1700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Domestic Violence in Hong Kong: Sociological Perspective

The term ‘Sociological Imagination’ was proposed by C. Wright.Mills in the 50s. “The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relation between the two within society”. In brief, it is an ability to view and examine the world and to comprehend the connections and the interplays among individuals (private matters) and societies (social issues). Finding the latent ‘linkages’ to distinguish a problem to be a ‘private’ or ‘social’ one and resolve it. All the time, people...
4 Pages 1713 Words

Invalidity of Title IX in Relation to Women’s Athletics

Title IX - the best document for the progression of female athletics… more like the beginning of increased criticism, setbacks and discouragement for women in sports. Since Title IX, which states “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance”, became law the opportunities for women have exponentially grown in numbers. However,...
4 Pages 1672 Words

Compensation & Benefits in HR Management

Compensation and benefits refer to the benefits a firm provides to its employees in exchange for their labor. Compensation and benefits are thus a key part of human resource management. Compensation and Benefits is two different concepts. Compensation is the crucial part of every job. When every person receives a job offer, the first thing they look at is the salary. Whether the recruiter lists the wage as an hourly, weekly, monthly, or hourly rate, candidates see it as the...
4 Pages 1650 Words

Relationships as an Important Factor in College Life

This paper explores college students and relationships. During emerging adulthood relationships are important because previous research has shown that positive close relationships with peers correlate to how well they adapt in college, academic achievement, retention rates, and their well-being among other college students (Parade, Leekers, & E.M., 2009). Relationships are an important topic to study because they have been consistently associated with positive physical and mental health (Braithwaite, Delevi, & Fincham, 2010). This paper will explore the emotional, physical, cognitive,...
4 Pages 1693 Words

Cultural Variations in Asian American Views on Death

Our America is full of diversity and multiple ethnic groups, this is what makes us unique. How does this help us, if we do not understand the basics about each other? Everyone in healthcare needs to establish and understand their own cultural beliefs before trying to understand those of a different ethnic group. The purpose of this paper is to discuss cultural variations related to terminal illness, death and dying in the Asian American community. The paper discusses my beliefs...
4 Pages 1740 Words

Ethnic Diversity in New Zealand Education

Ethnic backgrounds are a form of diversity that is common in schools around New Zealand. New Zealand has been changing over the years and our communities are becoming more diverse as a result. An ethnic group can be described as people who share a common cultural ancestry and having a sense belonging in an identity group which shares extraordinary culture traits such as language, their historical backgrounds or traditions. The most common ethnic groups in New Zealand include Maori, Pakeha,...
4 Pages 1718 Words

Essay on the Impact of Internet Use on Youth

The progressive and transformation of technology through creativity, invention and innovation has made the entire world easy to access in any point one wishes to access from wherever he is. Thus, the Internet has made the world easy meeting point both in business, education, civilization and development. It has given people a leeway to do various activities while they are in their house without necessarily travelling to and from. Furthermore, the Internet plays a vital and important role in the...
4 Pages 1705 Words

Eyeglasses as One of the Greatest Inventions

The innate curiosity that humans possess have helped solve problems to a plethora of different issues for thousands of years. While curiosity will never be the sole instigator to some of the most infamous inventors in human history, it definitely played a significant factor in the critical thinking devoted to the mechanical and technological evolution that inventions need to keep a modern-day society functioning. An almost ancient creation that benefits more than half of the human race today is that...
4 Pages 1675 Words

Economic Inequality as an Inhibitor to Democratic Change

High levels of economic inequality have frequently been cited as a reason for why democracy may not be effective in a certain nation, or why democracy cannot prosper for long periods within a country. Democracy in this context is referring to a nation that holds free and fair elections with broad participation, along with a rule of law that contains checks and balances on power (Treisman, Lecture 1). Inequality can be determined using the Gini coefficient, a number between 1...
4 Pages 1660 Words

Essay on Negative Effects of Raising Minimum Wage

Most of exchanges of goods and services, in modern times, said to be dictated by the ‘law of supply and the law of demand’. The former being that as prices rise the greater the number of suppliers, willing and able to supply and the later, as price rise, the fewer the number of people willing and able to buy the good. The interaction of the two laws leads to the market equilibrium i.e. the point at which demand and supply...
4 Pages 1749 Words

