1700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Impact of Your Philosophy of Education on Your Role

1. What is your philosophy of education? With almost one in four Australians born overseas, this melting pot of cultures has made an invaluable contribution to my life and driven my desire to experience teaching all over the world and all the cultures it has to offer. The most rewarding experiences so far have been the international teaching experiences in Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, China and Australia. Five totally different cultures and environments, each broadening my teaching and life experience enormously...
4 Pages 1705 Words

Predicting Huntington’s Disease in European Descent

Rationale “Congenital diseases are disorders that are present before or at birth.” (spine-health, 2019) “Huntington’s disease is a hereditary disease that is more common in European descent.” (ghr, 2019) It will usually affect hosts at the ages between 30-40, but there are cases of juvenile Huntington’s disease and late-onset. 'Huntington’s disease causes the breakdown of nerve cells in the brain' (mayoclinic, 2019) “A Pedigree is a diagram that depicts the biological relationships between an organism and its ancestors.” (biologydictionary, 2019)...
4 Pages 1691 Words

Effects of Industrialization on Employees' Health and Stress

1. Introduction The revolution of the industry from agro based to industrial sector is said to be industrialization (Chappelow, 2019). As the immense need of revolution in the planet, the growth of industrialization has begun from 18th-19th century. The urbanization and industrialization goes hand in hand as the growth of industrialization persuaded people to shift from rural place to urban area. Industrialization has improved the quality of human life, progressed in technologies, provided employment opportunities, increased in financial investment, given...
4 Pages 1650 Words

Benjamin Franklin's Way to Success: Analytical Essay

Success has been stated that it is not the key to happiness but instead, being happy is the key to success. People say if you love what you are doing and following your passion, you will be successful. What determines success? According to Malcolm Gladwell, you need to follow the 10,000-hour rule. Has anyone thought about this amount of time? It is equivalent to about 5 years, putting in a 40-hour work week. “One of his invaluable contributions to society...
4 Pages 1685 Words

Symbolism in The Reluctant Fundamentalist: Critical Analysis

Introduction to Symbolism in 'The Reluctant Fundamentalist' Imagine receiving a scholarship from one of the best university’s in the world, Princeton University with visa, complete financial aid and live your rest of your life in America with a dream job? Well, Changez, the main character from The Reluctant Fundamentalist attends Princeton with a full scholarship, visa and complete financial aid but in the end, he moves back to his home country, Lahore. The novel, The Reluctant Fundamentalist is written by...
4 Pages 1732 Words

Analysis of Southpaw": Success vs Defeat"

“Southpaw”, in other words, the left hand. The unmissable dramatic sport story movie of Billy Hope, by Antoine Fuqua, in 2015. This movie highlights the performances of Jake Gyllenhaal, Rachel McAdams, Oona Laurence, Forest Whitaker, Curtis “50 cents” Jackson, and a lot of other actors. According to Camden Francis on the site IMDb, for two hours and five minutes the author give us a beautiful story and lesson of life. A story of 'a champion boxer [Billy Hope] fight to...
4 Pages 1709 Words

A Study on Perception of Employees towards E-Recruitment

Internet is a globally connected and organized network system that makes utilization of TCP/IP to transmit information through different kinds of media. With emergence of Internet from 1990’s employment practices have evolved, the transformation from billboards to newspaper’s job advertisement to online job portals and now even to social media recruitment has completely evolved the Hiring Process. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the perceptions of employees towards e- recruitment. The study indicates that factors such as...
4 Pages 1665 Words

Analytical Essay on the Essence of Social Contract Theory

“The idea of the social contract goes back at least to Epicurus. In its recognizably modern form, however, the idea is revived by Thomas Hobbes; it was developed in different ways by John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Immanuel Kant. After Kant, the idea largely fell into disrepute until it was resurrected by John Rawls. It is now at the heart of the work of a number of moral and political philosophers. The basic idea seems simple: in some way, the...
4 Pages 1691 Words

Adolescent Self-Concept and Emotional Maturity

Abstract Aim: To evaluate the self-concept and emotional maturity among the adolescent children of the employed and the unemployed mothers. Introduction: Self-concept and emotional maturity play a very important role in society. Currently, the situation has changed and women have started seeking employment outside their homes for their necessities. One of the significant contrast between grown-up psychiatry and kid appraisal help is that in grown-up mental, looking for help is the primary wellspring of the data. Materials and methods: A...
4 Pages 1704 Words

