment Of Leadership Profiling

ABSTRACT The quest to understand leadership, across various sectors and disciplines, has meant that the body of existing literature is vast. After decades of research a generally accepted, comprehensive theory of leadership appears to elude us Whether you seem to be a “born leader” or are uneasy with the role of leader and need to develop leadership skills methodically, you will discover valuable insights through a self-assessment. You will want to examine your following abilities: Skills Traits, competencies Experience. Since...
3 Pages 1561 Words

Gig Economy Workers And Companies

INTRODUCTION This report discusses how Uber company uses Gig economy workers for the working of the company. It will highlight the use of freelance economy by the company and how they maximise their profit without investment and use of flexible working hour employees. It introduces us to the working of gig economy, how companies gets advantage and disadvantaged by it. This will also cover how these kind of workers are adjusted with the full time working employees in the company....
3 Pages 1573 Words
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