Understanding the Main Aspects of Punjabi Culture

I was born in India to a Sikh family in the city of Amritsar, Punjab. My father was a businessman and my mother is a homemaker. I have three siblings. I spend my early childhood in Amritsar and moved to Ludhiana, Punjab from where I completed my formal education. I have done my graduation from Chandigarh University. From my parents I have learned to respect others and to help everyone which I am still following. I raised in a sitatution...
4 Pages 1717 Words

The Critical Look at eBay Politics Through Comparison with Amazon

Ebay made its debut in the late 90’s positioning itself to satisfy a consumer trend. Like many successful businesses, they focused heavily on the interests of their consumers. In the mid 90’s there was a stuffed animal called Beanie Babies, each had a cute name and biographical tags, telling you everything you needed to know about that inanimate stuffy. Up until this point there was only a website called “Ty”, which contained an online trading post where people could trade...
4 Pages 1696 Words

Comparison of Zara, Raymond, Indian Terrain, Tommy Hilfiger

Zara Zara could be a Spanish vesture and accessories complete and could be a extremely recognized complete of the Inditex cluster. Few vesture brands invariably update with the information of the most recent fashion and continue with it. they're of upper quality and nevertheless, affordable. Zara had ab initio started off as atiny low store in Espana and is currently the world’s largest merchant. Amancio solon, the founding father of Zara is that the fourth richest man within the world....
4 Pages 1701 Words

Crime through Sociological Imagination

According to C. Wright Mills (1959), the sociological imagination refers to the ability to understand that one’s own issues are not merely caused by one’s owns beliefs and thoughts, but by society and its structures. An issue that many people, including myself, face and are affected by daily is crime. According to the Oxford Dictionary (2019), crime is an action that is viewed as an offence and results in punishment by the law. According to Bhorat, Lilenstein, Monnakgotla, Thornton and...
4 Pages 1687 Words

Benefits of Using Active Learning Techniques in Education

From the grocery store to the workplace; negotiations and interactions with our peers happen every day. However, considering that not everyone has the same communication style or life situation, we must learn the appropriate social skills required to navigate these daily interactions and work collaboratively with our peers. Developing these social skills can be very difficult if all learning is done just from books, lectures, and absorbing only what is told to us by teachers; as theory always stays the...
4 Pages 1684 Words

Should Congress Have Term Limits? Essay

In today’s political climate, we can say that people have mixed opinions about this topic. Right now, in the Senate 63% of Senate officials are over 65 years old, bringing the total number of Senate officials over 65 to 21 members (Quorum 2019). The question is raised now, are these members of our government representing us? According to Quorum Analytics, in 2019 the oldest member of the House is Representative Conyers (Democrat), he is 87 years old and represent Michigan....
4 Pages 1683 Words

Essay on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the use of technology and machines to work and react in place of humans, conducting functions that were previously thought to require human reasoning and problem solving skills. That is the ideal definition at least. However, to this day, most AI applications have been only successfully programmed to carry out specific tasks or solve pre-defined problems. AI is not something new, but there have been significant advances made in the field these past few years. It...
4 Pages 1654 Words

The Uniqueness of the Malian Culture

The Mali Empire was established in 1235CE and is located in Western Africa along the Niger River (Nelson, 2019). Although the Mali Empire collapsed in the 1600s, the Malian culture still continues to live on today. It is known for its abundance in gold and salt mines (Nelson, 2019). It is also the second largest producer of cotton in Africa (Countries and their Cultures, n.d.). Mali proves to be one of the poorest countries today (Iexplore.com, n.d.), but values collectivism...
4 Pages 1678 Words

The Government Interference with Individuals’ Privacy on the Internet

Technological development has had a strong impact on the way society communicates particularly with its growth in the last few years. From the invention of the telegraph and the telephone to the advent of the internet, technology has given people the tools to not only keep in touch with each other but also express their feelings and opinions to a broader audience that would otherwise have been impossible. Since the first Internet transmission on October 29, 1969, we have been...
4 Pages 1651 Words

Science vs Religion in 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks'

Religion and science are two mutually incompatible subjects with unattackable opinions. The conflict between the two ideas have been debated for many years and continues on today. These two subjects are expansive on their ideas where faith and fact come into play when persuading someone to believe. Religion and science are two controversies that are displayed in ‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’ by Rebecca Skloot, where Skloot presents the understanding of faith and fact in the Lacks family. Religion...
4 Pages 1658 Words

