1700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Ethics and Morality of the Fourth Estate: a Gandhian Perspective

The true function of journalism is to educate the public mind, not to stock it with wanted and unwanted impressions. - M. K. Gandhi Today, when the voguish media scenario horripilate with unheard chaotic - investigative journalism- through all means of fair and foul, the moral turpitudes enumerated by Gandhi for the fourth estate becomes even more relevant and desirous. The steering of market forces in the media has resulted in an irreprehensible scenario in which the 'advertorial' and 'response'...
4 Pages 1687 Words

Is the Use of Animals in Scientific and Commercial Testing Justified?

This comes as a result of the need to test cosmetics, new drugs and the effects of chemicals on living organisms before they reach the public mass market. It comes as no surprise however, that this has caused massive uproar with animal activists and pet owners globally, arguing that there are many other alternatives to animal testing that could be used instead of harming and wasting the lives of animals. Companies such as Lush, The Body Shop and NYX are...
4 Pages 1668 Words

Homicidal Maniacs And Serial Killer

Abstract This term paper discusses about how serial killers tend to be. It will touch on how they started, how law enforcements are acting toward it, and how we help them as a society. There is provided evidence from known serial killers and their crimes. In conclusion, this term paper will tell you how these individuals are mentally ill and that they kill to satisfy their needs. They kill others without any goal further ahead. Introduction A serial killer is...
4 Pages 1683 Words

Is Internet Censorship Necessary or Must Be Avoided?

Introduction In today’s world, it has become impossible to imagine our world without the internet. Even the simple activity such as communication and entertainment relies on the internet heavily. Internet has gone beyond the context of connecting just computers and users. The internet provides a diverse range of data and information to different sections of the society. Different types of organisations find the information quite reliable. In addition to these, the business sector also gets benefit out the internet. It...
4 Pages 1708 Words

Various Treatments For Alzheimer’s Disease And Their Benefits

Abstract This paper will delve into a few published articles that discuss the various treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and the benefits they provide. The articles mention several treatments and assess their effectiveness. Some articles discuss similar treatments, but each article offers an interesting perspective on how effective they can be. The treatments mentioned in the article may not directly treat AD itself, because there is no cure, but can help mediate some of the side effects and accompanying illnesses....
4 Pages 1676 Words

The Role of Media Channels in Developing Destination Image

Impact of Television on Destination Image There are several ways in which a destination image can be viewed on TV. It can be viewed in a movie or TV advertisement. It can also be seen on news casts. All in all, these viewings can alter the viewer’s perception of a particular place or destination image. Nowadays, movies and TV series are shot in exceedingly vast locations, news reports span a wider geographical area. Even documentaries are becoming more versatile and...
4 Pages 1709 Words

How We Encourage And Normalise Rape Culture In Our Society

Raped and killed at 17, walking through a park. Molested since the age of 5 by a family friend. Brutally beaten, raped and killed at 21, walking home from a Melbourne comedy club. Sexually harassed by co-workers every day. Raped with a metal rod and left on the side of the road. Raped at 14 and left outside in below freezing temperatures, where her hair froze to the ground. Raped at 19 and the judge asked why she didn’t just...
4 Pages 1685 Words

Icebreaker: Sustainability Marketing And Management

BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY Icebreaker was founded in the year 1995 by Jeremy Moon. The company was founded on the basic principle of innovating and replacing the petrochemical fibres with natural fibres. The main motto of the company is to value and encourage natural fibres and develop a sustainable business for a better future. All the products of “Ice-breaker” are made out of natural merino woollen fibre. It was also the first outdoor apparel company in the world to source...
3 Pages 1690 Words

The Free Will Problem and the Hierarchy of Desires

In the problem of free will, the higher order theory exists as an attempt to defend compatibilism. Even if all of our desires are derived causally from the laws of nature, some philosophers argue that we still have free will if we have the ability to form desires and the agency to act on these desires. Wanting to do a particular thing is a first order desire. Wanting to want or not want this thing is a second order desire...
4 Pages 1721 Words

Surrogacy in The Handmaid's Tale

In The Handmaid's Tale, Moira, the Commander, and Serena Joy's resistance aligns with individual liberty, malevolence, and surrogacy of women in present-day society. In today’s world, we've feminist groups who advocate for women’s rights and gender equality, which demonstrates Moira’s rebellion within the novel. The Commander is a person who is in on the new arrangement of Gilead which should be his ideal society, especially since he added to the dispatch of Gilead. He has a craving sexual desire, and...
4 Pages 1691 Words

