Two of the casualties of Cultural Studies have been the author and history. In poststructuralist conversations, the author has become a construct, a historical curio of a simpler bygone age. If biography is discourse, then why take an author’s life and ideology seriously? Compounding the problem is the fact that we are lacking adequate biographies of many of the greats of Latin American literary history. A few years ago, while writing an introduction to an English translation of Ricardo Palma’s...
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1677 Words
This proposal aims to determine the necessity of water quality from the perspective of global health. For this refugee camp with 5,000 inhabitants, it is necessary to set up a safe water source that will enable access to 19,000 gallons per day through 50 community taps. The funding will be provided by the government and non-governmental organizations, in partnership with Lifewater. The performance evaluation will be facilitated through an assessment of refugee’s opinion and comparison of the existing resources with...
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In this research paper I will analyze the life and work of the composer George Gershwin. Gershwin was active in the early twentieth century writing musical comedies and operas, many of which were the product of the collaboration with his brother Ira. I hope to clarify the style of Gershwin, and also bring to light some of the events in his life that led to his being a successful composer. George Gershwin was born “Jacob Gershwine” on September 26, 1899...
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1692 Words
The Australian Great Barrier Reef is an ecosystem exhibiting the greatest heritage of natural resources and diversity of organisms on planet earth. The Great Barrier Reef exists along the northeastern coast of Australia and extends above the approximated distance of 2300 kilometers (Richards, p. 2). It has a wide variety of plants and animals that exist within its boundaries. Some of the species found therein include 2000 sponge species, and not less than 300 species of mollusk (Richards, p. 2)....
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The Great Barrier Reef is located off the east coast of the Queensland mainland, Australia with a latitude of -18.193182° N and longitude of 147.45079° E. The reef covers 344,400 square kilometres earning the title of world’s largest reef, containing 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 kilometres and over 2,900 individual reefs. (figure 1) The reef is under great threat due to environmental and human induced issues. One of these issues being the crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks which lead to the...
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1652 Words
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'The Sorrows of Young Werther' is a novel from the German Sturm und Drang and one of the most popular novels in the world history. It's an epistolary novel composed out of letters divided into two parts. The letters are from Werther to his friend Wilhelm in whom he seeks support. Mostly the book contains Werther's letters so we get the impression like we're reading a diary and Wilhelm's answers can be anticipated out of Werther's letters. Wilhelm tries to...
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1714 Words
Have we ever contemplated of how our society would be like without litter? We tend to throw any piece of trash at our disposal on the ground not thinking that, that small piece of trash finds other trash which later on builds up into piles of junk. Littering has become common in many cities around the world and if not stopped, our environment will be negatively affected by our own actions. I choose to write an argument on littering in...
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1706 Words
“Why Nations Fail” is a sweeping attempt to explain the gut-wrenching poverty that leaves 1.29 billion people in the developing world struggling to live on less than $1.25 a day. You might expect it to be a bleak, numbing read. It’s not. It’s bracing, garrulous, wildly ambitious and ultimately hopeful. It may, in fact, be a bit of a masterpiece. Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson, two energetic, widely respected development scholars, start with a bit of perspective: Even in...
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1704 Words
Public expenditure by government to offer services and social amenities and development programs is aimed at improving the overall welfare of the state. However, scarcity of resources results to government relying on borrowing publicly to augment the existing budget. From economic analysis, a unit increase in public expenditure by government increases the GDP of an economy by more than a unit. The economic phenomenon that creates this scenario is known as the multiplier effect. Therefore, governments borrow externally and/or internally...
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1658 Words
The Victorians saw poetry itself and its muses as feminine, making it doubly difficult for women to be authors of poems and so effectively silencing them . Christina Rossetti's contemporary female poets placed themselves outside of the sphere of male poetry by forging a unique discourse of their own from within the patriarchal form, but they were also bound by the assumptions and the expectations of the time. This gendering of poetry often trivialised women's writing, as poetry was 'too...
