Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible” is a fundamental example of social injustice when the citizens of Salem, Massachusetts. Citizens didn’t speak up for their neighbor for fear of being accused of being a witches themselves so, the kept their mouths shut. “The Crucible” identifies the reason the Salem witch trials of 1692 came into existence. Salem was settled by people who wanted to worship their own way without outside interference. The people of Salem’s had very strong religion beliefs, had...
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It is often pointed out that the word history is a conjunction of the words “his” and “story”, but from a modern point of view, it is quite obvious that women have had a profound impact in shaping history. Historically, within American culture, women have been oppressed and subjugated to conditions alike to slavery. And yet, even with these deterrents and obstacles, they have made American Society what it is today. In the early nineteenth century, as societies within the...
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Introduction Educational Services are considered as cyclical. When the economy is doing badly and unemployment is rising, the career predictions of working adults start to fall. This results in higher enrolment and increased profit at the schools. This system of education for young students is non-cyclical. Also some of the institutions perform actively to stimulate the economy. For example, IT department instructs for people’s benefit in good times so that they can boost their investment. There is more chance for...
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“The Company of Wolves” is a metaphorical, supernatural story derived from the original folktale of “Little Red Riding Hood.” Similar to the original tale, the story takes place next to a dangerous forest, where a pretty adolescent girl, who will be called Red, goes on a quest to deliver a basket of baked goods to her ill and aging grandmother. The story deviates from the original tale when the young girl runs into a handsome man, rather than a wolf,...
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Albert Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” This quote reflects a common feeling among many students. This feeling is by no means new. In 1901, the College Examination Board was created in the United States. They put in place standards for testing. The tests given would examine the knowledge of students in nine different subjects....
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Abstract: Postcolonial writing, by definition, is profoundly focused about the chronicles, regularly with retelling or re-evaluating the method used in post-colonial narratives that have been exhibited in western records (Ramone, J. 2013). Critical discourse analysis (CDA) can be described as an apparatus used to break down the spoken and composed writings to uncover the unrevealed philosophies. The reason for the exploration is the manner by which the writer has controlled the brain of individuals through the writing in short story...
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1708 Words
[bookmark: _Hlk27179602]The City of Kelsey has experienced a great amount of growth in the population in the past 100 years. This growth has led to a need to create a sustainable water supply. In order to sustain the growth, prepare and plan for future growth, the city of Kelsey is working on a way to maintain the current water supply and expand it for the future growth of the city. To implement this plan there are several things that must...
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1663 Words
The Party in America Communism has been one of the most controversial topics in the United States for some time. Whenever communism is brought up, some think about the Cold War, or maybe even think of a certain country like Russia, but most think about communism after 1945. Communist involvement in America was even more prevalent before WWII during the 1920s and 1930s when its ideology caught the eyes of many, including Richard Wright, an African American writer. One of...
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Introduction to Wealth and Happiness in "The Great Gatsby" In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, the narrator, Nick Carraway, provides insight on the life of the rich during the roaring twenties. Through Carraway, it is revealed to readers how luxuriously the rich live in East and West Egg. He explains Gatsby’s life of parties in the hopes of gaining the affection of Daisy and how it leads to his eventual demise. Fitzgerald uses conspicuous consumption as a means...
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Introduction In recent years, there has been a rise in the number of open members of the LGBTQ+ community throughout the United States. Through news broadcasting, social media, and public displays, we can see how large and proud this community is. However, it has not always been this way. Throughout history, the LGBTQ+ community has been silenced and mistreated. This led them to be quiet about their lifestyles and hideaway up until present day. Although the change is inspiring and...
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1650 Words
Romanticism was an artistic movement that introduced expression of emotions and new ideas through music, literature, nature, love, rebellion and religion. It is typified by emphasizing individualism and emotion in addition to the glorification of nature and of all the past. It prefers the old as opposed to the classical. Some experts believe that Romanticism ideas are associated with the Industrial Revolution and ideas of the government from the Age of Enlightenment. Over time, Romanticism has changed in meaning. During...