America's Struggle with Opioids: Analysis of Opioid Epidemic

The opioid epidemic has claimed over 400,000 lives since 1999 and is the leading narcotic killer in America (Understanding the Epidemic). It kills 142 Americans every day and leaves millions of people addicted to the drug for their entire life. It is not slowing down anytime soon (How the Opioid Epidemic is Changing Emergency Care). The opioid epidemic affects people from all walks of life negatively by destroying families, causing an increase in homelessness and crime, and creating health problems...
4 Pages 1671 Words

Gothic Writing Style in Southern Gothic Stories

Flannery O’Connor and William Faulkner are well-known for their Southern Gothic style of writing. Their short stories like “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, ”A Rose for Emily”, and ”Good Country People” feature many elements that are characteristic of this genre of literature. Southern Gothic Literature was introduced early in the 20th century and eventually grew in great popularity. The genre stemmed from the Gothic and American gothic writing styles. Southern Gothic literature focuses on the social issues and...
4 Pages 1749 Words

The Effectiveness Of Restorative Justice Approaches

The success of restorative justice approaches has long been of interest within the field of criminology. Uncovering the outcome measures which identify the approach as being effective has become more important, as criminal institutions within Australia are seeking measures which result in positive achievement outcomes. The effectiveness of and empirical evidence on restorative justice processes will be discussed, focusing first on rates of recidivism among restorative justice youth and incarcerated youth, second on ownership or integrative shaming, third on the...
4 Pages 1663 Words

The Features Of Strategic Management Of Starbucks

Executive Summary The aim of this paper is to discuss about the Strategic Management of Starbucks and to know about the internal and external factors of the company. It further discussed about the SWOT Analysis and recommended some important terms that can be implemented by the company. It is then concluded that that brand name is one of the major strengths, whereas, premium pricing act as a major weakness for the company. Introduction Strategy Management is a way of management...
4 Pages 1693 Words

Comparison of Alcohol Addiction to Addictive Shopping

According to the American Psychiatric Association addiction is a multiplex condition, a brain disease that manifests itself as compulsive substance use despite detrimental consequences. It is an urge to indulge in something for the pleasure it provides despite its destructive outcome. Addiction can be physical like drug and alcohol abuse or behavioral like shopping, gambling, eating etc. Out of all addictions alcoholism and drug dependency are the most destructive forms with great intensity and cataclysmic outturn. It is mind boggling...
3 Pages 1662 Words

Examine the Causes, Symptoms and Effects of Childhood Trauma

Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causing feeling of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel the full range of emotions and experiences (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013, p271). Childhood trauma is a serious adverse of childhood experiences. There are a lot of factors that cause childhood trauma for example domestic violence, physical substance and sexual abuse, terrorism, grief and neglect. When one is starting to...
4 Pages 1693 Words

The Aspects of Ethics in Management

Today, managers at all levels, top, middle or lower, in their daily activities face some sort of ethical issues in their leadership responsibility. These issues can be related to different activities managers are engaged in, from planning and organizing of work activities at the workplace to motivating and communicating with employees. Manager’s role is not easy, they countenance with matters of right and wrong, matters of fairness and unfairness or matters of justice and injustice while decision making and acting....
4 Pages 1713 Words

LGBTQ Rights As Human Rights

Introduction The opening words of the United Nations Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights are that: “All human beings are born equal and free in terms of dignity and rights.” The equality and non-discrimination guaranteed to each and every person by international human rights law applies regardless of their sex, sexual 0rientation and gender identity or “other status.” There no hidden exemption clause or fine print, in any of the human rights treaties that allow a State to guarantee full...
4 Pages 1730 Words

3D Printing VS Animal Testing

Throughout our life there is only one thing that remains unchanged, this is the progress of technology. The progress which is always an integral part of technology and until the end of time it will always be improving. In today’s society, every day something new arises. It may be a technology that has been long forgotten by everyone and has been reworked in a new way, or it may be a completely new discovery. This is not significantly important because...
4 Pages 1663 Words

Should Junk Food be Taxed to Curb Obesity?

