1700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Benito Mussolini and Fascist Italy

Leading up to World War I Italy had formed an alliance with the Central Powers, with the German Empire and the Empire of Austria-Hungary, in the Triple Alliance. Italy would’ve fought on the side of the Central Powers when the war broke out in August 1914, but instead declared neutrality. Italy realized that its alliance with Central Powers will not help gain territories she wanted as they were Austrian possessions. Over the course of few months, Italy realized that its’...
4 Pages 1650 Words

Story about My Grandmother

My grandma was brought into the world in a teepee tent in 1925. She had a twin sister that kicked the bucket in her youth because of entanglements upon entering the world. My grandma was the oldest of sixteen kids. Life was hard growing up. As the oldest kin it was her obligation to assist with dealing with her more youthful kin. She was brought into the world on the island of Old Post Rae, a northwestern region, where wild...
4 Pages 1727 Words

People and Physics of First Supersonic Flight

If someone would have told us, more than 70 years ago, that could travel faster than the speed of sound, we’d nod our heads in disbelief and laugh. I mean, think about it. - Breaking the sound barrier is as mind-boggling as superman’s ability to defy gravity. But what if I told you, that a man achieved the impossible right before the 1950s? So, who is this guy? How did he manage to travel faster than the speed of sound?...
4 Pages 1701 Words

Art Of War: Leadership Skills of Sun Tzu for All Times

Throughout history leadership is perhaps one of the most widely conversed subjects. For good reason, the art of leadership has been synonymous with success. Gilgamesh, Odysseus, Alexander, Hannibal and Caesar. All these names fill ancient stories alongside dramatic heroics that have perhaps grown just a little embellished with time. Fictional or real, these stories are all about leaders. Heroics, leadership and victory, all are vital to these ancient depictions. The Art of War is no different, while the book hardly...
4 Pages 1713 Words

Psychological Implications of Death Attitudes: Anxiety and Acceptance

This study involves exploring the two different ways on how people react to the idea of death: anxiety and acceptance and how it affects an individual’s perception taking into consideration the association of age, gender, and religiosity. The following theories and concepts are used to explain this behavior: The Death Anxiety Scale and Death Acceptance Scale; Three-component Model of Death Acceptance; Wong’s components of death anxiety; Terror Management Theory; Existential Theory. Death anxiety and death acceptance are the two theoretically...
4 Pages 1716 Words

Physical and Cultural Anthropology: Analytical Overview

Physical Anthropology When our species first evolved we have experienced transition some changes were universal, while others were essentially more national. The noticeable shifts in global populations include a reduction in both the average body size and brain size, as well as a decline in the proportions of the jaw and the tooth. In response to different climates and lifestyles, regional populations have developed various physical and genetic characteristics. Smaller bodies Generally speaking, we are shorter, thinner, and smaller boned...
4 Pages 1736 Words

Implementing Creativity in Early Years

Before exploring why creativity should be fostered within early years, it is important to first define what creativity is. Then, it will be possible to state how the Northern Ireland curriculum attempts to implement creativity within the early years to help children develop and grow. Thirdly, I aim to acknowledge the benefits of fostering creativity and how and why it is essential in helping a child to develop and learn life skills. My final task will be to highlight any...
4 Pages 1731 Words

My School Carnival Essay

Conducting a Carnival in My School This written guide details the design and organization required to conduct a school-based Athletics Carnival. An Athletics Carnival consists of track events (running races) and field events (throwing and jumping). Competitive track and field events comprise the following sports disciplines: Track Events Sprints, Relays & Endurance races Field Events High Jump & Long Jump Discuss Javelin There may also be the inclusion of warming-up drills, games or novelty events, modified events, or team variations...
4 Pages 1748 Words

Legacy of Lyndon B. Johnson: Analytical Essay

History is the study of past events, which can be told us through books, newspapers, artifacts, and even recordings of conversations. Having record of historical events allows us to understand past events and keep ourselves from making the same mistakes. Russell B. Long the Democratic senator of Louisiana during 1966 suggested to President Johnson that he record his conversations so that his words can be directly relayed to the people . “As it turns out, President Johnson did have their...
4 Pages 1661 Words

Leadership and the Army Profession: Essay

Training is an essential element of any military organization. One military organization, in particular, is the Army. Training helps the commander to assess the level of competitiveness within the units and to determine the improvements necessary to make the unit become more efficient. The unpredictability of the environment in which the Army fights is a complex factor that needs to be taken into consideration during all Army fights. While the current fight is in the Middle East, Afghanistan or Iraq,...
4 Pages 1713 Words