Morality And Love In Oedipus Rex

Oedipus is an ancient Greek text that questions whether or not something is moral if you have no clue of what you are doing. The text is a classic example of greek tragedy as well as a good example of what ideals were held in Greece during this time. The ancient greek culture surrounding this story is shown through the themes of family, friendship, power, and morality as well as loyalty. All of these are also reflected in the characters...
4 Pages 1719 Words

Social Class in Pride and Prejudice

In “Pride and Prejudice”, Jane Austen established the impact of how social class and gender roles are influenced by the expectations of the society. Jane Austen classified social class and gender roles as a hierarchy group set by society, in order to limit the freedom of lower class and women. Explaining how one class was favored than the other. Austen illustrates how the lower and average class can’t possibly get rich because the society made a whole barrier separating both...
4 Pages 1697 Words

Vaping is No Better than Smoking

People do not understand exactly how dangerous vaping is to their bodies. Some believe it is completely harmless. Most believe it is better than smoking, and vape without thinking twice about what they are inhaling into their fragile lungs. This is because vaping has been falsely advertised by vaping associations. They lie about the contents of an e-cigarette, but in reality vaping is just as dangerous as tobacco. Not only is it life-threatening, but vaping has slowly given rise to...
4 Pages 1732 Words

Gaming Does Not Cause Violence

Over the years of its existence, gaming has encouraged nothing but peace. Throughout history, there have been countless things that become antagonized. Whether it be types of dances, music genres or media. It seems like every time something new comes around it is inevitably misunderstood. One big form of media that has been misunderstood is gaming. In recent years many people have made claims that video games have been the root violent acts that have taken place. Video games are...
4 Pages 1680 Words

Juvenile Delinquency In Global Context

The focus on Juvenile Delinquency or Youth Offending behaviour has been a recurrent issue that has dominated public and political discourses around the world (Baligar, 2014 & Farrington-Douglas & Durante, 2009), with its origins being traced back to London’s Report of the Committee for Investigating the Causes of the Alarming Increase in Juvenile Delinquency in the Metropolis in the 1800s (Committee in to Juvenile Delinquency, 1816). Since then, Juvenile Delinquency has become an increasingly complex issue globally, with many countries...
4 Pages 1671 Words

The Strategies To Engage Readers’ Participation In The Canterbury Tales

The General Prologue includes twenty-four portraits, each varying in description, lengths, and details. It is through the conversations of Chaucer-pilgrim with the various sojourners that we, the audience, make acquaintance with them. We are thus presented with the first act of reading in The Canterbury Tales. On that account, we need to recognize the act of reading beyond its sense of “[understanding] the meaning of written words” (“Read [v.]”). In the etymological sense of the term, “to read” is also...
4 Pages 1660 Words

Obesity Epidemic in the UK: Causes, Effects and Complications

Introduction This report is designed to provide information on health and social care in UK. The study is specifically focused on obesity epidemic in UK. The study will also be backed up with statistical evidence and the findings from previous studies which will be reported at the end of the report. This report will explore the obesity epidemic, especially in the UK. The concept of obesity and the different definition of obesity by different studies will also be reviewed. The...
4 Pages 1659 Words

Domestic Violence: Mental And Physical Effect On A Victim

Domestic violence is a crime that is heard about almost everyday. People being stalked, harassed, or even killed by their significant others for reasons that remain unknown. Usually people only hear about the women, their children as well if they are involved, but men are victims of domestic violence as well. It is not okay no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. People are still stuck in these abusive relationships until this day. Nowadays, it is getting worse. People are...
4 Pages 1663 Words

She Is the Man As a Reinterpretation of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

Not Another Teen Movie Girl dresses like a guy; she falls in love with a guy, but all while a girl falls in love with her dressed as a guy. It's a story we have all heard before, that is if you have read the Twelfth Night. Recently I saw a film entitled She’s the Man and a friend told me it was an adaption of a Shakespeare play called Twelfth Night. Since I have had to go to Shakespeare...
4 Pages 1714 Words

Themes of Freedom Versus Tyranny in Rip Van Winkle

One of the most important population is the elderly. They contribute to the economy of any nation. The past few decades the elderly have faced many challenges in terms of medical or how they are viewed by the society. Some view them as the less privileged. In the 20th century the aged have been given privileges such as medical cover that will help them in their daily lives. In the past decade they faced a lot of challenges in terms...
4 Pages 1690 Words