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1747 Words
This write up covers mostly the impact of the topics that we have learned in PM&C in our personal life and analysis of our strengths and weaknesses and goals. Patience of a person describes a person. A person who don’t have patience cannot be successful in life. I am a very patience person. I do my work with patience and in time. Because if you do you work fast then there will be a mistake but if you do your...
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1674 Words
The Paris Accord, which is a worldwide agreement among nations, is intended to counter the effects of climate change. Its primary purpose is to strengthen the international response to the dangers of this appalling effect by maintaining global temperature increments below 2 degrees Celsius (Falkner 1109). This move is aimed at enhancing the ability of countries to deal with effects associated with climate variations. Despite this Paris strategy being the first international common course to ratify ambitious efforts against pollution...
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1734 Words
A common source of intra-industry performance variations is pegged upon the differences in enterprises’ utilisation of organisational resources and capabilities (Spender, 1996; Teece et al., 1997). In the event that resources are valuable, rare, difficult to imitate, and seemingly non- substitutable – they could be a source of enterprise competitive advantage (Barney, 1991). An enterprise’s capability to effectively create, manage and exploit knowledge-based assets – represents one such a vital resource (Matusik & Hill, 1998). Thus, being a bundle of...
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1720 Words
Plath is considered to be one of the major voices writing about feminine subjects during the 1950s and the 1960s. This was a period when feminists started to acknowledge women’s oppression and the 2nd wave feminist movement began in the early 1960s. Within Plath’s collection of poems, Ariel, published in 1965, two years after her death in 1963, we see her adopt different personas, standpoints and tones. The speakers often begin oppressed and manipulated; their roles in society shaped by...
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1682 Words
As a consequence of this, women were far less represented in Ancient Greek society by a large degree, being unable to obtain any form of citizenship in their city-state – a right even freed slaves had could obtain – and were mainly restricted to their household to raise families. This lack of representation of women in Ancient Greek society was reflected in Greek poetry, as the plots poem often circled around men while the female characters were given little to...
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1653 Words
Born in Belfast, Robert Lynd moved to London when he was 22 and soon became a popular and prolific essayist, critic, columnist, and poet. His essays are characterized by humor, precise observations, and a lively, engaging style. Writing under the pseudonym of Y.Y., Lynd contributed a weekly literary essay to the New Statesman magazine from 1913 to 1945. 'The Pleasures of Ignorance' is one of those many essays. Here he offers examples from nature to demonstrate his thesis that out...
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1742 Words
The benefit that related-party transactions can offer is contracting efficiency. Related parties can help the businesses to overcome the disincentives or delays that often occur in negotiating contracts with third parties, perhaps with related transactions it could boost up the business operations especially those in the business of providing a variety of services. For instance, Hong Kong’s Yue Yuen Industrial (Holdings) Limited, maker of footwear and apparel for Nike and other brands contracted with Taiwan-listed Pou Chen Corporation also unlisted...
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1672 Words
Initially before any treatment held on, it is crucial to fully understand the patient’s chief complain and his/her desire from seeking a dental treatment in order to fulfill them. The success of treatment mainly relies on the patient’s satisfaction; therefore it is only possible through engaging the patient in decision-making process by visualizing the planned result in a 3D- wax-up and mock-up. Wax-up is a diagnostic procedure done by a well-trained and skilled dental technician, were the potential treatment outcome...
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1657 Words
During the fifth century BC, battles raged on land and at sea in a protracted and bloody conflict between the two leading city-states of ancient Greece: Athens and Sparta. On one side was the supreme naval power of Athens and on the other the dominant Spartan army, with each heading an alliance that involved nearly every single Greek state. The Peloponnesian War of 431-404 BC would reshape the Hellenic world. The pre-eminent account of the war was written by Thucydides,...
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1665 Words
The Great Barrier Reef is an extraordinarily diverse and complex network of organisms that each serve a purpose to form a massive ecosystem with features that are vastly different than all others. The Reef sits parallel to the cost of Queensland, Australia where it has existed in different forms for over 500,000 years. This paper will talk about how the reef formed, as well as what made the Reef what it is today, and what its biodiversity consists of, while...
