Let us take an example model, spread of awareness model of Social Norms to describe the model and lets us deep dive in to see how the arguments that I have presented in the section I and II prevails. The models simulate the micro-behaviors of individuals about the consumption of a limited resource (Water or Energy). The chosen model aims to clarify the processes that leads a group of households to perceive a resource as ‘Critical’ for environmental sustainability and...
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1670 Words
Annotated Bibliography Cadzow, S. P., Armstrong, K. L., & Fraser, J. A. (1999). Stressed parents with infants: Reassessing physical abuse risk factors. ScienceDirect. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0145213499000630. Cadzow, Armstrong and Fraser (1999) suggest that elevated Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale scores, financial stress, and stress within the family environment are all indicators that increase the risk for child abuse. Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is a self report that takes about five minutes to complete that women can take on their own to...
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1650 Words
Social stratification and our dependence on class has separated and ostracized us from each other alongside Capitalism’s firm grip around the throat of our class driven societies, like in America and the UK. Class follows us everywhere we go in life, the fact is, we will probably never move up from the class bracket we were born into, doesn’t matter if you're driven and determined, you may get promoted but chances are it will never be enough to take you...
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1691 Words
Introduction Apple Inc. (Apple) is an American multinational technology company established by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976 (Biography, 2017). Apple was located in Cupertino, California. The first product of Apple was the Apple I (Deffree, 2019). It has changed the usage of computers around the world. Till now, Apple was mainly focusing on the development of personal computer and multimedia software such as Pages, iMove, etc. The first iPhone business which was running in 2G was...
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1680 Words
Over the course of our class we have read and discussed two one-act plays: “Trifles” and “Everyman”. After analyzing each we can tell that there is a significant difference in the complexity of character development and theme in comparison to the longer plays we analyzed. Throughout this paper, I will explain key aspects of both “Trifles” and “Everyman” as one-act plays in an attempt to explain the benefits of shorter plays for both the audience and the playwright. In “Trifles,”...
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1705 Words
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On October Nineteenth at Nine o’clock pm, I arrived to my friend Susan’s house for her Halloween party at Westlake Village. Demographics of the people attending the party focused on a mix of male to female college students over twenty-one years old and predominantly upper to middle class white background. Due to the lack of racial and ethnic diversity in the party, I could not observe gender discrimination amongst people of different backgrounds. When I arrived to my friend’s house,...
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1685 Words
Introduction In rapid changing fields such as law enforcement, it is important for people to recognize their biases and prejudice. By understanding their own bias and prejudice, as well as, seeing how bias and prejudice affects people, police officers can change how their actions are conducted. In order to do this, an understanding of what bias and prejudice is, how it has evolved, and its impact must be shown. Once this is completed, police actions can be better guided resulting...
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1727 Words
Introduction: The Enduring Debate of Free Will vs. Determinism The history of philosophy has been dominated by competing arguments around the ideas of Free Will and Determinism. Simply stated, the issue hangs on whether human beings should be thought of as fundamentally free to choose their actions and mould their lives – or whether they should be deemed as being at heart determined by forces beyond their control, be they fate, biology, politics or class. It seems obvious for most...
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1688 Words
In this essay, I will argue that Foucault’s two registers of the modern machine-body – the anatomico-metaphysical and the technical-political, although distinct in construction share a common purpose to achieve their respective goals. The approach they have in common is to dehumanize the body and use the docile body for manipulation. To illustrate this, I will draw on Descartes and in particular Leder and discuss the functions Foucault’s two registers serve in the context of administering punishment and the role...
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1658 Words
If there were a thousand and one pages to write on Sappho, it still would not be enough. So I choose to only write five. Throughout this research assignment there were many ways found to express the meaning of Sappho, Poem 16. I have decided to focus my essay on the differences between meanings of love and desire. The differentiation of love between Sappho and The Iliad helps to voice Helen’s agency. The Iliad focuses on the love for war...
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1704 Words
Abstract Crime and Punishment have existed since biblical times. Since the beginning essentially no laws were in existence, and the whirlwind of what society deemed as necessary has provided some significant historical impacts throughout the centuries. Crime has in essence, been the same although it has had some changes due to our technological advances, however punishment, nevertheless, has gone through many changes. Medieval times, of torture, and trials by ordeals transitioned to the Magna Carta, putting forth the earliest versions...
