Early Life and Education of Dorothy Miles Deaf activist and poet, Dorothy Miles was born on August 19th, 1931 in North Wales, United Kingdom (Dorothy). Dorothy was the youngest of five and was very close to her parents throughout her life. She passed away at age sixty-one in January 1993 (Dorothy). Dorothy’s first language was English; it was not until she was eight years old that she became ill with cerebrospinal meningitis that left her deaf (Heffernan). Before she came...
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1682 Words
1.1 Introduction Every child is unique. Every child has the right to develop fully. But, the day-to-day tasks which can be done by a normal child take more time for the differently abled or not at all. It can be said that children with disabilities have a long history of being neglected, discriminated against, pity, excluded, and marginalized as a group. According to estimates, there are around 93 million children with disabilities in the world although the numbers could be...
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1658 Words
Abstract The major and challenging process of Swine Flu confirmation has promoted attempts to model it with the use of circulant triangular fuzzy numbers. In this paper, calculate the Six different indications using occurrence relationship (Ro) and conformability relationship (Rc) based on expert medical reports and analysis of related patients with Swine Flu and present some operations on circulant triangular fuzzy numbers matrices (TFNMs). The first row of the circulant(TFNMs) play important role in this study. Key Words: Triangular fuzzy...
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1673 Words
The movie that I decided to do for my character analysis paper is one of Walt Disney’s Classics: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. In Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, there is a queen who wishes for a child with great beauty. Not too long after, she has a beautiful daughter with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony, and she is named Snow White. The queen dies giving birth,...
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Online education witnessed rapid growth over the past decade. According to The Canadian Digital Learning Research Association (2018), more than two-thirds of Canadian higher education institutions offer online courses. In 2018, roughly one in five Canadian students are taking at least one online course for credit. Furthermore, 74% of institutions expected online registration to increase in the future and almost all institutions mentioned that the main advantage of online education is improved students’ access. As a result of this growth,...
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1737 Words
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The Importance of Differentiating Hinduism and Buddhism Hinduism and Buddhism are two of the five major religions of the world today. Both are widely practiced and have lingered for centuries. There are numerous amounts of similarities and differences, as do all forms of religions. Some individuals may assume that Hinduism and Buddhism are the same religion with their names only being different. Behind every religion is a basic structure, and that structure can be notable or be abstruse to comprehend....
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1672 Words
The Career which I would like to obtain and currently pursuing is being a police officer or somewhere relatively in the same area, my goal is just to be in the law enforcement area of work. Now first I'll be talking about why being a police officer is a good job. When it comes to jobs what aspect do people look at to consider a job as “ a good job”? Normally the typical answer would be a government job...
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1659 Words
Introduction to Leadership Concepts Leadership has been an ever-changing notion for me. When I was younger, I always thought that being a leader was simply obtaining power over another individual but as I got older, I came to the realization that a true leader is someone who inspires others, helps them to achieve their full potential, sets realistic goals and achieves them, promotes values and visions, and someone who is able to see and identify when a change is needed....
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1697 Words
During the Great migration times, moving men had almost no open doors in their lives. These men made a trip from spot to spot with no family, no companions, and no home. Achieving the American Dream was the main thing that kept these men persuaded in existence with would like to one day accomplish them. In John Steinbeck's novel, Of Mice and Men, the author completes an extraordinary theme showing this thought by utilizing character's persuasive dimensions all through the...
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1701 Words
Introduction It’s 2022. As modern an era as it can get. Never before has life been so chaotic, challenging, and quick-moving. On one hand, modern life stands on the pinnacle of comfort and happiness; on the other, it is fraught with the many tensions and anxieties that come with advancement. For some, it might be the generic tensions encompassing life such as rent, utility bills, work, etc., and for others, the traffic and stress of living in big cities. Stress...