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Thesis In the article May Day: Reflecting on Bangladesh Factory Disaster and Corporate Terror (Chakravatty&Luce,2013), the authors explore the deplorable conditions of workers in Bangladesh garment factories who are poorly treated, overworked and under paid. It is acknowledged that governments and large foreign corporations need to do more to alleviate the harsh conditions of sweatshop workers where women make up the majority of the labour force. This connects to neoliberalism and Structural Adjustment Programs (SAP) because underdeveloped countries like Bangladesh...
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1715 Words
Executive Summary: The rapid development of the social economy, the market competition is increasingly fierce, people's consumption demand is also higher and higher, the purchase of goods not only requires qualified quality, pay more attention to the purchase and use of the process of service in place. Therefore, in the whole marketing process, we should always put the needs and satisfaction of customers in the first place, develop effective marketing measures to expand the consumer group of products and improve...
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1681 Words
In Diane Guerrero’s article “My Parents Were Deported” she argues that those who have had their parents deported often go through a tough time in their life. She states that “Children who grow up separated from their families often end up in foster care, or worse, in the juvenile justice system…” (Guerrero 488). Using language and a common goal to connect with her audience who, like me have had their parent(s) deported, she is able to put herself into a...
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Introduction Hildegard E Peplau believes that nursing helps a person learn and grow during the time of illness by strengthening the person’s intellectual and interpersonal competencies through the process of nurse-client interactions. This assignment is going to discuss how to apply Hildegard E Peplau’s theory and how this theory could help me in reviewing and developing my own nursing practice. Also, the essay will focus on the strengths, limitations, value and relevance of Hildegard E Peplau’s Theory of interpersonal relations...
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Unsurprisingly, at the end of the Second World War, the Allied powers started planning a new order of international finance and trade at the Bretton Wood Conference. Indeed, such plans reflected the Allied powers’ common understanding that the war in Europe and Asia had economic, ideological, and political causes. The major powers which responded to the Great Depression of the late 1920s and early 1930s by implementing mostly protectionist policies believed such measures had heavily contributed to the outbreak of...
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1724 Words
Introduction Injuries are the part and parcel of any sport, whether it is played on court, pitch, mat or field. Where hamstring injuries are being commonest concern of the athletes (Burkett, 1970). Several studies (Malliaropoulos et al., 2011; Junge et al., 2009) suggest that injuries to the hamstring muscle are popular amongst the track and field athletes. Recent evidence in sport highlight that hamstring strain injuries occurs in a non-contact sport especially while sprinting, jumping and kicking and men are...
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1731 Words
Introduction to the Tragedy of Drunk Driving There are red and blue lights flashing on every caution tape in sight. The traffic is gradually moving, as everybody gazes at the two crushed up vehicles. There's glass and broken bits of the vehicle everywhere throughout the street to uncover a guiltless body brimming with blood. Families racing to keep an eye on their loved one. Individuals who drink and drive put everyone in jeopardy including themselves. Driving while at the same...
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1704 Words
Manifest Manhood was very popular during the period between the United States - Mexican War and the Civil War. Manifest Manhood is the study of competing ideas to show masculinity which drove territorial expansion. Many men pursued frontiers as goldseekers, travelers, and most commonly filibusters. Martial men and restrained men both had the same goals but had different techniques in achieving these goals. Martial men showed violence to show their masculinity and power while restrained men who showed responsibility, religion,...
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1678 Words
George Washington was an American political leader, military general, statesman, and Founding Father who served as the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. Previously, he led Patriot forces to victory in the nation's War for Independence. He presided at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 which established the U.S. Constitution and a federal government. Washington has been called the 'Father of His Country' for his manifold leadership in the formative days of the new nation. Washington received...
