1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Arguments For and Against Capital Punishment

Capital punishment also known as the death penalty in the United States has been around since the founding of the first thirteen colonies but it has been proven to be around since late 1700 BC when it was seen as a theory of an “eye for an eye”. Originally, death was supposed to be slow and painful and was delivered by; stoning, crushing, hanging, and being burned but as of now lethal injection, electrocution, and gas chambers are more common....
4 Pages 1593 Words

The Glass Castle' Symbolism Essay

Introduction Symbolic interaction theory is a sociological theory that explains the importance of the meaning we attach to our communications with others. The theory describes the ways people interact with each other, the meaning people attach to those interactions, and furthermore, how those meanings shape our individual selves and society (Rogers, 2016). The theory’s focus on the meanings that a client places on their experiences help explain and predict their behavior. Applying the symbolic interaction theory to analyze Jeanette’s behavior...
3 Pages 1608 Words

How Does Homelessness Affect the Economy: Critical Essay

One of America’s long-standing social and economic issues, homelessness primarily afflicts veterans, drug and alcohol addicts, the mentally ill, and ex-convicts. While homelessness isn’t a new issue, it began to rise to light in the 1980s. Wartime, and the subsequent decades, gives way to an era of prosperity in America. This was no different after World War II, and through the 1960s. In the 1970s, however, the economy shifted completely from a manufacturing-based economy to one of service. Because many...
3 Pages 1559 Words

What Is Your Favourite Sport and Why: Essay

A hobby is a habit, activity, or favorite choice of a human, who regularly performs in leisure or extra time for pleasure, relaxation, and enjoyment. Everyone has different hobbies that he or she would like to do to have fun or relax. They can be physical activities such as jogging, soccer, swimming, and cricket. They also can be mental activities such as reading, witting, watching movies, playing with computers, traveling, etc. and they depend on the personality of everyone. For...
3 Pages 1562 Words

A Raisin in The Sun' by Joseph Asagai: Critical Essay

In the story, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry, the dichotomy of African American life is explored within the roles of Joseph Asagai and George Murchison; Boyfriends of Beneatha Younger. Asagai and Murchison represent this conflict. Despite both characters being attracted to Beneatha, George is Joseph’s polar opposite. George is a wealthy pedant, who values material success and embraces Western civilization. He is depicted as a rather callous man with a superiority complex, and he does not support...
3 Pages 1615 Words

Liberal Vs Conservative Views on Gun Control: Critical Essay

When an individual or a nation thinks about the United States, what is the first thing that comes to mind? “Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” We can all agree with that right? Well, what if I told you that life and liberty were at stake? That’s what gun control is all about. This social issue brings to light the lives lost to gun violence. In today’s day and age, mass shootings are not uncommon. Gun control has become...
3 Pages 1568 Words

Advantage of Gun Control: Thesis Statement

As the years pass by, everyone can come to the conclusion that Gun Control has been a big issue. Everyone knows that so many crimes are taking place based on shootings that fall under Gun Control. Gun Control has been the highest topic the whole US is talking about. However, nothing is being done no matter how many crimes happen. Weapon rights in America have been at the center of wrangling for almost a number of decades, and this is...
4 Pages 1640 Words

Rosa Parks' Significance to Civil Rights

According to Kevin Kruse, (www.forbes.com), a leader has nothing to do with seniority or one’s position in the hierarchy of a company. It has nothing to do with titles. Just because someone has a lower title, does not mean they are anything lower than everyone else. Anyone can be a leader, whether they are a child, adult, or elderly person. They could be in your place of worship, your neighborhood, your family, or even in your local grocery store. The...
4 Pages 1623 Words

Family Structure Changes: Historical vs Contemporary

Within this essay, I will discuss the main historical and contemporary social changes which have occurred in family life. Family structure has shifted, as in previous years couples tended to cohabit after marriage with children following shortly after, now things have changed as there is a rise in divorce rates and a decline in marriage. According to David Morgan (1999), family represents a constructed quality of human interaction or an active process rather than a thing like an object of...
3 Pages 1578 Words

Challenging Motherhood in 'We Need to Talk About Kevin'

Many texts often explore androcentrism and are repressive in relation to women, perpetuating ultimately degrading representations of women and assigning cultural constructs of gender roles. As H. Bertens writes in ‘Literary Theory: The Basics’, women are traditionally seen with “helplessness and renouncing all ambition and desire”, where “female independence…gets a strongly negative connotation”. However, Lionel Shriver’s ‘We Need to Talk About Kevin’ ultimately seeks to subvert and challenge these representations of women in the form of motherhood, exploring how a...
4 Pages 1619 Words