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1665 Words
Introduction “Freedom contains the mystery Of the world. God wanted Freedom, and from this came the The tragedy of the world”. -Nikolai Berdyaev. The word freedom seems to be the simplest word, but it contains a lot of mysteries and struggles inside it. Even though freedom meaning is simple to define but the concept in actuality is hard to exercise. From my perspective, freedom is a state of being free in terms of control, choice, and constraint. Freedom for me...
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1714 Words
Escaping the Prison of Marriage In Kate Chopin's 'The Story of an Hour', Mrs. Mallard is the wife of Mr. Mallard. It is believed Mr. Mallard is dead due to an accident with a train. Josephine, Mrs. Mallard's sister, and Richards, a family friend, tell Mrs. Mallard talks about her husband's fate gently because she has a heart condition. Afterward, she locks herself in her room to grieve and begins to have a conversation with herself. She refers to her...
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1725 Words
Ways of Thinking What is a philosophy and why is it important? Philosophy is a way that can get people to think and ask questions about things. Many philosophers have come up with their own beliefs and ideas. What makes philosophy interesting and great is that anyone can participate in it and that everyday people will use it without even realizing it. Philosophy can be an interesting subject because it is around people asking questions and forming their own ideas...
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1650 Words
Historical Context and Prevalence of Animal Testing Is it morally right to progress in health and medicine? Would killing an animal with society’s own bare hands be right? Animal testing is when a scientific experiment is undergone by an animal that might cause them pain or suffering. Experiments go back to the Ancient Greeks with Aristotle, a well-known Greek philosopher, and Erasistratus who is known for being an anatomist and physician. In the United States alone, over ten million animals...
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1748 Words
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Safety Precautions among Laboratory Tech Abstract Background: The technicians that are working in the medical laboratories are exposed to various health hazards like infectious clinical samples & infectious waste, toxic chemicals, and fire & electrical hazards. It is important for laboratory workers to be aware of the potential hazards and ensure safety in practices. Carelessness, negligence, and unsafe practices may result in serious injuries, not only to the individual but to co-workers and patients as...
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1717 Words
The Living Lie of Asian Americans Did you know that there is a common stereotype about how if you are an Asian American, you are smarter and have a better life than the rest of the races in society? This stereotype is what Ronald Takaki proves wrong in his essay, The Harmful Myth of Asian Superiority. The title of Takaki’s essay has a dark meaning to it. My understanding of this title is that the dominance of the Asian American...
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Mental Health in Asian American Women Throughout the subpopulation of Asian American women, many of them suffer from mental health challenges, however, this is a population that is often overlooked in society due to their reputation of being over-achievers and highly successful academically. Asian American women suffer from numerous mental health disorders and this population requires more attention due to the underutilization of mental health services that are sought out by them compared to other ethnic groups in America. This...
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1691 Words
Question 1 In the Sex Crime, Offenders & Society book, chapter 4 goes over a couple of possible theories for sex offending. Out of all theories the book highlights, I believe Neutralization or Drift theory best explains sex offending the best. Neutralization or Drift theory explains that offenders are not deviant, but rather they drift out into reoffending by applying specific rationalizations. The chapter goes over what are cognitive distortions and rape myths as it supports the theory neutralization/drift. Cognitive...
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1716 Words
Work organization and society 1. In recent years companies like Google and Innocent have tried to implement ‘fun’ corporate cultures. Assess the pros and cons of such organizational cultures for workers and organizations. Google and Innocent have tried to implement ‘fun’ corporate cultures in their organizations which has both pros and cons for workers and organizations. There are so many perks of working at Google. Workers get unparalleled advantages. Pros of ‘fun’ corporate culture In organizations which practices fun corporate...
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1690 Words
Introduction: Ethics is considered one of the branches of philosophy, it was created to defense, systemize, recommend the concepts that concerned with correct and wrong behavior. It attempts to find solutions to resolve some issues that are related to human morality, through differentiation between concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime. (Anscombe and Elizabeth, 1981). Ethics has discipline applied in many specialized fields, such as engineering ethics, public service ethics, bioethics, business...