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The Siege of Leningrad The siege of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) lasted from 8 September 1941 to January 27 1944, totaling 872 days. In the June of 1941 the Soviet Union was invaded by Germany, and in September the Germans were approaching Leningrad, attacking from the west and south. The people of Leningrad worked to build anti-tank fortifications to help the 200 000 Red Army soldiers defending the city. Hitler ordered the troops to stop the attack to prevent casualties,...
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1695 Words
Introduction Ebola is a haemorrhagic fever that is formally known as Ebola Virus Disease. According to the Wold Health Organization, Ebola causes a severe, serious illness which is often deadly if left untreated. Stats from WebMD show that Ebola kills up to 90% of infected people. “Ebola is a deadly disease caused by a virus. There are five strains, and four of them can make people sick. After it enters the body, it kills cells, making some of them burst....
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1656 Words
Why is the Right to Bear Arms Important Essay Imagine someone is sitting in his living room one day after work, with his feet kicked up and an ice cold sweet tea in his hand. Then all of a sudden, he hears the noise of a creaky front door opening. He runs to his bedroom and reaches into the closet for his shotgun, but then he realizes that Congress passed legislation last month and confiscated all firearms in the country....
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1724 Words
Reparation, also known as “compensation in money or material payable by a defeated nation for damages to or expenditures sustained by another nation as a result of hostilities with the defeated nation – usually used in plural” [merriam-webster, 2019], has been a question affecting our nation for years. There have been many examples of our nation ‘damaging’ many people of our nation. These examples can be having African Americans as slaves, Native Americans with stealing their land, and Japanese Americans...
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Comedy and its implications for society have been discussed throughout history by philosophers the world over due to the universal nature of comedy and humour. The topic of comedy was even discussed by ancient philosophers Plato, Aristotle, and Epictetus all the way to the modern day. The theories as to why we find particular things funny and other things not, vary. Some of the more famous theories are the ‘Superiority Theory’, the ‘Relief Theory’, and ‘Incongruity Theory’. Depending on which...
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Romanticism is an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement that changes the way people think about certain things in society. The idea of romanticism has been around for centuries but was it's peak from 1800 to 1850 during the industrial revolution. We see themes of romanticism in all kinds of literature. Even today, some of those themes are hidden in your favorite tv shows, movies, books, art, and other forms of entertainment. Furthermore, the netflix original show Lucifer is a...
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1730 Words
Introduction What relationship can exist between the thoughts of Benjamin Franklin and the current American political landscape, particularly Donald Trump's immigration policies? It is our intention to engage Franklin, who is also the first diplomat to the United States, alongside the immigrant aspects of Trump's immigration policy considerations. In the juncture of these two individuals, there is a duration of more than two centuries. Franklin was himself an immigrant to the United States, and almost four decades before the creation...
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Introduction For an organization, people act as an important asset that helps the entity capitalize on its strengths and eliminate its weaknesses as much as possible (Kerr, 2017). An organization’s business success is largely dependent on its people who provide their services differently as stakeholders. Therefore, to elaborate on the importance of people to an organization’s business success, it is imperative to examine how different groups of people stakeholders play their contribution. People are divided into two categories: internal and...
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The Dilemma Businesses are very dynamic in the way that they are easily able to adapt and engage in new operation frameworks in order to improve their out turn and consumer satisfaction. Following the rise in education and exposure to the importance of mental health in the 21st century, many firms have made it their primary objective to improve their work place environment and culture in an attempt to heighten the overall wellness and productivity of their employees (Litchfield, Cooper,...
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Abstract Streptococcus pneumoniae is a bacteria (major one) that causes deadly disease named pneumonia. It majorly affects the lung portion. Alveoli is an air sac present in the lungs where the exchanging of oxygen from the lung to the body and exhaling carbon dioxide (CO2) takes place first. The air sac gets filled with fluids, pus, etc which causes inflammation that leads to difficulty in breathing. Nearly a million adults were suffered from this deadly disease. Most of the developed...
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