Impact of Dyslexia on Learning: Analytical Essay

Introduction According to the Learning Disabilities Association of America, (LDA) learning disabilities affect more than three million people a year. Thirty-five percent of those 3 million people receive services for their specific learning disabilities. Dyslexia is a specific learning disability (SLD). About 5-10 percent of Americans have some types of symptoms of dyslexia (LDA,2019). Dyslexia is often mistaken for just a reading problem. According to Hudson et al., dyslexia is actually more of an effect on a person's spelling and...
4 Pages 1738 Words

Development of Trends in the Discipline of Fashion Design

When one mentions the discipline of fashion design, what often comes to mind is aesthetic appeal and garment construction. Hence, it may seem unlikely that a scientific concept, namely the theory of evolution, would have any place in this discipline. However, the key principles of the superconcept of evolution, namely: variation, natural selection and environmental adaption, might be useful in understanding the patterns and development of fashion design that exists in our society today. The postulation that “a concept, arising...
4 Pages 1695 Words

Colorism Essay

Colorism Throughout the World Thomas Jefferson once said, “The first difference which strikes us is that of color. (Tharps 1),” I would say that there is truth to this quote. The sad thing about it is that some people have created a “standard” of what they deem acceptable based on this difference in skin color. Why? Where did the idea come from? Colorism is a form of discrimination and a result of racism, but it goes even deeper than that....
4 Pages 1699 Words

Essay on Deconstruction Analysis of an Environmental Policy Claim

The Claim In 2017, the Trump Administration's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) overturned the ban on the use of chlorpyrifos, which was its own proposed decision two years before. In 2014, EPA revised the human health risk assessment of chlorpyrifos and offered evidence on the harmful effects of this pesticide on children's health. Based on these findings, in 2015, EPA proposed to revoke all tolerances for chlorpyrifos and cancel all registrations for it since 'the agency is unable to conclude that...
4 Pages 1696 Words

British Monarchy Essay

To what extent is the Monarchy still relevant and influential in contemporary British society? Over time, we have seen changes in the cultural, sociolinguistic and even political fields. Regarding this latter, that the perception we now have of a liberal and democratic society is much different from the one we used to have more than 150 years ago cannot be denied (Tyrrill, 2018). However, as Tyrrill (2018) suggests, a novelist, broadcaster and commentator on royal affairs, the perception of the...
4 Pages 1748 Words

Analytical Overview of Marwick and Boyd’s Ethnography

Alice E Marwick and Danah Boyd (pg.1052, 2014) research into social media and privacy sought to question and understand the societal assumption that “teenagers don’t care about privacy”. Through conducting semi-interviews as part of a wider ethnographic experiment, Marwick and Boyd were to a great extent successful in combining a variety of research methods to not only understand how young people conceptualize privacy but constructing their 'networked privacy theory' that challenged mainstream privacy theories. However, the objectivity and validity through...
4 Pages 1699 Words

Analytical Essay on Eating Disorders: Causes and Effects

In modern times, it is commonly believed that eating disorders are a trend or a lifestyle choice. However, as defined by Ranna Parekh (2017), “eating disorders are actually illnesses in which the people experience severe disturbances in their eating behaviors and related thoughts and emotions”. In fact, these eating disturbances are related to the insufficient or excessive food intake that eventually has a negative effect on human well-being (Jacquelyn Ekern, 2018). According to her claim, three most common types of...
4 Pages 1659 Words

Views on Society and Gender in The Woman Warrior: Analytical Essay

Compare Rhys’s narrator to Kingston’s with a view to society and gender. How is social critique related to point of view? What is the uniqueness of a female narrator? Why is important that the narrator has to be a female? Prior to reading Jean Rhys’ short story and Maxine Hong Kingston’s autobiography, it would appear to me that most intriguing part would be their narrative forms. Therefore, this essay will present those different views on female narrators relate to their...
4 Pages 1728 Words

Affirmative Action in Admissions Decisions

Introduction As much as a campus is built with the brick and mortar of physical structures and buildings, it is also built through the composition of its student body. Admission decisions have a critical and distinctive role in establishing diversity and inclusion on college campuses (Winkle-Wagner & Locks, 2014). For this reason, it is imperative that the University establish use of affirmative action policies within the configuration of admissions decisions. This is not to suggest that qualified applicants be rejected...
4 Pages 1673 Words

Theories of Personal Identity: Discursive Essay

In this paper, I shall attempt to discuss personal identity and the different theories of personal identity. I shall make the particular case of the Cartesian theory, and provide a refutation against the soul theory, and a counter-refutation to the same from Indian philosophical thought. Personal identity theory is a philosophical investigation into the concept of self. Decoding the problem of personal identity means exploring the concept of the persistence of “entities”. Truthmaker theory establishes a link between the truth...
4 Pages 1736 Words