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1657 Words
Q1 “Egyptian Competition Authority (ECA) has announced evidence of collusion in poultry market.” What is collusion? How does it affect supply, demand, production, and prices (show its impact)? What is ECA? What is the case of poultry market in Egypt (give a brief)? The Egyptian Competition Authority (ECA) has been established in 2005. Its objective is the protection of competition and the prevention of monopolistic practices to ensure free entry and exit from the market and provides the competitors with...
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1671 Words
Introduction This section provides an overview of the study. It includes background of the study, statement of the problem, research objectives, and research questions, scope of the study, significance of the study and justification of the study. Conceptual framework and definition of terms are also included in this section. Background of Study The financial institutions like banks are the most important sector in the development of the country’s economy as they serve as an essential tool for administering excess funds...
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1702 Words
Bail is nowhere stated under this code though the word bailable offenses and non-bailable offenses are defined under Sec 2a of this code. According to Black's Law Dictionary, bail is a process to release a person from legal custody by undertaking that he/she will have to appear at the time of the trial in the court. As defined under the Oxford Dictionary defines bail as a short-term release of an individual who is waiting for his hearing and getting that...
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Executive Summary AT&T, Inc. (NYSE: T) has agreed to acquire Time Warner, Inc. (NYSE: TWX) in a deal valued at $85.4 B for a combination of cash and AT&T stock. The blockbuster merger between the two giants was completed on June 15, 2018. As a result, AT&T issued 1,185M shares of common stock and paid $42.5B in cash; net debt from Time Warner, amounting to $180.4B. For each share of Time Warner, a shareholder is entitled to $53.75 of cash...
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1713 Words
Introduction On President George W. Bush’s two hundred thirty-third night as Commander in Chief, he addressed our nation from the White House Oval Office in response to the horrendous acts committed on September 11th, 2001 that ended the lives of two thousand nine hundred ninety-seven Americans. In that address, President Bush stated: “The search is underway for those who were behind these evil acts” (Bush, 2001) and just nine days later, on September 20th, President Bush officially announced to the...
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The English word law has its starting point in the Old Norwegian word truly signifying “set down” which may allude both to something saw as a characteristic wonder, for example, the sun rising and setting each day, or to a lead set by people for controlling their shared conjunction. Henceforth, two sorts of laws might be recognized, to be specific, engaging and prescriptive ones. The previous depict how something carries on, the last endorse how one ought to carry on,...
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A zoo is a place where animals live in captivity and are put on display for people to view. The word “zoo” is short for “zoological park.” Zoos contain wide varieties of animals that are native to all parts of the Earth. Though people have kept wild animals for thousands of years, those collections have not always resembled modern zoos. The first zoos were created as private collections by the wealthy to show their power. These private collections were called...
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There were 158 million Americans who voted in the past 2020 election but only 538 votes decided our next president. The Electoral College was established in our Constitution in 1804 and was created by the Founding Fathers. The way the system works is there are 538 electoral votes among all the 50 states and it takes 270 votes for a candidate to win. We the people do not vote directly for the president but we are voting for a group...
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Electricity is one of the most efficient forms of energy that has powered human societies. An increasing percentage of global energy production is being converted to electrical energy for consumption over the last century. From 2% of fossil fuel energy being converted to electrical energy in 1900 to 10% by 1945, the 2000s saw as much as 25% of fuel energy being converted (Smil, 2017). The 21st century also marked an increased awareness and concern over environmental degradation resulting from...
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Literature is one of the ways to express thoughts related to a particular issue or discuss people’s perspectives on it. Throughout all history of humanity, individuals have been trying to express their emotions and feelings by using the power of the word. Written texts, as the first potent tool to familiarize nations with various concepts, became a potent tool to impact society and trigger vigorous debates. That is why it is not surprising that the most relevant topics peculiar to...
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