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1666 Words
There is a well-known principle in social psychology that involves in-groups and out-groups. Those who share a particular set of qualities are categorized together as the “ingroup”, while those excluded are labeled the “outgroup.” The groupings can be somewhat arbitrary, such as when UNLV students naturally despise UNR students on the simple premise of which school in Nevada the student attends. But is there a fundamental difference between a UNR student and a UNLV student? Is one born with higher...
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1663 Words
Introduction For centuries, animals are used to study multitudes of phenomena for furthering scientific knowledge. According to UK Home Office, 3.79 million procedures were conducted on animals for research in 2017 (Speaking of Research, 2018). These animals include mice, fish, rats, birds, dogs, among others. The use of massive number of animals in research pushed forth regulations for animal welfare. Animal welfare came a long way from public discourse of vivisection to the foundation of five freedoms. It was only...
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1698 Words
Introduction Developmental psychology is concerned with age-related changes and inexperience and behavior,it aims to describe and explain development change from its starting point to old age Developmental characteristics studied include personality, development of relationships with other people, cognitive capacity and biological changes. In all these characteristics mentioned above, for instance, the level of biological development has an effect on the cognitive capacity, this, in turn, causes problems on social interaction and so on. and Social psychology- is about understanding individual...
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1705 Words
The purpose of this essay is to provide reasons for the high levels of poverty in Africa and to also discuss strategies that have been designed to help reduce these levels. Source A is a Chloroplethic map that illustrates the poverty rates across the globe. The map shows the differences through colour shading. This particular map is coloured with different shadings of yellow, to indicate the dissimilarities in poverty percentages. The lighter shades of yellow on the map indicate low...
4 Pages
1702 Words
Abstract In this paper, we will be discussing Freud’s impact on Psychology. We will deep dive into what exactly made Freud the Father of Psychology and his journey leading up to it. We will learn how his theories, mainly psychoanalysis, still affect the field today despite his passing in 1939. Understanding his early life will help us see how his childhood memories helped shape his future theories. We will also dissect the inner mind behind Freud and his reasonings for...
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1744 Words
The textual conversations between playwright William Shakespeare’s piece of theatrical work The Tempest and composer Margaret Atwood’s analogous novel Hagseed has compelled myself as a reader to undergo a cathartic experience pertaining self-reflection, not only on myself but towards the two texts. The concept that the production of human life is a piece of performance art itself is universal; this timeless value has the ability to endure the test of both time and place, by which I was induced to...
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1691 Words
A report discussing the potential risk towards the nation’s economic well-being, through the influence of population growth. Whilst considering the effects upon the following factors on the upcoming federal election, immigration, education, The Australian budget, living standards and wages. Bibliography/Reference https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-14/population-growth-and-economic-growth-intertwined/10615352 “Population growth should be part of the economic conversation” https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-04-24/verrender-immigration-and-the-economic-illusion/846542 “Immigrants advance Australian economy, but what happens if we 'close the door?” https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/FlagPost/2019/April/Population_Policy_and_the_Budget http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/81820/1/Is%20population%20growth%20good%20or%20bad%20for%20economic%20development_%20-%20IGC%20Blog.pdf https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2158244017736094 http://www.economicsdiscussion.net/economic-development/population-growth-and-economic-development-2/26308 The discussion surrounding population growth and whether it should be part of the...
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1734 Words
Criminological theories explain a wide range of criminal and deviant behaviour, where crime is and can be committed for a variety of reasons. Hate crimes, in particular, is a unique form of deviance in their own right, where the focus of the crime is on the meaning and impact of the offence itself (Perry, 2002). People who indulge in this form of crime are not gaining anything that is tangible or financially advantageous, their primary motive is to express their...
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1672 Words
There is an undeniable gab between ordinary people and soldiers. People move on from war, but soldiers can’t. They leave home and when they return back to their normal life, nothing has changed. But the soldier has experienced a tremendous amount of trauma and have seen things that have changed them forever. According to the Mayo Clinic, PTSD, otherwise known as Post-traumatic stress disorder, is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event by either experiencing it or...