Comparison of Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been and Smooth Talk

The belief of valuing a human’s life may be inherent and unequivocal by most people. Nevertheless, there are people in the world that do not acknowledge the importance of one’s life and choose to be careless over the fact and proceed to take advantage of anyone, regardless of the consequences. These types of people were either taught not to value humanity at birth or elect to treat others as objects or use them as pawns to further their own personal...
4 Pages 1747 Words

Role of Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird

Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird has a wide assortment of topics and messages. She presents subjects like depression, and partiality and shows a great deal of character improvement. In this paper I will take a gander at the topic of appearance versus reality all through the novel, additionally the minor characters, for example, Boo Radley, are the clearest case of this topic, as these are characters that we come to discover are not in any manner as they appear...
4 Pages 1679 Words

Robinson Crusoe Versus Heart of Darkness: Comparative Analysis

How do Defoe and Conrad explore the consequences of British Colonialism in Robinson Crusoe and Heart of Darkness? Harold Bloom, Sterling Professor of Humanities at Yale, once wrote that Joseph Conrad had a “unique propensity for ambiguity”. Examining Heart of Darkness, it’s not difficult to understand why he might think so. Upon first glance, both main texts discussed in this essay appear to be dated and racist accounts of colonial expansion, rife with xenophobia and bigotry. However, looking closer, examining...
4 Pages 1685 Words

Multiculturalism As a Dangerous Ideology: Analytical Essay

The notion for multiculturalism has been shifting for and against the legal and political alteration of ethnic minorities around the world. Since its first proposal during the late 1980s, there was public pressure for increased recognition and adjustment of ethnic diversity through legislation and policies. Multiculturalists viewed earlier ideas of nations as corrupt and began to introduce acceptance and better understandings of one another. However, since the end of the 20th century, there has started to see a major retreat...
4 Pages 1698 Words

Meaning of Invisibility: Critical Analysis of Invisible Man

In an interview Ellison had in Paris in 1954 he was asked whether identity is primarily an American theme, and he answer was: “it is the American theme. The nature of our society is such that we are prevented from knowing who we are. It is still a young society,, and this an integral part of its development.” And that what is his first and last novel “Invisible Man” is about. The novel is about the search one’s identity as...
4 Pages 1699 Words

Language Autobiography: Essay on Speaking English

“Immigrants should speak English in their own homes to help prevent 'schizophrenic' rifts between generations of their families as almost a third of British Asian speak only their native language”. It is ironic that David Blunkett is demanding immigrants to speak English, yet in my household the language English was not allowed. Despite having a father born and raised in London and a mother who was fluent in multiple languages including English, the presence of English was not in my...
4 Pages 1739 Words

John Steinbeck’s Novel The Grapes of Wrath: Critical Reader's Review

John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath (1939) is a novel that explores and highlights the modern gender roles of his generation, it is also one which portrays Steinbeck's modernized ideology towards the traditional patriarchal system during a time of great change. The proletarian novelist displayed his ability to perfectly portray the hardships faced during his experience of The Great Depression, allowing his readers to experience it through the eyes of his detailed and vivid Characters. During the depression there was...
4 Pages 1701 Words

Issues of Superstitions: Illiteracy and Cultural Relativism

Introduction “Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.” ― Bertrand Russell, Unpopular Essays Superstitions usually give a negative vibe, since most of them talk about “bad luck” and about things we shouldn’t do. I don’t agree with Bertrand Russell when he says that “Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty” since fear isn’t the main reason...
4 Pages 1706 Words

Inclusion and Exclusion In Terms Of ‘Citizenship': Analytical Essay

Introduction Citizenship is a multifaceted term that evokes respective emotions and bestows certain privileges and restraints on the inhabitants of a land. The widely excepted term for citizenship is “the state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen” and a citizen is defined as the “character of an individual viewed as a member of society; behavior in terms of the duties, obligations, and functions of a citizen” (citizenship, 2019). Citizenship also has many aspects in...
4 Pages 1690 Words

Importance of Data in Marketing and Advertising: Analytical Essay

Data is a material gathering and storage agent, to evaluate the activities of the present and the future of an event or situation. Data is used by organizations or individuals, to comprehend and observe the activities of consumers. It is about gathering facts according to certain needs or characteristics by the individual or organization carrying out the information gathering. Data is also used for business information collection to evaluate the employee growth in the organization and the perception of the...
4 Pages 1709 Words
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