Theme of Motherhood in Toni Morrison’s Novel ‘Beloved’'

Toni Morrison’s ‘Beloved’ revolves around Sethe, a former slave who lives in a haunted house at 124 Bluestone Road. Sethe’s past is complicated: her two sons abandoned her, and her house is haunted by an abusive ghost that everyone believes is the spirit of Sethe’s dead daughter. As the book furthers, it is released that Sethe herself killed her daughter, Beloved. As Beloved reintegrates herself into Sethe’s life, Sethe’s maternal instincts are portrayed and change drastically throughout the novel. Due...
3 Pages 1577 Words

Difficult Path of Immigrants in Search of 'Home': Critical Essay

When you think of home, what do you think of? Some people may say they think of their childhood home, a specific city, a gym, a library, or maybe even social media. Others, however, might say that it is wherever your heart feels the most love. The truth is that how we define home is different for everybody. Home can be anywhere you want it to be. But sometimes, that’s not always the case. Often, when people of different races,...
3 Pages 1570 Words

Covid-19 Pandemic: Importance of Helping Others - Informative Essay

16 October, 2020 was supposed to be the year for change to occur and for everyone to have a chance at a fresh start. Unfortunately, 2020 only lived up to the first part of that statement, and it wasn’t anywhere close to the change we were expecting. Two articles that I believe are relevant to what is going on in today’s world are ‘Deeply Affected by the Pandemic, Youth Are Committed to Helping Others’ by Kristian Lundberg and Rey Junco...
3 Pages 1560 Words

Gender Construction in Mass Media

The media has an enormous effect on cultures, shaping social structures and influencing people across the globe. Some media platforms have grown to become dominant and have played a huge role in constructing gender and generalized norms of gender roles. Advertising, television shows, movies, even the news has formed display codes that are associated with characterizing female and male attributes. These codes help shape the way we view gender and it helps in determining what is acceptable and unacceptable for...
4 Pages 1637 Words

Faith and Helping Others as Dorothy Day's Two Loves: Critical Essay

Dorothy Day was a writer and activist who later in life converted to Catholicism. She enjoyed helping people and bringing faith into the lives of others. According to Dorothy, faith was the most important thing for a human being to have, and it is what gives life purpose. She had a strong belief that one can't obtain the 'richness of life' without some form of faith. One aspect of faith that was crucial to her beliefs and her life was...
3 Pages 1551 Words

Can Identity Change Over Time: Persuasive Essay

Each year world’s population spend billions of dollars on self-improvement books, workshops, coaching, and stress-management programs to be superior, more tolerant, viable, compassionate, and charismatic version of themselves. But besides the speculations on what drives individuals to alter, there is a more crucial point argued by psychologists: can identity indeed be changed over time? There are often great hypotheses, but what does it mean in real life? Personal identity is the concept you develop about yourself that advances throughout your...
3 Pages 1612 Words

Fate and Our Uncontrollable Life: Narrative Essay

Introduction Fate is an idea that is as old as society itself. Destiny and free will are two mysterious threads that run through people's lives. Philosophers, writers, and scholars have been interested in this topic for thousands of years. These writings try to explain the complicated relationship between the planned paths of our lives and the choices we make. Fate is often thought of as an unseen force that controls the world. This makes us think deeply about how much...
5 Pages 1565 Words

Totalitarianism and Communism, Is It Still Occurring to This Day?

In the story ‘1984’, it discusses this dystopia that the author, George Orwell, believes will eventually become a reality. The government, also is known as Big Brother, watches everyone in the city of Oceania and controls everything everyone does. The government decides where people live, work, what they eat, what they drink, who they can have babies with, etc. The Party had created a language called Newspeak. Newspeak is the official language of Oceania. The main character, Winston, is an...
4 Pages 1639 Words

The Royal Navy during the 18th and 19th Centuries

Between 1763 and 1914, it can be considered that the Royal Navy did not change. Since the end of the Seven Years’ War in 1763, which ultimately led to the beginning of the American War for Independence, the Royal Navy kept a constant role based on the uses for expedition, trade and militarism. The Navy kept up its role for the 151 years of the period to the extent that Britain’s involvement in World War I in 1914 was due...
3 Pages 1587 Words

Vikings' Legacy in Modern Society

There is a diversity of many different cultures all around the world. My roots are from Europe West countries such as Belgium, France, Germany, and Switzerland, as well as Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. My background of my culture is linked to the Vikings. The Vikings have been explorers and raiders of different countries during the Middle Ages. The Vikings’ attribution of the culture in the past of religion, values, art, and gender roles can contribute to our perception in today’s...
4 Pages 1629 Words