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1727 Words
The consistent ethic of life provides a moral framework for principled Catholic engagement in political life and, rightly understood, neither treats all issues morally equivalent nor reduces Catholic teaching to one or two issues. It anchors the Catholic commitment to defend human life, from conception until natural death, in the fundamental moral obligation to respect the dignity of every person as a child of God. It unities us as a 'people of life and for life' pledged to build what...
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1674 Words
Even if none of the parties raises a claim of illegality in the course of arbitral proceedings, the tribunal might still be obliged to look into the issue sua sponte in light of its obligation to apply mandatory provisions of the law applicable to the dispute. For the arbitrators, criminal law is a mandatory rule of law. Under this scenario, tribunal’s obligation to investigate will be relevant in light of several considerations: jurisdiction, arbitrability, and enforceability of the final arbitral...
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1678 Words
Introduction to Bureaucracy in "The Trial" Written at the beginning of the 20th century “The Trial” depicts “the rise of bureaucracy, the power of law, and the atomization of the individual”, which are allegorically reflected in a story about Joseph K., a bank employee who is accused of unspecified crimes. This rather surreal and pessimistic narrative begins when two guards show up on K.’s 30th birthday and put him under arrest. Even though K. is allowed to continue living his...
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1706 Words
Harper Lee last spoke publicly about the book in the 1960s. She said that it is a universal theme and that it portrayed an aspect of civilization. Lee has made it clear that she wants absolutely nothing to do with the media. No matter what facts were brought up about Lee’s childhood she put her foot down when critics say the book is about her own childhood. Instead, Lee stated that the events in the book are just a representation...
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1658 Words
Mexicans were killed in Mexico in August 2011 when members of the Zetas drug cartel entered through the door of a Monterrey based casino and poured gasoline and set it on fire. Former Mexican President Felipe Calderón responded to the killing by condemning it as an “aberrant act of terror and barbarity.” Also, he later asserted that “it is evident that we are not faced with ordinary delinquents but by actual terrorists who know no boundaries.”[ Jennifer Gonzales, Mexico Offers...
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1679 Words
Benjamin Seebohm Rowntree’s 1899 study in York established that poverty could be measured through the use of a poverty line (Llewellyn, Agu and Mercer, 2015, p.44). The poverty line is defined as ‘a level of personal or family income below which one is classified as poor’ (Definition of poverty line, 2020). In 2017/18, after housing costs, 1.03 million people in Scotland were surviving below the poverty line (Overview of Poverty, 2019). There are different forms of poverty in Scotland, relative,...
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1655 Words
CDC defines TBI as a disruption in the normal function of the brain that can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or penetrating head injury. TBI is typically classified as focal (confined to a specific location), diffused (comprises a widespread area) or mixed injury (combination of both focal and diffused). Different aspects including TBI ethology, severity, brain region affected, and patient gender direct contribute to a unique brain pathology with a widely varying clinical outcome....
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1705 Words
An organisational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organisation. These activities can include power, roles, and responsibilities. The organisational structure also determines how information flows between levels within the company. For example, in a centralised structure, decisions flow from the top down, while in a decentralised structure, decision-making power is distributed among various levels of the organisation. There are many different structures and this depends on the...
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1693 Words
In The Haunting of Hill House Shirley Jackson demonstrates a strong depiction of oppression towards women. Jackson introduces the idea that women have a weaker mind and a tendency to act childish. This idea can be seen through the deteriorating mental health of the character, Eleanor. She tends to always resort to juvenile behavior throughout the novel. She is most likely to act immature because she lacks individuality and wishes she had her own. Her mother took away her individuality...
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1721 Words
“Covid-19 descended without a warning. We limited the number of lawyers, sanitized the courtrooms et al. However, access to justice cannot be suspended even if there is a lockdown”, - Justice D.Y. Chandrachud. Covid-19 being the most unprecedented situations of all time, has impacted not only country’s economy but the legal functioning as well. The problem lies with no statute, code, or ordinance being engrafted with an exception vis-à-vis a pandemic, which creates a state of conundrum that can only...
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