Race in America: Du Bois, Hurston, Morrison's Works

Many authors explain being black and the issues of race in America differently. Authors like W.E.B Du Bois, Zora Neale Hurston, and Toni Morrison all use different types of narration, point-of view, and engagement with historical context to touch base with the issues of race in America. W.E.B Du Bois was a scholar and activist who became the first African American to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard University. Du Bois is most known for his writing and was a spokesperson...
4 Pages 1730 Words

Comparative Analysis of Organic Design and Art Nouveau

The products of organic design and Art Nouveau movement are catching my attention. I love the elements that those products used from the movement. I love those design products with nature style very much. Since I always think that nature is the artwork of God and they are really perfect. Also, I would like to learn some other features of different design elements. It is because my designs are always using some simple rectangular shape or some lines. I think...
4 Pages 1745 Words

NAACP v Alabama Case: Privacy Implications in US

Alabama during the 1950's tried to make the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People give up and surrender their lists which included member names and member addresses. The NAACP feared that if the identities of members were made public, then there would be a real dangerous risk for intimidation and threats to their membership. The NAACP also responded that might even be the reason the state of Alabama had in mind when attempting to get this personal information...
4 Pages 1709 Words

Generational Trauma as a Result of Native American Relocation

The Sioux Wars can be summed up as the heist of land and the theft of the way of life for indegeous Americans. Years of suffering and mistreatment on Native Americans lasted 100s of years.. Many others in the midwest area faced the same fate like Ho Chunk, Oneida, Menommine, Ojibwe and many more. The Trail of Tears is an example of blood shed from the relocation of Native Americans. To some people, these events are seen as missing links...
4 Pages 1680 Words

Mao Zedong as an Outstanding Leader in Chinese History

Introduction to Mao Zedong's Leadership Mao Zedong, the great leader and founding chairman of the People’s Republic of China, also Marxist, proletarian revolutiony, strategist and also theorist, the main founder of the communist party of China the people's liberation army. A half-century of revolution from the foundation of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 1921 to Mao’s death in 1976, also from the agriculture to the industrial era, economic development and social changes had made great impacts on China, while Mao...
4 Pages 1675 Words

Impact of Scientific Management on Contemporary Work Design

Scientific management is a reference to an approach that seeks to improve economic efficiency through the application of scientific principles to the work design in an organisation (Taylor, 1917). This theory, is also known as Taylorism - a homage to its founder Frederick Taylor, has its genesis in the industrial revolution in the United States. Despite the obsolescence of this approach to organisational design in the 1930s, some of its themes remain relevant in today’s modern workplace design. Some of...
4 Pages 1659 Words

Social Care in Ireland

In this assignment, I will define social care and its origin from different sources and authorities. I will talk about social care as a profession, its regulatory body, the skills and roles of its members. Finally, I will analyze the merits and demerits of the professionalization of social care in Ireland. Definition Social care is a profession committed to the planning and delivery of quality care and other support services for individuals and groups with identified needs (Share, 2013). Social...
4 Pages 1672 Words

Educated Unemployment: An Essay

Unemployment is a key financial marker since it flags the inability of employees to promptly acquire profitable work to add to the beneficial yield of the economy. The more unemployed people, the lesser economic production. Unemployed people also need to keep up in any event subsistence utilization during their time of unemployment. This implies the economy with high unemployment has lower yield without a corresponding decrease in the requirement for essential utilization. High, tenacious unemployment can bring trouble in an...
4 Pages 1711 Words

Hate Speech Legislation in Sri Lanka

Here in Sri Lanka, the response to recent communal riots was to temporarily ban social media. An extra-ordinary move indeed. We should ask ourselves whether it was Facebook that caused the riots in 1915, the 1970s, the 1980s. Or is it a convenient excuse to stifle criticism of the Government’s handling of the crisis and to ignore the root causes of these issues? The question of hate speech legislation has been revived in Sri Lanka following recent communal tensions in...
4 Pages 1681 Words

The Importance of Intellectual Property Protection

It is believed by many that copyright laws are counterproductive and it can hinder the creativity. However, I personally disagree with the idea and believe that the protection as intellectual property is significant to a well-functioning society as it inspires and encourages the production of new ideas and further works. The logic behind the expansion of copyright is straightforward. The television show, movie, newspaper or the music that we listen to, they are all copyrighted. Copyright spread through our lives...
4 Pages 1744 Words
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