Display of Human Remains as a Highly Controversial Issue

Human remains have been displayed in public places for thousands of years, and the display of the remains takes place in many different cultures. Despite this, the excavation and display of human remains has always been and still remains a highly controversial issue. Human remains are the remnants of once-living people and therefore they have a significance in all human societies. As a result of this, what is considered to be respectful treatment of the remains varies greatly between different...
3 Pages 1571 Words

Raymond Carver's 'Cathedral': Beyond Eyes Can See

'Cathedral' is a short story written by Raymond Carver. The story develops an ironic situation in which a blind man gives a sighted man an eye-opening experience. The story beautifully depicts the process of an individual who transforms from this unknowledgeable, ignorant being, into a knowledgeable soul. When we read the story, we can see that the narrator, the sighted man, is more insensible to the eye light and powerless to perceive with his senses. His blindness is not physical,...
3 Pages 1599 Words

Perspectives on the Relationship between the Individual and Society

Liberal, Marxist, and nationalist perspectives are often described as contrary to one another in their beliefs of the relationship between the individual and society. In this essay, I will show that through these differences, though with slight underlying agreements, liberalism has been the most successful in predicting a relationship between the individual and society. I will first explore each of their basic, normative, understandings of human nature; then how society will, foundationally, organize in line with these basic understandings; and...
4 Pages 1585 Words

Is Torture Justified When It Used for National Security?

In considering whether torture is justified when used for national security, I will use several arguments in this essay. The first is that it is an unreliable source. Despite torture being repulsive and illegal, the technique is often used for gathering information which many people think it makes it just. Many people use the ‘ticking time bomb, reference when defending torture, stating that to torture one individual to get information that could potentially save hundreds is lawful and justifiable. However,...
3 Pages 1579 Words

Ginger and Its Benefits

Ginger is a root vegetable this is featured in a lot of cultural cuisines as a spice and well-being meals. It's in the similar circle of relatives as turmeric, which we have now additionally reviewed. Historically, ginger has been used for the remedy of low-level nausea and dizziness. It has additionally won a name as a testosterone booster inside health circles, when implemented in relatively-large amounts. This paper will talk about the clinical proof for the makes use of ascribed...
4 Pages 1623 Words

Eminem and His Moral Responsibility as a Famous Singer

“Look. If you had… One shot, or one opportunity. Would you capture it? Or just let it slip?”. Does it familiar to you? Does it remind you anyone? This was a part of Eminem’s famous song, ‘Lose Yourself’. His stage name ‘Eminem’ was formed from the sound ‘M and M’, which referring the initials of his true name ‘Marshall Mathers III’. The album featuring the song ‘Lose Yourself’ ranked the first on the US Billboard 200 Albums Chart that year...
4 Pages 1647 Words

Why You Should Get a Dog: Persuasive Essay

My son started asking me for a dog when he was 5 years old. I had the perfect excuse to deny his wish: 'We live in an apartment. Maybe when we get a house.' Soon his pleas were reinforced by the ones of his little sister, who also asked for a pet. I didn't see how we could have one. It's not that they showed any incredible affection towards animals they were even afraid of them! I couldn't risk a...
4 Pages 1612 Words

Why I Want to Be an Army Officer: Personal Statement

Introduction My name is Divyajyoti Swain and I was born on 18th January 2002 at the Military Hospital in Danapur, Bihar. Even though I originally belong to Odisha, due to my father’s natural job, I was born in Bihar. I was a C-section born as there were some complications during my birth which led to some painful procedures for my mother. I had always wanted a sibling and my sister was born three years later in 2005. I have been...
3 Pages 1576 Words

African American Influence on Civil War

How did Africans begin to conceptualize unity in thought and action beyond “National” boundaries in the face of European and American imperialism? This question goes over the move from slavery in the western hemisphere, the artificial lines that were drawn across Africa by European colonialists and how they came to be, as well as how the African diaspora came to be and how the people used their similarities to understand each other and create international relationships in opposition to their...
4 Pages 1616 Words

Impact of Exploration and Colonization on Native Peoples

The success of England and France’s colonies in the New World and their interactions with Native Americans reflected each country’s motives for colonization. Both colonial powers strived to profit from trading New World commodities and spread their brand of Christianity. England and France shared similar goals for colonization but had different motivations. The New England colonies and New France are examples of how different motivations for colonization can shape their interactions with Native Americans. In New France, native Americans were...
4 Pages 1616 Words
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