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1665 Words
Introduction Violence against women is also known as gender-based violence and it is an issue that causes great harm in many families around the world. It is one of the social crisis spreading widely and is causing a major health problem around the world today (UNICEF,2000; WHO,2017). This problem is seen to be affecting both men and women without regarding their social, economic, cultural and political backgrounds (UNICEF, 2000; Ondicho, 2013; NGEC, 2016). While there is no trusted statistical approximate...
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1730 Words
Throughout our adolescence parents teach children the basic essentials to eat, walk and talk with the hopes of becoming self-sufficient. Our parental figures themselves instill in us the philosophies of respect, kindness and humanity. From there we are able to be provided opportunities such as education and extracurriculars. However, as we are afforded these amenities, they are faced with disparages that diminish a person, family, community and possibly an entire race. Historically, Black communities were not allowed to engage or...
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1712 Words
The Novel, “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, by Mark Twain is about a boy named Huck, and a slave named Jim’s adventure to find freedom the story is centered in Missouri. Both Huck and Jim are looking for freedom from different things. Huck is looking for freedom from the grips of society, while Jim is looking for freedom from physical enslavement. In the end they find freedom, but not in the way they were expecting. Mark Twain wrote this book, not...
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1668 Words
Executive Summary A recent study estimates that 19% percent of US citizens claim they currently use a wearable fitness tracker, with the same percentage saying they currently use a mobile health app. Combining present use with the percentages of Americans saying they have used each of these devices in the past, about one in three Americans report at some point having worn a fitness tracker such as a Fitbit or smartwatch (34%) or having tracked their health statistics on a...
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1711 Words
Introduction Personality development is the development of the organized pattern of behavior and attitudes that makes a person distinctive. Personality development occurs by the ongoing interaction of temperament, character and environment. One of the most important measures of personality created is the Big Five Inventory. The big five was originally derived in the 1970s by two independent research teams – Paul Costa and Robert McCrae. These five dimensions were derived by asking thousands of people questions and then analyzing the...
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1673 Words
Edgar Allan Poe’s narratives envision a larger body of interdisciplinary elements within the literary purview of the Gothic; so far in creating a distinct mode of style that is new and fundamentally universal in approach, the writer can be seen as perfecting it through his hyperbolism of human fears and follies. The title “Revisiting the Gothic” comprise of not only a quintessential positioning of Gothic and its creativity in the field of literature, but it is a re-analyzing as of...
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1717 Words
In 1958, the news of Chinua Achebe’s newly published book, Things Fall Apart spread like wildfire throughout the crowded streets of Africa, at last giving the Africans what they have always longed for: a novel about European colonialism in an African perspective. Before the publication of Things Fall Apart, most novels about Africa were written by the Europeans who characterized Africans as savages in need of Barack Obama, in an endorsement on the back cover of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall...
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1654 Words
Sleep Deprivation is contributing to weaker bones Bone development is important during the teenage years to help individuals grow into healthy adults. Teenagers use their bones everyday, from walking to class to playing sports. It has been found that sleep deprivation is harming the strength of the bones in the bodies sleep deprived teens. Bone are strongly impacted due to lack of sleep, including effects in marrow flexibility, inefficient microdamage repair, and the beginning of osteoporosis. When bones start to...
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1703 Words
After reading chapter 13:Education of the Unite States. According to it,I determined to write about American homeschooling, not included by this chapter. Lucy is a Chinese girl who lived in a quiet town in North Carolina for a while. Next door to hers are Mr. And Mrs. Lane, who are very hospitable and invite her to visit. They have two children, a boy named Jason, 7, who is bright and bright, and a girl named Emily, 4, who is as...
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1733 Words
Supply Chain Management: Overview: Supply Chain is defined as an operation which coordinates flow of material and services starting from sourcing, acquisition, inventory management and production. The goal of supply chain management is to provide competitive advantage to the organization through achievement of quality and timely deliverables to the customers, optimum investment and optimum cost. Supply chain management keeps business ahead of market changes. Starbucks purchases green coffee beans from coffee growing parts across the globe and process them according...
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