Junk food is used to describe food items and drinks that are low in important nutrients (protein, fibre, vitamins) and contain high amounts of calories from saturated fat, added sugars and added salts. While the definition of junk food can vary from person to person, everyone can agree that it is not the healthiest category of food. A diet consisting of a high proportion of junk food is linked with obesity and other health issues like diabetes and heart disease....
4 Pages 1739 Words

The Aspects For Woman Empowerment In India

Abstract This paper tries to research the requirement of women Empowerment in India and highlights the strategies and schemes of women Empowerment. Empowermen is the method of social development which might modify women to participate, within the economic, political and social property development of the agricultural communities. These days the Empowerment {of Women|of Women|} has become one in all the foremost necessary issues of twenty first century however much women Empowerment continues to be AN illusion of reality. Empowerment of...
4 Pages 1695 Words

Role of Print Media in Coverage of Environment Issues

Abstract Media has been considered as fourth pillar of democracy, where everyone has right to expression. With its vast reach, mass media is called ' the magic multiplier' which demonstrates its powerful impact. Because mass media is a platform to highlight social, political, cultural, global issues alongside the voices of common people to attract the attention of governing body towards the matters at hand, media also plays role of a awareness agent. It is a tool in the hands of...
4 Pages 1668 Words

Sleep hours and stress levels in undergraduates

Abstract Past research suggested that undergraduate students experience academic stress, and on top of that they have to manage sleep. This study was performed to see if there was a correlation between sleep and stress. Stress was split into seven items: family life, academics, relationships, finances, overall health, and the total impact on their daily lives. Sleep was split into two items: quality and quantity. Students were asked to measure their stress levels in the last two weeks, on a...
4 Pages 1671 Words

Howard Gardner's Theory Of Intelligence And Career Prospects Of Children

This assignment examines Howard Gardner’s theory of intelligence. It further shows the career prospects of children that possess each of the seven types of intelligences. Howard Gardner’s theory of intelligence points out to seven intelligences possess by a child in the process of growth and interactions with others. According to Northern Illinois University (n.d) Gardner’s work in psychology and in human cognition and human potential led to the development of the multiple intelligences. It is said that he initially developed...
4 Pages 1697 Words

Infectious Disease: Epidemic Mapping

Introduction Every country is susceptible to potential outbreaks of large scale diseases. These infectious diseases cause a multiplicity of problems, specifically extreme numbers of death with those afflicted. Diseases like SARS, HIV/AIDS, and Ebola have claimed the lives of many, but what if we could predict the spread of new infectious diseases? That is the purpose of this paper. Mathematics will be used to map how diseases could spread, as well as determining the susceptibility of infection in certain regions....
4 Pages 1667 Words

The Spread of HIV/AIDS In Kenya

Introduction Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a global disaster for people all over the world. According to a report by UNAIDS, as of 2018, the Eastern and Southern Africa region remains the most affected by the HIV epidemic, accounting for 45% of the world’s HIV infections, and makes up 53% of people living with HIV globally. (UNAIDS, 2018) In Kenya, HIV continues to be a major challenge, with the national prevalence estimated at 1.6 million Kenyans living with HIV, according...
4 Pages 1749 Words

The Issue of Police Brutality in New York City

In early August 1997, reports surfaced of a police brutality scandal in New York City. Newspapers across the country reported that Abner Louima, a Haitian immigrant to the United States, was arrested on August 9, 1997, and brought to the station house of the 70th Precinct where New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers took Louima into the bathroom, beat him severely, and sodomized him with the handle of a plunger.2 Through a recent study by Amnesty International had reported...
4 Pages 1717 Words

Education Perception In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the most important pieces of American literature from the eighteen hundreds. An amazing satire revolving around a poor white boy and runaway slave that challenged all ideas about racism from the time. Although racism was the central focus of the novel, I believe that Twain was also critiquing how education was perceived at the time, and probably how it is still perceived today. Throughout the novel it is expressed how educated people...
4 Pages 1708 Words

Surrogacy: Positive and Negative Sides

The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In today’s world, progress is developing at a very fast rate. We see scientific progress medical advances, cures for illness, cloning, enhancement of drugs, genetically modified organisms. We also perceive technological progress: hybrid cars, wind turbines, solar panels, biofuel, nuclear power, advances in the internet, the social media, mobile phones,...
4 Pages 1655 Words

The Treatment Of Free Will And Fate In Medea And Oedipus The King

For us as individuals to have free will it suggests that as human beings, we have the ability to express and elect our own personal choices. Whereas the notion of fate entices the idea that our lives are simply determined by physical or divine forces. When focussing on the treatment of free will and fate in relation to Greek tragedies, one can recognise that this theme was often established as the driving forces of conflict. In ancient Greece, the lives...
4 Pages 1657 Words

A Look At The Portrayal Of Masculinity In Causing Domestic Violence

The recent release of the HBO series Big Little Lies, which plot centres around the domestic violence of a wealthy husband and wife, has been accompanied by a great amount of social commentary. The series highlight domestic violence but does not quiet expose the key root cause. This brief paper analyse how the concept of masculinity constructs the root causes of domestic violence. To support this argument, this paper highlights relevant examples from the show and discusses two major points:...
4 Pages 1740 Words
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