Surrogacy: Arguments For and Against

Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Concept Throughout the years the craving of having a tyke by a fruitless couple has been fulfilled by the way toward embracing a youngster. In the present occasions, fruitless couples or same-sex couples or single people who look for parenthood can settle on different alternatives like Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART), In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intra-Uterine Injections (IUI). Yet, with the surrogacy technique, the couple looks for an opportunity to bring up a youngster that is hereditarily...
4 Pages 1665 Words

Zuckerberg's Ethics: Utilitarian, Kant, Virtue Frameworks

Introduction Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook, the largest social media platform with over two billion active users. The social network is free for users, with the main source of revenue for the company generated from advertising on the site. Without external parties seeking to advertise on Facebook, the value of the company declines. As CEO of the company, Zuckerberg receives a portion of the profits generated by advertising. He knows that the company can become even more profitable...
4 Pages 1716 Words

Edgar Allan Poe: Way Of Life

Edgar Allan Poe was a well renowned author who still influences many authors and movies today. Edgar Allan Poe was an author who lived in the 1800’s but only for a short time. In his lifetime both his parents died in 1811 leaving him as an orphan at the age of 3, he also married his cousin who was 13 at the time while he was 27. His life was ended abruptly due to a brain tumor and a case...
4 Pages 1683 Words

The International Failure to Help the Syrian Refugee Crisis

An unsafe boat ride through the rough and stormy waters of the Mediterranean with the risk of being lost to the sea, a march lasting hundreds of kilometers in Turkey’s scorching heat with the possibility of starvation, or spending life savings on a smuggler to get out the of country. All of these are journeys that are undertaken by Syrian refugees who flee from the death, destruction, and suffering brought to them by the Syrian civil war. This explosion of...
4 Pages 1748 Words

Gender is a Social Construct that Determines The Ordering of Society

Introduction to Race and Gender as Social Constructs Throughout the centuries, human beings have been divided by their skin color, background or race in terms of their intelligence, abilities and treatment in society. Despite beliefs that genes are scientifically confirmed as the cause of human differences, there is no doubt that race and gender are social constructs that determine the “ordering” of society.(Wise, T., 2011, pp. 1). The aim of this paper is to explain how race is socially constructed...
4 Pages 1653 Words

Defining Ageism: Summary of Videos

Defining Ageism In America, the elderly population is growing at a pretty vast rate as the baby boomer generation enters retirement. Corresponding to this growth, there is also an increase of a very immense problem – ageism. Ageism is the prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age, especially towards the elderly population (Webster). This discrimination comes in four types: personal, institutional, intentional, and unintentional. Personal ageism is the most basic form, as it relates to one’s personal...
4 Pages 1690 Words

Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre as a Coming of Age Story Essay

Charlotte Bronte's classic, Jane Eyre, is a 'coming of age' story. The main character, Jane, travels from the innocence of childhood through the maturity of adulthood. During this journey, Jane goes through the battle of education vs. containment, where she attempts to learn about herself and about the world. She must constantly battle a containment of sorts, however, whether it be a true physical containment or a mental one. This battle of education vs. containment can be seen by following...
4 Pages 1651 Words

Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Styles in Managers

Thesis How does emotional intelligence of managers affect the effectiveness of conflict management styles and interpersonal relations with subordinates? Introduction Theory on emotional intelligence Very often, there is a strong emphasis on the academic intelligence of an individual when looking at the fit for a job. However, there are multiple aspects that decide the best fit for a job besides the academic intelligence. One of these aspects is emotional intelligence. Goleman (1995; 1998; 2002) found that emotional intelligence is twice...
4 Pages 1733 Words

College Students: College Involvement and Student Satisfaction

Abstract The researcher studied the correlation between the students' level of participation on campus – which was measured based on the number of organizations students partook in – with their overall campus experience and satisfaction. The data was collected through a sample of several groups of college students, and the data output was measured through a Chi-Square test. The results indicated that there was no significance between the amount of clubs students partook in and their satisfaction. Introduction: Are Students...
4 Pages 1661 Words

The Stereotypes About Race And Gender In Sports

Introduction to Racial and Gender Stereotypes in Sports Despite the idea that neither race nor gender can make a person being inferior or dominated by others, many people still fosters traditional stereotypes relating to racism and sexism in order to create cleavages and discrimination in our world today. One of the most common areas where gender and racial stereotypes have been established is sports. Being a professional athlete is a coveted dream for many, but one with numerous barriers to...
4 Pages 1703 Words
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